[According to the notification from the headquarters, each organization, with municipal branches as the unit, will begin to inspect the personnel of the unit from now on, and select personnel to participate in this secret battlefield. , have more than 2 pieces of epic-level equipment, and master at least one epic-level skill. ]

[The Ability Department will.]

The content of this notice is very long, mostly about the selection criteria and requirements, as well as some preferences for specific occupations.

Li Rui also saw this notice at this time, because Wu Mengying directly forwarded it to the large group of the Huangliang branch.

In the Guotong Building, almost everyone is talking about it, some are excited, looking forward to, apprehensive, and anxious.

Faced with such a situation, Li Rui also raised his own doubts.

"What is the secret battlefield?"

Compared with the surrounding atmosphere, this voice seemed a bit out of place.

Wen Yan replied dumbfoundedly: "Every once in a while, usually 3 to 5 years, there will be a super-large secret realm, which we call a battlefield."

Wu Bing slid over on a swivel chair: "Because this kind of secret realm covers a very large area, people from other regions, countries, and forces all over the world will enter it, and so far, every time it has been a large-scale camp struggle, That’s why it’s called a battlefield.”

"If I'm not mistaken."

Li Rui asked, "In this kind of battlefield, will there be very high rewards?"

"That's right, there will be many high-level legendary items in the battlefield, and rare entries are more likely to appear. This time, the upper limit of level is 50, which is basically items of level 49-50. Moreover, in a few battlefields, there have even appeared Mythical equipment,"

Wu Bing pushed the sunglasses, "So, the official agencies of all countries will attach great importance to it. It can be said that this is the war in the extraordinary world."

Wen Yan continued to answer: "But the battlefield will not allow a large number of people to enter without restriction, so it is necessary to select the best, because the people who enter will fight against elites from all over the world."

"As long as you help the organization gain an advantage on the battlefield, or thwart the schemes of other forces, you will be rewarded for your meritorious service anyway. Those who have performed well on the battlefield in the past are now all important figures in the Ability Department or various organizations, or even high-level officials. summit."

Wu Bing said happily: "Our President Song made first-class achievements in the previous battlefield. At that time, he jumped two levels from the city-level vice-chairman to the provincial-level vice-chairman."

Li Rui narrowed his eyes: "Then if it were me, wouldn't I be able to directly advance from the title of junior detective to senior!"


Wu Bing was overjoyed, "Can you open your eyes and think that the emperor used a golden hoe to cultivate the land?"

Of course, Li Rui deliberately made a joke. He glanced at the engraving on the back of his hand: 11.

"I'm not eligible to sign up yet."

Wu Bing laughed again: "You'd better wait for the next time. The registration period is only three months, and the minimum level is 30, and you have to succeed in advancing."

Li Rui was noncommittal. If he swears at this time that he still wants to try, it may only lead to distrust. He thinks it's better to make a fortune in silence.

However, if you want to upgrade to level 30 within three months, from now on, it is too late to maximize the benefits of each secret realm. After all, the higher the level, the more experience you need to upgrade.

Then, the next Secret Forest of Silence is particularly critical. You must win, and if you fail, it will greatly slow down the progress of the upgrade.

After thinking about it, he felt that he needed to strengthen the administrator's coat.

He took out all the whiteboard materials he got in Lonely Town and put them into the strengthening process.

[Administrator's coat. ]

[Item level: 10. ]

[Quality: Unique]

[Note: Please keep it safe. ]

[Attributes: Defense +32, Spirit +2, Body +2. ]

[Special effect 1: It should be more handsome to wear it with a big pocket. ]

[Special Effect 2: Cold Resistance +3%]

[Special Effect 3: Lightning Resistance +8%]

[Special Effect 4: Poison Resistance +2%]

[Special entry 1: Fall damage -2%. ]

[Special entry 2: Damage caused by sharp attacks -2%]

[Eternity: Yes. ]

So far, the resistance bonus of this equipment is not too high, and the effect in actual combat will not be too obvious, mainly relying on its own defense.

This secret realm game seems to have deliberately weakened the defense attributes brought by equipment, and the defense improvement brought by the level is very small, but this jacket in question is obviously different. Wen Yan's 26-level epic jacket only provides 42 points of defense. It already provides 32 points at level 10.

This leads to a result.

If Li Rui had entered the 25-30 secret realm, these defenses would have little effect.

