A faint sunset remained on the ground. At this moment, there was only a little residual sun, and it seemed that it would soon dissipate.

Walking alongside Gruul in the city, Adier watched all around silently.

Affected by the war, the victims of exile were everywhere around the city. They were ragged, with accents elsewhere, and they should have come from far away.

On the streets of the city, a frozen corpse fell to the ground. Some corpses were stiff, others had blood on their faces and obvious wounds on their bodies.

What is even worse is the corpses of some women whose clothes have been stripped, and the frozen corpse is barely exposed, with pimples and bruises all over their bodies, obviously what they have experienced during their lifetime.

Looking at this scene, Wendy closed her eyes a little bit unbearably, but she hid behind Adier quietly and followed him without a word.

Regarding the tragic situation in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, and he had seen so much along the way that he was numb.

It was the way he came along that surprised him.

“After Lord Donnai’s capture of Carlo, many lords took the opportunity to plunder, and the disaster to this area need not be the same as that of the massacre.”

Aside, seeing the surrounding scene, Gruul said, there seemed to be calmness between the languages, apparently getting used to it.

Aside, Adier was silent.

The king’s power in this world is not centralized, not the kind of centralized power, but the Feudal System.

The so-called king is just the biggest lord that’s all, and there are many independent small lords underneath. Together, they are a kingdom.

The same is true of the Senai Kingdom and the Tamru Kingdom.

The kingdom of Tamru was consumed internally by the chaos of the lord, which led to the defeat of the battle and the fall of the southern fortress. The kingdom of Senai also had similar problems.

Before the battle with Tamru was okay, many nobles were able to focus on the southern fortress under the commander of the Duke of Seine. But after breaking the southern fortress, things changed quietly.

In order to make up for their losses in the war, some lords burned and plundered the lands captured along the way, destroying almost everything that could be seen in sight.

The consequences of this kind of behavior are more serious than that of Orff’s slaughter.

In the final analysis, the so-called slaughter of a city only slaughtered that’s all of the people in a city. In terms of the size of that city, it did not exceed 100,000 people.

But these lords plundered, burned and robbed all the way, and disrupted the consequences of production. The deaths and injuries were far from more than 100,000.

However, Gruul was not distressed at all in this situation, but he had a faint joy in his heart.

Looking at the side Adier, he pointed at the victims everywhere and said, “Let them continue to plunder.”

“The more they plunder, the more dead people, the better for our future counterattacks.”

“Lords will hate because their territories have been looted, the church will be disgusted by the deaths and injuries of believers, and people will miss our rule because of the cruel treatment of outsiders.”

“With this, we will counterattack Carlo in the future, and the odds of winning will increase by at least 20%!”

He laughed, looking at the tragic situation in front of him, with some inner joy.

Having said that, he specifically observed Adier’s reaction.

After listening to what he said, Adier was always calm and didn’t seem to have any mood swings.

It was beside him. The girl named Wendy looked a little bit wrong, and seemed to be a little disgusted with his words.

But for Gruul, it was enough to determine Adier’s attitude. As for the girl, an ordinary maid that’s all, he could give as much as he wanted.

“After the city, we are in the territory of Viscount Aziri.”

By raising his head and looking at the city in front, he seemed to be able to see a huge castle standing in front of him: “In a way, he is also my father-in-law, but in this case, his attitude is It ’s hard to say … “

“Yasor, I’ll rely on you for the next few days.”

He pats Adier’s shoulder, solemnly speaking to him.

“I understand.” Gently nodded, glancing at Gruul, and Adier understood.

For the next few days, they crossed the city in front of them and galloped along a road.

Along the way, it is not without accidents.

The war between several countries has brought chaos in this area for years. During this time, some robber groups quickly rose up in various areas, robbing pedestrians along the road, and even trafficking victims. Started slave trading.

Adier and Gruhr rushed along the way, and finally met several times.

Needless to say the result naturally.

There is no need for Gruul to find a way. Adier single-handedly defeated all the robbers and robbers who dare to kill the road. Within a few days, there were many more people behind.

“Sir, in two days, you will be able to go to Viscount Azir’s castle …”

Some people are sitting here before a campfire. Among them, a rough-faced, middle-aged man wearing a clearly unsuitable leather armor was cautiously holding a piece of freshly roasted meat, and cautiously placed in front of Adier: “The meat has been grilled, lord please use.”

