14. Jia Ryu

Jia Ryu opened her eyes.

Of course, I couldn’t see ahead. But she must move nonetheless.

Congenital blindness.

Jia Ryu’s world was black from the beginning. She knows that she has been learning how to live in the dark for 20 years. She has been adjusting

A second year middle school student.

Thanks to her father, an S-class hunter, she was able to get an education in a wealthy environment.

It was not easy for her to walk through the invisible world.


The reason for her life was seldom caught.

Listen with your ears. She learned Braille, and the more she “Learned” About the world, the more she realized how absurd she was that she was blind. It wasn’t just the sight that was dark, the world seemed dark.

Movies. Reading. Even enjoying the cultural life that others enjoy very easily had to go through secondary and tertiary processes.

Everything in this world was eventually made up of average points.

Jia Liu said that when she was away for a while, she heard the girls in her class talking to each other.

-He can’t see his eyes, can he? Why do you take it

-Your face is smooth. Than some kids.

-That’s an admission. That’s just what, moral superiority? Is that a trophy? Kick kick kick! Crazy b*tch, this.

-Well, nothing bad. That’s right, moral superiority. Anyway, the commute to and from school must be the same. It’s something you play with. I also do some cosplay, which is a concept.

-Hey, let’s stop talking. It’s time to come I’ll let you know if I’m wrong

-Well, what would you do if you heard it? Anyway, after he graduates from high school, he will be stuck at home. Never to meet

When I stood still and listened to their stories. Liu Jia saw herself that she was not offended by their words more than she thought.

Rather, she asked herself countless times about what the girl said at the end.

‘When I graduate… They’re stuck at home.’


After graduating from middle school like this. After graduating from a regular high school, I really felt like I would be stuck at home, just like the kid said.

Ryu Jia, who drew that conclusion, distanced herself from everyone the next day and reduced unnecessary emotional consumption.

And I coveted something new.

“Please teach me the sword too. Father.”

That was the sword.

At first, it was just an interest sparked by the sight of her older sister, who was a year older, receiving swordsmanship instruction from her father.

Quite ironically. It was Liu Jia, who was blind and not her older sister, who inherited her father’s militant talents.

After confirming his talent, he grabbed the sword to break the limit of being a ‘blind man’ that the world had placed on him.

That’s how obsessed with swords.

“How amazing.”

Liu Jia’s father couldn’t help but admire her every time he taught her second daughter.


Jia Liu is far more sensitive to hearing than her peers.

She was much more sensitive to signs.

That kind of thing made me have a much quicker judgment compared to swordsmen who wield swords based on what they see.

“If you can distinguish between enemies, it is enough to make a hunter a career.”

Liu Jia’s father, without exaggeration, said what he felt.

And when he finished the raid of the high level dungeon. As fate would have it, a martial art book appeared.

Heart Sword.

It was a martial arts book that appeared to have been written by a blind Murim person like Ryu Ji-ah.

Jia Ryu, who achieved a two-star sword, was able to distinguish enemies through the air currents flowing through people’s bodies, as written in the new book.

“Iroas, I want to go.”

The girl who devoted herself to swordsmanship for four years became interested in the world again.

There were very few hunters whose presence was clearly felt even if they did not use new skills to open their scepter.

My father or my father’s colleague. It was my former colleagues. What everyone has in common is that they are people who have crossed the line dozens of times through raids and dungeons.

So, I didn’t expect to be able to feel that presence in her classmates and seniors.

By the way.

‘It’s light.’

I saw the light on the podium at the entrance ceremony on the first day of her entrance.

Very bright light.

You don’t have to use divinity skills to recognize its existence. Even if you just stay still There was a classmate whose presence was clearly felt.

For some reason, the corner of her mouth went up.

The second day of admission.

It’s 6:30 in the morning.

Jia Liu stepped into the gymnasium dedicated to her freshman year of combat.

No matter how sincere she is in training, even though she is a student at Iroas Academy, she thought that she would be the only one at this time. She showed a certain mighty presence.

The corner of his mouth went up again for some reason.

There was only one person, Lee Do-jin, who exudes such a presence at the 1st grade gymnasium.

Wedge juice!


Jia Ryu, who briefly stared at Lee Do-jin wielding a training wooden sword placed in the gymnasium, swung the wooden sword alongside Lee Do-jin.


The two wooden swords fell side by side.

With the same breath. In the same position. At the same moment.


I looked at Liu Jia, standing side by side with me, brandishing her wooden sword.

With her eyes closed, she continued to cut her down.

