A sword light swept away at this moment, and an ephemeral force that destroyed everything at the beginning of an instant erupted. The endless storm bloomed in situ. Its central area was like a number of bombs dropped in an instant, and a shocking and thrilling explosion broke out Roar.

The rocks are empty and the waves are breaking! Endless sand and stones are rolling up, and the wind and dust are rippling between this heaven and earth, and suddenly they are smashed down with a force of terror that destroys everything, like a sharpest Divine Sword, a sword splitting the chaos in front of me dark.


The boundless and huge sandstone is dropping from the sky, blown to the sky by the extremely fierce violent wind, and then fell to the ground under the encirclement of the huge Battle Qi, and ignited the ignition star in mid-air, just like a huge meteorite. Smashed to the ground, smashed a huge pit in each and everyone on this land.

Suddenly, countless sorrows bloomed at this moment. Among them were the sorrows and sorrows of the dying, and the strong negative emotions such as pain and despair.

In the face of all this, in the storm, Adier had a cold and brave face, with his long hair flying, and straightened a sword. The long sword in his hand became more and more fiercely chopped down.

While the long sword is waving, Supreme Battle Qi Profound Truth is blooming at this moment. Although the Strength contained in it is not powerful, the will contained in it will undoubtedly reveal the powerful nature of Adier, making the Strength contained in this sword undoubtedly It was magnified countless times in an instant, and the most horrifying force burst out in a short time.

boom! !

In the dim and bloody Divine Realm, a sharp sword light was cut off, and then the stars fell, and the Adier was set off like a heavenly god, and the reincarnation was generally tall and heroic.

“Divine Realm … Divine Realm was cut !!!!”

In the distance, I felt Divine Realm cut off by Adier, and the middle-aged man in the black robe was horrified. At this moment, his face was dull, and he felt as if he had seen something incredible. A face was like an old tree. The bark is generally stiff and can’t do anything more than necessary.

The night watchman knows best about the arrangement here.

A few months ago, he was here to blood sacrifice hundreds of people, based on the hundreds of people ’s response qi, and assisted by the vigil ceremony, Divine Realm, who has turned this place into a vigil for a short time. Being in it, the enemy is naturally It will be forced down, and the night watchman’s Strength will be strengthened.

But under the sword of the young Knight, the unbreakable Divine Realm was cut, and it was announced that the home advantage had disappeared, completely putting it into crisis.

the thoughts got to this point, he suddenly realized something, and a thought flashed through his heart.

“Not good !”

The thoughts have just risen in my heart, the bustling eyes are evolving, and the flashes of silver like the meteors sparsely flicker, and the word qi of the silver dots gathers together in an instant, like a brilliant meteor crashing down , The most deadly killing intent erupted.

Silver Flower! !!

The strength of life secrets is blooming at this moment, the endless bright Battle Qi starts to burn, the infinite strength is instilled at this moment, condensing into a bright silver river in the mid-air, like the galaxy hanging, but with the most lethal killing intent. , Trembling, afraid to look directly.

“Do not!!”

Looking at the bright silver brilliance in front of me, the middle-aged man drowsily extends the hand, but I don’t know when there have been numerous cracks on his arm, a little bloodshot on it, and a little bone in the wound. The blood vessels are clearly visible, making people feel bloody at a glance.

I do n’t know when he has been cut countless pieces of flesh by the sword qi. At this moment, flesh and blood flew off his body and turned into countless tiny flesh falling to the ground, and the whole person was directly exploded into a ball of blood. Like the blooming flower of blood, it is extremely bloody in taste.


Looking at the blood foam everywhere, slowly retracting the long sword, Adier frowned.

The black clothed priest just had a strange atmosphere. From Strength, it was only equivalent to Silver Knight, but his whole body was very vague, with a shadowy sense of nothingness.

It seems that the body of the opponent here is probably not the body, but a kind of existence similar to Shadow Clone, so that he can escape from Adier safely.

“Forget it, there is one more …”

Shook the head, silently put away the sword, Adier turned and walked to the side, to be precise, to the side of a black clothed priest.

Similar to the previous black clothed priest, this appearance looks like an old man’s night watchman, and his breath is a bit weird. It may be the same as the previous man, not the subject, but just the existence of the split projection.

If it wasn’t for Adier to take the lead and use the Spirit force to secretly induce himself to faint, I’m afraid the other person just needs to commit suicide directly, and Adier will get nothing.

“Let me see, the purpose of you guys …”

Extending the hand quietly, Adier opened his mouth gently, a left hand was slowly placed on the forehead of the old man, a ray of Spirit force began to bloom slowly, and began to resonate with the Spirit body in front of him.

In the haze, Adier seemed to see a sight.

In a dim hall, under the long stairs, countless fires were shining, bringing a faint light to this place.

Under the faint light, a huge statue stood at the end of the steps in front.

The statue looks very large, wearing a black robe on his body and a bronze mask on his face.

Under the numerous steps, countless black robe classrooms prayed with piety, and their faces were filled with piety and fanaticism.

“My lord, no matter what it takes, we will let you recover again!”

“Your reincarnated body is bound to be found by us!”


At the next moment, endless pieces of memory came out in rush, and the scene in front of him was torn apart forcibly like an intact picture, and everything was at a standstill at this moment.

Returning from the depths of Spirit, Adier shook the head vigorously, clearing himself up, and then looked to the ground.

On the ground, the black clothed priest in the shape of an old man was dead, a little blood dripped into his eyes, and the whole body’s breath was cut off in an instant, leaving no opportunity for Adier.

“Reluctantly awake while Spirit resonates and then commit suicide directly? It’s decisive enough …”

Struggling to shook the head, looking at the corpse under his feet, Adier resisted the severe pain in his head and began to recall some of the information he had obtained before.

Black clothed is coming, and the Overwatch King is about to revive. This is a little bit of information Adier read from the corpse.

The Overwatch King is about to return, and the reincarnation has appeared, and will return in the coming decades.

This is the most important message for Adier.


Suddenly he heard this secret, but Adier felt very interesting.

The reason why he came to this World is to perhaps higher-level inheritance and Strength. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to contact the gods of aloof and remote, which are at the top level of this world.

The Overwatch King is about to revive. Not only is it bad news for him, it is great news.

When he heard the news, Adier thought of more in a flash.

The deities of this world have not exhibited miracles for a long time. Although the sacrifices of the deities walk instead and guard the party for the deities, the legends about the deities have stagnated, and they have not really witnessed the deities for a long time.

And now, the King of Overwatch is about to revive, what about the God of Slaughter, Lord of Darkness, and even other deities?

At a moment, Adier thought of what had happened in recent years, frequent activities of many churches, rampant expansion of dim churches, frequent slaughter of slaughter believers …

“Interesting, really interesting …”

In situ, reminiscent of all this, Adier laughed, feeling more excited than ever.

Being in this critical node, he has no doubt whether he can intervene in it.

Before the reincarnation, many of the Power of Origins that were separated from the ontology were credentials.

Even if nothing else, the deep roots he carried at the moment were enough to quietly affect all around and slowly push him to the center of many major events.

Before Orff, and even Hilna.

At this point, Adier had a hunch.

The following days, this world, I am afraid it will be difficult to calm down.

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