The middle-aged man in front of him was called Xelaya. He was originally a commander of a small thief group. He took dozens of people to robbery along the road, and ran into Adier’s body, and was finally defeated by Adier alone.

After being defeated, Adier not at all killed them all, but expelled them.

But after seeing the force of Adier, these people finally followed up with themselves and followed Adier spontaneously, wanting to be Adier’s followers.

For these people, Adier doesn’t matter, but Gruul is in front of him, letting Adier take them down.

“I am about to return to China. Many trivial matters need people to do. Although these people are rude, they can also save some energy.” Gruul said to Adier that day.

So Adier took these people down, let them follow, and was responsible for some chores.

“Thank you.”

Adier nodded and said after receiving the piece of oil-covered meat from Hilaya, he secretly inspected it before biting it.

The taste of the grilled meat can’t be complimented. The so-called external coke tenderness is true, but it is charred outside, and the inside is not cooked at all, and you can even eat the bloodshot inside.

Without special condiments, the technology of these followers is not even as good as Adier. Of course, you cannot expect how delicious the things you make will be.

But Adier doesn’t care about the taste of things.

At this moment his mind was all attracted by some change in himself.

“The inexplicable Strength is somewhat similar to blood, but with the characteristics of the power of the soul … is it the power of the so-called slaughter?”

Biting the barbecue quietly, Adier thought countless thoughts.

In the past few days, because of killing some robbers and wild beasts on the roadside, he felt the changes emerging from his body.

When he unfolds the slaughter, the red seal of the orangutan in his body will spontaneously emerge, and obtain a little Strength from the slaughter, and then feedback it back to grow a little Scarlet’s strength on him.

This Strength is somewhat similar to flesh and blood and has the characteristics of the power of the soul. In Adier’s view, perhaps the power of the slaughter is more appropriate.

In Adier within the body, the power of these slaughterers has just taken shape, and they want to send to Adier within the body spontaneously, but they are suppressed by Adier with their own origin, and they do not spread to the body.

“Once I have absorbed the power of these daughters, my Strength will rapidly expand, but correspondingly, I will also be affected by the power of these daughters, and my temperament will become increasingly fierce until finally becoming the spokesperson of the power of daughter, Is the son of the so-called slaughter … “

Standing in place, silently deducing changes within the body, Adier came to such a result.

The blood that Orff gave at first was like a seed of a slaughter. With the continuous slaughter of Adier, it will eventually slowly degenerate into a true slaughter’s son, and his life will be accompanied by the slaughter.

With that in mind, Adier was still confused.

What is the purpose of the other party to make him the son of slaughter?

Limited to intelligence, this question can only be buried in my heart for a while, waiting to be answered later.

But for the power of these slaughter generated by within the body, Adier had already made a decision.

“The power of these slaughter cannot be absorbed directly.”

Feeling the power of the slaughter inside the body, and the rising desire of the slaughter in his head, Adier shook his head secretly, making this decision in his heart.

Absorbing the power of these daughters, although they can become powerful in a short period of time, will be affected by the power of the daughters, which gradually infiltrate over time and gradually change their temperament.

Adier has no interest in this.

He has better options.

“Purification of these slaughter powers into purely another divine power will be able to circumvent the disadvantages of these slaughter powers and make full use of these strengths …”

Recalling the many messages in his mind, Adier flashed a variety of thoughts: “I just want to do this. In addition to the necessary secrets, we need another medium.”

Adier naturally has the necessary secrets, which comes from the god corpse that was swallowed in the mist world.

The original god corpse was already on the verge of blocking the God World of this world during his lifetime, and it was only one step away from truly sealing the god.

However, at the last moment, it was destroyed by another real deity. Not only did he fail, but he died directly. His body was knocked down into an endless void, and slowly fell into another world, turning into one. With golden corpse.

Inheriting the memory of this golden corpse, although Adier is weak at the moment, he knows a lot about the deities. What is lacking is only the changes that have occurred in this world over the years.

At the moment, the power of the Slaughter of Adier within the body was born from the Slaughter Mark of Adier within the body, and this Slaughter Mark came from the drop of Slaughter’s blood that Orff broke into Adier within the body.

If you want to transform the power of the Slaughter into another Strength, in addition to the corresponding secret method, at least one thing is the same as that of the Slaughter’s blood.

“God’s blood …”

Adier opened slowly, and at this moment looked up into the distance: “It seems that this time, there is one more target.”

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