Whispering Poems Chapter 630


The Undead Behind Chapter 628

Captain Radees is not on vacation today, but is sent Get someone to help fix a broken steam engine in the Redwater camp.

And when I heard that Captain Rades was also from the Red Water Camp, Shade looked towards him and asked about the First Company of Red Water Camp - Lieutenant Houghton, which was what Laccia asked Shade to help investigate. people.

Captain Radees wasn't very wary of Shade, and told him that Lieutenant Shorton had recently won a lot of gold pounds playing cards with others in the city, and he was even seen taking a break from duty at night. , smoking cigars outside camp.

"An expensive cigar?"

Shade asked.

"Are cigars still cheap?"

Captain Radees asked curiously.

So, what Lacia asked Shade to investigate was simply completed.

Captain Radees was very familiar with the school set up in the castle. When he heard that Shade was looking for someone, he offered to help him lead the way. Anyway, the person he was looking for has already been found. Just now, he was thinking of finding a pub in the city to sit before the return time in the evening. . .

Since you've met Shade, it's okay to help.

Although it is a "mechanical academy", the folklore major in the school is not small at all. With Captain Laddes in military uniform leading the way, the two made their way through the Academy unimpeded.

Crossing the scholar walking in the castle holding books, passing by the young students discussing their schoolwork and grades, and finally hanging on the east side of the third floor of the castle "Folklore-No. 11" In the slightly cramped one-person office, they met Professor John Dunn.

Professor Dunn is a middle-aged man who has lost all his hair but looks to be in his forties. Although the clothes are a little sloppy, the eyes behind the pair of gold glasses are very sharp.

He was a little surprised to see an officer visiting with a stranger, and stood up to welcome him. But after listening to Shade's self-introduction, talking about Mother-in-law Cassandra, the professor immediately understood:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Watson, Captain Ladds. So you are Ms. Cassandra. If you want to be a good person, then please sit down, it's like this."

He regarded the captain as someone who was investigating the whereabouts of Antique. .

"Our Academy's Folklore major has a good relationship with Cassandra Auction House. In other words, most of the Academy's folklore major's family property is sponsored by Cassandra Auction House."

Speaking of this matter, the professor seemed very calm:
"We have been in friendship with Cassandra Auction House for about a hundred years, and the graduates are also very popular with Auction House. Not long ago, I got a very nice bronze jar, which was bought by Ms. Cassandra who heard the news. I was going to hand over the bronze jar to Auction House this week, but the jar was unexpected Stolen."

"Stolen? Any clues?"

Shade took out his notebook to record.

Professor nodded:
"The bronze jar must still be in the Academy, because it's probably and um."

Professor looked around:
"Probably and This captain is the same height. Shipping this cargo in and out requires registration, and we're pretty sure it hasn't been shipped."

"Why wasn't the police called?"

Lades Capt curiously asked.

"After all, it's a theft from inside the Academy, it's not good for us to spread it out, and"

Professor's eyes flickered:
"The one who got that antique Ways, some, yes, just some. They don't conform to the mandatory state rules and regulations that the general public abides by. Do you understand?"

Both Shade and Captain Radees are nodded, which is illegal, but Neither of them cared about it:
"So is there any clue other than knowing that the jar must be in this castle?"

Shade asked again.

"I know I shouldn't be suspicious of my students, but Mr. Henry Wahl, who is graduating in two years, is a big suspect. You can find him to investigate, your identity is Kassan Detective hired by Della Auction House. I've already said hello in the Academy ahead of time that someone from Kassandra Auction House will be looking into this in the next few days, so feel free to walk around here."

Henry Wahl, a 22-year-old folklore student at the Meadhillburg Mechanical Academy, comes from a wealthy farmer's family in the countryside north of Midhillsburg. But two years ago, due to some reasons, the young students who were accustomed to a wealthy life after their own family declined, still maintained their original standard of living, and in the winter of about 1851, the Academy found out that they were selling illegal drugs in the urban area. drug.

A year after being sternly admonished and ordered to repeat a grade, young Henry Wahl is back to normal. As for suspecting him, that was because before the bronze jar was stolen, someone saw him sneakily appearing near Professor Dunn's office, and when he was approached by the professor for questioning, he showed an abnormal state.

"I can't directly ask my students if they are thieves."