The wooden sword wielded from the dawn of time was more like mind-body training, that is, meditation, rather than the purpose of honing swordsmanship.

And Ryujia seemed to wield it for that purpose as well.

Deliberately adjusting the speed and moment. It must be his own consideration that he hopes that my breathing will not be broken.

“It’s refreshing.”

At my words, Jia Liu stopped her sword after me and smiled.

“I will. It’s refreshing. Cadet Lee Do-jin.”

“You can use short words too. Ryujia.”

Liu Jia shook her head slowly.

“It’s really a habit. It has hardened beyond repair.”

I was curious about her sword. A lot.

“Can you practice sparring with a wooden sword? Lightly, just enough to loosen up your body.”

Jia Liu covered her mouth at my words and laughed.

“Really, you must really like swords.”

“Yes. It’s fun fence.”

Liu Jia nodded her head.

“Yes, I like it. I like swords too.”

Jia Liu corrected her wooden sword.

Early dawn.

A gymnasium for just the two of you.

The two pure wooden swords, untainted with sword spirit, began to collide.


All three sword strikes hit.

I looked at Jiah Ryu’s face. Her fine hair was disheveled from her sweat.

And the corner of his mouth was raised.

It was a clear smile.


Jia Ryu’s sword was literally fresh to me.

Her movements were so agile that I couldn’t believe that she couldn’t see.

It was sharp.

My sense of predicting the opponent’s sword was as developed as mine.

I didn’t even dare to anticipate how much time, effort, and blood it took to bring out the big blind spot of blindness with this weapon.


Over 40 sword strikes could not cross each other’s wooden swords and were all blocked.

“Let’s do it here, Jia Ryu.”

You could see beads of sweat forming on Ryu Ji-ah’s forehead. Her uniform was already damp.

Me too.

It was only for warming up.

‘If I do more here.’

I felt like I would have too much greed.

The desire to see Ryu Ji-ah’s whole body.


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In the end, Do-jin Lee and Jia Ryu, who stopped the sparring, sat side by side on the chairs to catch their breath.

“Haa… Can we train like this again tomorrow?”

Lee Do-jin slowly nodded at Liu Jia’s words.

Be sure to sweat all the way from morning. Moving her body made her feel energized.

“Uh, it’s me, thank you for training with me.”

Jia Ryu smiled.

“Then shall we go soon? Today is the day each instructor is assigned. It shouldn’t be late.”

“Yes, I see.”

Lee Do-jin and Ryu Ji-ah woke up together.

Lee Do-jin goes to the right where the men’s dormitory is. And Ryujia to the left where the girls’ dormitory is.

Lee Do-jin is about to leave the gymnasium.


She heard Liu Jia’s high pitched voice, which she had never heard before.

“What, are you okay?”

Lee Do-jin hurriedly ran. I could see Jia Liu holding her own left index finger with both hands.

“Muh, I think I bumped her index toe in the crack in her door. Whoa….”

Lee Do-jin looked at Ryu Jia’s face.

In the eyes that did not waver even after 40 sword strikes.

Tears welled up slightly.

“Wait a minute. I’ll bring some medicine and ointment.”

“Yes, yes….”

All surrounding landmarks with a sense of space. The girl who could see through the opponent’s movements with her hearing.

She was caught off guard by a crack in the door that rises in the slightest gap.

That’s also very strong.

Lee Do-jin brought disinfectant, ointment, and a small bandage.

She carefully held Liu Jia’s right foot with her hand.

I dabbed some antiseptic on her big toe, which was stained red.

“Ugh… Ouch!”

Jia Ryu’s fine eyebrows were slightly distorted as if they were stinging.

“Be patient.”


Lee Do-jin focused on applying her medicine.

So she didn’t notice the very slight blush on Liu Jia’s face.

“I’ll only support you up to the front.”

Lee Do-jin helped her Ryu Jia to the front of her dormitory.

“Thank you.”

“What is gratitude? I just have to say thank you.”

“Thank you.”

“Uh, see you later.”

Ji-ah Ryu looked at the light of Lee Do-jin, who was receding from her, for a long time, then she tousled her hair.

‘A crack in the door! Crack in the door! Crack in the door!!’

She said be careful, she always thought.

She was a little excited and couldn’t look around.

“My feet… You touched.”

For someone I’ve only seen twice. Her bare feet were touched.

Her face turned red again.

Liu Jia carved it into her head again and again.

In front of the gymnasium door, there is a slightly high door crack.

Damn the crack in the door.

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