“Speaking of which, what are these?”

Standing up from where she was, looking at the black liquid under her eyes, Qian Limu’s face was heavy and she said.

Under her feet, after being scattered by Adier’s sword, these black liquids still seem to have their own vitality. They are still wriggling there, slowly gathering towards the center, gathering solid masses that have been mass after mass, It looked like a black worm, with a very disgusting look at it, with a strong stench.

“With the strength of Spirit and Spirit, there seems to be a little soul power …”

Adier lowered his body, inspected these black worms, and shook the head: “It’s like a hodgepodge.”

Yes, a hodgepodge.

Whether it is grudge, Spirit, or soul, they are extremely special Strength. For ordinary life, it is enough to use one.

This thing in front of him, but at the same time with these three different Strength, even in Adier’s induction, there are other subtle Strength doping, like a hodgepodge.

What most surprised Adier was that this thing carried so many different Strengths, but in the end it was still able to form a stable structure. Even if it looked like this, its vitality was still very tenacious.

This unique response made Adier curious.

“Several spell books sent to me by Ferry recorded some characteristics of dark life and alchemy life, which are somewhat similar to this kind of thing.”

She looked up slightly and looked at Qian Limu in front of her, Adier said casually, responding to her.

Hearing Adier saying that, Qianli Mu was thoughtfully nodded, and did not know if she understood.

Standing in situ, looking at the worms constantly trying to regroup, trying to reassemble the worms, Adier waved his hands at will, a little breeze rose from the wind, and then turned into a sharp blade and pushed forward, separating these worms together.

Then, a faint cold rose, and instantly frozen these worms into a solid statue, completely isolating it.

“Go back and get someone to clean up and carry this thing into my room and put in those boxes.”

Looking at Qian Limu aside, Adier casually said, “Yes, don’t break it, this is good material.”

Being able to integrate so many different strengths into one, this unique nature and ability has made Adier interested, and wanted to find an opportunity to study it.

In front of her, Qian Limu seriously nodded, and then opened the door, ready to find someone inside to move things away.

After she left, looking at her hurrying silhouette, Adier couldn’t help but look at the head and turned to look aside: “This friend, aren’t you ready to see me?”

There was a moment of silence in the place. In the surroundings, except for the faint Insect Cry sound, no sound could be heard, as if there was no one except Adier in the place.

Seeing this, Adier shook his head, then the right hand was slowly lowered and placed on the scabbard.

A sharp sword qi spread from him, his eyes were sharp, and Junxiu’s face was cold and stern, as if next moment would draw his sword and cut everything in front of him.

It seemed to feel the situation, and a little faint sound started to sound ahead.

“How did you discover …”

A sound came from the front. The sound sounded very slight, but it was also hoarse, like someone who hadn’t drank for several days.

Listening to this voice, Adier’s face calmed down, and the hand holding the sword was slowly lowered: “Your breath is too obvious.”

“Your secret is very special. The average person can’t find your place, but the silver strength is hidden in front of me, and it is still a little worse.”

He looked forward and said calmly.

“So it seems that you have been promoted to gold …”

A slight sigh came from a corner in front, and then a small footstep sounded in place.

Under Adier’s gaze, in front, an ugly-looking woman with wrinkled texture on her face came from the corner like a vicissitudes old man.

She was wearing a white blouse with long hair falling down. Although her appearance was ugly, her figure was plump, and her body was filled with an unspeakable unique breath, which surprised Adier.

“This aura ···”

Looking at the woman in front of her, Adier was a little surprised: “It turned out to be you.”

The woman in front of him was no stranger to him, and had seen it many times in his manor, a maid on his manor.

For this maid, Adier was not impressed before. The only impression was the other person’s iconic appearance. The rest was not clear.

But did not expect that just this seemingly ordinary maid is a hidden master.

“Dear Lord Yasuo, I’m not malicious to you.”

Walking from a distant corner, looking upright in front of her eyes, and looking at her unexpected Adier, Mar sighed and explained.

