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The wild old man ran up to Kirito excitedly, looked at Kirito, and smiled like a profiteer. The wild old man opened his mouth and said, “Boy, what did you say to you Senior?” Kirito suddenly became confused and wondered why the wild old man said this, but Kirito nodded.

The wild old man continued excitedly and said: “The old fogey, can you please do something. If one day in the future you go to the world where old fogey I am, you must mention that I am your Master , You are taught by my Senior to satisfy my vanity.”

Kirito thought it was something important. Everything he got now was originally arranged by the wild old man, although he There is no official worship of the wild old man as a teacher, but he has long regarded the wild old man as his Master, and it is still unknown whether he can go in this life or not.

Kirito didnt say any flowers. When the wild old man saw Kirito, he slowly looked down. He was really abrupt. Anyone who encounters a comprehension ability and a strong genius will sleep like this Doing even more is too much, let alone the wild old man, a lover, crazy demon.

I only saw Kirito slowly moved towards the wild old man and knelt down, very seriously to the old Otu. After three thoughts, he slowly said: “Master is here, please Be worshipped by the discipline.” Then he looked at the wild old man.

The wild old man was completely unprepared by this sudden scene. He regretted it a long time ago, but seeing Kirito like this, he was so happy that he couldn’t speak and shed tears of excitement. It took a long time to come back, watching Kirito still kneeling on the ground and then quickly opened the mouth and said: “Get up quickly, get up quickly, my good discipline.” The wild old man laughed heartily, how proud of the laughter .

The wild old man looks like a child this minute. He may cry and laugh because he is too excited or for other reasons. Kirito no longer paid attention to crazy old man.

The sky slowly started to light up. The wild old man knew Kirito was going to leave eventually. Even though I have a lot of selfishne and want to keep him, but this is too inconsistent with my own style, and I feel very sad. The wild old man put away his lost self-control.

The lonely mountain in the early morning seems a little deserted, but the air is indeed very good. Kirito and Chachai opened two eyes and walked to the edge of the lonely mountain, looking at how they lived for so long The place Greed is absorbing the air here, it is inevitable that there will be a little reluctant emotion in his heart, but there is no way, and he will not get rid of the big trouble Aizen, there will be a big hurdle in his heart that cannot be cro ed, if there is a chance in the future The meeting will definitely come back here and chat with the wild old man he he tea for a while. But in the end there is a difference.

The two men settled their moods and walked slowly towards the wild old man.

The wild old man was not at all asleep this time, and felt that the two people who wanted to walk by themselves turned their heads slowly and looked towards the two people said: “If you have a chance in the future, you must do well. Lets take a look at my old fogey. I cant stay in this place anymore if you leave. I cant live here with peace of mind when the gangster escaped. After sending you away, I will stay here. Time is going to leave, after all, I also mi my hometown.”

Kirito and Chachai were surprised when they heard the wild old man, not at all, it was true, the gangsters all escaped here. , There is no need to stay here anymore, besides, this old man doesn’t know how long he has stayed here, he should also mi some old people and hometown.

The wild old man continued: “I hope you will walk well when you go back, and don’t do evil. By the way, the old man has his hometown on a huge planet far away from you, called Black Tortoise On the mainland, if your cultivation base is strong enough in the future, you can come to me, and the cultivation resources there will surely be able to startled you.”

The wild old man said nothing, at this time Kirito and Chachai slowly knelt down and moved towards the wild old man and knocked his head three more times for a while.

The wild old man waved his big hand and cut a hole in the sky. After a while, the old man carved a huge door in the sky with his mysterious palmprint. The wild old man made a great harmony.

Kirito and Chachai immediately moved towards the door and ran over, slowly pushing the door open. Shiye old man opened his mouth and said: “I have never been to your world, but when you came, I vaguely felt the specific location of your world, so if there is an error in this legend, it should not be too far away. Far away, you can rest a ured.”‘

Kirito and Chachai reluctantly looked at the wild old man, then turned their heads and moved towards the door and walked in. shua! Suddenly a silhouette jumped into the door together, it turned out to be a red monkey! This Little Monkey will follow Kirito. Probably this monkey is really reluctant to bear Kirito. Even the place where it lived since childhood can be abandoned and leave with Kirito.

Finally, the teleportation gate slowly disappeared into the air, and the wild old man looked at the disappeared place for a long time before opening the mouth and said: “Goodbye to my genius discipline, if we have fate If you see, you should be stronger at that time. I really look forward to your future. Fortunately, let me meet you and accept you as a discipline. It is really a big thing in life haha.

“Suddenly As soon as the conversation turned, the old man continued: “hmph! You guys who murdered Lao Tzu at the beginning, Lao Tzu is going back now. Just wait for Lao Tzu’s anger, and the gangster, this time I must give you my hand. It’s over. It’s all because of me, so let him die because of me.”

After saying these words, the wild old man took away the giant wolf and the scary rabbit and walked away from the lonely mountain. In the forest.

You can see the natural stars during the day! Suddenly, two extremely inconspicuous stars flashed slightly and there was no more movement.

Kirito and Chaguo are two people, no, there is also a red monkey entire group that shuttles in the endle space. See the stars pa ing by. The two have never used or experienced this kind of Transmi ion Gate. They feel that they are all very new together, and the red monkeys are dancing happily.

Kirito was very puzzled. When he was fighting with Aizen, he opened the gate of cro ing because of such a change, and even teleported himself to this strange place, but everything here is It’s such a Cultivation that suits him. In a short period of time, his strength has been greatly improved. It seems that all this has already been arranged, and the feeling of being unable to tell is suppre ed in Kirito’s heart.

Kirito thought for a long time and still couldnt figure it out. Fortunately, he stopped thinking about it, but whispered, Aizen, I hope you can become stronger with the experience this time, otherwise its not challenging at all. It really means something, Kirito curl one’s lip laughed. ..

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