Professor Dunn said helplessly:
"To be honest, I don't want to believe that my students are thieves either. , so I asked Ms. Cassandra to send a strong helper to help me investigate. I don't know how much Ms. Cassandra paid for you, but as long as the bronze jar can be found, I can give you five pounds each. "

The folklore professor looks very wealthy.

Shade glanced at the captain beside him, the captain slightly disapproved, meaning he wanted to make money too, and Shade didn't mind having a helper by his side.

"Okay, Professor."

He wanted to ask about the "Gemini Gods" first and then investigate, but Professor Dunn also seemed very busy and asked Shade to investigate. Come to him after you find out about the theft of antiques.

So Shade and Captain Radeth left the professor's office and found Mr. Henry Wahl in the great library in the basement of the Academy.

This is a youngster with yellow hair, wearing glasses like the professor, and wearing his own clothes instead of the Academy's uniform, it's impossible to tell from his clothes that his family has fallen into disrepair.

When Shade and Captain Radees saw him, youngster was looking for books in the "Folk and Culture" category bookshelf, and when he saw the two coming, he put the book he wanted to pull out. Going back, Shade glanced at the title, which read "Legendary Anecdote: Vampires in the Shadows" on the spine.

This should be a popular novel or urban legend book.

"Gentlemen, may I ask you something?"

The yellow-haired youngster asked in an impatient tone. He looked extremely tired, with heavy dark circles on his face.

“We were hired by Cassandra Auction House to investigate antique thefts and wanted to ask every student who entered the professor’s office this past weekend.”

Shade said , the eyes looked towards the back of the person who was talking to him. Captain Laddes and this Mr. Henry Wahl certainly couldn't see it, but he clearly saw the soul of a young woman lying on his back.

That's an Evil Spirit, but it's not very powerful, so it's not quite enough for an ordinary person to see it during the day. Seeing Shade looked towards her, Evil Spirit wanted to roar at Shade, but when Shade glared at her, he honestly stopped moving.

“So many Evil Spirits in Fort Midhill.”

Shade thought to himself.

"No problem, what do you want to ask?"

Mr. Wahl said, nothing unusual from his expression. Shade gave Captain Radees a wink and asked him to help record, and then asked:
"You went to the professor's office over the weekend, and the professor said that you were asking about the end-of-year exam. At that time, you saw the Is it just a big bronze jar?"

"I see, it's so big that it's hard not to notice."

"Have you asked about that jar?"

"Yes, asked, I was curious about it."

"So, did you tell anyone else about that bronze jar."

youngster thought for a moment impatiently:
"I think I mentioned it at Barbara Jaylin's weekend party, but I don't remember anyone hearing me say it at the time. thing, but heard guys, It shouldn't be less than a wad."

"a wad" in Delarion lingua franca also refers to the number 14, which is said to be due to the original Canned fish are sold in bundles of 14.

"No problem, then I'm bothering you," said Shade, greeting Captain Radees and saying goodbye to Mr. Val. After leaving the row of bookshelves, Shade glanced back to confirm that the other party was not following.

And Captain Radees said in a low voice at this time:
"That youngster is wrong, his eyes are a little too fierce. It's like this kind of look I've seen too many, especially here Most of my students have little social experience, Henry Wahl, he has definitely seen blood."

The captain said with great certainty that before the title of "Captain Eight Guns", he It is also a solid experience from ordinary soldiers, so this judgment should be no problem.

"Have you seen blood?"

Shade nods. He saw the Evil Spirit that was entangling Henry Vaal and destroying his life force, probably "seeing blood" "Source:

"Captain, could you watch him temporarily? Watch if he leaves the library, and if so, find out as much as possible where he went."

"Do you have any other leads to investigate?"

Captain Radees asked curiously.

"Yes, I am a professional detective, and I have never encountered a commission that cannot be resolved."

Shade smiled and tapped his chest, while Captain Radees nodded. I remembered the scene a few months ago when Shade was on the streets of Tobesque, helping the woman who lost her child to find the child. At that time, Shade also seemed to have observed some clues out of thin air, and almost found the alley where the prisoner was without taking a detour.

"Okay, I can also ask other students about the bronze jar here."

The captain fully trusted Shade.

"Okay. Oh, and also asking if there's been a homicide at this school in the last few weeks."

Shade said, and Captain Radees frowned slightly:

"You mean no problem, leave it to me."

(end of this chapter)

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