“If you are malicious to me, I won’t ask you to come out, but pull the sword.”

Adier opened his eyes, his eyes deep, coldly said.

Hearing this, Mar was stunned, then with a bitter smile on his face, and then said: “I once thought about the scene in which we will meet officially, but did not expect it to be this case.

“Introduce yourself, my name is Mar, the destiny’s caller of Goddess.”

Looking at Adier in front of her, in the unexpected look of Adier, she went to Adier, kneeling on one knee, and slowly made a courtesy.

This is the highest gift. Among the ancient nobles, it is the etiquette used by the lower nobles to pay tribute to the upper nobles.

Of course, this etiquette has another meaning, that is, the loyalty of the lower to the higher.

“Fate Goddess’ callers.”

Looking at Mar in front of her, looking at her movements, Adier was a little surprised and a little surprised: “What do you want to do?”

“I hope to be loyal to you and be your most loyal subordinate.”

Standing up, looking at Adier in front of him, Mare laughed: “The destiny’s callers of Goddess are destined to come to the destiny’s caregiver.”

“You, my lord, Yasuo.”

“Fate caretaker …”

Strictly speaking, Mar’s words are inexplicable. If ordinary people heard them, I am afraid they would be confused.

But Adier was able to understand her meaning, and even Mar, in front of him, seemed to understand that he could understand in general.

“Before my reincarnation, I separated a large amount of source force from the body, and blessed to this clone, artificially created the source force support like Child of Destiny.”

Looking at Mar in front of him, Adier flashed a thought: “This performance similar to Child of Destiny, in this world, is the so-called fate caregiver?”

As for the destiny Goddess’ callers, this is well understood.

In this world, Goddess of Destiny is a real deity, and the power to control destiny in rumors is a deity with great power.

If this Goddess is indeed called, it is not surprising to have a Strength that sees Child of Destiny.

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind after one after another. Eventually, Adier looked up and looked at Mar in front of him, trying to say something.

In the distance, a slight footstep sounded, with a shriek of Qian Limu, it seemed that she had returned with someone.

Hearing her voice and feeling the sound of her footsteps, Adier turned and looked at Mar in front of her and said softly, “Come with me.”

As the words fell, he lifted his feet and walked in one direction.

Aside, Mar was smiling, and he didn’t hesitate about Adier’s words. He followed Adier’s steps and walked into a corner.


“So, does Destiny Goddess’ caller not refer to one?”

In a wilderness, Adier was wearing a black robe, with long hair spreading over his shoulders, and Mar looked a little surprised.

“Yes, more than one.”

Marr nodded, sighing and said, “At present, the destiny caller I know, besides me, there is a person. As for whether there is anything else, I don’t know.”

“The reason why I had fallen to the streets and almost died was because of the fateful caller.”

“Does the fate callers attack each other?” Adier asked, surprised.

After a brief glance at Adier, Marr probably understood Adier’s thoughts and explained: “The relationship between the destiny callers is not like ordinary church sacrifices.”

“The sacrifice of the church is the shepherd who serves the deities, and they are all siblings to each other.

She sighed sighing and looked at Adier in front of her. After a long time, she said, “Fate Goddess left this world a long time ago …”

“Destiny Goddess has fallen?” Adier frowned.

“Not falling, but leaving …”

Mar sighed: “However, the two have produced similar results. After the departure of Destiny Goddess, her Divine Spark and the kingdom of God remain, as a rich legacy for the destiny callers.”

“Don’t …” Hearing this, Adier instantly thought of something.


Seems to see the idea of ​​Adier, Marr is gently nodded: “The contention between the destiny callers, the ultimate winner, will inherit everything, inherit the deities and kingdoms left by Goddess, and the incarnation is new. Fate Goddess. “

One step into God!

Jumping from a mortal person to become the god of aloof and remote directly is the biggest temptation.

Even if Adier is a fifth-order wizard, he is not the native of this world, and he can’t help but speechless for a long time.

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