“Don’t you find this kid interesting?”

Standing in front of the tavern door, looking at the silhouette of Adier going away, Sam smiled on his face.

She seemed to think of something interesting, and a mysterious smile appeared on her face.

Beside him, the old steward-like person frowned, looking at her performance, for a moment wondering her attitude.

“Then I will hand over the information of the Bloody Jazz to him?”

He asked, tentatively.

“No need to.”

Sam raised his head and smiled on a charming and pretty face: “Take someone to the Bloody Jazz and tell him what happened today.”

“You think?” Old steward frowned, wondering for a moment about her attitude.

For dark creatures known for their brute force and brutality, Strength’s rolling is the most direct, and it is not good at contemplating such things.

If other people dared to do so in front of him, I’m afraid he was torn and sneered by him long ago, how can there be more opportunities to speak.

However, even though the girl in front of him is not strong in his eyes, his identity is extremely special, even if he is as fierce as his dark life, he dare not be too impudent when facing her.

“Some time ago, Sir Bloody sent me a letter with something written on it.”

Sam stood in place, silently away from the silhouette of Adier’s departure, his eyes gradually deepened, and he seemed to remember the past that had happened before: “He hasn’t given up on that thing, it used to be this way, it is still like this … “

“He wants to collect the blood of all kinds of powerful and powerful creatures to cultivate the most perfect carrier, to prepare for the recovery of the Blood Moon God, and he also tries to rely on the strength of the spell to control the human body of the Blood Moon God. This will subvert the nations and pave the way to the throne of the oracle. “

“This is really a crazy idea.” Beside, the old steward-like person complexion changed, the original indifferent expression could not help moving: “as a mortal person, delusion to control the oracle, genius and crazy …”

“He won’t succeed.” Sam stood still, despite wearing the maid’s costume, but with a mysterious Strength on his body, making him like a hell queen of aloof and remote, noble and majestic It is daring to look at it at first glance: “The humble mortal can never imagine the power of the deity, and it is impossible to compare with it.”

“But I have some ideas about his plan, and I just took advantage of this opportunity to contact him.”

“You’re in charge, I listen to you.” Standing next to Sam, Old Steward was a little puzzled, but eventually shrugged, no objection.


“A deep malicious sweep …”

Wearing a jacket alone, walking quietly in the uninhabited alley of rain and rain, Adier raised his head silently, murmuring at the dark night.

Standing in place, he closed his eyes, and the Spirit power within the body sublimated at this moment, slowly combined with the will, and under an inexplicable connection, he explored deeper.

With the deepening of the will, above the body of Adier, the source of purple by little by little began to stir, and the nodes on it were like small dragons. At this moment, they roared together, as if each and everyone was alive. Life, roaring in this purple river.

“The power of the world is starting to stir, and something is going to happen …”

Feeling the change in his body, Adier looked up, thinking about the scene experience just before, with bright divine light in his eyes.

Coming to this world, although most of the origins do not exist, Strength’s strength is still shrouded in this body, allowing him to feel the changes of his own power at all times.

Since coming to this world, the part of the original force that had been stripped from the ontology has been transformed into the strength of this avatar, and it has gradually spread to all around with the activity of Adier, gradually expanding its influence.

But in Fang Cai, the source of power on his body started to spontaneously stir, spreading spontaneously towards all around nodes.

This is the prelude to being involved in a major event.

Major event items, and those that have far-reaching effects, are enough to have a profound impact on Adier at this moment.

“The change of source force started after coming out of Wind Nest Pub …”

Standing in place, Adier pondered in silence, then slowly raised his head: “That maid …”

“The pulse of the power of destiny began …”

In the distance, in a luxurious courtyard, Mar was wearing an ordinary gray maid’s robe, staring at God, looking at a certain direction in the distance, with a clear joy on his face.

In her eyes, in some direction in the distance, the power of a destiny of purple was soaring into the sky, and the power of destiny that was incomparable but endless made him so insightful. Witnesses of the fate also felt shaken.

“The change of destiny is at hand, and I must seize the opportunity as soon as possible to gain the trust of those who care for destiny.”

She got up from where she was and lifted a bucket of fresh water from a well, thinking about this thought in her mind.

Time passed by bit by bit while waiting.

