Whispering Poems Chapter 319


Chapter 318 Sea Cliff Lighthouse
Playing cards with cheating guys is a comparison to Shade Novelty experience. After resting for a while with Miss Prince, the two left the tavern and headed to their next destination.

The Seven Broom Tavern is a relatively large gathering place for ring warlock, and then Miss Prince wants to introduce Shade to a few relatively small black markets for ring warlock.

It was still in the lively and chaotic dock area. After leaving the tavern, the two took off their masks and walked normally along the street towards the port. Miss Prince led the way and Shade followed. Originally, he was thinking about whether to find something to talk about, but the female Warlock, who didn't expect to wear ruby earrings, took the initiative to chat with him.

Miss Princes seems to have traveled a lot, talking to Shade about the customs and political systems of the old continent. Whether it is the unique parliamentary system of Kasenrik, or the special hobby of the little dukedom in the southern Delarion, whether it is the strange customs of the small tribes on the eastern coast of the kingdom, or the environmental protection regulations of the primitive forest in the southern part of the old continent, she can actually say it. two sentences.

From the old continent's northern ice cap to the southern primitive forest, from the cold water port on the west coast of the road to the Broken Isles on the continental Eastern Sea coast, Miss Prince knows almost everything. Even if it weren't for the identity of the correspondence ring warlock, she would still like to go to the new continent to see the peculiar natural scenery and majestic ancient ruins.

"I was on a trip to Carson Rick not long ago, of course, just for a short trip."

Miss Prince and Shade stood at the intersection and waited in the row in front of them. carriage In the past, it was the local art gallery delivering goods.

She watched Shade's expression as she spoke, but most of Shade's attention was now on the dock post office on the other side of the intersection.

The number of post offices in Lengshuigang City is more than that of Tobesque. Although the resident population here may not be as good as that of the Pearl of the North, the number of non-locals handled daily is absolutely unmatched. Because Miss Luyesha said that she should not bring fish as a souvenir this time, Shade wondered whether she should go to the post office to buy some beautiful postcards.

“How is Carson Rick?”

Shade asked casually.

"It's very good, especially the vineyards in the south, where the scenery is absolutely beautiful."

Miss Prince said, young girls in the north of this era, it seems that I love southern vineyards.

She thought Shade would go on with the topic of the vineyard, but didn't expect him to look towards the souvenir shop next to the post office on the pier.

Colorful masks and wooden models of ships of various styles are displayed in the window. Shade is considering whether to buy some models to send back to Miss Luisa.

"What do you think about giving these things to friends? I finally came to Coldwater Harbor City. I plan to buy some gifts for my friends in the same group."

Princeth The young lady looked towards the direction his finger pointed, and the two walked together through the lively pier street. It's Monday afternoon, but the pier is still full of people.

“For a female friend?”

she asked.


"She would never like it."

The female warlock gave a very decisive answer without thinking.


"Because I don't like it in general rationality that women will not like something that gets in the way and doesn't serve any purpose on the closet. "

"So what should I send?"

Shade asked her for help.

"You asked me to help you choose?"

The golden-haired girl pointed to herself with an expression of wanting to laugh and be angry.

"Yes. Is it troublesome? Sorry, just wanted to hear your opinion."

Shade asked hesitantly, thinking that he just paid the other party to be the tour guide, and the other party There's no reason to help him choose gifts.

Seeing what Shade said, the female warlock took a deep breath:

"You really know how to find shortcuts. Souvenir shops probably have cheap jewelry, such as those made of shells. A brooch, or a pretty pebbled bracelet. It's small and delicate, and it's not worth the money, but it doesn't feel right at home. Look at the ruby earrings in the window, although the gems are definitely fake , but the mermaid look is very good."

"Oh! Good idea! Please wait!"

Speaking, Shade walked quickly to the souvenir shop next to the post office. Only Miss Prince was standing by the mailbox, watching Shade's back go away:
"Does he really know nothing, or is he just making fun of me?"

The female warlock whispered muttered.

Leaving the intersection, they did not enter the confines of the port, but followed the street all the way north until the surrounding buildings became more and more sparse. After half an hour, they left the lively pier and climbed the cliff outside the pier area. Shade saw the small lighthouse standing on the cliff from a distance, and that was their target.

There is only one winding road from the city to the lighthouse on the sea cliff. Although unmaintained, the ruts on the ground barely kept the road from being engulfed by nature.

