Whispering Verse

Chapter 1415: clues to the flower girl

【Whispering Poetry】【】

"what happened?"

Xia De asked curiously, and then noticed the noise coming from the window.

He poked his head out of the car window and found that the entrance to Mason Street was actually blocked by two horseless four-wheeled carriages lying horizontally. Sandbags and stones were placed on both sides of the carriages to block the gap.

At this time, Masonry Street was busier than ever. Except for the people watching, the masons with sledgehammers and small hammers seemed to have run to the street. Although the police were trying their best to maintain order, they still couldn't stop the masons who were divided into two groups from abusing each other and insulting each other with the most vicious language.

Although Xia De was only at the corner of the street, when he jumped out of the carriage, he could still see that the best building on the street where the Masonry Association was located seemed to be emitting smoke. Someone must have set fire there just now.

"What's the matter?"

Iluna also got down from the carriage. After Xia De paid the fare for the car driver who watched the fun, he found other idlers who watched the fun and inquired about it. Only then did he know who took the money from the royal family to the high-level stonemasons association. So rumors spread that he planned to negotiate peace with the royal family.

The anger accumulated against the Anjou royal family for more than ten years was thus ignited. Before the arrival of Shad and Iluna, some stonemasons planned to besiege the Stonemasons Association and drag the "traitors" out for trial. But fortunately, there are still some people who are more rational, so they want to stop them, which has led to the scene of almost armed fighting between the two sides seen so far.

"That Princess Margaret's plan, because of this incident, will cause more trouble?"

Iluna asked worriedly, Xia De nodded:

"Margaret just told me yesterday that she is almost sure to have resolved the matter, but there was an accident today...it must have something to do with her brother."

Masonry Street was causing trouble here, and a large number of policemen were coming from other parts of the city, so the nearby flower girls had already left. Shade and Iluna did not find the "little Liana" that the country girl mentioned just now.

Fortunately, Xia De gave two small copper coins to the beggar on the street, and the beggar who was busy watching the scene impatiently provided the news:

"Those little girls don't usually sell flowers here, so they must have gone to the Peace Church two blocks away. It's a good place. If it wasn't for "One-Eyed Jeff" to occupy the place there, I would definitely go there too Go begging. Oh, get out of the way, there's a fight over there, you're blocking my sight!"

He jumped up with his straw mat and bowl, and Shad and Iruna turned around to see the two masons wrestling with each other with their bare hands.

"Has this city always been this crazy?"

Iluna asked curiously, but Xia De couldn't answer this question.

Although the local Peace Church is located in the old town, it is still on the riverside like other churches. But after leaving Mason Street, the oppressive feeling that the storm is coming has disappeared.

It's still foggy in the city today, but at least visibility around the church is a little better. I don't know if it was Xia De's illusion, but he actually felt that there were more people going to the local Peace Church than the people he saw when he went to the Church of Dawn with Luvia a few days ago.

But then I realized that maybe it was the sense of insecurity in the city that made people more eager than usual to be protected by the gods.

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【Whispering Poetry】【】

Because Masonry Street was not far from the Peace Church, and Iluna preferred to take a walk with Shad, the two walked to the vicinity of the church. At the intersection, they happened to see a group of people carrying a fainted old man into a carriage, and the priest with a dove-shaped holy emblem on his chest told the coachman to go directly to the Church of the Sun.

"Petrochemical Plague."

Xia De whispered to Iluna, and the two stopped at the periphery of the noisy crowd, and then watched the carriage leave. From people's discussions, we know that the old gentleman just went to the church to worship with his family, but he was only a hundred steps away from entering the church before he had an accident.

And this incident did not affect the haunting of the flower girls.

The beggar at the corner of Shijiang Street was right. There are indeed many flower sellers around here. Xia De and Iluna found someone at random, and in Xia De spent money on Iluna, who repeatedly expressed that she didn't need it, and bought a winter greenhouse.

After the roses grown in the garden, the flower seller led them to find Lianna who was indeed nearby, but was eating black bread in the alley.

The girl called "Little Lianna" looked about thirteen or fourteen years old, but her eyes were shrewder than all the flower sellers Xia De and Iluna had met so far.

After listening to Iluna's self-introduction, she didn't ask Iluna more questions first, but looked at Xia De:

"Sir, may I ask if you bought this flower for Miss Bayas?"