Soon, three days passed quickly.

In the evening, in a cage, a cry of wailing with fear slowly sounded.

A sharp sword light flashed in front of the eyes, and then a little silver awn bloomed, bringing up a bright blood flower.

In an iron cage, looking at the desperate prisoner in front of him, Adier calmly put his hands on the long sword, looked at the corpse on the ground in front of him, and slowly lifted a black crystal in his hand.

A little Life Energy was injected slowly, and then the body in front of it began to change.

The corpse that just died still maintains a strong and powerful vitality, and the skin and tissues are still active.

But at this moment, under the action of the black crystal in the hands of Adier, the vitality of the corpse in front of him seems to have been sucked away, and it has directly turned into a dry corpse, and all the essence contained in it has been completely replaced by that black crystal. Suck it, make that black crystal more bright and look better.

“It’s only half serving?”

Looking at the body in front of him, Adier was a little dissatisfied.

Before today, despite knowing that the conversation that day would lead to some problems, Adier was still preparing to complete the deal with Sharm, and he gave it to each other with a hundred souls in exchange for the bloody jazz. Intelligence.

The choice of these souls is naturally to choose those wicked.

This choice is not entirely due to the values ​​of good and evil, but also for cost-effective reasons.

In this world, it is much easier to be a bad person than to be a good person. The number of evil people is far more than that of good people, and it is much easier to find.

Just returned to the manor, Adier conveniently used his right to be Baron, screened the prisoners who had previously been imprisoned in Tam City, and specially selected the most vicious people to send them as raw materials for refining Stone of Spirits.

It ’s a pity, I do n’t know if it ’s because of the material, or because these people are not fierce enough. Most of the sent prisoners did not meet the black stone of spirits standards. They were enough to transform one soul. Finally, Often they can only convert less than half.

This means that the number of people Adier wants to kill will increase significantly.

Of course, if it is only to this extent, it is not much for Adier.

Right or left, his need to complete the transaction is not urgent, and the fierce generation can be seen everywhere, even if there are more, it will take a few more things to complete that’s all.

What is urgent now is something else.

“The power of slaughter is growing faster …”

Standing in place, looking at the corpse under his feet, Adier was silent for a moment, his face gradually dignified.

At this moment, if anyone can see the depths of his within the body, he can find that at this moment in Adier’s within the body, the power of a little red slaughter has taken up a large area, although compared with the huge Life Energy Very small, but almost several times larger than before.

These are the fruits of Adier’s time.

Along with Adier’s slaughter, during this time, the power of Slier of Adier within the body has grown rapidly, and its speed has reached a level where Adier is vigilant.

Obtaining the power of slaughter is too simple. As long as the slaughter is continuous, you can obtain the continuous slaughter power to obtain a strong Strength.

This is one of the reasons why slaughter believers are yelled and killed, no matter what country they are.

The believers of slaughter are too harmful. Those who acquire Strength through slaughter will eventually indulge in the desire of slaughter. In the end, it will gradually evolve into a horrible and cruel massacre.

In the history of this world, there are many records of slaughter believers slaughtering cities and even slaughtering a country. With this record, the vigilance and hatred of slaughter believers has been deeply rooted in the creeds of many churches and kingdoms.

At this moment, Adier had a feeling.

If he completely releases his mind and body, and no longer suppresses the power of the slaughter on his body, but obeys this Strength and dedicates himself to slaughter, I am afraid that he will soon be able to break through the third order, return to the fourth order, and even the fifth order.

Only in this way, his body was deeply imprinted with the God of Slaughter, and he can no longer be separated from the God of Slaughter, and will fall to the point where the whole World shouts and kills.

It is even possible to face the horrible slaughter god.

After getting Strength, he will eventually be bound by it. Adier will never choose this option.

“It seems that the process of finding other Deity Strength must be accelerated …”

Putting away the long sword, looking at the corpse under his feet, Adier flashed the thought in his mind, then got up and walked straight out.

Outside now, there are already some people waiting there.

“Master Baron.”

Some bald old steward saluted Adier saluted respectfully in the spacious manor house, and then looked at him and asked, “I’ve already said hello to the sheriff, and a new batch of prisoners will be sent to you soon. . “

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