Whispering Poems Chapter 289


Chapter 288 Normal cat
Luvia's footsteps gradually disappeared, but she was sitting in the room Shade inside didn't go to hold the teacup, but looked down at the orange cat.

He didn't forget that, the night before yesterday, the cat absorbed some divine power and turned back into a cat without using its own spell. Luvia said that the cat was fine, and Shade also thought that it was possible that he had unintentionally released the Mystic Art for the cat in a coma, but he was always cautious.


Seeing that Shade was not moving, the lying cat looked up towards him.

Shade was pretty sure the cat he adopted was a normal cat, at least the other day. What he is worried about now is not that the cat will release the curse on himself, but that after absorbing a trace of divine power, the cat will become unusual.

Although there is no such example in modern times, in ancient myths and legends, there are often stories of mortal beings accepting the power of God to change their own existence.

Even if it's just a story, it's not without reference. And Mia has not shown any other special points so far except for turning back into a cat. Even if Shade touches it directly, the woman in her heart is imperceptible to the strangeness of this cat.

"If you're willing to talk to me, I'll take you to eat something good at noon today."

He suddenly whispered to the cat.


The cat who had stood up let out an unexplained meow, and then rubbed his furry face with his right front paw, without any intention to speak human words. .

So Shade is relieved, although there are some doubts about changing from a puppet to a cat. But overall, this is still an ordinary domestic little kitty.


Millia cried, as if urging Shade to have lunch as soon as possible. Shade thought that maybe, he could spend money from Miss Mia Gothe to really "take the cat as his own".

He swears, the idea wasn't long-planned, it was just emerging.

[Owning other people's pets is not a just act. 】

The woman's voice said with a smile in his ear, and Shade also stood up:
"I didn't say I must be a good person. And I didn't say I didn't spend money. Let's wait until Miss Gothe sends a letter next time, she said she will send a letter once a month, and next time I might be able to listen to her."

Shade did not leave the Society of Prophets immediately, but It is to go back to the reception on the first floor and ask the receptionist if Mr. Sindia Mark, the Vice-President of the association, is there.

After waiting for a few minutes, I saw Mr. Mark walking down the stairs, very enthusiastic about Shade:
"Oh, Mr. Hamilton, long time no see. For the divination I said last time. Are you interested in the event? Or want to inquire about the Rhodes Tournament. In fact, before the 'Big City Players', there were many amateur Rhodes tournaments in the Tobesque area. Recently, the news of [Founding Silver Moon] has been It was circulated, but many people mentioned to me that they wanted to invite the owner of that card to play."

He shook hands with Shade enthusiastically, and Shade looked towards all around , whispered in a low voice while walking up the stairs with Mr. Mark:
"You hold the handrail of the stairs before I speak."


Although I don't know why, but the middle age person did so with a smile:

"Look, I've been helped, what exciting news is this?"

"I I want to identify a Rhodes card, a very old Rhodes card."

Shade said, and the middle age person raised his eyebrows:
"No problem, can I take a look at which one it is first. ?"

Shade saw that no one was up and down the stairs, so he covered it with his coat and took out the cards and stuffed him.

The middle-aged man was amused by Shade's actions, but still kept holding one hand on the stair railing and looked down with a smile:

"It's not that I'm not humble , but I can bet I know any special Rhodes card face that's been released to the public."

"You definitely know this one because."

"Oh , my god!"

The middle age person was holding on to the stairs and gasping for air, Shade saw the shocked look on his face, which was almost as expected.

The outsider said with a rather melancholy expression:

"You definitely know this one, because the card face of [Founding·Balance] is hung on the first floor of the association. This identification How long will it take, I still have something to do this afternoon."

Mr. Mark didn't respond, looked at the cards in his hand in a daze, and asked for a long time:
"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I said, I like Rhodes."

Shade joked with the cat.

He didn't waste too much time in the Prophet's Association. He went here from the dukedom of Lagson in the United Kingdom of Carson Rick more than half a month ago to appraise the old Appraisal Masters of [Founder Silver Moon]. Before they left, they were going to act as Appraisal Masters in the "Big City Player" Rhodes Tournament in a month and a half. Therefore, Shade will come back tomorrow with the cards to know whether [Founding Balance] is true.

In fact, he knew very well that this card was absolutely real.

After leaving the Society of Prophets, the next stop is to find Augustus priest.

Next week is all around this month, not only for exam week, but also for Holy Prayer. In addition, the Church of Dawn has to deal with the follow-up of the descending incident. Even if the doctor has time to hold a study meeting this week, if he wants to come to the Priest, he will not have time to participate.

