“I didn’t expect that at this point in time, the power of the Moon King was already awakened …”

Feeling the continuous flow of silver moonlight within the body, Xu Sen was a little surprised.

According to the records in his memory, the present world at this moment should still be in the world quiet period, and it will not become active until half a year later.

At that time is the time for the One Awakening, one after another.

However, I did not expect that Moon King was so powerful that when World was still in silence, he broke the repression of World, and forcibly awakened his own original power under the repression of World.

This potential and strength is truly awesome.

Thinking of this, Xu Sen secretly sighed.

The rebirth cannot do whatever he wants, and some things cannot be done even as a rebirth.

Even if he repeats himself, Xu Sen has the confidence to surpass the achievements of the previous life and reach the Peak of Heaven through the advantage of the prophet.

But even so, he still did not have the slightest confidence in breaking through the ranks and promoting the king.

Wang, this is not something that can only be achieved through hard work, it depends more on its own potential.

In the last life, Xu Sen’s awakened original ability was enough to support him to reach the Heavenly Order, but it was a bit reluctant to be promoted to the rank of King.

Compared with Moon King ’s awakening at this time, the future will be at least the existence of a king. Even if he is reborn thousands of times, he cannot change the result under his own potential.

Because of this, when he first awakened his memory, he did not deliberately resist the invasion of fierce beasts by one person, but tried to prepare by uniting the future king-level abilities.

I don’t want to pull strongly against a crazy tide.

However, the moon king’s baptism gave him a glimmer of hope.

Moon King baptism’s Strength can be extremely pure in nature, making the powerful Strength stronger.

This time, Baptism was carried out by Yue Wang himself before he woke up. His potential will be much stronger than the previous life, and it may not be possible to reach the king level in the future.

Thinking of this, he raised his head slightly and glanced at Kumur.

The other side was standing there quietly at the moment, his face looked quite calm, but his arms were trembling slightly. Obviously, he was also agitated at this moment.

Xu Sen can understand each other’s emotions.

Just this month ’s Baptism, many of the investments that the other party had made on the Moon King have already paid back, and it can even be said that they are making a lot of money.

In previous lives, for the baptism of Wang Yue’s own hands, the existence of king-level beings who were willing to give up their whole body was everywhere.

Compared with those people, Kermoul just paid some money for investment, in exchange for this opportunity, if you say it, you can definitely make a awakening envy death.

Adier didn’t think that many.

In fact, the moon king baptism in Xu Sen’s eyes is just the power of Moon Elf within the body.

The moon power of the ancient Moon Elf originally possessed a powerful baptism effect, which could strengthen one’s potential invisibly. Therefore, it was sought after by many ancient wizards and regarded as luna baptism.

In ancient times, wizards have expeditioned to many Worlds, countless good things have been seen, and their eyes are generally extremely high.

Moon Elf’s lunar power can be admired by these ancient wizards, which is a proof of effect itself.

After devouring the remains of the Sun Emperor and transforming the original Moon Elf Bloodline into a son of the Emerald, the power of Luna originally possessed by Adier has been further strengthened, even for fourth-level wizards. Naturally baptism for two ordinary persons who are not supernatural is not even a problem.

I saw in front of me, under the washing of the power of Luna, Xu Sen slowly changed, some physical problems were directly cured, and the whole flesh was strong and powerful. This fresh vitality is almost like a different person than before.

This is just a superficial change. Xu Sen’s change is even greater inside the body. From Bloodline to Spirit, and even the origin of the soul, a transformation has occurred.

He seems to have experienced an evolution in life, and the essence of human life has completed the transition at this moment.

“Wake up.”

A sound sounded in situ. Although the sound was not loud, it was very clear. It passed accurately into the ears of the two present, and woke Xu Xu, who seemed to be deeply asleep.

His eyes opened, just seeing Adier staring blankly at him, he couldn’t help saying with a smile: “Is this over?”

“Instructor, I think I can stand it. How many times do you come again?”

Xu Sen said flatteringly.

“You treat me as charity? How many times do you want to come?”

Adier was speechless: “Have you given money?”

“Give it, give it now.”

Xu Sen quickly took out his wallet, and his face was diligently courting: “You can just report the number, just come a few more times.”

“Only once, and next time you see how you behave.”

Adier thought for a while, but didn’t say anything dead, but instead said, “Go back and pay 10,000 yuan by yourself. This is the cost this time.”


Xu Sen froze for a while, but didn’t respond.

It is not that this is too high, on the contrary, the price is really too low or too low.

Xu Sen can think of it, if those big brothers in later generations know the baptism of the Moon King’s gang at this moment, and only receive 10,000 yuan each time after the reaction.

Without the money to smash Moon King into skeptical life, they will be blindly called the boss! !!

“Kermo, it’s your turn.”

Adier didn’t think of that many, just turned and looked at the same weird Kermour and said.

Compared with Xu Sen’s previous one, this time Adier used baptism for much longer.

Xu Sen didn’t say on her face, but she was secretly envious.

But there is nothing he can do about this.

Compared with Kermour, he has no advantage in any aspect.

The sex is opposite, the other party is a sister, and being cared for is justified.

Contributions, most of this Knight training course is funded by the other party.

Innate talent, the same set of Knight Breathing Technique, he is still spinning around, but the other party has learned the entry early.

Xu Sen suddenly felt that he was useless compared to the other party.

No, maybe there are advantages!

“No no no, how could I be that kind of person!”

Xu Sen shook his head suddenly, shaking his head like a rattle, and a sense of shame suddenly burst into his mind.

At this moment, Adier suddenly felt a chill in his body.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, but didn’t figure out what went wrong, but only shook the head: “It should be an illusion.”

Looking at Kumur in front of him, he didn’t think much, but quietly finished the baptism this time, and then said softly, “Well, go back and train.”

The two were nodded, then looked at each other and went out involuntarily.

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