Whispering Poems Chapter 285


Chapter 285 The Great Robbery

At 8:00 a.m. Saturday, the total martial law in the city of Tobesque has been lifted , which made this Saturday, which should have been an ordinary thunder month, extremely lively.

People who had been stuck at home all day went out one after another, and the cries of hawking in the city and the cries of the newsboys who were promoting the big news were louder than ever.

The hooves and wheels of the rental carriage squeak through the streets, and the hustle and bustle of footsteps enliven the city.

The rising mist enveloped the city, and the chimneys on the outskirts of the city in the distance spewed black smoke toward the sky, but none of this could affect people's good mood. It's just that the actions of the city hall and the church yesterday made the citizens who did not understand the complete truth terrified.

But fortunately things were back to normal, and Tobesque was shrouded in mist and sunlight again. Although the weather is not good today, people are in a particularly good mood.

On the bustling Queen Mary Street in the Western District, the early morning light shines on the street, and the to-and-fro pedestrians have not disturbed the quietness of the single-family three-story building facing the street at all. Maybe this family Still using sleep to get through this unusual Saturday.

Shade and Dr. Schneider, wearing black coats and black hats, appeared at the intersection of the street. The two men were in a hurry, both carrying black suitcases, but in the lively crowd, They didn't attract the attention of others.

Passed by passers-by, and the carriage slowly passed by them. The doctor and the detective one after the other stopped at the door of 17 Queen Mary Street, Dr. Schneider walked up the steps under the rain canopy, and Shade stood behind him, looking towards the street with his back to the door.

With a click, the keyhole covered by the blue-eyed doctor turned and the door was opened.

The doctor pushed the door open a crack and walked in with his suitcase first. Shade, who was on guard, carried a suitcase in his right hand and put his left hand in his coat pocket, looked all around, turned and walked up the steps, and entered the door against the crack of the door.

The door was locked from the inside, and the early morning sunlight slanted on the doorstep. Pedestrians on Queen Mary Street did not notice what was happening at the moment.

The two men who entered the interior of No. 17 did not communicate with each other. They quietly put on shoe covers, gloves, and masks in the hallway, and then entered the living room one after the other.

On the other hand, a fat maid in an apron came over with a plate and looked at the two strangers in surprise:
"You guys."

"Go to sleep."

The doctor said softly, Shade quickly took the dishes from the maid and put them on the table next to them. The doctor carried the sleeping maid to the window and threw them directly into the alley on the side of the house.

Then found the remaining two servants on the first floor, and after letting them fall asleep, they all threw them into the alley through the side window.

Without making more stops on the first floor, men with suitcases climbed the stairs to the second floor.

There are six rooms on both sides of the corridor on the second floor. The doctor walked to the second room on the left and pushed the room away after confirming that Shade followed.

The young man sitting in front of the desk packing his luggage, looked towards the door in amazement:
"Who are you?"

"Her divination is correct, Dad. The information sold to me is also correct, he hired a ring warlock to protect himself."

The doctor's dull and monotonous voice came from behind the mask.

"What do you want to do to my employer?"

"Get out of here, your employer has something to do with the [Blood Feast Lord] sect. Zalasvin Academy's correspondence ring warlock , if you don't want to cause trouble, leave here immediately."

"How do you know, it doesn't matter, everything here has nothing to do with me. It's really unfortunate, to encounter such a thing, I said how to pay the employment fee So high. Damn, I won't be questioned by the Academy's summons."

Youngster hurriedly closed the suitcase, passed the two men in masks, and left without looking back.

Shade and the doctor still did not continue to communicate, nor did they search the second floor, but walked directly to the third floor. Shade used the Silence Charm he got from Iluna and kicked open the door by the stairs.

After the door was opened, Shade and the doctor raised their guns and shot inside. The three men in the room were beaten into a sieve without saying a word.

"He hired an outlaw to protect himself, die without regret."

The doctor lowered his muzzle, the smoke of gunpowder rose, and the men's voices were dull behind the masks.

Exiting the door with Shade, they came to the door of the master bedroom on the third floor.

After knocking on the door, the doctor kicked open the door and walked in with Shade after a rude man swearing in the door:
"Whoever moves will kill whoever."

Two men pointed their guns at the four-poster bed.

The curtains were closed, the room was unusually dark, and the air was filled with incense and a strange smell that even a mask could smell. The floor was covered with a thick carpet, on which the men's and women's clothes were tangled, and the belts of the police uniforms and the women's garters were tied together.

The four-poster bed was hung with a curtain, and as Shade walking behind turned on the gas lights on the wall, the middle-aged fat man with no clothes and the woman with the lithe and graceful figure were Faintly discernible behind the curtain.

