Whispering Poems Chapter 330


Chapter 329 reappears
"I am incomplete."

The hoarse voice seemed to grow They were getting closer, but the people on the steps with their backs to them clearly didn't move. Combined with the swaying ship and the sound of thunderstorms outside the board, this scene was more terrifying than the monster who just let Shade drink soup.

"But I long for wholeness."

The words continued, and the rays of light at Shade's fingertips grew faint, and the surrounding darkness suppressed it, so he only Can increase the output of the spirit.


The air that seemed to freeze in the cabin actually flowed in this brief moment. Miss Prince, who was closer, felt the wind flowing behind her, and the hoarse man's voice appeared directly behind her:

"You come and make me complete!"

A mortal sense of crisis rises in the mind, Miss Princes instinctively wants to turn around, but forcibly stops the thought:
"Shade, is there something behind me?"

"Don't turn around, there is nothing behind you!"

All the shadows are at the entrance of the stairs, so Miss Prince who is facing the enemy must not turn around.

"Okay, then I understand."

The young girl in complexion pale smiled:
"so that's how it is."

Raise your right hand and lightly touch the ruby earrings on your ears. After the fingertip made contact with the gem, a faint red halo rippled out of the gem. The slender fingers stirred the halo, and with the stroke of the fingers, a slender red light trace was drawn in the air.

Then slightly forward, the red "ribbon" flew to the guy with his back to the two of them. After tying it up smoothly, the sailor sat stiffly and stopped talking, and even the sound of dripping water disappeared.

"Go away, it's too long to control."

Miss Prince immediately turned to Shade behind her, looking worse.

"This sage-level relic, in addition to preventing spells and Mystic Art, can temporarily imprison a target, which is too strong."

Pulling almost When the red-haired girl ran down the stairs together, Shade couldn't help sighing. He did not immediately ask the role of the other party's relic, but planned to wait until he left the ship.

[Think about this ship, which is also a Sage class, think about the necklace that Demonness lent you, and think about the gift box that can only contain any anomalous objects. ]

"Oh, it's actually quite normal to have this effect."

After crossing the Level 3 stairs, the gloomy wind and the weird atmosphere also eased slightly. Both Shade and Miss Princes kept their mouths shut, panting violently through their noses. They resisted the urge and didn't look back, but walked down the wooden stairs tattered by decay.

Both of them knew that the sailor must be watching them from behind, but the ruby earrings were bound long enough until they turned the corner of the stairs, and there were no strange sounds from above.

After clearing the dripping sailors, the cabin seemed to return to normal. It's just that the stairs seemed to be too long. They stopped and rested for a while. They thought they would see the captain soon, but then they walked up the stairs for five minutes before they finally heard a loud noise from further down. .

Going further down, you can already see the rays of light of deep green coming out from the bottom, this unexpected adventure doesn't seem to be long at all.


After stepping over a certain Level 1 step, Miss Prince suddenly frowned and looked towards Shade, and Shade, who was enduring hunger, realized it later. He stopped and looked down towards his arm.

On the bare back of the hand, the skin slowly cracked inch by inch, and the golden light scars shone under those cracks, complementing the silver rays of light at the fingertips. Roll up the sleeves and the rips run from the hands to the entire body. Almost in the blink of an eye, his whole body was covered with golden cracks, and even cracks appeared on his clothes.

Shaking the arm, the golden light marks pull out the afterimage and leave golden light spots like fire stars in the air. The brilliant golden light radiates from the inside of the crack. Warm and soft, but very sacred and solemn.

The fullness and warmth of the power greatly reduced Shade's hunger at the moment. As if bathing in the bathroom, the body was slowly immersed in the hot water, and the depressed feeling since arriving on this strange Sea Territory ship seemed to dissipate with the appearance of these light marks.

The brilliance of these goldens is also reflected in Miss Prince's eyes. The sacred rays of light soothed her spirit, and it was obvious that only the second ring warlock was in front of her, but looking at him, there was a feeling of breathlessness.

"This is. Divine Afterglow."

The Divine Afterglow state lasts as long as Shade holds Divinity. But there are only two situations for this natural phenomenon to appear on the surface of the body. One is that he falls into a deep dream, which exposes the essence of his soul, such as the dream of the joyful dream pen; the other is that he encounters an environment related to God , the power of divinity will automatically appear to protect him, such as saving the little girl's family last time.

Shade would be happy if it was a dream at the moment, but now it's a reality no matter how you look at it. That is to say.
He looked towards the pale green rays of light projected upwards from further down the stairs:

"Everyone is on the boat, but the boat is not the only one, only the captain's cabin is the only one. There is the power of the Evil God."

The good news is that at least this time it's just the power of the gods on the ship that hunts for him, in far better condition than the last time Evil God watched.

He held his stomach and stabilized his spirit. Seeing that the girl beside him was okay, he said softly:
"Don't worry, this is just a decoration, it will disappear when we leave.

Miss Prince covered her mouth in surprise, but didn't ask any more, Shade asked in the heart:

"Make sure, you feel Evil God Have you seen the traces here?"

[Not at all. ]

Shade relaxed, and said to the girl next to him:

"Miss Prince, I'm going to see the captain next. No matter what happens in a while, it's up to me. to solve it."

The next area will be more deeply affected by the power of Evil God, and the power of the five-ring warlock will be further compressed.

"I can accept your offer, but you have to explain it."

The red-haired girl was still sensible, biting her lip and pulling on Shade's sleeve, as if in a relationship with those golden The direct contact of the light marks can soothe the pain in the heart.

"The downside is worse than the upside, how much power can you exert with the power of Evil God?"

Shade shook his hand, Serious look:
"I've been through more dangerous situations, and what I've encountered today is not even as bad as it was at Lake View Manor."

"I understand."

She whispered:

"You stand in front, but if you can't hold it, let me come. I will always be by your side."

(End of this chapter)

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