But what he is currently entering is a level 11-15 dungeon. Under normal circumstances, epic equipment at this stage can provide a maximum of 20 points of defense. Its 32 points can effectively reduce the damage to the torso.

It's a pity that so far, those random materials are of ordinary quality. Li Rui suspects that if one day he is lucky, or if he gets a legendary quality material from some rare mission, he can also strengthen the coat to something like the savior. god-level entry.

In addition, being unlucky in the dungeon also has other benefits. He feels that in reality, his luck has obviously improved a lot, and the frequency of encountering various accidents has also decreased a lot.

Maybe bad luck will also be consumed, and the secret realm helped him share part of it, so the reality will be better.

This time, both Wang Ba and Wu Sun walked into Li Rui's house, and of course there was He Chengli, his follower.

"According to the current intelligence summary, there are at least 11 people participating in the Silent Forest Secret Realm. This is what we have inquired about, and there must be more in reality."

Wang Ba is explaining to three young people.

Why three people, because one day later, Wusun's engraving also showed a reaction, counting down for six days, Silent Forest, he is a level 15 hunter, so he was naturally selected into the Silent Forest Secret Realm.

In this way, the team entering this secret realm is basically determined. The three of them are the most familiar and trustworthy. It is safer than adding a passerby to the secret realm.

"Team leader, do you know the specific identities of the 11 people?"

"Apart from the three of you, Huo Yun is the only one who has a relationship with Bai Li. From this point of view, he is likely to form a team with people from other organizations in advance."

Li Rui frowned: "You can't rely on guesswork."

Wu Sun was also in a dilemma: "It would be great if we could know the information in advance. When a conflict arises, at least we can seize the opportunity."

He Chengli: "Why don't you guys ask me?"

The other three looked over: "You know?"

"My mother said that Huo Yun has decided to form a team with two members of the Cangyun Society, both of whom are level 15."

Generally speaking, the organization will choose its own people to form a team. If you have to find people from other organizations, it is not impossible. After all, the relatives of the four major organizations are all from the ability department, but this may cause dissatisfaction among the internal people, thus be excluded.

However, Huo Yun doesn't care, because he was trained by the Huo family himself, not a member of the Bai Li Society. His parents are members of the Bai Li Society. If he is not angry and has the courage, he can try to exclude him.

"Hey, I can't find out about Cang Yun's meeting."

Wang Ba shook his head and said, "Our Baili Society's main activities are in the southeast, and they are in the northwest, so we are not very familiar with them."

He Chengli continued: "I know, among the three people, one is a potential rookie named Zhang Shan, a level 15 monk with an extra rare skill Golden Bell, and the other is Li Shi, a level 15 trap master, Cang Yun A mid-level detective in Huijuhe Province."

In contrast, Li Rui didn't care about the golden bell cover. He cared more about the second person: "Team leader, why are they all level 15? Brother Wu's title is elementary, and everyone is already intermediate."

Wusun became angry from embarrassment: "Aren't you also a junior!"

"But I'm only level 11." Li Rui said shamelessly.

Wang Ba felt a headache when he saw these two live treasures, and interrupted: "Stop arguing, the professional title is based on the performance of field missions. The environment here in our Huangliang Branch is relatively stable, but the jurisdiction of the Cangyun Club is close to the border. Often There are illegal agents running around, maybe that person has done a lot of meritorious deeds."

Wusun snorted, as if he had found a backer to help him vent his anger

But Li Rui changed the subject: "It means that that person may have rich practical experience."

"That's right."

Wang Ba nodded solemnly and said, "The profession of trap master is inherently insidious, and he is also good at fighting people. You should be careful."

The three of them nodded together. Now that they had identified who the most threatening competitor was, all that remained was to get together and think about strategies.

Although Li Rui was a rain caller, he had inexplicably a very good offensive ability. Wusun could act as a front row meat shield and pull out the openings.

He Chengli is amazing. Under the influence of his family, he actually acted more prudently, but maybe because he always waited for an opportunity to find a flaw to launch a fatal blow after breaking his leg in Guxuan Town. The secret system actually sent him an assassin Profession.

Their team match is actually not bad, they belong to that kind of chopper team, the highlight is a kill kill kill.

Wang Ba felt that even if these three guys couldn't win, they might turn Silent Forest upside down.

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