Whispering Poems Chapter 620


Chapter 618 Folklore Study of Fort Midhill
Gunfire came from directly above the inn, And judging from the clarity of the sound, the source is not the nearest second layer, but more like from the furthest four layers.

"Oh, damn it!"

The captain cursed in a low voice, packed up his cards and apologized to Shade, and walked to the counter on the first floor with Lieutenant Hoyle, obviously wanting to be with the hotel. The store manager went upstairs to check the situation. Before the local police arrived, they were wearing Delarion officers' uniforms to maintain the scene and check if there were any injured people who could be rescued.

The guests on the first floor silently settled the bills and left from the door, for fear of being involved in trouble. And Shade neither followed the two officers upstairs nor left with the majority.

He stood up, ordered two glasses of low-brewed cider from the waiter who replaced the bearded manager, then took the glasses, sat opposite the bard in the corner, and took one of them. Push the wine to each other.

Although bootlegging is prohibited in the kingdom, small-scale winemaking like this one in a large inn is allowed. These two glasses of cider are made from the apples harvested in the first season of the Xikar Mountains this summer. Although they are not as good as the ciders from the big wineries, they are at least cheaper.

There was a shooting upstairs, and the bard couldn't continue his performance. But leaving here means that no other income can be obtained today, so the poet waits in a corner. Seeing Shade sitting across from him and even offering him a glass of wine, the poet recognized Shade as the one who threw out two one-shilling Silver Coins:

"Thank you."

He said cautiously, not knowing what the youngster in front of him wanted to do.

“You know a lot of the ancient legends of Fort Midhill and the Sikar Mountains?”

Shade asked.


The poet's cautious nodded.

"Since you can't act now, why don't you tell me these stories. I can pay for your drinks this afternoon."

Although Shade didn't say cash Thank the other party, but it's nice to have someone drink for free on this afternoon when it's obviously not going to be a business.

"No problem, you want to know more"

Suddenly there was another gunshot upstairs. Although it was two floors apart, Shade could hear a different gunshot from the previous one.

The poet was taken aback, Shade didn't care much, even if Ring Warlock wanted to kill with a gun, he would use a mute spell or something to silence the gunshot, so the upstairs thing must be different from Ring. Warlock is irrelevant.

"I would like to know how many local beliefs there are in this area, that is, the esoteric religion that only spreads in the local area of Midhill Fort."

Information given by Shade from the spirit cultivator order I have learned about similar information in , but I still want to ask again from the perspective of an ordinary person.

“I don’t know as many local secret religions as the Orthodox Church, but there are quite a few secretly circulated.”

The poet saw that Shade was not afraid of gunfire, so he Also bold:
"There is no local legend about Evil God."

When he mentioned "Evil God", he subconsciously shrank, his eyes looked towards the stairs leading to the second floor . A few of the guests who didn't leave sat in their original positions, and the rest gathered around the stairs to watch the fun.

"But there are some special beliefs. The legendary old god [Twin God] is said to have stayed in the local area, so the local residents generally believe that the twin has special spirituality."

"There is also such a saying in other places."

The Shade sect nominated, but the cult of the [Twin Gods] had long since been shattered, and the [spirit cultiv sect] took root here, clearly 's records the disappearance of that old order, so don't worry.

He talked with the poet a few words about the particularity of "twin", and then extended to some local customs. During the period, two police officers who were patrolling nearby rushed in, one ran up the stairs under the guidance of a good person, and the other blew the whistle to seek help.

Two blocks away is the railway station of Fort Midhills, and there are not only a lot of policemen, but even a well-prepared infantry company nearby. Of course, the current situation does not require the help of the garrison.

“In addition to the old gods, there are also some special beliefs in the local area.”

The poet took a sip of cider and pointed in the direction of Mount Sikar:

"In addition, there is a very traditional worship of mountains in the local area."

"I can understand that it is natural to rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and then worship the Mount Sikar, which raised the city."

Shade is nominee, the poet understood for a while Shade's blunt translation of "relying on the mountain to eat the mountain":
"Yes, before Meadhill Fort became the front line of the two countries, this place itself was A very small town. There was no steam industry at that time, people made a living by hunting for local lords and serving orchards, so this localized belief was formed. But with the advent of the steam age, this primordial The faith itself has gradually died out, and now it can only be seen in some folk scholar books.”

This extinct primordial nature worship mentioned by the bard is the spiritual cultivator order. It is not mentioned in the documents, presumably the order considers this kind of history to be of little significance.

