Whispering Poems Chapter 328


Chapter 327 Convergence
One step forward, monster trotters are very funny to make please Posture:

"After I got on the boat to become a chef, the highest record I have encountered so far is that a demoness drank 7 bowls of soup with me, figured out everything, and successfully left. I see, you have the same Hope."

The temptation didn't work for Shade, but he did feel like he could keep drinking. Although I am very hungry now, this hunger is completely bearable. Drinking the third bowl is just to increase my hunger and make more spirits that can be consumed. This price is exchanged for a five-year-old who is familiar with this ship. Ring warlock, definitely worth it.

Thinking of this, I stretched out my hand to take the bowl threw away by the pig's trotter, reached out again to process the liquid with [Fully Food], drank it in small sips, and then threw the empty bowl and returned. to house room.

Shade can now clearly feel the peristalsis in his stomach and intestines. This terrifying hunger is something he has never experienced in his two lives:

“Dyeing with magic potion” A red-haired girl with golden hair, with a ruby earring on the right ear, and a ring warlock. The one who meets this condition is my companion."

Take the empty bowl, monster snorted in the room, see Shade could still speak sanely, so he came to the wall and slapped the wall with his hooves.

This sound was not loud in the sound of the rainstorm coming from the outside world, but after the knocking ended, the mushroom creep on the wall of the cabin corridor next to Shade suddenly burst. As Shade hurriedly dodged the filthy slime, Miss Prince, with mostly red hair, slammed out from behind the creep.


Both sides are surprised, but neither is happy:
“Prove your identity.”

Female warlock shouted warily.

"The souvenir from last time was a fish. Prove your identity."

"You have two Lords of the founding set. Oh, what about you, what about me"

She hasn't figured out the situation yet, it looks like she's just been through a battle, and her breath is obviously unsteady. Not only that, Miss Prince does not have the strange characteristics like Shade, so due to the assimilation of this ship, her mental state is very bad, her rosy cheeks are now pale as if she hadn't slept for a few days.

Time is running out, Shade briefly explained the current situation, the female warlock looked towards the room in surprise, and immediately groaned when she saw the monster, and almost fell on Shade immediately:

"Shade, you. Even for me, this thing dares to drink? This is the inside of a sage-level relic! Do you have common sense? Oh, you do have no common sense, and you only became a ring warlock for a month"


"There must be a battle next, I need you."

Shade interrupted her, and added quickly:
"I'm just a weak Erhuan warlock, I don't have the power of yours."

Miss Princes looked towards Shade in surprise when she heard this, as if she couldn't understand what Shade just said:
"You? Weak?"

But Shade has already drank the third bowl of soup, and time can't go back, they can only accept this result.

"I know now that I'm going to the next level in the cabin to see the captain, but I still don't know how to get the captain to let us go. Do you know?"

Shade asked Xiang Pu Miss Lindsey, who grabbed Shade's arm, shook her head slightly with an ugly face:
"When I was writing my course paper, I studied fairy tales related to pirates, so I only knew about [Pirate Ship]. Like [The Mermaid Song], there are very few descriptions of this relic, and it only appeared in the Early-Stage of this era, so I just know that I can't jump into the sea, and the hope of leaving is in the deepest part of the cabin."

When 唷~
The hull shook, and the bowl containing the transparent liquid appeared at the door for the fourth time.

"What do you mean?"

Shade, who was holding back his hunger and clutching his stomach, looked vigilantly towards the cabin.

"I know how to deal with the captain, just drink this bowl of soup and I'll give you the answer."

The hoof waved the spoon, and the expression on the face was still weird.

"I'm coming!"

Goldilocks bent over to pick up the bowl, but was grabbed by Shade, he looked towards the dark green eyes, The toughness in her eyes when looking at each other made Warlock feel a little terrifying for some reason.

"Your current state of mind, I'm afraid something will happen to you after drinking a bowl. I don't want to fight in a small space with a five-ring warlock who wants to swallow me alive."

Although the hunger makes Shade feel like his stomach is about to pierce, but compared to the powerlessness and pain when facing the gods, the feeling at this time is bearable:

"Please don't underestimate ma'am. Me."

As he spoke, he bent down to pick up the bowl, and after using Mystic Art again, sipped the fourth bowl of soup. The pungent fishy smell would probably make Shade not want to eat fish for a long time.


He threw the empty bowl back into the room and staggered back a few steps. At the same time as his soul felt a surge of satisfaction, his body's hunger had reached an unprecedented level. To the extent that he has, now he really wants to taste that filling fish soup again.

At this time, the sense of dislocation between the soul and the body actually made Shade feel a little bit of separation between the consciousness and the body. Fortunately, this is just an illusion at present.

Miss Prince hurriedly supported him, and Shade groaned softly. He had never missed a full meal so much.

"The fourth bowl can even be drunk. We all have the power of gluttony. I'm looking forward to one more cook on this ship. You will be hooked on the feeling of dissection of living people. We You are the retinue of the Great One, stay here, and you are eternal life."

It squinted its eyes and looked towards Shade, as if expecting that he would suddenly bite at his comrade.

"Answer my question, how do I deal with the captain?"

The voice came from Shade's mouth, and he even tried to fill his stomach by breathing heavily.

"Very well, you are the thirteenth person to drink the fourth bowl in the 3,000 years I have been on board. Dealing with the captain, it's actually very simple.

The great one let us Driving this ship to hunt in the ocean, but we also have to abide by the rules and cannot kill you directly. This is the basic principle engraved on the formation of this ship. Breaking the principle will attract the attention of the gods (Note) .Find the captain, the captain will let the sailors duel you, if you survive, you will get a chance to bet against the captain. If you still win, you can leave."

"So Simple?"


The face was lowered slightly, hidden in the shadows:

"How many people do you think will be able to find the captain, How many people can beat those undead sailors, bet against captains, and avoid the trap of greed? If it was really that easy, I would be here?"

Shade then remembered, The other party was also caught on the boat, and then stayed here forever.

"That's all I have."

Shade backed away slowly, now that the hunger was so overwhelming that he couldn't go on drinking those soups.


"What's wrong?"

Shade asked warily.

"Give me back the bowl!"

"Oh, sorry."

Shade glanced at the bowl with the Whisper element in his hand, Then throw it into the room without the slightest hesitation. The monster with human face, fish body and pig trotters was snorted again:
"Very well, you have understood the price of greed on this ship. However, I still hope that you can stay here, mortal, to be the servant of God What's wrong? Don't you think the murloc's posture is beautiful? If it's about worldly desires, I can tell you, murlocs can too."

It didn't get an answer from Shade, because Shade and Miss Princes has left.

The monster hummed, and threw the bowl to the ground, in the deep green fire, and stirred the liquid in the pot with that copper spoon, as it had been doing for thousands of years .

PS: As mentioned in Chapter 14, when Dr. Schneider introduced the basic knowledge to Shade, he mentioned that the Evil God is far stronger than the Evil God, so this ship must hunt in a disciplined manner.

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