Whispering Poems Chapter 277


Chapter 277 Shadows on the Wall

Pick up the lying Shade and hold him in his arms, brown The long-haired girl was very careful and introduced the water from the bottle into his mouth. Shade still maintained his basic instincts and swallowed the liquid carefully, but he didn't wake up until the entire bottle was empty.


The orange cat walked around Shade, meowed anxiously twice, then jumped up and tried to tug at his pocket with its paws.

Miss Bayas was stunned:

Immediately reacted and took out his pocket watch from Shade's pocket. After opening the watch cover, there really was the last [Youth Immortal Leaf] inside.

It's just that although he can still swallow liquids, it's a little too difficult for the current Shade to chew the leaves by himself. The characteristics of [Relic] make the leaves unable to be easily squeezed out by other means.

The young girl looked towards Shade with a blushing face, then looked towards the cat who was watching anxiously there, and reached out and touched its head:
"Don't worry, I will save him. ”

His trembling hand covered his intact left eye, and then blushed, he stretched the leaf to his mouth.
There were hurried footsteps downstairs again, Yilu Only then did Na realize that she forgot to close the door.

Holding Shade and turning around, the purple-eyed fortune-teller gasped and appeared at the entrance of the stairs. She was in a hurry, and saw Iluna kneeling in the room holding the unconscious Shade and the cat squatting aside, she was also stunned:
"Just now. Evil God is terrifying. My divination the moon, and then I Guess what about his Shade?"

"You could look towards the night sky just now?"

Miss Beas originally thought that she was the only one who witnessed that scene.

"My eyes are very special, don't talk too much, how is Shade?"

Miss Anat went to Shade and knelt down and looked worriedly. on his face.

"I gave him a whole bottle of No. 1 Holy Water Puree, but he still didn't wake up, so this."

The girl with long brown hair blushed and shook With a touch of the leaf in her hand, Miss Anat immediately understood, hesitated and asked in a low voice:
"Are you thinking, you or me?"

"I'll come!"

After she finished speaking, she realized that the voice was a little high. Miss Beas smiled sadly, and was about to put the leaf into her mouth, but Shade's hand suddenly lifted up and caught her. Wrist, but eyes still not open:

"Don't waste it, I only have one piece left, water"

Speaking in a hoarse voice, just now a whole bottle of No. 1 St. Water puree is not without effect.


Before Miss Bayas, who was holding the [Youth Immortal Leaf], could react, Miss Anat got up and brought a teacup and filled it with water:

"Shade, don't move, it's really impossible"

The bell and the whistle appeared in this narrow space, in the life ring of the second ring warlock, and the silver of Blasphemy The representative [Gluttony] has an unusually dazzling aura. The second drop of divinity that devoured [The Lord of the Blood Feast] in the posture of a god did not allow Shade to gain new power, but instead the existing [Gluttony] was further enhanced.

His hand was grabbed by Miss Anat and raised, and finally touched the water glass, and the silver light spurted out of the water glass almost in the next second.

Miss Bayas immediately hugged him and straightened him, while Miss Annat carefully held the cup and fed Shade the water.

The light of the gas lamp in the living room flickered a little. In this eventful long night, on the second floor of No. 6 St. Teresa Square, three people were leaning against each other, their backs hopelessly muddled on the wall. The orange cat squatted aside and yelped softly, as if expecting Shade to recover soon.

"I don't understand, why do you want to go back to the empty house instead of looking for us?"

Miss Bayas asked softly with her head down.

"Because. I don't know what will happen, and I finally have my own house. Even if I die, I will die here."

The shadows on the wall swayed, and the two The lady chuckled. Although Shade is still in bad shape, saying this means he doesn't have to worry about him leaving.

"So, Blood Feast. Will that being still come to you?"

Miss Anat also asked, Miss Bayas holding Shade's head in her arms , she held Shade's hand. Shade shook his head unconsciously, feeling as if he had encountered something:
"No, we have both cleared the testimony of Ancient God, He can't use any means"

The voice was low, Shade fell asleep past.

The light of the gas lamp is yellowish, no matter what, this night is finally over.

(Xia is running.)

When Shade opened his eyes again, he saw the familiar bedroom ceiling. I sensed the time, and at 7:30 in the morning on Friday, it was only eight hours since I was unconscious again after drinking water last night.

The act of sitting up from the bed awakened the cat lying beside the pillow. The sunlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains and sprinkled on the cat's back, making Mia's orange fur seem to be glowing.

After the continuous rain, Tobeske finally ushered in a sunny day.

“speaking of which”

He recalled the last conversation last night, looking at the meowing cat, the browsers tightly knitted up:

"I used Mystic Art yesterday to restore Mia from a doll. How did you get back?"


The orange cat looked up at Shade, The big amber eyes seemed to get bigger under the action of looking up.

"How did Mia change back?"

Although he didn't know, she should have seen it at the time.

[The glow of the overflowing divinity seems to have been absorbed by this cat. ]

"Mia absorbed?"