After climbing the cliff, the smell of the sea becomes more and more intense, the sound of seagulls in the sea breeze can be heard far away, and the sound of the waves crashing is also relaxing and joyful. Miss Princes led the way, introducing the situation to Shade as she walked. It's just that she probably doesn't come here often, and needs to stop and go to find the most convenient way.

It wasn't until he got closer to the lighthouse that Shade saw the planks and metal pipes stacked under the old lighthouse.

"Are there repairs here?"

Shade asked hesitantly.

“Every summer here is repaired, and the lighthouse of the port is very important. Not only because it is to guide the way of ships, the 12 lighthouses on the outskirts of Lengshuigang city also play a role in guarding the coastline. "

Miss Prince and Shade stopped together and looked at the old lighthouse standing on the sea cliff:

"Mr Watson, you know the history of Coldwater Harbor." Is this city rising because of the discovery of a new continent, but before that, it has always been one of the most important seaport cities on the west coast of the road. -Stage, an appalling thing happened here. After that, the Orthodox Church, in conjunction with Mystic Art Academy, built 12 lighthouses on the outskirts of Coldwater Harbor City to serve as a base for a large-scale ceremony to guard the city.”

"What is the function of ceremony?"

"I don't know, it's a secret of the church and the Academy, I'm just writing the course paper, in the history of Zarath Conjuration Academy I have seen some information in the book. Of course, that was a thousand years ago, and the so-called ceremony that guards the city now has more symbolic meaning than actual meaning. After all, it is different from the chaotic era of Early-Stage, and the Church of the Orthodox God is completely different. It can be protected here, so whether this large-scale ceremony relying on twelve lighthouses can still be effective, we don’t know.”

This old lighthouse on the sea cliff currently only lives in There is an elderly tower guard, Mr. Edmund, who is the object of their visit this time. The sign of the decline of these old lighthouses is such an important ceremony node that the keeper is actually a secret ring warlock.

The Old Mister doesn't belong to the church, and Miss Prince doesn't know what organization he belongs to. Because they couldn't trust them completely, they both put on masks before knocking on the door, but no one in the lighthouse opened the door for a long time after they knocked on the door.

Just as they were about to leave, footsteps came from the direction they came from.

Turns around and looks, Old Mister with a hat and a light grey cloth jacket full of pockets, a fishing rod on his back, a bucket in his left hand, and a metal folding chair in his right hand, from The winding path under the cliff came up.

The folding chair looks like it's made out of pipes stacked under the lighthouse.

He appears to be in his fifties, full of energy, ruddy complexion, and very steady on his feet. Seeing a stranger with a mask standing under the lighthouse, he asked:
"Who introduced it?"

The sound of the cold water port is very strong, and the pronunciation of the west coast and inland is very strong. different.

"I was with you two years ago and bought a magical conch. You asked for £300, I gave you £310, and told you that I might come back a long time later."

said Miss Princes.


Mr. Edmond nodded, looking like he thought of a lady with a lot of money:

"I remember this, when You said, it was my friend's old date who introduced you"

He saw Miss Prince's gesture, so he didn't finish the name, but motioned for the two to wait:
"Okay, I'll put things down first and talk about things. Today's harvest is really not small."

He should have gone fishing just now. When he passed by Shade, Shade asked curiously. I glanced at the tin bucket, but there was only one fry that was less than three fingers of Shade's size.

"fishing, there's always bad luck, the tides are weird today, and I bet something weird is approaching offshore, and when I'm nesting."

Seeing that Shade noticed, Edmund Old Mister explained with a blushing face. The old man did not let them enter the lighthouse, but after putting down the things in his hands, he stood with the two on the edge of the sea cliff, and talked about things while looking at the sea.

The feet are at least 50 feet (about 15.2m) from the sea surface. The tide is constantly hitting the reef below the sea cliff, and the rumbling water makes them have to speak with greater strength. But standing here blowing the sea breeze, the feeling of bathing in the water vapor is very good, and the scenery where the sky meets the sea in the distance also makes Shade very satisfied.

The old man who lives alone here has a dog and two cats in the lighthouse. These three animals are quite human under the lighthouse, eating the food given by Mr. Edmund, while looking at the three people who are looking at the sea from a distance.

The dog is a common guard dog in the country, and the two cats are also mixed breeds, but they were quite close to Shade just now. If not reprimanded by the master, he even wanted to roll at Shade's feet. It seems that Shade's cat-friendly trait is not only useful to Tobesque's cats, but also to foreign cats.

(end of this chapter)

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