Iluna was a little embarrassed, but Xia De nodded:

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"I've never heard that when the police go out to investigate, they can take their boyfriend with them."

The girl looked at Xia De and said, Xia De smiled and nodded:

"Yes, it's really against the rules. So, I'll buy you a flower too, can you keep a secret for Miss Bayas?"

So the little girl called "Little Leanna" nodded immediately, and picked out a beautiful red rose from her basket.

Although Iluna is very happy that Xia De can send her roses, she is not happy that Xia De was "blackmailed" by others:

"Don't waste this money."

"It's okay, giving you flowers, how can it be considered a waste? Hurry up and ask questions." Iluna could only nod a little unhappy, and when she looked at Lianna, her face was obviously not very good:

"We are here to investigate the serial disappearances of flower girls. Yes, it is for your own good. We have already found other flower girls who disappeared and returned. Although they have no other clues, they think you are well-informed, so able to help the police.”

Judging by Iluna's expression, if the little girl in front of her said she didn't know anything at this moment, Iluna would probably really teach her a lesson.

"I know!"

Fortunately, the girl, like Xia De, both sensed Iluna's emotions:

"There are 11 missing girls in total, and 7 of them came back. Including the baron's daughter and maid who made a fuss a few days ago, 4 of them didn't come back! When all of them disappeared, they were all alone. In the case of one person, even the baron's daughter disappeared first, and her maid disappeared when she asked for help."

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【Whispering Poetry】【】

Iluna nodded:

"So, what use is this to us?"

"You can find someone to pretend to be a flower girl, act alone, and lure that bad guy into being fooled!"

The girl looked at Iruna:

"Miss Detective, I think you are very suitable."

"This kind of risk can't be taken casually. Besides, this city is so big, how could it be possible to meet that bad guy after pretending?"

Xia De stopped immediately, but the flower girl said again:

"I know this. The girls who disappeared all disappeared when they passed through an empty alley. Therefore, the adults are right. Children should not go into the alley alone."

Iluna was obviously moved, but Xia De was still worried:

"You guys must have had your own discussions about the disappearance of the girls. So, what do you think? Is it really human trafficking specifically targeting flower girls?"

"No no, it's a flower girl monster!" said the young girl:

"This is a rumor among flower girls. The content of the rumor is that if a flower girl moves alone in the middle of the night and sells flowers to single men, she may be kidnapped by men who turn into monsters. walk and hurt."

Although she looked mature, she was still too young, so she didn't understand what she said:

"But it sounds strange, why would someone sell and buy flowers on the street at night?"

Iluna tried her best not to smile, but she had already made up her mind, maybe she could really try to lure out the enemy behind the scenes.

When he touched the girl's forehead in the village just now, Xia De did feel the traces of a very low whisper element. Whispering elements do not have any other production conditions other than being produced from relics,

In other words, this matter is really related to the relic.

Since unknown relics were involved, he definitely disagreed with Iluna using him as a bait, but Iluna thought it was a good idea.

So after bidding farewell to Lianna, the flower seller, the two talked all the way to the Wilde Opera House. The three great witches are not here at this time, only Miss Lasers has just returned from going out. After Xia De learned the truth about the guardian~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Although it became less important to pursue the truth about Mr. Lathers, she still did it.

The three had lunch together at the Wilde Opera House, during which Shade told Miss Lassers what the two were doing.

"Actually, have you considered another way?"

So the young blonde girl asked curiously:

"Our sect is best at reading and rewriting memories. Although the Orthodox Church cannot read those erased memories, I might be able to. Why don't you ask me for help?"

Miss Lasers' idea is very reasonable, and the most important thing is that it is very safe.

It happened that some of the girls who returned after disappearing were selling flowers near the Wilde Opera House, so the three of Shade went out to find the flower girls, and then asked Miss Lassers to try to read the forgotten memories and erase them. Except for the memory that she saw three people and was done strange things by them.

"I can't get the complete memory fragment either."

When she returned to the Opera House again, Miss Lassers admitted:

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【Whispering Poetry】【】

"However, I saw some scattered fragments. In the first fragments of her lost memories, she met another flower girl in the alley. She was very young and dressed strangely. You should understand that the seller Most of the girls in Hua are from low-level poor families, but she met the little girl who was dressed as if she came out of a story, with layered skirts, lace-embellished hats, and black shiny buttons Little leather shoes, I never knew that any flower girl would dress herself like this."

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