The doctor held a gun in the right hand and tore the curtain beside the bed with his left hand. The woman screamed and hid under the quilt. , he looked in horror towards the stranger who broke into here.

"The Chief of Police at Ridwich Field, Mr. Anthony Wargrave?"

The doctor took out Shade's ID and shook it with his gloved hand. Then he took out a black-and-white photo from his pocket, glanced at it, and threw it on the bed. It was a close-up black-and-white photo of the police chief taken from a special angle.

"MI6? The money is in the safe next door, don't shoot, I am"

"You don't have to answer."

The doctor's muzzle shakes For a moment, regardless of the screaming Police Commissioner's lover on the bed, he said to Shade behind him:
"Go and search next door."


Shade turned around and walked out of the door. After a few seconds, a sound like a wall was being demolished came from the next room.

The boots tap the floor and Shade walks back quickly. The left hand holds a cloth bag full of banknotes, and the right hand holds a plaster statue with ruby eyes.

"Found, in the safe."

"Woman, give you 3 minutes to get dressed and leave this house, or I can't guarantee what will happen."

The doctor's dull voice came from behind the mask, and the woman who had been frightened to the point of being paralyzed tumbled to her feet, grabbed the clothes on the carpet and left the room. The sound of panicked footsteps disappeared at the entrance of the stairs.

The doctor's hand holding the gun is very steady, the middle age person with his bare upper body is pointed at the top of his head by his muzzle, his hands are raised high, he dares not move, and his brown eyes can't stop looking at the two masked people. Stranger:
"Listen, gentlemen, I can give you money, I can give you money"

"Shut up! Kill you first because you're damned."

The doctor's thumb slowly moved the ram, and the middle age person shook his head in despair, but opened his mouth and found that he could no longer make a sound. He, who cooperated with [Blood of Mercury], fully understood who was in front of him.

"Secondly, it's because you killed my client."

Shade spoke, walked to the window, pulled the curtains and opened the bedroom window.

The sunlight entered the room, making the obese middle age person's upper body naked, and the abnormally white skin seemed to reflect light. The warm summer wind also blew in, but it did not reassure Anthony Wargrave, who was being pointed at.

"Thirdly, do you know how much time and effort we spent looking for this thing?"

The doctor fiercely hit the police commissioner in the face with the butt of his gun , dragged him to the window while the middle age person lay on the bed and moaned in pain.

"You the guy who brought me bad luck, lie down here!"

Pressing the head of the middle age person on the windowsill, the doctor took a portion of the statue from Shade. eyes. After confirming that he was wearing three layers of special protective gloves borrowed from Augustus priest, he slammed the ruby-shaped glass against the window sill, and immediately, fresh red things penetrated from the broken glass.

The whole is like a gel, but there are some liquid components.

Shade opened the suitcase and used the empty bottles he had prepared in advance to hold the liquids. The doctor observed the color of the scarlet liquid in the sunlight, then reached out and dipped some with a glove, and roughly smeared it into the mouth of the middle age person.

The police chief at Ridwich Field in Tobesque immediately twitched, and the abnormal azure spread from his mouth to his whole body.

"It's a [forged Sage's Stone], and the poisoning status is the same as the characteristics given by the Academy."

The doctor was relieved.

“There is still some liquid on the windowsill, which cannot be collected.”

Shade reminded with the half-filled vial, and the doctor glanced at the red gelatin on the windowsill And Droplets:

"You don't have to collect them all, we have to tell the righteous God Church that we have nothing to do with cults, just for this relic."

Let go of the police chief who was poisoned and convulsed, The doctor opened his suitcase and took out a vial of brown liquid. This is the potion "Heart of Fire" from Augustus priest. It is said to be potion, but it is actually strong kerosene.

Shade crouched on the ground and packed the other "ruby" eye of the plaster into his suitcase, along with a half-filled vial.

With a click, the two men stood up facing the sunlight outside the window while clasping the box tightly.

Shade lifted the still-dead middle age person to the windowsill with one hand, canceled the mute spell, and shot him in the head.

At the same time as the terrified shouts sounded one after another on the street, he grabbed the banknotes in the cloth bag and threw them out. The wind carried the flying pieces of paper farther, and the falling banknotes splattered, making the screams on the street even louder.

The doctor smashed the kerosene in his hand to the ground, and the two walked out of the room with a suitcase. At the same time as the door was slammed shut, the doctor stretched out his hand from his shoulder to point back, and the violent fire exploded with a rumble, black smoke billowed from the window into the sky, and the chaos quickly spread to the entire block.

(end of this chapter)

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