He picked up the coquettish cat, but the silly cat looked the same as before. Still can't perceive that there are elements or spirits in Mia's body, which means that this is still an ordinary little kitty.

"Could it be that I was in a coma and worried about my own death that made Mia permanently turn into a puppet, so subconsciously's guiding force brought it back to its original state?"

[Probably. ]

Put down the cat and start to move, only to feel that the body has fully recovered. Shade shook hands, and Shade even felt the strength and responsiveness of his body, stronger than ever.

[You burned a drop of divinity. Although the brilliance of that drop of divinity has faded away, the power of the body's comprehensive penetration has still changed the body. ]

"Is there such a benefit in burning divinity?"

[If you don't get the second drop of divinity in time, you may already be dead. If it weren't for Holy Water No. 1, you would have to lie in bed for half a year. ]

"This is all expected, and I don't regret it at all. After all, everyone is alive now, and I haven't lost much."

He is very satisfied. For everything he did last night, although he lost the magic eye and [another face] for this, he saved everything, and the experience of fighting against gods, these losses are very worthwhile.

Probably heard the sound of Shade getting up, the bedroom door was opened, and Luvia Anat opened the door:
"Oh, Shade, good morning. Are you awake? Feeling How's it going?"

"Not bad. Good morning, Miss Anat."

Shade moved his arms, stood up in his slippers, opened the curtains and took a deep breath , let the bright sun shine on his face:
"It feels good."

The cat, which was held by one hand, also barked at the sun.

"Where's Miss Bayas?"

He turned around and asked again, the purple-eyed fortune-teller leaning on the door frame and shaking his head:

"Being taught Called away, she faced the saint last night, used the power of the chosen, and let the church know about the identity of the first chosen, so the church impossible not to ask her. She will probably come back at night, when the time comes, you Please explain to us what happened last night."

Shade was stunned for a moment, then realized that the purple-eyed fortune-teller also knew what happened to the white-robed god under the moonlight. His memory of the last conversation last night was very vague, only vaguely remembering that both Miss Anat and Miss Bayas were here:

"You guessed it?"

" Yes."

She took two quick steps into the room before Shade saw that she was wearing an apron. Thought she wanted to ask more things, didn't expect Miss Anat to hug him gently, but quickly let go.

Purple's eyes lifted, and Shade looked at each other:
"Are you really only the second ring?"

"Of course, genuine."

"Then why is it possible to carry the power of God? I'm really worried, worried about you"

This question made Shade understand how she and Miss Bayas understood what happened last night. They do not think that Shade is a god, but think that Shade's body has become a descending vessel, carrying the power of a god. Combined with his use of the power of the thirteenth ring warlock at Lake View Manor, combined with the fact that he did not die on the spot, it is inferred again that he is the thirteenth ring
Shade narrowed his eyes, to be honest, he did not want to reveal his secrets . Apart from his alien identity, the power of divinity is his deepest secret. Now that Miss Anat and Miss Beas think this way, then the church probably also thinks that "the masked man under the silver moon" as the thirteen-ring warlock, called the gods to defeat the [Blood Feast Lord], he doesn't need to refute this idea.

It is much better to make oneself "suspected thirteen rings" than to make oneself "suspected god".

The ring of fate appeared behind his back, which undoubtedly proved his identity

"The power of last night, like Mystery, came from the past. In addition to the sixth era There is no good deity other than the right deity, but there is in the past, and I have met God in the past. Last night, as a vessel of divine descent, I called upon the deities of the past.”

This interpretation is half true half false , and with her current relationship with the two girls, it's okay to tell them about their unusual time travel.

"Is that the time key? I see, you really didn't tell the truth about the first key, so Dorothy suddenly decided to be your teacher because of it"

Miss Annette The nominee expressed understanding, and was successfully guided to the "correct" line of thought by Shade's words. In any case, she could not have imagined that the one in front of her was the God of last night.

There was a gentle smile in her eyes, and then very unexpectedly, the purple-eyed girl stood on tiptoe and kissed Shade's face, and said softly:

"Thank you. , the Hamilton Knight of Rejed, the unsung hero who saved Tobesque. You did so much, but you couldn't let it all know, and there was no reward, so all you got was a maiden's kiss."

Shade resisted the urge to ask her age, and jokingly said, touching the profile of her face:
"No, I've already been rewarded, a lot of rewards. Cough cough, then except for kisses, heroes and Does his cat have breakfast?"

Following Shade's feet, Cat Mia, who heard the keyword "breakfast", lifted the head in a very spirited manner and meowed.

"Sure, but the goat's milk is gone, the city is under martial law today, and the silver parrot delivery company was raided. I made some simple breakfasts, I hope you like them. Shade, don't you rarely cook at home? ? I noticed that in your kitchen, you can almost starve mice."

Said, the two walked out of the bedroom.

PS: There are still a few chapters to wrap up this volume. After all, there is one very important thing to do. When it's done, this volume is over.

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