Whispering Poems Chapter 273


Chapter 273 Sacrifice
The light of the scarlet is sprayed from the ground to the night sky, forming a bizarre red light beam, which illuminates Bright Tobesque night. The thick blood mist spewed out in all directions, and in just a few minutes, the entire city fell into the blood mist.

People fell into a deeper sleep in the sweet blood, the moon was obscured, and the stars no longer flickered. Only the ring warlocks who realized something was wrong at the first time could barely stay awake in this rapidly spreading blood mist. But the mental pressure that the saints are about to fully appear has directly impacted the transcenders' extremely sensitive senses, and no one can support it for too long.

In the rural cemetery in the suburbs, Mr. Copps was standing in the darkness at the entrance of the gravekeeper's hut with a coffin on his back, quietly watching the red blood mist escape;

Dawn Church, the church exudes holy rays of light to expel the blood mist, the clergy hurriedly organize prayers, and the choir's songs sounded in a panic. No one noticed that the aged and highly respected Augustus priest, standing alone at the door of the church, the holy white rays of light all over his body made the blood mist gradually move away from the church;
Schneider Psychological Clinic, left under the guidance of Shade The unlucky middle-aged doctor at the banquet with a hideous face huddled in the corner of the bedroom. The black flame enveloped him, so that the blood mist could not get close, the ground and walls in contact with the body, the rotten green mold spread to all directions, the dark shadow and the manic flame protected him;
Old John Antique Store, the aged shop owner's whole body Emitting brass-colored rays of light, he sighed, looking towards the night sky gradually covered in blood mist. I wanted to step out of the store, but I was suddenly stunned, and looked towards the city center:

"Damn, I'm really old, am I dreaming now? There can be even more outrageous things today. Is something wrong?"

In the center of the scarlet beam of light, that is, around the Maupassant mansion, blood crows fluttered in the blood mist. Countless strange flesh and blood monsters came to the world with blood mist in indescribably twisted postures. The roaring twisted creatures rushed out of the manor and fought in the blood mist with the ring warlock squad of the Orthodox Church near the mansion.

It's a good thing they're only emerging from the mansion, otherwise the city wouldn't be alive for a few minutes.

Iluna Beas didn't know why things turned out like this, said goodbye to Shade and Luvia, she quickly rushed around the mansion to join her own square, and submitted the still existing Clues to the second and third descending vessels.

Captain Moody Robinson immediately sent someone to inform the Squad in the mansion, and together with the other members of the Squad to comfort her, even if there is a descending vessel, as long as the "grand banquet" itself is destroyed, the ceremony is still impossible went well.

Almost at the same time as their conversation, the arrest operation in the mansion officially began. And as the first blood light flew from the third floor to the city, more and more blood lines were centered on the mansion, connecting with certain points in the city.

Thousands of citizens scattered across Tobessk who had long been drinking special milk from the "Silver Parrot Milk Delivery Company" died in their sleep after being drained of blood in an instant, thus constituting a tribute to Evil God. A grand banquet. So, in the shaking of the earth and the howling wind, the blood feast officially began, and the blood mist engulfed the whole city.

Iluna Beas didn't know why things turned out like this. It was obviously the most dangerous action to break into the ruins tonight, and the church's arrest of the cultists should be foolproof, but she knew that she what should be done.

The blood mist engulfed them, and the monsters appeared in the fog, leaving the squad no time to pay attention to the affairs of the mansion. The girl with short brown hair gritted her teeth and left the square and ran to the mansion.

The golden ring of life appeared behind her, and then the ring of high-speed rotation turned into a balance in the rays of light of gold. No one has time to pay attention to her, and the sheen of that golden balance keeps the indescribable thing crawling in the blood mist subconsciously away.

She crossed the street smoothly, feeling a growing headache, gritted her teeth and broke into the interior of the mansion.

Iluna Beas knows she has no power against the gods, but the power of the chosen must have some impact. Entering the manor means sacrifice, but someone has to do it at this time.

The blood mist in the courtyard of the manor was thicker than outside, and the comatose guests fell to the ground in pieces. And as the young girl got closer and closer to the mansion, even though she hadn't seen or heard it yet, her body was already shaking instinctively.

She knew what was on the third floor, what she was going to face, and the consequences of doing so.

But there is always something to do. Even if she becomes the so-called "chosen one", Iluna Beas doesn't think she will become the so-called savior. But from the knowledge she gained, she vaguely knew that her power could slightly influence the saint, so she came. She might die, but she came anyway.

On the first floor, the guests fell in pieces, making her vaguely recall the situation of cutting wheat that she had seen in the countryside when she was a child.

