Whispering Poems Chapter 570


Chapter 568 Respective Blood Brew

In the silent banquet hall, the pressure of the saints is oppressing every one person. If it weren't for the special nature of Nightshade Manor and the deliberate restraint of the gods, Shade would be the only one who could sit here at this time.

"I understand, God, thank you for allowing me to attend your reception."

Shade nods, saying nice words that don't need gold pounds, and out of the corner of the eye looks towards the tableside the other five.

These five people came here on their own initiative because of their own wishes, hoping to achieve goals that cannot be achieved by ordinary people by participating in the reception, so they were not surprised by the instructions given by the gods.

"But they actually dared to ask Evil God for help. Are the people of the Fifth Epoch so courageous?"

Shade thought silently in his heart.

After a snap of fingers, everyone had an extra glass goblet in their hands.

"Unexpected guests, it seems that I can't stay at the reception for long. So this time, it will be very interesting for us to taste the blood you each brought, and then listen to your stories. Next time , I will provide my blood brew. After you taste it, give your own thoughts. As for the last time, we can taste the three kinds of blood brought by unexpected guests. If you can survive, then you will naturally be able to get my gift ."

After he finished speaking, he paused and looked towards Shade:
"The same is true for you."

Except for Shade, the other five people each took out what they were carrying. Seal the container.

The middle-aged half-bald king held a smooth silver bottle with a tin seal; the old man in armor took out a somewhat worn leather water bag, which was fastened with a wooden cork. It was tightly plugged; Demonness took out a solid gold cube, which Shade knew, and Miss Feliana mentioned in her notebook, which was an alchemy item used to seal and preserve precious materials; as for the two little girls, they Take out a porcelain bottle together.

The god waved his hand, and the silver bottle in the king's hand opened by itself. The foul-smelling scarlet liquid flew out, and finally fell evenly into the seven glass wine glasses. Shade visually checked that the liquid level in all the wine glasses was the same height.

"Then what about your story?"

The holy man shook his glass slightly, as if he was sobering up. And as he swayed, Shade noticed that the color of the blood seemed to be a little different.

So he also picked up the cup in his hand and shook it slightly. Although his technique was not skilled, the blood in the cup really changed. The color was lighter, the smell of blood was noticeably diminished, and Shade even smelled alcohol.

The wine glass given by "Vampire Duke Laurel" can actually make ordinary blood directly into blood brew.

"Is it a relic?"

[The cup itself does not feel the Whisper element, only the Blasphemy element. ]

"It's the power of Evil God."

Shade looked towards the half-bald king with the others, who looked down at the table nervously and said tremblingly:

"I am the King of Western Continent Shapard, and my kingdom will perish. Those greedy Knights want to divide my land, my property and my family. I will defeat They, hang them all, and adorn my castle with their heads. I know you, great vampire god, Duke Laurel, and I know your greatness."

He was like As Shade did, he picked up the wine glass in his hand and shook it slightly. Although his hands were shaking, the glass itself did not waste a drop of liquid:

“I found the Demones who lived in the forest. , exchanged a lot of gold for this. It's dragon blood, pure blood dragon blood."

"No, it's half blood dragon blood. I think that Demonness cheated You."

The sage said in a tranquil voice, for a moment, Shade thought the half-bald king would lift the head in surprise, but he controlled his instinctive desire:
" What. I. This. I don't want Blasphemy."

His voice was getting lower and lower.

"It doesn't matter, a clown like you is enough to start the reception. But the blood you brought is not good enough. Even if you live to the end, what you get will only be with you. of equal value."

The gods gulped the blood in their hands, while the mortals on the other side of the table shook their glasses and looked at each other. In the end, the other five people actually looked towards Shade, obviously wanting to see what Shade, an unusual looking guy, would do.

Shade brought the cup to his mouth, frowned, and took a careful sip.

【There are toxins, but you can ignore them. There is no curse in itself. ]

It is normal to have toxins, dragon blood itself is poisonous, not like in fairy tales, drinking can make people stronger.


He said to the others briefly, then gulped the bloody drink down. Although it has changed from blood to blood wine, the bloody taste still exists. Shade frowned endured nausea and drank the blood brew, but still had the urge to retching, this is definitely not something that humans should drink.

Demoness didn't care about toxins, and drank the blood brew like Shade; the old man in cloth armor took out another wooden bottle and drank the potion that was suspected of being a potion. Then he drank the blood brew; the two little girls frowned and drank the contents of the cup; the middle-aged king hesitated and glanced at the old man. Seeing that he had no idea of sharing the potion, he also learned from the other side. The little girl drank like a sip.

After the third mouthful, he collapsed from the chair in convulsions. The armored old man sitting beside him stared at it:
"He's dead."

The corpse melted into a scarlet blood stain on the floor, and then penetrated into the ground, as if It has never been the same.

No one commented on this, including Shade. But Shade took a look at the pair of twins. He and Demonness were fighting against each other. The hair grey-white old man prepared the detoxification method in advance, but these two little girls, who were not Demonness, could actually take impure dragon blood directly. Drink it, it's a little strange.

Next, the blood in the skin water bladder brought by the armored old man was evenly distributed to everyone. With everyone shaking their wine glasses and watching the gods, he lowered his head and told his story:
"This is the ice crystal butterfly I hunted in the far north of Northern Continent for a winter. Blood. This is the top magic medicine ingredient for Demoness. It has nothing to do with power. Only the best hunters use the most patient methods to capture them. As for my purpose, my friend, the poet Mr. von Kritzing, Died in the Northern Continent's expedition. I want to know who killed him."

As he spoke, he took the lead to drink the blood in his hand, and the saint also squinted. Eyes drank the glass of blood:

"It's not delicious, but at least the chill is good."

Shade, as before, put the glass to his mouth Take a sip.

The very faint bloody smell rushed into the mouth, and the extreme chill from the liquid that stained his lips made Shade shudder.

Just taking a sip, he felt like his scalp was numb and his hands and feet were frozen. It is as if the wine glass in his hand is not blood wine at all, but Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice stored under the polar ice cap.

He had never heard of the creature "Ice Crystal Butterfly", and he didn't know if it changed its name in the sixth century or if it was already extinct. But he could bear the chill, so he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, lifted the glass to his mouth, and took a swig.

The fluid travels from the mouth into the throat and down the esophagus into the stomach.

The temperature that seemed to freeze blood made Shade clearly perceive the line of the entire eating process for the first time. For a moment, he thought that his body was starting to freeze, and he might never see Mia again, and then he realized that only a layer of frost had appeared on the surface of his skin.

After the numbness of the whole body being unable to move, as the body temperature returned to normal, Shade felt as comfortable as if he had soaked in warm water.

He tried to make a fist and found that everything was fine. It's just the numbness brought about by the cold, which makes the body's response a little slower, but it has little effect and is recovering quickly:
"What's wrong with me?"

[Specifically, your cold resistance ability Maybe a little stronger. ]

This blood brew is more precious than Shade thought.

PS: On New Year's Day tomorrow, a new chapter will be added. A year goes by so fast.

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