Whispering Poems Chapter 593


Chapter 591 Letters of Recommendation

“Tifa and I met Order nuns in Darkness Domain , and know some things."

Shade nodded.

“The reason for [spirit cultivator order] and the council is good not only because the Speaker has a wide range of friends, but also because of the mother-in-law Kassandra. She is really a native of Midhillsburg. I have helped the church, and I have helped the church. Of course, this is also because, although there are men and women in the [spirit cultivator order], they are mainly women. Especially the nuns who are qualified to wear silver crowns as blindfolds, they The eyes are very powerful. Although these women are sometimes more talkative than the fortune-tellers of the Prophet Society, they are very capable. If you need, I can also send you a letter and ask them to give you some Help, but it can only be a letter of recommendation, and can't expose our relationship."

But if it's just a letter of introduction, not the help of the local Great Demon female Ms. Cassandra, [spirit cultivator order] The help and convenience that can be provided to Shade is obviously limited.

Shade thought for a while:
"Anyway, let me contact the [spirit cultivator] first. I'd like to reconsider about Ms. Cassandra."

"Okay, Tifa, send the letter I wrote to Shade, remember to stamp it. The [spirit cultivator order] is mainly active in the eastern part of the continent, and they existed in Midhill Castle in the last era. Yes. I know more about the boundary between life and death than I do. The current leader of the sect is the Eleventh Ring Warlock Sister Daveline. Although disabled, she is a very beautiful and elegant lady with a stature.”

“cough cough.”

Tifa, who was opening the inkpad box on the desk, coughed violently. Demoness glanced at her, stopped the conversation, and laughed to Shade:

"Anyway, you go to her with my letter, she should not mind giving you some help. The people of the [spirit cultivator] respect nature and death, and believe that all things have spirits, apart from this There's nothing to hide."

She took a sip from the teacup, and seeing Shade's thoughtful expression, she signaled that he had a question to talk about.

"How come that Ms. Cassandra, who is over a hundred years old, only has ten rings? No, I'm not saying ten rings are low, but compared to you."

The red-haired Demoness put down the teacup with a smile, and Shade noticed that she was wearing a pair of white lace gloves today:

"I know what you mean, I'm only in my twenties and I'm already eleven rings. , although Tifa only has six rings, but she is younger. This is easy to explain, we have two sets of super mortal body systems, and under the mutual promotion, the demoness has made very rapid progress. But this kind of growth requires innate talent , we are very similar to ordinary ring warlocks, the ring warlocks just grow a little slower, but they will also encounter a situation where it is extremely difficult to obtain spirit rune at a certain level."

Shade expressed his understanding , If everyone has the potential to become the thirteenth ring, that is a very strange thing. The middle-aged Demoness he met at the drinking party of the blood-sucking god [Vampire Duke Laurel] also took the risk to participate in the Evil God's drinking party because he wanted to gain the power of breakthrough.

"My limit is about 11th ring, to be honest, I've been at this level for over two years. This is normal for normal ring warlock, but almost equivalent for Demoness to stagnation."

"So what about Tifa's innate talent?"

Shade curiously asked.

"It's hard to say, innate talent is not in a storybook, you can test it out by touching a crystal ball. But doesn't she have Feliana's gift? If you encounter difficulties, you can directly upgrade to Level 1.

That's good."

A gift from Miss Feliana, which allows Tifa's Demonness rank to be forced to upgrade in addition to the 12th rank and ten third rank. That is to say, if Tifa can be promoted to the Demones of the 11th Rank like Miss Galina, then she can immediately become the Demones of the 12th Rank.

"It's really jealous"

Miss Galina sighed softly, but there was not much jealousy in her tone:

"But it's okay, Tifa is my person."

The black-haired lady maid winked at Shade, her slightly playful eyes didn't know what it meant.

Shade didn't go home that night because he was at Miss Galina's place and talked to her about Midhill Castle until late at night.

Anyway, he brought Mia out, so he stayed with the cat at Demonness's manor. Miss Galina specially arranged a room for Shade in the manor, and every time Shade stayed overnight at the manor, she would rest here.

Carriage drove Shade into town early Friday morning. He first went to the Prophet Society to sign some documents, received other prizes for the "Big City Players 1853" champion, and chatted with Mark Vice-President about this tournament for a while.

Then went to Coldwater Harbor and asked Mr. Edmund about Fort Midhill and the [Little Space]. The Old Mister was quite surprised to hear what Shade said there, and said he did know something.

"You should know that the Hermit Order is a very old organization, and our research and records of it may be even more detailed than the Church of the Five Gods. The boundary between life and death should not exist. In fact, it is caused by the mistakes of the world."

"What is the 'error of the world'?"

Shade curiously asked, the old man answered very seriously:


"The departure of the Ancient God [Ancient Death God], who is in charge of death, has caused the instability of the Death Rule itself."

He suddenly lowered his voice, which means that he wants to talk about those real There is a great one in existence:

"Think about it carefully, youngster, which of the five righteous gods now has [death] in the main priesthood?"

