Whispering Poems Chapter 522


Chapter 521 Blessings and Souvenirs
"It is indeed a closed loop, including my previous experiences"

Shade nods, looking towards the silent black robe god across the table:
"May I ask some questions before your game is officially over."

He tried to be respectful Some, but the god still didn't speak, so Shade could only try to ask directly:

"About the myriad forms are impermanent."

"They come from the beginning, the beginning of the beginning, The beginning of everything will also go to the end of everything."

The black robe god at the table seems to only say "yes", and this sentence is said by the corpses of different degrees of decay by the wall .

"In the beginning?"

Shade looked at the corpses in turn, while Mr. Riddle asked curiously:

"What in the beginning?"

"Can't you hear? Oh, well then."

Since the gods didn't want Mr. Riddle to hear, he didn't explain.

"Future man, have you ever thought about it?"

The skull skeleton asked a question. There was a rusted one-handed sword beside him, and he didn't know how many lay there. years.

"Why, the rules of the [myriad forms impermanence card] you have seen are the rules of competition points?"

This is the question from the highly corrupt female corpse. The jewelry has been rotten, but the gem brooch in front of the heart seems to be fused with flesh and blood.


"The Sixth Epoch hasn't happened yet, so I don't know."

The one who seemed to have just died was wearing yellow The corpse in the soft hat said.

Shade looked towards its closed eyes again, he was pretty sure that the gods must know the reason, the [innocent creator] also said that he didn't know the future, but in fact until he After a long absence, everything is still going on under His arrangement.

"Could it be that the rules of myriad forms impermanence cards are competition points, only in the sixth era? In older times, the rules of myriad forms impermanence cards were not the rules of Rhodes cards at all? Rather a rule like [the venue becomes night upon entry]?"

He didn't get an answer, but the silence itself was an attitude.

"But why? What's the point of these cards, these games?"

He wondered, but still couldn't get an answer.

Twenty minutes were about to come to an end. Shade saw that the god was unwilling to give more hints, so he could only give up asking. The friendliness of [Innocent Creator] comes from Shade's help and his identity as a "child", and the friendliness of [Brightening Door] comes from Shade's relationship with the [Father of the Infinite Tree].

Not any god would be happy to help, Shade knew long ago. The only pity is that he actually thought that if he had enough time, he could bet a Rhodes card with God, it must be very interesting, but there was not enough time.

Just as the thought of "playing Rhodes with God" came to an end, the black robe opposite Mr. Riddle suddenly moved. The hand in the sleeve seemed to sway a bit, and the only unbroken card on the table [Future Man] flew to God.

Afterwards, some shavings floated out of the other sixteen cards, forming two new cards, one with Demonness and the other with Mr. Riddle's full-length portrait. The three cards are arranged side by side, with their backs facing up. The sleeves of the black robe were swept away, and the blank card back became the holy emblem of the gambling god.

They shifted positions at a speed the naked eye couldn't tell, then stopped abruptly. This time, even Mr. Riddle knew that the god let Shade guess which card [Future Man] was.

"Try it now."

Because he knew he was ready to go home, Mr. Riddle, who had no burden, urged expectantly.

“Which one is it?”

Shade in the heart asks.

[I don't know, that's not an ordinary swap position. You can only rely on your luck. ]

Hesitating for a moment, his eyes linger on the three cards:

"One right."

Pointing to the right, then almost with Mr. Riddle At the same time, they made the action of leaning over to look. The first card on the right is turned over, and it is the card [Future Man].

"It looks like you're lucky."

Mr. Riddle praised with a smile.

The two cards that were not selected turned into rays of light and flew towards Shade. Shade did not stop them, letting them enter his body from his forehead.

The first is the one with "Demoness" on the card:
[Outlander, you feel "Miracle". ]

[You have been blessed. ]

[Once lucky, the next time you perform gambling-related activities, you will definitely get the highest luck. ]

Those demoness who appear in "The Game of Life" should all believe in this god, and this blessing represents a help God gave to Shade.

Followed by the one with the card face "Mr. Riddle":
[Outlander, you feel "Miracle". ]

[You have been blessed. ]

[The luck of mortals, from now on, in any gambling game, you can show unusual luck. ]

Mr. Riddle is indeed the luckiest mortal Shade has ever known, a trait that would probably be the envy of the unlucky Dr. Schneider.

“However, 'now' means now?”

Shade pointed to himself.

"Or now?"

Shade points to the ground again.

"This is a reward for your courage."