"It's interesting to worship a mountain. Did you know that Mount Sikar is an extinct volcano?"

Shade suddenly asked, and the poet took a sip of cider nodded:
"Of course, Since extinct volcanoes are mentioned, another traditional natural belief must be mentioned. In fact, there is a tradition of worshipping fire locally.”

“Worshiping fire?”

One The sheriff with a star on his shoulder, along with two high-level police officers and a group of ordinary police officers, hurried in from the hotel door, and there were two doctors with medicine boxes in the middle. Two police officers were left to guard the first floor, and the others rushed up the stairs. But after the second shot, there was no more gunshots for a long time, thinking that the matter was over.

"Is this tradition of worshiping fire, is it natural worship, or is there a legend that a great person with the power of fire once appeared here?"

Shade curiously asked, to the waiter beckons with the hand , let the bard who's finished his cider order some more drinks at will. While the poet was talking to the waiter, Shade took a sip from the glass of cider in front of him. The taste of alcohol in it was weaker than any wine he had ever drank, and it was basically the same as fruit juice.

And seeing the fruit wine, he somehow remembered yesterday's dinner.

"The fire-worship tradition of Fort Midhill is also quite ancient. Although in the contemporary era dominated by the Church of the Five Gods, large-scale sacrificial activities have not been seen, it can be known from those traditional stories. , the local special festival of Midhill Fort, and the Fire Worship Festival in autumn originated from this.”

Shade has also heard of local special festivals, but the modern mainstream view is that it is a prayer Don't start a wildfire in autumn in Tiangan Wuzao. After all, fall is the most important season for logging, hunting and fruit and vegetable picking.

He mused, asking the poet about these things, but to see if he could get the divinity in Fort Midhill, as in Cold Harbor. But obviously, the faith situation in this inland city is more complicated than he thought.

"Moreover, there is a saying that this ancient worship of nature for flames has been absorbed by the Church of Nature."

The poet lowered his voice and knew this It's best not to be heard by a third person:

"However, if you want to know about these things, you can ask Mr. Thales, the boss of this inn. Although he is the god of nature【 Lord of All, but very much worships fire."


Shade nods.

At this time, footsteps were heard again at the entrance of the stairs, and it was the hotel Boss who was frowning and followed by a police officer with a gun to the first floor to get the account book.

"It seems that someone really died."

The poet who had known the bearded Boss for many years shook his head:
"If someone died in the hotel, it would have a great impact. Business."

The waiter brought a new glass of wine for the poet, who was probably expecting a normal performance in the evening, so he just asked for a glass of ale with a low degree of alcohol.

Shade paid for the second drink:

“Twin worship, mountain worship, fire worship, this place is really interesting, maybe can provide more inspiration for my new book ."

He said it deliberately.

p> "Are you a writer?"

The poet curiously asked, and Shade <:
"An anonymous writer, you know the Hamilton Detective serialized in the Steam Bird Daily. A collection of stories? I'm trying to emulate this type of detective fiction, writing a new book, and I'm currently collecting material."

"Certainly know, it's almost like this fall, Delarion is the most popular The Steam Bird Daily is only published around Tobeysk and in the middle and west of the kingdom, but because of this serialized story, even the Midshire Fort area can now find places touting outdated Steam Bird Daily

Bard has a lot to talk about when it comes to detective stories:

"I also ordered a copy of the Steam Bird Daily at the local post office, but it's copyrighted Yes, otherwise I would have liked to adapt the story of Detective Hamilton into a poem speaking of which coincidence, the ultimate winner of Ayutthaya, the Knight of Rejed, was also named Hamilton."

He didn't. can successfully link the two together.

Footsteps were heard again at the entrance of the stairs, and a high-level police officer came downstairs and shouted the names of the two male waiters on the first floor, who followed the policemen in panic. building.

"The taller one was on the fourth floor last night and was in charge of checking the corridor windows and complained to Thales about the windows leaking. The other one was in charge of carrying luggage for the guests on the upper floors."

The poet told Shade that he was very familiar with the situation here.

"This is the beginning of the interrogation session? I wonder if anyone died because of it."

Shade whispered, and then asked:
"Except for the twin worship, Besides fire worship, are there other localized beliefs?"

There seems to be no Evil God belief in the local area, or the poets dare not say so, so Shade can only explore these folk-customized things .

(end of this chapter)

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