Whispering Poems Chapter 306


Chapter 305 Light Guide Hermit Order

"The Society of Prophets."

Shade's answer almost blurted out over the crackling of firewood.

The Society of Prophets has never experienced a particularly strong development, and has even been reduced to a regional organization in certain historical periods. But the Prophet Society has never disappeared. They have almost always existed together with human civilization, because the desire to know the future is the expectation of intelligent creatures that has never disappeared since ancient times.

And the Sixth Epoch, relying on the Rhodes card, developed the association unexpectedly and rapidly, probably the most powerful association in history.

"Those people who speak only half of their words really have a way to live longer."

Moon Demoness said in a low voice, it seems that the habit of fortune-tellers is Every era is the same.

"No, the Prophet's Association probably won't have the information to contact the gods, and the prudent fortune-tellers won't store dangerous knowledge, and even if they did, they wouldn't easily tell you such an outsider to say another one. ."

Miss Feliana said again, this time Shade thought about it:
"Blood Spirit School."

He pursed his lips and added:

"I have a conflict with them."

"It's normal, the reputation of the Blood Spirit School is not good in our time, didn't expect that group of people can actually exist After so long, it seems that the Evil God you mentioned last time is probably related to them. But I don't think they will have any information about the god [Yuanbian Gate]. The knowledge of the blood spirit school is more inclined to blood. "

Miss Feliana whispered, but did not let Shade continue to list. She thought about it:
"I thought of an organization that might know ceremony information, and if it could exist at your point in time, you might also contact them and get ceremony information from them. Do you know this? "

She didn't say the name, but reached out the hand in the robe and drew a symbol on the ground shallowly.

The main body of the symbol is an equilateral triangle, the three corners of the triangle are connected to a small circle, and the inside of the triangle is a man with wings.

Shade was taken aback for a moment, and Miss Feliana's mouth twitched into a smile:

"You know?"

"Yes, but only once. I've asked my friends to help me find information about this symbol, but there's been no information. Let's just say, I'm pretty sure that the organization that owned this symbol existed at least a hundred years before the point in time I lived in. ”

Shade has only one encounter with this bizarre symbol, there are some clutter in the space behind a hidden wall in the basement of Sainte-Trin Square, where all the potion bottles have this symbol on the bottom.

By analyzing the text on the parchment in the sundries, he understood that someone had entered the back of the wall a hundred years ago, but he had not been able to touch the Ancient God statue like he did. That organization knew about the "Space Labyrinth" and even found clues to the "Creation Birth Room", so it must know more secrets about the thirteen Ancient Gods. Shade tried to learn more about the Ancient God and the secrets of the space left by the Ancient Gods through the organization represented by this symbol, but no matter how he tried, he couldn't find what the symbol meant.

"What kind of organization symbol is this?"

Shade asked, pointing to the ground.

"Light Guide Hermit Order."

Miss Feliana said, explaining very patiently. Shade noticed that her nails are very beautiful. In addition to their special power, the unique charm of the Demones is also their common feature:
"If [Blood Spirit School] can be directly classified as a bad guy, then [Light Guide Hermit] Order] is a good person who is biased towards bad people. These people are staunch doomsdayists, they believe that the end of the entire world will come one day, so they are actively preparing for themselves and more people to get through the end."

"Apocalypse? There is still such a person? And this kind of person can inherit for so many years?"

Shade was slightly surprised, he originally thought he could find his basement after the The organization of the hidden space is an ambitious effort to obtain the secrets of the Ancient God. And now it sounds more like a group of people with a little bit of a brain problem.

"The inheritance of [Light Guide Hermit Order] is extremely ancient. Before the Fifth Era, it was believed that the Doomsday would come, and in the Fifth Era, the Doomsday would surely come. Since you have also found their traces, then they are in After the fifth era, you must also believe that the end will come."

The moon Demonness added:

"Now you may feel that this group of people is ridiculous, but once you When I really get in touch with them, I know that their rhetoric is very attractive."

Miss Fei Lianna nodded, didn't pay attention to the students' interjection:
"Yes, but because of the [leader] According to Hermit Order], they have a lot of hidden knowledge in their hands that others can't think of. I recommend this organization because as long as you don't conflict with their goals, they are very willing to trade with unfamiliar Demoness. I can't guess your time. , [Hermit Order] is re-prosperous or completely declined, but as long as it exists."

"How do I find them?"

Shade asked again, this method It is feasible.

"It's difficult, but it's not impossible. If you can find an academic group that respects the ordinary person who advocates the doomsday theory, if you can find that their views and logic are abnormally perfect, then there is a high probability that they will be with the [Guide Light]. [Hermit Order] is related. [Guide Light Hermit Order] sponsors similar organizations all year round, which is one of their core principles.”

But this method is no different from finding a needle in a haystack, in the steam age of civilization and prosperity , There are not many people who have nothing to do and then feel that the end of the day will come, and the doomsday theory itself is not a rare point of view.

"Are there any other methods besides this organization? I only have one last chance to come here, I'm impossible to spend several decades looking for this organization, and then see you after a long wait you."

Shade asked again.

"Looks like you're in a hurry?"

Miss Feliana said with a smile, and then called the head:
"Your arrival means a lot to us. Unexpected things. Even if you don't show up, we have another way, a very expensive way, to forcibly escape from here, but no one wants to see that scene. So, you just need to look for it as much as possible. , if you really can't find it, it doesn't matter."

She pointed to the documents that were being transcribed:

"For you to find these documents and materials, I also want to go through more Learn more about that god to speculate on the final conditions for contacting the god's ceremony. The god's story and its own power may point to the content of the god's descending ceremony."

For example [The Lord of the Blood Feast] The advent of ceremony is related to holding a banquet.

Miss Feliana said this, but it made Shade a little sorry. His original intention was not to delay too long on a time key, but he also wanted to help Miss Feliana's entire group. Miss Feliana is the founder of the Academy, but the key point is that she gave Shade a lot of help last time, and Shade is not the kind of ungrateful person:

"I will try my best, even in the end. I can't find the [Light Guide Hermit Order], I can probably try other methods."

It's like spending the last blood money to let Luvia divination the content of the ceremony. It is difficult for Shade to evaluate the ceremony who becomes the chosen one and the ceremony who is the summon god, which is more difficult, but as long as the conditions are met, Luvia will definitely be able to divination.

But this creates another problem, one blood money may not be enough.

Therefore, Shade has to do two things at the same time when he goes back, look for the [Light Guide Hermit Order], and look for more blood money or similar [relics].

The next week was getting busier and busier.

PS:其实【导光Hermit Order 】的末日论并不算完全错误,因为他们并没有在末日论中设置一个确切的时间点.

( End of this chapter)

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