The voice came from across the table, and Shade looked up in disbelief. This time it is He who speaks, and in the common language of Delarion of the sixth era.

To be honest, Shade suspected that the person who played the [Game of Life] with the two was actually just a robe, but this sentence undoubtedly shows that "He" is really always there. The power of sound, space and time seem to be condensed at this moment.

It's always been God across the table, and He's really in the game.

"If you were in my time, I would love to make you my God's favored one."

He said softly, as if stating a fact. Mr. Riddle still couldn't hear these words, so it was very strange that Shade's face changed several times in just half a minute.

"Then myriad forms are impermanent."

"This is the deepest secret of the Ancient Gods, even more important than the world itself, and it concerns everything. Go and collect them, Unexpected man. When you get all thirteen myriad forms of impermanence cards, even when in the end, you are facing the most terrifying ending, at least it can give you final consolation."


"Life's game over!"

The corpse by the wall, in an operatic tone, announced together:
"Shreich Riddle" Victory!"

The 16 cards shattered on the gaming table turned into rays of light and penetrated into Mr. Riddle's body. He couldn't seem to see the light, but Shade could feel it was the purest spirit.

If it is a Demonness or a ring warlock, you can use these powers to increase the upper limit of your spirit and elements without obtaining a spirit rune. And the ordinary person can also rely on this purest power to purify the body at the moment when the spirit enters the body, prolong the lifespan, expel the curse, and awake the soul.

This is the reward for beating the gods in the game, and the influence of everything here on Mr. Riddle must be gone.

As for the only card that was not broken, the [Future Man] that represented Shade and Mr. Riddle met, flew to Shade from the gods.

Shade reached out and squeezed it, and found that although the card was the same size as a Lord's card, it was a very light exotic metal. If you feel it carefully, the metal card does not have any extraordinary power. Although it is exquisite, it is just an ordinary item.

"Souvenirs, you guys played pretty well."

The god under the black robe said, Shade smiled and stuffed the metal card into his pocket. Although the souvenirs this time are not as useful as Miss Feliana's notes, they are still gifts from the gods.

At the same time, the unexplained light replaced the oil lamps and candlesticks on the table, completely illuminating the room, and the oppressive atmosphere disappeared, representing the complete end of the game.

In the dark corner behind the god, opposite the door Shade entered, another door appeared. This door should be the passage for Mr. Riddle to leave the Dreadfort.

And the official end of the game means that Shade will bid farewell to this era forever. He felt a pull behind him, the mist of white seeping out from behind him.

"Mr. Riddle, may [Mr. Ring] and [Father of the Infinite Tree] bless you and me."

Shade once again grabbed the hand of the ancient prophet and shook it gently, the latter Surprised, he asked:

“What are you going to do?”

He saw that Shade seemed to be saying goodbye:
“Are you going too?”

"I'm going to face my fear."

Shade looked towards the door where he came, with a smile on his face:
"I have one more thing to work on, Mr. Riddle. , please get out of here. I'm not sure if the things behind the door will affect you after I open the door."

Although the [Dark Box] is not in his hands, Shade still wants to try to face the extreme fear, it might be useful.

"Okay, it's a real pleasure for me to meet you, sir. I wish you all the best in your time, and God bless us."

He gave Shade a hug, The two finally nodded to each other, and Mr. Riddle hurried around the stone table to the other side of the room.

Shade also turned around and ran to the door, because the white fog behind him felt more and more pulling.

The light in the room gradually weakened centered on the quaint stone table with twenty grooves, the candles and oil lamps were extinguished at the same time, and the gods silently disappeared into the darkness. As the darkness spreads from the center of the room to the surroundings, the walls are the brightest.

Shade and Mr. Riddle approached the doors on either side of the room, and turned back at the last moment, looking towards their friend who had been with him for an hour:

"Farewell, Mr. Riddle ."

"I wish you luck in your life."

They said their final goodbyes before darkness encroached on the edge of the room, then slammed open the door in front of them each. Behind Mr. Riddle's door was a piece of while light, and he rushed in without the slightest hesitation, and Shade could vaguely hear the wind blowing over the treetops, the water hitting the rocks, and the birds chirping softly.

This gentleman has finally ended an important adventure in his life, and he will experience more stories in the next two decades.

And in front of Shade, who rushed out of the other door, was the old corridor with flickering candles. At the last moment before the white fog behind him devoured him, he finally saw what exactly was guarding the Dread Fortress while patrolling the corridor.

(end of this chapter)

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