Whispering Poems Chapter 505


Chapter 504 Dancing, Fireworks and Priest
"Actually I have something to ask."

Shade said that Galina Cavendish was in a particularly good mood tonight, so she didn't blame Shade for her ignorance:

"What is Queen Diana going to do? What? Why give me such a precious thing? I can't believe it, she has no purpose at all."

"I'm glad you realized that."

Galina Miss whispered, she leaned closer to Shade, put her head on Shade's left shoulder, and the two slowly rocked to the dance.

Because of the position change caused by the rotation, she can now see Lacia directly. Showing a slight smile at her grandniece, Lecia immediately smiled back, but no matter how she looked, she seemed angry.

"Probably tomorrow, the news of Sax Cavendish being convicted of treason will be out. I don't want to get you into politics, but there are things you need to know. She was the queen of Larousse III, but she was not the first queen, and not all the current Princesses and Princes were born to her."

"Understood, use that one. The card is not actually to win me over, but to court you. Although you don't participate too much in politics, as a powerful duchess, your existence itself can affect some things."

Shade slightly nods.

"Very good."

She whispered in his ear, red's hair brushing against Shade's cheek:
"I'm glad you understood that. Really Unexpectedly, I didn't know anything two months ago, but now I'm more knowledgeable and smarter than any peers."

"The past has given me strength, my time-exploration journey , unlike normal investigators."

This is the first time Shade has officially admitted this in front of Miss Galina.

"So it was."

She didn't seem to care, and moved her head from Shade's shoulder, golden's eyes looking closely at his eyes:

"Seriously finish this dance with me, Shade, only this one. Otherwise I'm worried that Little Lei will curse me in a more vicious way in the heart."

" No, she won't."

"Shade, you don't know her better than I do, I hugged her when she was born."

Although Shade doesn't I know the exact age of Miss Galina, but when Lescia was born, she was at most eight years old.

"Knight, be serious, don't step on my feet."

She said a little resentfully, and the two changed positions:
"Shade, let's get stronger. , this world will become more and more dangerous, and I can't protect you forever."

She whispered something, but suddenly smiled:
"Of course, if this dance, you can If you do better, maybe I can give you some rewards."


"Have Tifa change into a dress for the party, and before the party ends, and How about you do a dance?"

She laughs, holding Shade's hand and shaking it to the dance:

"That must be fun."

Miss Galina did what she said and left the banquet hall on the second floor after dancing.

Seeing that the Duchess danced with a man in a rare way, naturally there were other people who wanted to go up and try their luck, but were stopped by Miss Galina's maids.

As for Shade, Miss Galina had just left, and Lacia stood up immediately.

Shade first looked towards Luvia's direction, Luvia was still working because everyone else's game was still going on, while Dorothy was chatting with her writer friends, Obviously, she won't take this opportunity with Lecia.

So after a long absence, Shade danced with Lecia again. The last time the two danced was on a cruise ship in Coldwater Harbor. In the afterglow of the sunset, they danced on the deck. Then they encountered the [Pirate Ship].

Shade quickly throws this memory away.

"Who is the man I drove away with a gun just now?"

Shade finally found a chance to ask this question, this dance song is a little lighter, Shade still He's not very good at dancing, so Lecia led him to dance.

Compared with Miss Galina, Laixia's height can only be regarded as the range of normal women in this era. After wearing the high heels hidden under the long skirt, the top of her head is only more than Shade's eyes Location.

"Is that your suitor? His maliciousness is too obvious."

Shade asked casually, still recalling the conversation with Miss Galina just now.

"Of course not, do you still remember the murderer you found in the Prophet's Association who hurt Ajeelina?" Know whether to be excited or shy.

"Of course I remember, the lover of Sax Cavendish."

"Yes, as for the youngest son of the Dimmock family, who had shown obvious malice to you just now, He's always liked the girl you picked out. Do you understand?"

"Understood, little Dimock is a fool."

Shade played said with a smile, Lecia laughed too. Her hair color is very similar to that of Miss Galina, and the bright red is like a throbbing flame while the girl dances slightly, attracting Shade's attention.

"However, have you been planning some dangerous adventure recently?"

