Whispering Poems Chapter 568


Chapter 566 The Duke of Vampire
I probably used up my luck last night, Saturday night , Shade and Dorothy's class is temporarily canceled once. Dorothy was called home by her father, Professor Luyesha, to talk about the "Hamilton Detective Tales", which was Professor Luyesha's recognition of her daughter.

And Lecia is temporarily unable to see Shade without her father noticing, so she has a rest on Saturday, and Princess can take advantage of this time to think about how to help Shade get [sleep] spirit rune.

This time, Her Highness the Princess and the female writer swear, must help Shade.

And on Sunday morning, Shade went to Tobesque railway station to say goodbye to Captain Radees, who was heading to the border.

As an officer, the captain did not have to sit in a second-class carriage with the other soldiers who were rushing to the border. On the platform, the captain in the Imperial Family Army uniform, in the midst of the bustling crowd, took Shade's hand and thanked him once again. Thank you Shade for saving him from disappointment and for everything Shade did.

For the middle-aged Captain Radees, this railway station can be regarded as an important node that changed his life. After being captured, he returned to Tobesque in frustration, and assisted Shade outside the station to capture the child traffickers. Today, he will start again here.

He looked at his colleagues who were saying goodbye to their relatives, the porters at the station, and the crowd who came to see them off, and he sighed for a while.

“However, I still don’t know, where exactly is the Wind Path?”

Shade asked.

The train whistle sounded, about to depart. Citizens who went to the station to say goodbye to their relatives and friends were saying their final goodbyes to the soldiers who were about to leave. The surroundings were very noisy, and Shade also shook hands with the captain for the last time.

The "Wind Qi Trail" is the area where the Captain's troops are stationed, and it is the real frontier. But this kind of small place will not be marked on the map, so Shade only knows that it is the northern foothills of the Western Carr Mountain.

The captain picked up his black suitcase and prepared to enter the carriage. Soldiers who had already boarded the car stuck their heads out of the car window, or waved, or kissed passionately with the beautiful girl who saw them off.

"Wind-raised trail, do you know the city of Midhills, the city of mountains?"

The captain asked with a smile, in the surrounding noise and whistles, he The sound is not very clear.

A white mist of steam emerged from the underside of the steam locomotive, blurring the sight of Shade and the captain. Shade nods:
"Of course I know."

"The Wind Path is right there. Midhill Fort is not far away, to be precise, we also serve as part of the defense of Midhill Fort."

He smiled and waved at Shade, as the harsh metal twisted, The sound of gears turning and pistons pushing and pulling, and the metal door closing, completely blocked Shade and Captain Radees.

The gushing of steam made the platform crowded with the crowd extraordinarily hot and humid. In the sound of farewells and blessings, in the huge rumbling sound and the bell of the departure, white steam was spewed out Towards the misty sky, the metal wheels moved slowly and firmly, and the connecting rod and potential energy drove the carriage to move slowly.

The rumble rumble grew louder, the whistle went away with the carriage, the wind swept Shade's side, until the track was finally empty. In the distance, you can still see the released white doves. It is the Church of War and Peace seeing off the soldiers. The Church of Peace is keen on such activities.

A few pigeons that didn't fly far, after the people who were seeing them off gradually dispersed, flew back to the platform and pecking at the food on the ground. Shade also put his hands in his pockets and was about to go home. He also planned to go to Coldwater Harbor in the afternoon to see if he had acquired coins, and then visit Mr. Edmund, who guarded the lighthouse, to talk about the legends of the old continent. , to prepare for the next drop of divinity.

"However, Captain Radees also went to Fort Midhill."

He thought to himself:

"Auguspriest, Miss Black, went there too. Hmm. Is that a hint?"

Nothing to gain in Cold Harbor on Sunday afternoon, buying monetary relics and not simple, while Mr. Edmund took There are all kinds of bizarre legends, but there are too many, and Shade can't tell which one may be related to divinity.

On the other hand, the Old Mister of the Light Guide Hermit Order was very interested in the rumor that Miss Feliana had appeared in the Tobesque area, and pulled Shade to inquire about relevant information:
"I see When Old John sent the letter, he still suspected that he hadn't woken up."

The old man said laughter, and together with Shade, they looked at the distant seascape from the top of the lighthouse. The arrival of autumn does not seem to have affected the ocean too much. After the Cold Water Harbor Shadow Incident, although there were more murloc attacks by the sea, the city itself became much more peaceful.

"When I went to Father John to buy the ceremony material, he didn't ask me any questions about it."

