Whispering Poems Chapter 589


Chapter 587 Blindness and Prophecy
"Then what happened to Sister Matilda? Is it?"

Shade continued to ask curiously while sitting on the sofa, the blind lady shook her head slightly:

"They have been communicating with each other since then, Matilda Matilda even thought about waiting until She unloaded after the age of 45 and went to Tobesque about 15 years ago when she passed away in a terrifying accident."

Ms Michelle had a sad expression on her face, Shade Also at a loss for words.

"Yesterday, I saw Mr. Rat Augustus, who I haven't seen for more than 20 years, and learned that he has become the ring warlock of Zarath."

"It's Byrons, you don't have to test me."

Shade interrupted, Ms. Michelle nodded:

"I see. He has become a holy man. Students of the Lens Chemistry Academy. I feel so sorry for them, if it could have been earlier. I told Auguste the priest, where Matilda Matilda was buried, and after he left us, he should have gone directly to the cemetery ."

Shade sighed:

"So it is, he never told us friends about his past. Yes, there is clear evidence that , Augustus first suffered an accident, and most likely will die soon. So, I want to know if the divination you did yesterday points to other clues."

"Sorry, although I He has a certain divination ability, but all he can see in him is death."

"Speaking of which, you are already the second fortune teller who divination for the meaning of 'death' to the priest."

Shade said, and Sister Matilda looked slightly surprised:

"Doesn't that mean, sir."

"We Friends, I can only do my best to save him."

Shade got up to leave, he didn't have so much time to waste. Augustus Priest's final disappearance must be found before the effect of Echoes of Blood wears off.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Watson, although I cannot provide you with direct assistance, if you need anything, you can come to me at any time. Also, I would like to do a divination for you. ."


"Yes, our divination method is different from ordinary divination. We do not need any auxiliary tools, but directly use our eyes to capture spirituality ."

She motioned for Shade to sit down again, then raised her hand and undid the cloth wrapped around her eyes in circles. Only then did Shade understand that the other party was not blind at all, but blindfolded his eyes on purpose, which was a kind of cultivation way.

"spirit cultivator?"

He suddenly said softly, Ms. Michele's hand stopped, and she kept her raised hand looking towards Shade. Of course, since the strip of cloth is not completely unraveled, this is not actually a "see".

"You know us?"

Although the spirit cultivator order is not a particularly secretive organization, it's not easy to guess.

"I'm a friend of the priest in Tobesque, I met your people in town some time ago during the 'Darkness' event in Tobesque."

"Yes, Sister Daveline, she did lead the team there herself."

Ms. Michelle nodded, lowered her head and untied the cloth completely.

Seeing that she was about to look up towards him, Shade immediately sat up straight. Ms. Michelle looked up and opened her eyes, wondering if it was psychological, Shade thought her brown eyes were very beautiful.


Just looking at Shade, the nun of the spirit cultivator sighed in pain, covered her eyes and lowered her head.

"Sorry, what's wrong?"

Shade somewhat not knowing what to do, but Ms. Michele just waved her hand so he didn't have to panic:
"Watson Sir, the moonlight on your body is really dazzling. So shining, so pure, so dazzling, I should not be so bold to peep at you easily. I think, the matter of Augustus priority, it is up to you to solve, I am afraid there is no The problem."

"Are you really okay? I have a potion here that can treat eyes. Would you like to try it?"

Shade took out the product in the [Darkness Domain ] The clear yellow eye drops prescribed by the ophthalmologist were not used up, but Ms. Michelle covered her eyes and politely refused. They are a warlock organization with a special way of eye cultivation, and there is no shortage of magic medicine to treat eye diseases.

Knowing that Shade was in a hurry, Ms. Michele called another middle-aged nun from the "Blind House" to take Shade downstairs. The middle-aged nun is a warlock of the third or fourth ring. She was very surprised to see Ms. Michelle's state, but she did not blame Shade for it.

Shade almost understands what this so-called "House of the Blind" is. It should be a local stronghold of the "spirit cultivator order", and Ms. Michelle is the stronghold. leader. Therefore, before leaving, he kindly told Ms. Michel that the disappearance of Augustus priest would soon attract the attention of the church and the Academy.

Shade can find it here, and the Church and Academy should also have a way to find it here, so they need to prepare in advance.

Outlanders are actually very interested in this organization, but it's August's priority that matters most. After saying goodbye to the House of the Blind, he left through the back door and continued on the trail of Augustus Priest.

The priest first went to a flower shop at the end of the alley to buy flowers. Shade spent 5 pence and found out from the flower shop that it was a bouquet to commemorate a friend.

And after that, the priest took the carriage again. Shade, who already knew the priest's destination, did not track with his legs this time, he also got on a carriage, and then went to the public cemetery of Fort Midhill.

The major cities of Delarion all have public cemeteries planned by the city hall, which is also to facilitate the municipal planning of the rapidly expanding cities in the steam age, so as to prevent the dead from occupying the land of the living.

As for the city of Midhillsburg, the city can only expand to the northern plain, and it is basically impossible to expand to the West Carr Mountains to the Southwest. Therefore, the public cemetery of Midsillburg is in The southwest direction of the city is actually at the foot of the West Carr Mountain.

Strictly speaking, that is already a mountainous area. However, because the cemetery is built on a mountain, not only the greening conditions are excellent, but there are even artificially excavated canals that pass through the cemetery, so the conditions of the cemetery here seem to be better than Tobesque.

"If I don't end up being a god and die like a mortal, maybe it's a good place to be buried here."

Shade thought about the mess.

Somehow, when Carriage carried Shade to the entrance of the cemetery, a thin layer of mist actually formed in the mountains and forests. Xikar Mountain was already towering. When Shade looked up, he only saw that the layer of white mist had already covered the cemetery at the foot of the mountain from the mountainside.

This is not a smog from the steam industry, but a naturally formed smog. But when Shade went down the mountain at noon, everything was normal in the mountains and forests.

"You're probably a foreigner."

The driver who was looking for money for Shade saw Shade looking at the rolling mountains in surprise, so he explained with a smile:
"Every year In autumn, there will always be this kind of dense fog in the mountains from time to time in Mount Xikar. It may occur at night, morning, day, and evening, and the duration is uncertain. People living in this city know this kind of thing, Adults always like to scare the disobedient children with the ghosts in the white mist of Mount Sikal."

Telling local stories with Shade, the driver handed Shade the 7p he found. , but Shade just took a 1p coin, then waved goodbye to the other party, and turned to look at the cemetery in the mist:
"If I remember correctly, after using [Unfortunate Long Hair], it is easy to provoke The negative effects of Evil Spirit are still on me.”

(end of this chapter)

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