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It turns out that as early as three days ago, the waste dog and Tsen Kaname began to exercise their own virtual aura. Because the waste dog died directly, it was very resentful. This is also Tsen Kaname The grievance of the waste dog is effectively used, thereby perfectly enhancing the energy of the grievance of the waste dog. In the past few days, the body of the waste dog is also changed by the baptism of his own grievance in little by little.

At first, I really didnt believe in the Tsen Kaname in front of me, because I dont know if my body can become stronger. Although I dont know, I know it completely in this world There are other aspects and places in the noodles.

So it is said that the waste dog knows that his world view has changed since today. In the past, he knew the difference between Tenten’s killing and killing, but he lost a little protection fee, but now he has discovered , There is still a big hole in your chest, and then you can still know what you want to do so clearly, the most important point is that the big hole in your chest doesn’t hurt at all.

Its not an exaggeration to say that the waste dog has changed this World. He also wants to understand now. Since the world view has changed, it doesnt matter what he is. Whether a person is a monster, he can do what he wants to start the kingly way. In the past, the life view of a waste dog was based on money, and there was no deviation.

Now its good. The dogs outlook on life is completely comprehended because he knows this clear world where life and death are separated. He admits that he recognizes the “truth of life”, but he can Realizing the true meaning of life is definitely not a good thing.

Thats why there is a person like a waste dog that makes him Hollowfication so fast. It has not been three days before the waste dog has completely completed the Hollowfication, the most important thing. The thing is to retain his consciousne without the help of Tsen Kaname.

So Tsen Kaname also appreciates the waste dog because of the hatred of the waste dog, because he may be the only person Tsen Kaname has ever seen who has turned himself into a imaginary person. People may become very difficult to deal with guys in virtual history.

So the waste dog and Tsen Kaname like talents will come together. Its not that they are collaborating with each other. Its just that the two of them are like that. So it should be by rights. Yes, no one will feel that there is something wrong, it is appropriate.

The Hollowfication of the waste dog is also very rapid, and it is also the state of the soul free of speed. When it just becomes virtual, it can speak human’s words. This means that his qualifications even exceed the virtual reality of Arrancar. Now, not only can you speak, but also keep your own individual consciousne . It is already among the best in the virtual line, so the future development can also be said to have boundle prospects.

Have boundle prospects is also it will cause no end of trouble. It is because of being beaten by the investigation and gue ing. After the le on is a little overdone, the level of hatred is greatly deepened. Therefore, the personality of a waste dog is not regarded as normal.

I definitely have some diseases in my heart. Otherwise, how could I put all the responsibilities aside, and then blame all the sins on the gue , how could such a person be succe ful? If you get a major event, you just put aside all the responsibilities.

When the Hollowfication part is completely finished, the posture of the waste dog is very novel. It is different from other virtual ones. It not only retains consciousne , but also is full of pitch black color, and Vaizdo is also It was too hideous, with a scarlet color on the side.

It seems to be free from the white bones of the virtual. It seems to be a new kind of virtual. It seems that this is the first time I have seen such a virtual. It is also very curious to look at it. , And also holding a Soul Cut knife in his hand.

The reason is to be afraid that this waste dog is some strength. If it is emotionally unstable, it will hurt itself by mistake. So Tsen Kaname will not do such a risky thing. If it is at the worst, it will I’m looking for someone, and I can’t just do it just because of carele ne .

Suddenly, the dog turned his head and looked towards Tsen Kaname and said: “Am I strong now? I feel a kind of power going up, and it is very strong. I am also suppre ed, the more uncomfortable it is. I really want to release a lot, so it wont hurt my body, right?”

At this moment, the scrap dog is still pointing at his fleshy body lying on the ground. This is already obvious. It’s been a long time since he died, but it seems to be obse ed with the above things, let his consciousne tell himself that he is not dead yet, just lie here for a while.

Tsen Kaname also doesnt break him, because some of his imaginary mood is unstable, its extremely po ible that one thing will make his Hollowfication fall short, and he has just turned into a imaginary soul. It is also extremely fragile. As long as there is some shaking in the heart, the void in the chest will become unstable, and it is very likely that it will become the original soul.

Obviously Tsen Kaname is impo ible to let this happen, so I started to lie: “Dont worry, your fleshy body will be kept with me. Now Your body is the strength I give you. When the time comes, the mi ion I gave you is over, I will directly ask you to take revenge, and then you can swing the knife in your body. How about it, not bad?”

The waste dog is a fairly simple-minded young man. When he heard such a large profit, he immediately accepted it. He looked at Tsen Kaname with a wicked smile and said: Am I right when I kidnapped his parents? Is it nece ary to capture him alive? No other requirements?”

“No requirement, must live, if you kill me, I gue you and my head Everyone has to be separated.” Tsen Kaname said with a gesture on his neck.

The waste dog looked at Tsen Kaname, but also nodded and said: “Then I will listen to you. You can tell me what I am doing now.”

“Now your task Its very simple. Your unbearable thing is called Reiats_. You can release it arbitrarily. This will not cause any burden to your body or your strength. Dont worry, your task is very simple. At the very beginning, you can release Reiats_ around the fake checker, and let him panic as much as po ible.” Tsen Kaname looked at the waste dog and said.

Reiats_ broke out in the waste dog, and the number around was moving. The body of pitch black also began to exude a mysterious scarlet aura. Tsen Kaname is also more and more interested in this waste dog, at least It was the first time that he saw such a virtual reality.

It should be a kind of deformed hatred that caused his body to mutate, and Reiats_ is terrifying and terrifying. It feels a bit Kirito, but what is different from the hot you is when his Reiats_ is released. , Slowly it feels scarlet, there is no sense of security at all, and it is more bloody. ..

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