Whispering Poems Chapter 304


Chapter 303 Moon Demonness
[Outlander, you have stepped into the "Time Corridor". ]

[Message from Ancient God "Father of Infinite Trees":]

[In the autumn of 3002 of the Fifth Age, Western Continent, the Forest of Thousand Trees. ]

[Event: Calling God ceremony - Contact the old god "The Gate of Glory". ]

[Duration thirty minutes (2/3). ]

[You have received additional information. ]

[The silhouette of the father of the infinite tree continues to watch you. ]

[The test given to you by the Ancient God of time will continue. ]

[Assist mortals to complete the ceremony - contact the old god "The Gate of Glory". ]

[Father of the Infinite Tree will give you rewards: A piece of historical truth (Demoness War at the end of the Fifth Age), Mystic Art - Space Stabilization Aura. ]

"So, where is the 'Forest of Thousand Trees'?"

Muttering in my heart, Shade was already standing in the endless white mist. The information of the old gods can be found, but neither the Academy, the church nor the Prophet Association can find any news about the "Forest of Thousand Trees". The two places where time traveled were as if they didn't exist at all.

Fortunately, this time I communicated with the Demoness. I want to come to Miss Feilianna to explain what the "Forest of Thousand Trees" is.

Stepping forward, the surrounding white fog gradually dissipated, and the dark forest surrounded Shade. The first time I came here was night, and it was still night. It's just that the overlapping branches are so dense that Shade can't see the starry sky or the moon.

The smell of soil and trees in the forest pours into the nostrils, and the skin can feel the dampness of the forest air. From the bright white fog to the dark forest, the eyes are still a little uncomfortable.

Just taking a breath, the terrifying and depressing atmosphere in the forest surged up. The headache became more and more obvious with the Whisper sound intertwined in his ears, and Shade once again saw open eyes in the darkness of the forest.

Without stopping too much, he laboriously clawed away the grass in front of him and walked forward. Last time, I clearly saw the three Demoness under the giant tree when I opened the grass, but this time I opened the grass, but it was still a dark forest.

"An accident again?"

Darkness surrounds him, the wind rustling through the treetops. Eyes widened, looking towards all around, in the gap between the darkness and the eyes, this time, I couldn't see any light from the scarlet gold bonfire.

“Can you feel nearby features?”

Shade anticipated this, too, so he wasn't panicking.

[Yes, the Whisper element is very strong. ]

"Which direction is weaker?"

[Almost no difference. ]

extend the hand means:

“Silver Moon!”

Because I don’t know what’s in this forest, I just control my fingertips to glow faintly . The dim silver light illuminated the surroundings, the sound of the Whisper in the ear suddenly weakened, and the eyes opened in the dark became sparse.

He stopped in place to find his way, but soon heard noises from the surrounding trees, as if something was moving nearby. The left hand pointed forward, and the right hand drew the holy silver's two-handed sword from the air.

The footsteps are getting closer, but not fast. Later, Shade saw the bushes being ripped apart, and a woman in a robe appeared in front of her with a torch.

She took off her hood on her own initiative. It was not Miss Feliana, but the young Demoness beside her. Shade If I remember correctly, she calls herself "Moon Demoness".

"It's you?"

Demoness also recognized Shade, and his beautiful eyes looked at the rays of light on his fingertips and the giant sword in his hand in surprise:

"Good evening, we've been worried that you won't be able to come back. I saw you last time, I knew you had a strong moon breath on you, didn't expect the moon to care for you so much. It's almost like me. "

While speaking, he inserted his left hand without torch into the air. After a pause, Mingyellow's giant sword, which was not commensurate with his thin body, was drawn out. Shade's holy silver moonlight greatsword only has the rune brand on the hilt, while Demoness's moonlight greatsword is bound by chains from the hilt to the blade, which looks more powerful than Shade's sword.

"Is this the Moonlight Greatsword?"

Shade is very surprised.

Demoness waved the weapon in his hand with a smile on his face:
"You see, the manifestations of supernatural power are so similar even if the era is different. It's a pity that the teacher forbids us to ask about the future. , otherwise, I can't say more, the teacher will blame me."

As they spoke, the weapons in their hands disappeared as blips.

"Come with me, you are so bold and dare to walk around in the Forest of Thousand Trees, you should go directly to us."

"Please wait."

Shade didn't move, but extended the hand:
"Can you shake my hand?"

Demoness looked at him suspiciously:
"Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying, please wait."

He took out a small bottle from his robe, pulled the cork and drank the azure potion inside. From Demoness's expression, it can be seen that the taste of the liquid is definitely not very good:
"This is a potion, which allows me to understand the meaningful language of humanoids without supernatural power in a short time, After you left last time, the teacher prepared some spare .cough cough. Sorry, this potion has some serious side effects. Although it has little impact on our high-level demoness, it is not without cost. What did you just say? "

She asked again, Shade repeated his request for a handshake, and the Demoness didn't know what he wanted to do, but he reached out and shook Shade.

[No problem, it's a living person. ]

The voice in my ear confirmed that Shade finally relaxed:
"No problem, sorry, I want to confirm that you are really alive, this forest is really weird."


"What, looking at your appearance, confirmed my identity in this way?"

Demoness looked towards the hand Shade held, then held the torch to lead the way, Shade noticed that the scarlet gold flame, like the silver light on his fingertips, could drive out the strange smell in the forest.

"Yes, be careful when you go out."

He whispered.

"teacher often says the same thing."

"So, don't you need to confirm my identity?"

Shade asked curiously again, walking in The Demoness in front shook his head:
"My power is much stronger than yours, and my perception of the moon is stronger. The rays of light at your fingertips are the purest moonlight, and this forest cannot imitate such pure power. ."

"Moon Demonness, are you very good at the power of the moon?"

"Yes, this name is not made up randomly, people outside call me that. Also, I'm not the same as you, I'm good at the yellow moon."

Shade is nominee, thinking that if the time gap between the librarians is too large, Miss Danister doesn't have to do it for the [Sage Library] ] I tried my best to find the core spirit rune of [Yellow Moon].

I intend to inquire about Ancient God - Silver Moon Sage from the Moon Demonness, but before Shade has time to speak, the color of fire has already appeared in front of him. Even if there was a torch, Demones and Shade didn't want to stay in the forest for a long time. They both quickened their pace. After cutting the grass in front of them, they saw the giant tree, the bonfire in the open space under the giant tree, and the two Demones beside the bonfire. .

The distance from encountering Demonness to walking out of the forest was less than 200 meters, but Shade didn't see the slightest spark of fire around him just now.

There is something wrong with this forest.

(end of this chapter)

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