Looking at Adier wearing a school uniform in front of his eyes, Yang Lin remembered.

The moon king in front of him is not the moon king who dares to collide face to face with the Supreme Three Gods.

At this moment, he is just a student who has not graduated yet.

He whispered to himself, then went on, and asked his men to buy a cell phone and give it to Adier.


Looking at the brand-new mobile phone in his hand, Adier had a weird face. He wrote down Yang Lin’s contact information and left.


Looking at the silhouette of Adier leaving in a hurry, Yang Lin could not help but sigh.

Back to my shabby home, the meals at home are ready, but there is still no one at home.

A note was put on the table, which was left by Lin Xiao. He probably had an emergency when he meant it, so he went out first, and let Adier and Chen Qing eat first.

As for Chen Qing, she still hasn’t returned and she doesn’t know where she is going.

Looking at the table full of food, Adier looked down and thought, and finally picked up the tableware and ate it alone.

As he ate, in the distance, a fierce battle was underway.

“Not solved yet?”

On a flat ground, Chen Qing wore a plain white robe and looked at the battlefield where the sound of firearms rang continuously in front of him.

“It’s almost coming.”

Aside, a burly robust man opened the mouth and said: “I’ll be fine here, Lord Saintess, and leave quickly. It’s too dangerous here.”

“No, I want to stay here.”

Chen Qing’s exquisite face and deep eyes make it impossible to see the end: “If the nodes here are not cleared, the mice are one step closer to the target.”

When she was talking, a faint white light was flashing on her body, and the bits of light were constantly lit, making her like Goddess in the sky, noble and beautiful.

Looking at this scene, the robust man’s face suddenly showed endless respect.

They didn’t realize that a silhouette was watching her silently in front of an altar in the distance.

“The Sacred Heart teaches saintess, it is interesting.”

A gray robe old man looked at Chen Qing below, with an unexpected expression on his face: “The saintess of this generation of Sacred Heart is surprising, so young, I have this Strength.”

“Unfortunately, in the wave of the return of the three gods, no matter how hard she tried, she was doomed.”

With a sneer on his face: “It’s just a struggle before dying.”

“Ganlai High Priest, shall we not go down to help?”

Next to the gray robed old man, a servant in dress said, “If we don’t go on, our people will die.”

“A group of rebels hired by money that’s all, if you die, die.”

Gan Lai said, without a slight wave of expression on his face: “They have taken too many things they shouldn’t, even if they don’t die this time, I will send someone to solve them.

“It’s the new saintess of the Sacred Heart. I’m interested.”

An expression of interest appeared on his face.

“The people who can serve as saintess of the Sacred Heart are those who they believe are the most determined and have the most potential. Each is a Peak character of an era. I am afraid they have not changed their camp so much.”

The servant on the side of the gray robe said, “The high priest, your expectations, I’m afraid it will be missed.”

“You know nothing about Strength of the Three Gods.”

Gan Lai said faintly, “A person with a strong mind cannot resist the influence of the Three Gods Strength.”

“Lordham, I want you to take her back.”

“Can it be done?”

“It’s a bit difficult, but it should be fine.”

Lordam thought about it, and then his face grew ugly.

“Start with her family first.”

“Catch her family, and when that happens, it’s up to her to decide.”

On the way to school, Adier suddenly yawned.

“Someone is thinking about me again?”

Feeling the feeling just flashed, he thought a bit boring.

Despite the special Knight training course, it’s on track right now.

There are Xu Sen and Ke Moer who are very fast. Those students who have just entered the special training course can just hand them over to them. There is no need to let Adier personally waste time to teach.

He only needs to teach students who have made good progress.

So occasionally, he would still return to school to take classes, just as if he had re-experienced school life.

Back to the familiar school gate, at the door, a person was standing there quietly, looking at it like this, already standing there for a long time now.

It was a young man in a military uniform, with a tall figure and a firm face. At this moment, he was wearing a close-fitting vest, and his muscles in his hands appeared clearly.

“You are Addor?”

Looking at Adier walking in the distance, the youth turned and looked at him and asked.

Although it was an interrogative sentence, his tone was definitely decisive, as if he had already been identified.

“and who are you?”

Looking at the inexplicable youth opposite him, Adier was a little speechless, and suddenly felt a bit tired.

He doesn’t know why. Recently, somebody has always found him inexplicably, making him feel somehow.