On the second floor, Mr. Hogg Rendell, the thirteen-ring warlock "Sunshine Sword" of the Supreme Sun Cult Association, is breaking one of the few people who can stay sober at this time. The ceremony sword is laboriously inserted into the floor. She knew that it was a level 0 relic, which could limit the Saint's range of activities for a short time. It seems that the current situation is not the worst.

The blood mist is getting thicker and heavier. The golden scales behind the life ring, the ability to resist the blood mist has become weaker and weaker, but the girl with long brown hair still endured the mental and physical pain to come to the third floor.

Finally unable to bear the pressure, only Erhuan's female Warlock fell on the carpet. It was a blood-stained carpet, and the blood could be leached out with a single touch. It seemed as if thousands of souls were trapped in the eerie red.

She fell on the stairs, her limbs were completely uncontrollable, the blood in her body seemed to be boiling, and the headache almost made her cry out, but she still looked up with difficulty and looked towards the third floor.

This is supposed to be the layout of the corridor and the room, but at this moment, a long table covered with a white tablecloth is placed in the open banquet hall. The mummified corpses of countless human beings were wrapped in white cloth and hung down from the ceiling, like lambs to be slaughtered.

The crisp sound seemed to explode directly in my head, and the banquet was over.

On the empty tabletop, silverware and goldware containing fresh human organs appeared one after another, and in the bloody fog, the sweet taste of food escaped.

And at the far end of the long table, a slightly blurred silhouette in red dress is elegantly manipulating the knife and fork, enjoying the tabletop
She closed her eyes, Blood flowed from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth at the same time:
"Understood, it has not yet come fully, this is Evil God."

"Evil God!"

Suddenly A golden rays of light appeared in front of him, and Mr. Hogg Rendell, the thirteen-ring warlock 'sword of sunshine' rushed up from the second floor. The middle age person also bleeds from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth at the same time, but still holds the dazzling golden giant sword and runs past Miss Beas. The rays of light of the Great Sunshine Sword made Miss Beas, who is also a Sun God believer, happy, but the middle age person just passed by Miss Beas and suddenly stopped.

The golden sword in his hand disappeared, he entered the blood-colored banquet hall, walked uncontrollably to the table full of food, pulled out a chair and sat down, motionless.

Iluna is accumulating power:

"Mr. Rendall appears, which means that the relics downstairs can be used. This is the power of God.Shade"

She was lying on the carpet, maybe just a few seconds, maybe several decades, suddenly the whistling sound came from the window, and then more than ten silhouettes broke through the outer wall of the banquet hall in holy light. enter. Dawn Church, Creation Church, Supreme Sun Cult Church, Peace Church, Natural Church, the Church of the Five Gods appeared almost at the same time in the high-level ring warlocks of Tobesque Diocese, Iluna knew some of them, but more were the first time to see.

They crowded into the blood feast, and for a moment Iluna thought she almost heard dozens of different sublimation words being recited. The bizarre white holy light enveloped those who knew they would sacrifice, the sublimation words unfolded, and the superimposed space was a natural phenomenon from the knocked-out wall and the hole, almost covering the blood-colored banquet hall on the third floor.

It is destined to sacrifice here, but even a second delay for the coming of the righteous God is a victory for mankind. This is like facing the arrival of Evil God a limited number of times in the past. They have made a mistake once, and this time there must be no hesitation.

“cough cough ~”

Silhouette, who was sitting at the end of the long table, was holding a knife and fork and coughed, and all the words of sublimation stopped. Just like the thirteen-ring warlock, they were swallowed by the blood mist the moment they entered here, they all lost the ability to control their bodies, and went to find their seats stiffly.


Iluna crawled up on the ground with difficulty, and people finally noticed that there was actually a person here.

"God shouldn't be in the world."

The one-eyed girl said while vomiting blood, not daring to look up at the illusory silhouette at the end of the table, but her words were exceptionally strong:
"The balance of the material world has been broken by you."

The golden scale behind him rose to the top of his head, and the golden luster actually allowed the church's high-level warlocks to temporarily restore their mobility.



“The chosen one has appeared!”

“ Oh God, is the Whispering Poems real?"

All sorts of Mystic Art, incantations, and dive techniques flicker, but the power of God still suppresses everything in this blood-colored banquet hall .

After a short break from control, the people at the long table only retained the ability to speak. They closed their eyes and lowered their heads. They were on the verge of being awake and in a coma, unwilling to perceive everything around them.

The one-eyed girl with long brown hair stood up stiffly and silently pulled out the seat beside the long table covered with white tablecloth.

The sound of the chair being pulled was not harsh, and she sat down.

(end of this chapter)

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