Whispering Poems Chapter 369


Chapter 368 The Lonely Man
While there was no one in the alley, Shade unlocked the lock with Mystic Art . After entering the house, he first put on shoe gloves, and then supported his hat.

Later, I saw that the furniture and daily necessities were all there. Presumably after the incident was over, the landlord and the residents on the second floor would move back.

"I knew that if I wanted to be a thief, the average person would definitely not be able to stop me."

Shade thought to himself as he climbed the stairs.

There was no problem on the first and second floors. Shade didn't open other people's doors, but just walked around the corridor.

【Echoes of Blood】I didn't see any strange traces, but 【Echoes of the past】 let Shade hear some interesting conversations.

Within 48 hours, residents on the second floor had returned. The voice was a man and a woman, and the discussion was about the youngster on the third floor.

They were just chatting when they were going down the stairs, which basically meant that since the young students upstairs moved in, there would always be strange noises upstairs in the middle of the night, so they thought maybe Sa Harker died because the "Evil Spirit" already existed.

Entering the third floor, Shade opened the locked door, but except for the large furniture in the room, all traces of life have disappeared.

Unlike the windows on the first floor, which were sealed, the third floor simply closed the windows, so the sunlight through the hazy mist could still shine in.

Shade's boots squeaked on the damp floor. He walked into the door and looked around. With the reminder of the woman's voice in his head, he turned and saw the bedroom door, avoiding the soul standing in the sun.

Not Evil Spirit, just soul. The soul is almost completely transparent, and if it dared to stand in the light, Shade would probably barely see its form. Judging from the facial features of the soul, this should be Sal Haq who lives here.

Shade saw him and he saw Shade. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but seeing Shade staring at him all the time, the soul looked towards him in surprise, confirming that there was a closed door behind him:

"Can you see me?"

"Yes, I can see you."

Shade said, regretfully. The soul in front of him is very normal. It belongs to the standard soul that stays in the dead area and has not been infected by any elements. Therefore, the "haunted" rumors here are true, but certainly not related to the relic.

Thinking of this, I suddenly had the thought of turning around and leaving. But Shade didn't move, because he was also interested in the story of the soul.

It was only 9:50 in the morning, and he had time to inquire about what happened here.

"It turns out that the so-called mysticism really exists in this world."

It is probably because the time of death is not long, so the wisdom displayed by the soul is close to that of a normal person.

"Are you Huck?"

Shade confirmed, the soul nodded, looking happy to be spoken to:
"Yes, Thrall. Huck, I died here and got stuck here. May I ask who you are."


Shade took out his ID and shook it. , the soul suddenly realized:

"Oh, I know, it is the plot in the palace novel, in the mysterious MI6, there really is a wizard to solve the witchcraft for the king!"

This statement is of course wrong. MI6 may have hired ring warlocks, but most of them can't get along in other places, or they need money urgently, which is not what he thought.

But Shade didn't correct it either, but nodded:
"Your downstairs neighbor reported that it's haunted, so I was sent to check the house."

"Haunted When I lived here, but never. Oh, it was me."

He suddenly realized that it was the wear and tear of his soul that lowered his intelligence, or he didn't fully accept his own death:
"Sorry, I swear I didn't do anything! I only occasionally walked around at night, and I thought I couldn't interfere in the world of the living."

Thrall Huck's The soul is weaker than the two souls in the cemetery. The latter can at least work together to control an ordinary person because of half a century of resentment and confusion. The former is really just an ordinary soul.

"How did you die?"

Shade asked curiously.

"I was sick, I thought it was just an ordinary gastrointestinal problem, but didn't expect to have severe pain in the middle of the night. That night, the landlord's family went to the countryside to visit relatives, and the neighbors on the second floor seemed to be attending the city hall as a small civil servant. Our banquet. I couldn't ask for help, and then I died."

Speaking of his own death, youngster's soul still had some regrets, but no dissatisfaction.

"According to my preliminary investigation, your neighbors said that there used to be strange noises upstairs. That was before you died. Are you sure where you live, is there really no problem?"


"You sit on the sofa and try."

The soul said, and Shade hesitated and sat down, nothing happened.

"Try turning around."

The soul said again, and Shade moved again, but nothing happened.

“Strengthen your waist.”

Shade did so again, this time the floor made a very distinct rattling. Apparently the floor under the couch was loose, creating a sound when the couch shook.