“The name is not important, but you can call me …”

The young man raised his head gently, a pair of iron walls stretched out, and gradually turned into a fist.

Listening to the name, Adier froze.

Li Wang?

So boring name.


Adier was a little helpless, raised his watch and looked at the time, then he said, “Would you please let it go?”

“Class time is coming, I’m in a hurry.”

“It’s easy for me to let go.”

King Li laughed: “Just knock me down.”

“Are you misunderstanding yourself?”

Adier looked weird: “I have always been friendly and friendly, and I love peace. It is not my specialty to unite internally and externally, and to hit people.”

“You want to fight, you can find someone else.”

“Anyway, there are not many cities in Odoria, but there are all kinds of hooligans.”

“Friendly and friendly, love peace?”

King Li’s face was weird: “You say this, it’s as if you weren’t playing around here some time ago.”

“How can it be the same.”

Adier shook the head and was about to speak up to justify himself.

The King of Power in front of him lost his patience and walked straight forward without any words, just throws a punch.

boom! !

With the sound of a bang, the place seemed to have experienced a small earthquake, a little tremor rippling around, and there was a ripple in the surrounding space.

Divine Power! !!

A strong gust of wind screamed, and a huge and mighty fist screamed directly, and an iron fist was as horrible as a sturdy hammer, and it fell forcibly.

If this punch is smashed, there is no doubt that a large pit can be thrown on the ground. If it is hit on a person, I am afraid that it will be sent to the west on the spot, and it will be seriously injured if it does not die.

The next moment, the surrounding space begins to change continuously.

In Li Wang’s sight, the Adier silhouette standing in front of him didn’t move, just stood there quietly, with a calm smile on his face.

The distance between the two houses is only two or three meters, but the distance between the two or three meters is like a natural sound, which separates them deeply.

The space in front of me seemed to start to shatter, and the layers of space continued to cover up, like waves, and waves kept rising again and again, stacking up the space in front of it, slowly accumulating to a horrible length.

Although outsiders may only look at two or three meters, it is actually a distance that ordinary people can’t run for their entire lives.

At this moment, Li Wang had a very unique sense of fantasy in his heart.

Obviously the person he wanted to fight was right in front of him, only two or three meters away, but he couldn’t run into each other.

The person in front of him stood silently, but no matter how hard he tried to move forward, he still couldn’t reach the opponent’s one inch of clothing, a hair, let alone really hit the opponent.

I ca n’t really hit the opponent, even if I have a Strength?

The waves of space came out layer by layer, and everything seemed to change.

It is like a layer of water mist is slowly wrapped in front of the computer screen, and everything that can be seen in front of the eyes begins to blur, as if the chaotic World is upside down.

Except for itself, all other things seem to have changed, between being as if they existed and not being there, giving people the illusion of being real and real, and terrifying matchless.

Great horror! Great fearless! !!

At this moment, Li Wang’s eyes opened suddenly, and in the fiery heart, an undefeated and undefeated undefeated war heart burst out into a fearless heart that blasted forward.

He raised his fist, desperate at this moment, and only boxed towards where he thought he was right.


The boundless fist struck instantly, and all the images in front of it disappeared instantly like mirages, leaving only a little ripple of space and a little bit of sweat, which foreshadows everything that just happened.

But in front of him, Adier, who had stood there before, was long gone. People in the streets and alleys came and went. Each and everyone in the school uniform looked at him with a little fear, and seemed to be a little afraid of his appearance.

“The gap … is it so big …”

Looking at Adier who was not visible in front of him, Li Wang could not help but raise a frustration: “I practiced boxing at the age of five and killed at the age of ten. After I was an adult, I repeatedly fought with beasts before I forged an iron blood.”

“The chaos of the previous life, I have been up and down for thirty years in the troubled world, and I trained a moment of fearless heart, but I still can’t reach an unawakened king of the moon, ca n’t I even throw a fist at it?”

He was a little discouraged, looked at the bustling campus behind him, smiled bitterly, and finally left.

“Did you get broken?”

Sitting in the noisy classroom, quietly holding a book and reading, feeling that the Spirit force left by him was broken, Adier couldn’t help raising his head, and his face was a bit surprised.


PS: I go I go I go! !! What happened recently, surprises keep coming! !! !! Thank you Brother Hao’s alliance lord for the reward, Jie Nan knelt! !! Add more, be sure to add more! !! ヽ (° ▽, °)?

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