“Although it is only a small difference, the result is a big deviation.”

In the middle of a manor house, quietly feeling the release of the spell, Adier shook his head secretly, thinking silently in his heart.

His ontology is a fifth-order wizard. At this moment, although he has only just come into contact with this world’s mage system and has not completed his practice, it is enough to contrast the deficiencies of this world mage.

The lack of mana is equivalent to cutting away the Wizard’s body Strength, and the original whole is a bit regrettable.

Without the nourishment of mana, the mage in this world will inevitably lag behind the wizard in strength, not to mention that compared with Knight of the same rank, even if the rank is lower, Knight may have to be on Strength. Over the mage.

This may be the reason that in this world, mages mostly appear as Scholars, and rarely pick up swords to fight.

In addition, without the nourishment of the body, without the consciously increasing mana, the mana of this world within the body has too little mana, and has to rely on the assistance of an external Strength to successfully cast.

Therefore, in this world, some low-level mage casters, except for some Spirit who are extremely powerful enough to forcibly pull the Strength of foreign elements, most of the other mages either need to prepare for a long period of incantation when casting, or they need to Prepare many casting materials to help you make up for your lack of mana.

“This is the equivalent of a wizard in the primitive period.”

Standing in place, recalling the mage information he had learned, Adier secretly shook his head, thinking so.

The status quo of this world mage reminds Adier inexplicably the development of the wizard.

A long time ago, when the wizard system just started, it was in fact as great as the wizards in this world.

It was not until the glorious times of ancient times that a powerful ancient wizard stepped out of the Wizarding World and plundered the resources and knowledge of each and everyone World, the wizarding system slowly developed and gradually perfected.

The true wizard in the Wizarding World today only officially appeared at that time.

Compared to Wizard World, the wizard of God World obviously has no luck.

God World, although powerful, is an extremely exclusive World.

This point has been clearly revealed when Adier entered the main god World.

Because of extreme closure, it is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter this world, but again, it is equally difficult for people in this world to step out of the world.

This is the difference of World itself, which fundamentally locks the development path of this world mage.

Plus, in this world, there are aloof and remote gods.

Silently put away the scroll in his hand, Adier slowly turned and walked towards the other side.

At night, the smoky people in Tam City began to thin out, and a little bit of light began to light up all around.

In a fairly lively alley, Adier walked down with his head down.

At this moment, his appearance has been carefully modified. Although it has only changed in details, the overall look is completely different from the past.

In fact, for a wizard, changing the appearance is not as difficult as imagined at all, but it is a spell thing that’s all.

However, in this world, the priests of the gods are widely active in various places, using spells, instead of using mortal makeup.

From the left and right, his requirements are actually not too high. The nature is so casually modified, and he walks out of the manor so directly.

It seems that it is because of the approaching midnight, the alley in front of it looks like there are not many people, and few of them are still open, and it seems a little slack for a moment.

Walking quietly in between, Alone walking here, Adier looked a little special.

But soon, he found the destination of his trip and came to a place.

A very shabby, ordinary tavern.

Standing outside the pub, looking up quietly at the pub in front of him, Adier was first attracted by the name of the pub.

Hell’s wine.


Laughing randomly, looking at the dilapidated tavern in front of him, Adier went straight in.

A few meters of steps were jumped over, and then the scene inside the tavern gradually appeared.

Several shabby wooden tables, some inexplicable, with iron racks of barbecue hanging on them, and a long wooden table with rows of wine.

That’s all in the tavern.

Standing quietly at the entrance of the tavern, Adier looked sideways at all around.

It’s already late at night, and there are very few people outside, but it is quite lively, and people are sitting on several wooden tables.

Several of them caught his attention the moment Adier entered.

A burly man with a long beard sitting alone at a wooden table, and a few black clothed persons wearing black robes sitting at a wooden table without saying a word, just drinking and eating meat in silence.