"So, the noise heard by the neighbor downstairs, it's made like this but what are you doing strenuous exercise on the couch every night? Is it exercise?"

"Exercise ."

The soul is still standing in the shadow of the bedroom door:

"It's not really, in fact, I also know that I shouldn't stay. Being able to stay, on the one hand, it may be me. There is a problem with a necklace I bought before. On the one hand, there is something to deal with. Sir, there is a floor under the coffee table that can be pried open, please take out the item inside."

Shade really didn't feel the inside of the house. There are traces of elements, but after prying open the floor, I barely noticed that there was an alchemy item underneath.

Take all the contents out, there are three magazines, a bone necklace, and an old black wallet.

The bone necklace was suspected by Shade to be human bones. From his shallow knowledge, it was a standard necromantic alchemy item, but it was badly damaged. It was probably bought by him in a store by accident. If it comes back, even if you leave it alone, it will be completely useless after a few months. It is this item, coupled with a strong desire, that makes the soul have the ability to linger.

As for those three books, the covers appear to be last fall's women's fashion magazines. It's something noble ladies like, and it's weird to be here.

Shade opened it and glanced at it, then closed the book immediately, blushing a little.

There is not a single word in it. They are all large black and white photos of people and oil paintings. They are used to show the beauty of the human body and to explain that humans can take pictures and paint without clothes.

In other words, the cover is just used to cover up the real content inside, this is a color-coded album.

"You read this every night?"

Shade looked towards the soul and shook the book in his hand.

"It's not every night, I stay occasionally, but I actually want to destroy these things, so I walk around at night. No, it's okay to take them away, as long as no one else finds out. I've seen it."

The soul said, expressionless.

"No problem, I'll take it for you and burn it."

Shade can't leave traces of his visit to the house, so he can't burn it here.

"Also, please burn the photos in the wallet."

The soul said again, Shade opened the old black wallet and checked it. The so-called photos are of two very old family photos, with a rural windmill in the background. The little boy in the photo should be Sal Huck in front of him, but counting the time, the photo should have been taken more than ten years ago.

"This is a photo of me and my family, but they unfortunately passed away during the plague five years ago. Sir, take those three books away, burn the photo, the money in your wallet is you That's right. That's the money I saved up to pay for next year's tuition, and I can't use it anymore."

"Don't you have any friends? Who handled the corpse?"

Shade Asked in surprise, Sal Haq, whose soul became more and more transparent, shook his head:

"If I had friends, why would I read those magazines at home by myself at night? My body was disposed of by the school, but Now that you're dead, don't bother people you know at school with money. The landlord has my three-month deposit as a gift. As for the money, it's about £20, sir, it's a gift to you Thank you for helping me with these things."

It's not that the tuition fee is £20 a year, it's that he's only saving up for that.

The voice of the soul faded a little bit, and only Shade heard the last words, he was going:
"Sir, I have no family, no friends, or even people to hang out with at night. , Alone wants to change his life by reading. As a foreigner, I am very happy to have someone help me with my funeral."

He disappeared, and Shade looked at the 20 pounds he had earned, not only Not happy, but with some doubts in surprise:
"So, why am I here? This is not to tell me that foreigners who have no one to rely on will eventually die alone, even those who inherit the inheritance. Isn't it?"

The sun shines into the room from the window, and then shines on Shade's face, which is a look of astonishment. There is nothing that can ruin his mood all day like this one.

[Outlander, don't you have someone who can inherit the estate? ]

asked a whisper in the ear.

"You mean Mia?"

Shade looked at the purse in the sunlight, which seemed to mock him.

[I mean your friends. How did you think about that cat? ]

She whispered in his ear, and Shade was speechless:

"Although there is money to be made, I shouldn't be doing this commission."


Although there is a soul in this incident, it will be fine even if you leave it alone. Now things are perfectly resolved, but the blow to Shade's heart is too great.

Leaving the house and locking the door, Shade used a spell downstairs to set fire to the two photos as agreed.

As for the three books in his hand, they were too big to set fire in the alley. He planned to take them back and burn them again. When I walked out of the alley, I remembered that I could turn them into small toys, but now that I have come to the street.
Shade sighed, holding three books, facing the morning sun, bowed his head and joined the stream of people. in the misty streets.

PS: The 4K chapter in the afternoon is considered a National Day Plus update. Happy National Day.

PS2: Tickets are requested at the beginning of the month.

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