Shade After thinking for a while, then shook his head in surprise:
"It doesn't seem to be. The closest ones are the [God of Nature and Evil Thought] the Lord of All Things, and the [God of Creation and Destruction] The Lady of Creation, but obviously none of those are Direct 'death'."

"Yes, the Hermit Order believes that the emergence of the narrow gap between life and death represents the initial sign of the world's demise. The constant occurrence of problems in the narrow gap represents the increasing doomsday. Nearly."

Shade has not forgotten that this is an organization that promotes doomsday:
"But the initial appearance of life and death can be traced back to the Fourth Era and even earlier. Is the world The destruction of the world, since then?"

He couldn't help asking, and Mr. Edmund was a little embarrassed:
"These are still to be studied, but the world's mistakes are getting more and more , this is a fact that can be concluded."

Although Mr. Edmund didn't know how to rescue the people who had strayed into the narrow room, his words at least told Shade that this wrong phenomenon Just how terrifying.

Stop having lunch at the lighthouse, Shade went home before lunch, and after lunch with the cat, the doctor, Dorothy, and Luvia all arrived at about one o'clock.

The doctor first divided the winnings they had won in the underground casino as the champions of the big city players. The odds were 1 to 1.51 because Shade was basically certain to make it to the final when the Doctor went to bet. Shade bet £1,200 and got back £1,750 after deductions for handling fees and hard work for the doctor. This money not only made up for the cost of buying the spell [Elf's Detoxification] last Saturday, but it even made Shade's wallet a little richer.

If it weren't for the Augustus priest thing, this would have been something everyone could be happy about. But Priest is dying now, and they have no interest in celebrating winning. So hastily once again congratulated Shade on being named "King of Lords Cards of 1853", and others shared their mixed news.

"The Academy has launched an investigation at Fort Midhill, and they acted very quickly to confirm the disappearance of Augustus Priest. Although it was not the same as Shade, it was not possible to really confirm that Priest fell in.

The boundary between life and death, but the legend of Fort Midhill is also suspected. At present, St. Byrons is negotiating with the church and wants to investigate the secrets of Fort Midhill."

Academy After all, it is far away from the civilized world, and the Church of the Five Gods knows the most secrets of the civilized world.

"August Priest is not the only one missing. More than 10 people have been missing recently in Midhillsburg and the surrounding Sikor Mountains. The church is investigating, but they refuse to report St. Byrons revealed the details because they don't think it has anything to do with the three Mystic Art Academy."

"What does the church know? Why does it seem like it's keeping it a secret?"

Shade asked suspiciously, and Dr. Schneider shook his head:
"It can only be confirmed that the local problem is very big."

"The Imperial Family Army stationed near Fort Midhill also appeared. Two cases of disappearance have been reported, but they have not been notified to the church because of the involvement of the frontline station.”

Dorothy said, Luvia and Dr. Schneider both looked towards her in amazement, curious about her news source.

"I tried my best to get a summary of the anomalies in Fort Midhills over the years. You can check these for yourself."

She gave Shade a large Exaggerated kraft paper bag, I don't know how Lai Xia got so much information in half a day.

"Does the Society of Prophets have any information about Fort Midhill?"

Shade asked Luvia, who was nodded:

" The association's records about Fort Midhill are very strange, only mentioning that the ring warlock of the association must never hold a large ceremony in that city, and prohibit any prophets with strong divination inspiration from going there. More information required I need some time to apply. I only know that the association is very afraid of Midhill Fort City."

"Well, the church and the Academy should be trying to figure it out, Midhill. What's going on in Midhill, but we can't do nothing."

Shade concludes:

"I've been going to Midhill a lot lately, and I There are also a few friends over there."

"You have a lot of friends."

Dr. Schneider commented casually.

“priest disappeared between 2 and 4 pm on Wednesday. According to the most optimistic scenario, he can survive for a week on the border between life and death. Today is Friday, which is Say, until next Wednesday, I'll be at Fort Midhill most of the day. Dorothy, please help me take care of Mia."

Only those who don't need to go to work every day Miss Writer has time.

"Okay, I'll come to your house every morning, I can write anywhere anyway."

"Doctor, you keep in touch with the Academy, I hope the Academy can come up with a solution as soon as possible. ."

Doctor nodded, but doesn't look very optimistic. If Augustus Priest can be saved, even if the Priest is a correspondence student, the Academy will certainly do its best to do it. But the problem is that the Church of the Five Gods does not plan to share with the Academy what is going on in Midhill Fort, and they have no information channel to inquire about the actions of the church itself. (Note)
"Luvia, the information in the Prophet Society still needs your continued efforts to get it. The Academy knows surprisingly little about Midhill Castle, except for my friends and the church, we We can only find clues from the Prophet's Association."

"No problem, but I have to warn you, Shade, please remember. If it is not as a last resort, you must not enter the [Life and Death] ]."

Luvia said it very seriously, and the doctor and Dorothy also nodded:
"We have almost lost the first, and we can't lose the second person."

PS: Although Iluna has great authority, she is in the Tobesque diocese, and there is no reason to abruptly investigate the situation in the Diocese of Midhillsburg.

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