Quietly looking at these people, Adier observed for a while before taking the pace and walking alone to the wooden table with the bearded and burly man.

“excuse me···”

A slight voice sounded around, although it was slight, but in a noisy environment, it reached the burly ears in front of him: “Can I sit here?”

Dahan nodded for a moment, then raised his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and stared at Adier.

His eyes were very special. Both eyes were blue and looked like the eyes of a wolf. When he stared, he looked extremely fierce and panic-stricken.

Adier calmly enjoyed this kind of gaze, just standing there silently, looking at the other side, the color of a little emotion in his eyes, only the depth and calmness of the bottom.

“What’s your business?”

For a long time, the big man in front of him broke this silent look and said Adier frowning in front of him.

After careful dressing, Adier at this moment looks like a middle-age person with a mild temperament, but the warrior temperament that has gone through the battle still makes some people feel instinctively vigilant.

“The lone wolf Ekdo, I heard that you are the best stealth in the entire city of Tam, and the most informed person in this area.”

Looking at the big man in front of him, Adier didn’t meander, and said directly, “I have something to ask you for advice …”

“Who recommended you here?”

Putting down the barbecue on his hand, Ektor put his back on his back, a right hand seemed to swing to the right, and secretly approached the weapon under the wooden table.

As an experienced stealth, his vigilance was full. When the position was exposed, as long as the situation was slightly wrong, he would immediately pull his sword and leave from here.

“Ferry recommended me. He said you could tell me what I wanted to know.”

Adier spoke softly, saying a name without changing his face.

He didn’t lie. He came to this place, and it was Ferry who recommended him. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to find this place by himself, in less than three months when he came to Tam City.

“Good, you didn’t lie.”

In front of him, when I heard Adier’s words, Ikedo sighed in relief lightly, a smile on his already tight face: “So, what do you want to know?”

“Have the ability to sense whether others are lying?”

Adier frowned, looking at the tall and sturdy man in front of him, and then he said, “How much do you know about Sim’s death?”

“Him, the original successor of the Ba Kulu family?”

Ictor asked subconsciously, then looked at Adier in front of him, and seemed to realize something suddenly.

However, even though he realized something, he didn’t open his mouth to reveal it. He just bowed his head and hesitated, as if he was thinking or hesitant.

“It’s a bit complicated to go deeper, and I don’t quite clear some of the specifics.”

He said frankly, and then continued to speak, slowly speaking what he knew.

“Sim Ba Kulu, this man appears to be a wandering noble from the southern Carlo region, but actually a vampire who has just been transformed.”

“The cause of his death was related to the vampire bloodline on him, the same person who gave him the vampire bloodline …”

“Who?” Adier frowned, and continued to ask.

“Bloody Jazz, Clitu.” Ektor extended the hand, drank the drink from the glass in front of him, and then lightly sighed before saying: “This is a very terrifying and mysterious person. About him I do n’t know much about specific information, so I ca n’t give you more help. “

“It’s enough.” Adier nodded, then got up from Ektor, and said, “I know your rules, a thousand gold coins are ready, and then someone will send them …”

“Change another condition.”

Taking a deep look at Adier, Ektor put down his glass and said absently, “I haven’t been short of money recently. In fact, if you didn’t recommend it from Ferry, I wouldn’t tell you any information. “

“What do you want?” Adier asked back.

When he came here, he had already asked all the questions he wanted to know. At this step, it would not matter if he left directly.

But if you do this, eating is too ugly, and it is easy to offend people.

And as an observant wizard, Adier still tends to follow the rules when he can.

In front of him, under the gaze of Adier, he was silent for a while, before Echo slowly spoke and clarified his condition.

“I haven’t been short of money lately, but I have some trouble … So, I hope you can help me once, in addition to this information, I will give you two thousand gold coins.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t make you too difficult to do, and there will be no problems for you.”

Adier turned slightly silhouetted to leave. After a while, the voice continued to come.

“Only one time.”

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