They met at the door of the Church of Dawn. Augustus priest looked a lot haggard, but still so spirited:

"Shade, good afternoon. I see you are all right. Just don't worry, Thursday night was too terrifying, I wanted to send a letter to ask if you were safe, but I was worried that Ridwich Field would be checking recent letters in town. God bless everyone!"

The old priest carefully drew the holy emblem on his chest and looked like he was praying. He was a very kind person. Shade thought for a while, reached into his pocket, grabbed a 10-pound note and stuffed it into the priest:

"Donate this to the church for me, just treat it as my donation for Holy Prayer, if there is any. What holiday souvenirs, don't forget to leave me a copy, I plan to keep it at home."

While throwing money from the window in the morning, Shade certainly wouldn't be stupid enough not to leave a copy for himself and the doctor . They got 50 pounds each, and Shade felt that after what happened on Thursday, he might need some luck recently, so he thought of donating temporarily.

"No problem, I'll keep a souvenir for you. However, Owen Bishop seems to want you to participate in the activities as a representative of believers on the day of Holy Prayer. Are you interested?"


The priest asked while counting the handful of money that Shade put in.

Shade thought for a while:
"Tell me when you have a specific time, I will definitely come when you have time, priority"

"What's the matter? What do you want to ask?"

The old man curiously asked.

"About the God of Thursday."

"I can't say it."

The priest shook his head quickly:

"That's not it. Don't ask more about the things that mortals should know. Fortunately, we were not involved. I originally thought that Yibil's bad luck would definitely be related to this matter. Fortunately, he was only selected by the cultists. Rather than being directly invited to that party."


Shade thought for a moment, and noticed that the cat's tail was touching his chin. Reaching out to touch the cat on his shoulder, he still decided not to refute August's priority.

"Also, did things go well in the morning? I've heard that the police chief at Ridwich Field was shot at his lover's house."

Old priest again heard.

"Of course it's going well, but after Thursday we risk doing it again and it's sure to get the church's attention, so take it easy these days."

"You know what. Well, although the people you kill are bad people, and the things you do are not bad people, you must be careful with your words and deeds, always judge your actions, and never let the darkness in your heart engulf you.”

Augustus priority always likes to see people as creatures who will make the worst choices, so he will think about the worst aspects of human nature when encountering things. Not against Shade, his behavior is against everyone. Miss Luysha mentioned that this is related to the experience of Priest's life. He listened to the confessions of believers in the church all the year round, and he has seen and heard too many things.

After that, Shade also entrusted the priest to help find information about the old god [The Gate of Glory], and Augustus priest of course agreed.

At this moment, a middle age person who looked as haggard as Augustus Priest came over to chat with Priest, as if he wanted to find out if there were small puppets the size of fingers as souvenirs for Holy Prayer . Shade saw that Augustus first was busy, so he said goodbye and left.

The final destination was Quill Street in the University District. When the carriage stopped downstairs from Miss Luisa's rented apartment, Shade thought that it was just lunchtime. And when he met the blonde female writer on the third floor, after a few days and experienced so many things, Shade found that he missed the girl in front of him very much.

"What's the matter with your eyes?"

Miss Luyesha greeted Shade and sat down, seeing him put Mia on the sofa, the small cat shrugged. Sniffing everywhere, he played said with a smile again:
"It happened to be twelve o'clock, you don't want to have lunch with me, do you?"

"You too Didn't you eat? That's right, let's go out to eat. This morning, I made a fortune with the doctor, and this time I'll treat you."

"More and more suspicious, you just want to eat with me. It's just for this time."

The blonde smiled even more, but judging from the act of getting up to change clothes, she should have agreed to Shade's invitation.

On the way to dinner together, Shade told Miss Luysha that he had been promoted to the second ring. Of course, Miss Luysha was happy about it, and then they talked cautiously about the descent on Thursday night.

She was sleeping that night, so she fell unconscious in the blood mist after the descent. By the time I wake up on the second day, it's already over, so I know almost nothing about what happened that night.

After learning more detailed information from Shade, I couldn't help but sigh that such a horrible thing happened in the city where I lived. Then the conversation changed, and Dorothy Luisa asked Shade, who was feeding the cat.

The orange cat Mia was very well-behaved and sat on the extra chairs in the restaurant, raising her head and squinting to accept the bread that Shade shredded and handed over.

"Shade, is it convenient now, take out the two [Youth Immortal Leaves] and let me take a look."


" I want to judge whether this has something to do with you based on the consumption of the leaves."

Miss Luyesha said.

(end of this chapter)

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