Whispering Verse

Chapter 1222: forest beast

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"It's hard to explain. Three people are offering sacrifices to a god. I'm sure all three songs have been lost."

Shad shrugged:

"In the investigation report submitted to the academy, I only recorded the lyrics. I don't know how to write tunes into scores, so I give them to you as gifts. If those three people who lived in the fifth era knew their songs , can be reproduced in the next era, and I should be very happy."

There was a slight smile on the witch's face:

"This gift is very nice... Do you often play this kind of game with Galina?"


Xia De looked up at her, and the witch shook her head belatedly:

"It's nothing, I just roughly know why a witch like Galina, who is greedy for power, would fall in love with you. It's really good..."

Shade has already chosen lunch for the two of them, orange-flavored de la rione toast and chicken pie, and is putting them in a pot and putting them on the campfire to heat up.

The witch watched the blue smoke drift towards the forest, so she suggested:

"There's still some time before lunch, do you want to hear me sing?"

"Of course, what are you going to sing?"

Xia De asked with a smile, deciding to show off in front of Dorothy or Rezia after returning home tonight.

The witch waved the book in her hand:

"How about the three songs you hummed just now? Among the three songs, only the bard's song is suitable for a man's voice, and the other two are sung by women, right?"

"Yes, then please. It would be nice to hear them again."

He made a gesture of please, and after confirming that the pot was stable, he also sat down, sitting on the side of the witch. Miss Benanis was inexplicably embarrassed, but quickly adjusted her expression:

"There's still a lot of time, which one do you want to hear first? The church hymn? Or the unicorn country ballad?"

"The last one is the ballad sung by the twelfth-level witch I mentioned. However, she used a power I couldn't understand at that time, and planted a small tree to accompany her."

Shad described it, while Miss Benanis asked with a smile:

"Without accompaniment, can my voice be inferior to the witch in the fifth season?"

Holding the book in his left hand, he pressed his chest with his right hand to try to pronounce, and then motioned Xia De to pay attention. In the snowy woods, amidst the crackling of the bonfire, Miss Bernice's singing sounded.

Strictly speaking, although the melody and lyrics are the same, the Miss Brecht of the previous century and the Miss Bernanice of this century sang in two completely different styles. Even when Miss Benanis sang, she would add inversions in some subtle places, or lower or raise the pitch to match her singing habits.

This small change made the song "The Witch Riding a Unicorn" more beautiful on the original basis. _o_mThe singing echoes in the empty Xidi forest, the hibernating squirrels in the tree holes, the horses resting under the trees, the rabbits coming out of the snow holes, the pure white animals looking for food in the forest, and Shade by the campfire, all are quiet Listened to the moving ballad.

When the singing was over, Xia De was busy using a poker to clear the bonfire, so he didn't applaud, but he still said very seriously:

"Very good, very good."

Miss Benanis nodded slightly reservedly, with a satisfied smile on the corner of her mouth. She lowered her head and wanted to choose the second song to try, but suddenly, together with Xia De, she heard the sound of footsteps coming from the forest behind her.

Something came out of the Innas Forest in southern Xiti, stepping on a thick layer of snow. After carefully distinguishing the footsteps that did not sound like human beings, it was realized that it was a heavy four-hoofed animal.

"In the local winter, are there wild boars near Xidi?"

Xia De asked, stood up holding a poker and looked behind the witch, guessing that the wild animals were attracted by the smell of food. But if you look closely, the four-hoofed animals approaching in the distance don't look like wild boars, but instead look like white pony:

"Are there wild horses around?"

"This is a mountainous area, not a plain. Where did the wild horses come from?"

Miss Benanis also stood up and looked behind, and then both of them saw a four-hoofed beast with pure white light coming from the snow in the forest. on the head is. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 1222 Small Beasts in the Forest

It has a golden unicorn, surrounded by curled white wings. The light at noon in winter slanted on the little beast through the forest tops and tree crowns. For a moment, Xia De thought he had entered some fairy tale kingdom again:

"Huh? I haven't eaten mushrooms yet, and I'm hallucinating?"

[It's not a hallucination, it should be attracted by food and singing. 】

"She" said softly in Xia De's ear, Xia De was stunned for a moment, and looked at Miss Benanis. It is absolutely impossible for unicorns to appear in the hinterland of human civilization. If such a dangerous creature really flew into the Randall Valley, but the Church of the Five Gods did not find it, then the diocese would probably be in trouble.

Either way, it's a bona fide unicorn. The stunned Miss Benanis didn't realize it until Shade came to him, she subconsciously took two steps forward, she didn't expect that the pure white beast that seemed to come out of a fairy tale world stopped immediately After standing down, there was a look of fear in Lan Yingying's beautiful eyes. @重量\\/书阁*First release update~~

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