In the morning, under the quiet sun, layers of shadows rippled on the ground.

In the vast and ancient palace, a man walked slowly on a white horse.

He is covered with a layer of red cloak, a dark black leather armor looks beautiful and delicate, a handsome face lifted slightly, staring directly at the landscape in the distance.

“It’s getting warmer in this weather.”

Feeling the warm sunshine from outside, a smile appeared on his face, and he seemed to be more happy.

“Kaiga, is there any news in the city recently?”

He rode forward slowly while looking at a middle-aged man and asked.

It was a middle-aged man who didn’t look handsome. Although his appearance was not outstanding, his face was very strong, and his brown eyes were deep, giving a feeling of trust and reliance.

“The few days when His Royal Highness entered the palace, there was no major event in the city. The only thing worth noting is that some aristocrats in the city died strangely, and the death was very cruel, with a breath of evil race.”

“Is the devil?” Groom frowned, seeming to remember something for a while.

As Tamru Prince, he is more or less aware of the evil creatures hidden in his country.

However, despite his knowledge, he could not change the situation.

Although the strength of the royal family is strong, it is not fearless. In the face of the huge strength composed of layers of noble lords, it is necessary to step back.

Those evil creatures hidden among the nobles are often themselves transformed from the nobles with a long inheritance, not only one of the components of the Kingdom Strength, but also have the connections and power that have accumulated over the years.

Until these beings do not clearly harm their own interests, even the king will not easily make up their minds to resolve them, let alone Prince Gruul.

However, it is one thing to be able to tolerate normally, but it does not mean that these evil creatures start to stir up confusion, especially when they are noble.

Therefore, Gruul frowned at this moment, and his face became very unsightly in an instant: “Who are the dead people?”

“They are all little nobles, including those who have migrated from the southern Carlo area and those who originally supported Eldest Prince …” Next to him, Kaiga spoke slowly, then seemed to think of something, and hesitated to say something. : “In addition, last night, the eldest son of the Ba Kulu family, the sir also died outside, covered with several sword marks on his body, and it appeared to have been killed by a strong Great Knight. “

“It should be Yasuo’s hand.” Gruul nodded: “I know something about the Kulu family. Yasuo’s relationship with his elder brother is not very good since he was a child. Toru Baron has loved eldest son since childhood. Do what Yasuo can do for Eldest son. “

“Yasso is jealous of his brother, and it’s not surprising that he even killed him.”

“What about that?” Jia Jia turned and asked.

“The family of the Ba Kulu family, just follow him.” Gruul said, not too concerned about the incident: “The death of Sir Sim was an accident. In my name, let Yasuo become the Ba Kulu family. Heir. “

“Wait, Doru Baron is missing now, isn’t it?”

Having said that, he suddenly remembered something and asked afterwards.

“Yes,” Kaiga recalled, and then nodded: “According to the Knight’s report from the South, it has disappeared on the battlefield, and I am afraid it has been killed …”

“That’s the case …” After groaning for a while, Gruel came back to his senses again, and continued: “Certainly, let Yasuo directly inherit the title of Doru Baron and inherit the territory of the Ba Kulu family. With power. “

“I remember, before, I was in the mountain south, and there was a territory?”

He looked at Kaiga and asked.

“Yes.” Kaiga nodded: “That’s your aunt, Minas Princess gave you the gift of maturity in your adult year.”

“Give that land to Yasuo as a canonical gift to him.” Gruul waved his hand and sent the land out.

This extraordinary generosity surprised Kaijia aside. Although he didn’t say anything, he was still very surprised.

He has been in charge of Gruul Prince for many years, and Kaiga knows this Prince very well.

This has always been the owner of a don’t act without some incentive. Although it is very generous in other aspects, it is always very stingy in the fundamental territory.

The reason for this is also related to the size of the territory controlled by Gruul.

Although the area of ​​the Kingdom of Tamru is wide enough, most of it is a vast and deserted area, and the land is not worth much. Even if the reward continues, not many people are willing to develop it.

Only those lands with large populations and basically developed land are good territories.

And among these good territories, after hundreds of years of slowly granting sub-seals, there are not many remaining territories belonging to the royal family, and even fewer can be controlled by the Prince Gruul.

In fact, if Gruul showed outstanding military talents since he was a child, he has led the army to conquer everywhere since he was an adult. In the process, he has gained a lot of territorial population. I am afraid that there is not much place at this moment.

With such a lack of wealth at hand, it is naturally impossible to go generously. As this time, it is even rarer to give a large area of ​​land directly.

“It seems that His Highness attaches great importance to that Yasuo Knight …”

Looking at the side Gruul, Kaiga raised this idea in his heart, and even though his character was strong, he could not help raising some envy at this moment.

Compared to Adier, he has served Gruul for many years and assisted the other party to make a lot of achievements, but until now, although it has become a noble, there is still no one place that can allow the entire family to accommodate.

Thinking of this, he sighed in his heart, and then continued to follow Gruul’s footsteps.

On this side, Gruul just issued an order, and after more than half a day, Adier only received the news.

“What? Him is dead?”

Sitting in the courtyard, looking at the letters sent by the Grüllers in front of him, Adier was a little stunned.

The letter in front of him was sent by Gruarte, which included Gruul’s arrangements for Adier.

In the letter, Gruul also vaguely mentioned the death of Simm, and hinted that Adier would expose this matter, which was clearly believed to have been done by Adier.

Faced with this fact, Adier suddenly felt a bit wrong.

After entering the demon tavern and knowing his identity, he did think of finding a chance to solve him.

However, despite the killing intent in his heart, he has not yet started, and he has not gone out at all these days. Him’s death has nothing to do with him.

In other words, at this moment Adier can be regarded as someone else.

“Who is it?” Putting down the letter in his hand and looking up into the distance, the idea came to Adier’s mind.

Simm didn’t die, he didn’t care. What he cares about is the fact that he has blamed others and the motive of the other party to kill Sim.

“Him’s real identity is a vampire that has not yet been completely transformed. In theory, the dim sacrifice in the city, the strong Great Knight in the city, and those evil creatures may all start.

Thinking about the content of the letter, Adier frowned: “The specific situation can only be judged after seeing the body in person.”

With this thought in mind, a rush of footsteps slowly sounded outside the house.

Adier looked up, just to see, outside the house, the steward of his manor walked anxiously from the door, at this moment an already serious face was full of anxiety.

“What’s wrong?” Looking at steward, Adier looked up and asked, looking at him, wondering about his anxious performance.

“Sir, the sheriff who we sent to negotiate with the bandit group was killed by that bandit group!”

Looking at Adier, Steward hurriedly walked, and at this moment his face looked extremely anxious, so he said.

“What?” Adier said for a moment.

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