"You Tobesque correspondence ring warlocks will be subject to The Academy and the Church first suspected that John just didn't want to get in trouble. However, Miss Mana Feliana, the Demoness of the Fifth Age would actually appear in the contemporary era. Although so much data is missing, it is impossible for us to explore the Fifth Age's Demoness. The mystery of the super mortal body system, but can people from the previous era actually be able to travel in time to the future?"

The old man touched his chin, while Shade was hugging and being brought to him with great difficulty. Cat breathing fresh air by the sea.

"Did Demoness find a way to reverse the relic [Time Key]?"

Mr. Edmond said suspiciously.

"Do you think this has something to do with the time key?"

Shade smiled.

"Yes, that's the current mainstream view as well. Whispering Poems, Filianna, Time Keys, what's the deal?"

Mr. Edmond said, while In some respects, this view is not wrong.

After returning home from Coldwater Harbor, Shade did not go out again, but concentrated on waiting for the new key to unlock the fifth era in 3014 at midnight.

Shade decided to wait until midnight, despite the fact that the wait time for the keys came on Saturday evening. It's not just for a sense of ceremony, but also to complete the key task, just in time to pick up the weekly gift in the gift box.

After all, even though most of those gifts are useless, drawing gifts themselves is one of the few pleasures for outsiders in this era.

[Your Friday night]

“One of them.”

With laughter in his ear, he added.

On the clock in the corner of the living room, the three hands move towards the top at the same time. The lights were turned on in the living room on the second floor of No. 6 St. Teresa Square. Shade, who was sitting on the sofa with a book, put down the Potions textbook in his hand, which disturbed Mia, who was leaning on his legs and fell asleep on the sofa.

And when the sleepy cat stood up, Shade had come to the bedroom door with the free key given by Miss Galina:
"This time we will meet Miss Feliana. ?"

He thought to himself before chanting the incantation.

【So what do you think? ]

"Isn't that good luck?"

Shade held the key to the keyhole, recited three numbers in his heart, and the clock in the corner struck twelve midnight. The first bell.

"May the World Tree bless me in time."

Because it's unclear where this adventure is, Shade still doesn't plan to bring the useless cat Mia. If this time it was a dangerous place like the Castle of Dread, he was worried that the cat would be frightened to death as soon as he stepped out of the white fog.


The small cat was lying on the sofa, and actually had no plans to leave the house with Shade. It stared wide-eyed as Shade inserted the key into the lock and entered the white fog behind the door.

The cat yawned and wriggled on the couch looking for a more comfortable spot. It's seen Shade walk into that weird White Fog Sect many times, so it's not curious. It was just curious why every time Shade came back from that door, he looked so sad.

Cats are never sad.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". ]

[Message from Ancient God "Father of the Infinite Tree":]

[In the spring of 3014 of the Fifth Age, Eastern Continent, Night Manor. ]

[Event: The reception of the god of vampires. ]

[Duration thirty minutes (1/3). ]

"After Southern Continent - Hope Town, Western Continent - Forest of Thousand Trees, Northern Continent - Dread Fortress, we finally arrived at Eastern Continent."

Shade in the White Mist This is not surprising, but he still frowns, because the "vampire god" seems to have another very well-known name:

"Meet an acquaintance this time. I mean Familiar?"

[You have additional information. ]

[The silhouette of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. ]

[The Ancient God of time will test you. ]

[Participate in the "Vampire Duke Laurel" reception with mortals until the reception is over. ]

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you a reward: Mystic Art - Silent Moonlight, a piece of real information - Elf. ]

"I can understand that Time and Space are inseparable, but isn't it a bit exaggerated that the Ancient God of Time gave me Mystic Art of the moon? Also, the goal this time is to participate in the God's reception. And let the party end, three times before the end of thirty minutes, if the party doesn't end, is it equivalent to my mission failure?"

Shade thought to himself, but he didn't have "true information" Any ideas, only as expanding their knowledge.

And the most important thing in the above information is "Vampire Duke Lauer", Shade's first spell [Echo of Blood] in the strict sense is obtained by touching the statue of the old god. of.

So, after selling the information on the statue to Miss Galina, Shade also looked up information about the god, so she didn't know anything like the previous few times.

Vampire Duke Laurel, also known as "Xeno-Vampire Blesser" or "Vampire God". This is an Evil God, and there is clear evidence that this god has not left until the time when the aliens in the sixth era existed. But unlike the [Blood Feast Lord] who is also Evil God, this blood-sucking god is not so evil.

This is somewhat similar to the difference between "serial killers" and "common murderers", although this analogy is not appropriate, but at least even if you really meet "Vampire Duke Laurel" in the material world ', and not necessarily dead.

(end of this chapter)

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