Lescia asked again.

“Why do you think that?”

Shade raised an eyebrow.

"Dorothy said that you seem to be busy lately, but you obviously don't have many outstanding orders, so we think you are planning a dangerous adventure like Operation Cold Harbor again."

She looked up towards Shade:
"I hate people lying to me, so you don't have to give me an answer, just keep yourself safe."

read Looking around, he leaned forward and kissed Shade's face lightly:
"Agelina said she wanted to dance with you, remember to invite her later."

So in After Laccia, Shade first danced with sixteen-year-old Her Highness the Princess, and then finally danced with Dorothy, her real girlfriend tonight.

They all seem to be good at dancing in high heels, but Shade in flats looks a bit clumsy.

After Dorothy is Luvia, who finds time to do a dance with Shade before returning to work. While dancing, in addition to whispering about Shade's adventure with the doctor last night, the purple-eyed girl teased how tired Shade was tonight:
"How many girls are waiting to dance with you?"

Shade thought that Luvia was mocking him, but when he wanted to find Dorothy and sit on the sofa to rest, a strange girl actually invited him to dance.

Out of courtesy, Shade didn't refuse, but then invitations kept coming in. After Shade danced with three strange girls, he got out on the grounds that he was a little tired.

But Dorothy was nowhere to be found at this time. After inquiring, I found out that these Tobesque writers were invited by Queen Diana to chat on the third floor, and they couldn't come down for about half an hour.

Lecia has also left. She was waiting for Shade to come to her, but it seems that something happened to her, so she regretted leaving the banquet first.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Shade and Luvia said a word, and also left the second floor, planning to go to the courtyard to breathe fresh air.

Yordle Palace occupies a large area as a whole, and it is normal for strangers to break in and get lost because of it. Although it was the Queen's birthday party this time, only a small part of the area was opened for guests to play.

When Shade came downstairs, the fireworks part had just reached its climax. Most of the people stopped and looked up towards the sky, watching the slender light bombs fly into the starry sky with a whistle-like sound, and then under the stars and March, they turned into flickering points of light and exploded under the night sky.

Tonight the weather is not bad. The wind when summer and autumn alternate, temporarily blowing away the mist in the city, so standing in the courtyard and looking up, you can see the vast starry sky.

"I don't know if this explosion sound will scare Mia."

Because Saint Teresa Square is too close to Yordle Palace, Shade is very worried at this point.

With both of his hands in his pockets, facing the flickering fireworks and shadows, he stood in front of the building and looked up towards the direction of St. Teresa Square. You can see the Yodell Palace from the home, so of course, you can also see the kitchen window of the home from the Yodell Palace.

But because of the distance, Shade couldn't see what's going on at home through the window.

"I don't know if Mia was lying on the bed, or she went to the third floor to run around again, or went to the second floor and the second room to grind her claws on the wall."

Shade thought I am guessing randomly, but I have already planned to come to Yodell Palace next time. I must bring a telescope to observe the situation at home.

He was wandering around the courtyard, and soon saw Dawn Church's entire group near the long table in the front courtyard.

Owen bishop, Augustus priest, and two other high priests Shade had met at Dawn Chapel were talking to several southerners in formal tan suits and speaking Carsenrik. Irving Bishop's Carson Rick is pretty good, Augustus Priest is just barely able to speak it.

Because only church people wear robes at banquets, Shade sees them right away. Seeing Shade coming over to say hello, Augustus priest hurriedly stopped Shade:
"Shade, I remember you said, you can understand Carsenrik?"

"Yes Yes, do you need my help?"

"Oh, help me translate, this foreigner speaks too fast."

As he spoke, he pulled Shade After walking over, the priest introduced Shade's identity in some lame Carsen Rik, and then let Shade officially start the translation work.

Although Shade can't speak Kasenrik, but he can understand it completely, so he is not slow to learn the language. Even if he didn't study seriously, he just flipped through the dictionary in his spare time, but in the process of helping translation, if Augustus Priest had something that he couldn't explain clearly, Shade could also use his own poor Carsenrik to remind him.

So the two people who speak the bad language are finally able to communicate with these foreigners basically smoothly.

(end of this chapter)

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