Whispering Poems Chapter 255


Chapter 255 The Last Order
Shade got hold of Miss Beas' signal The two ladies in the front and back then lit the [Bordeaux Candle]. The voices, heat, and shapes of the three disappeared, and the light of the candles lit up before them.

When the three of them almost rushed out of the tunnel and raised their hands to face the attack from all directions, they didn't see a face looking sinister waiting for them outside.

The candles light up all around, and they finally feel relieved.

The passage connects to an underground space roughly the size of Shade's bedroom, barely a cube. Opposite the wall dug out by the blood of mercury is a closed stone gate. And except for the stone gate, there is nothing here.

This is the official entrance of the ruins, and the word "shabby" is probably appropriate to describe this place. It is not the huge building complex in the imagined underground cavity, not the tomb of the ancient Demoness emperor in the story, but just a place like a dark room buried deep underground.

"If this place was really built by the last believers of the [Innocent Creator], they should have almost come to an end."

Miss Bayas commented , She was a little sentimental, after all, the other party was also a believer of the good god, and he persisted for a thousand years after the god left.

Did not push the door immediately, the three of them scattered and observed all around. Shade raised his finger and carefully observed the rock wall all around. Except for the side where the stone gate was, the other three sides were actually engraved with text. Mingming ruins were built in the early Sixth Period (Chapter 172), but the characters used were not those of this era.

Fortunately, no matter which era those words belonged to, it made no difference to Shade. He opened his mouth and translated it:

[Sixth Era Universal Calendar 532, Joel O. De Callis, Scarlett Cad Guzman, Gina Angela Serwell, together to seal the ruins. The Lord is gone, and we are about to sleep. The glory of the sect has been glorious for thousands of years, but all things must have an end. May the day when our lord 'innocent creator' recovers, give him glory again. ]

He read as he watched, and both ladies looked over.

“Do you know these words?”

Shade stopped translating and asked them.

"I don't know."

The brown-haired girls shook their heads together.

"No, I'm not saying do you know these words, but do you know what kind of words this is?"

Shade asked again, and Miss Bayas blushed. Click:
"My ancient language grades were almost passed by the Holy See."

"I don't know, this should be some kind of rare ancient language. This inheritance comes from ancient teachings. They all like to use rare ancient languages as a means of internal communication, on the one hand to show the ancient nature of their own organization, and on the other hand for safety.”

Miss Annat said, she knew that Shade could understand all the words , so I didn't ask more:
"[Mercury Blood] should not be able to translate these contents. Let's see if there is any valuable information, we have to move forward as soon as possible. Detective, give me the magic eye first, and I will walk there in a while. Front."

Shade handed her the small jar he was carrying, and lifted his finger to continue reading the words. This kind of text has very little word information, and requires large paragraphs of text to describe simple things, so there is not much left:

[If our Lord recovers, Oracle will definitely guide later people to discover the cult remains. My Lord's last creation, turned into a Divine Item rated as a sage-level relic by the Orthodox Church in the depths of the ruins]

“Divine Item?”

Miss Beas was surprised interrupted Shade:
"Is the [God's Gift Box] the creation of the old god's 'Innocent Creator'? Or are there more powerful relics inside the ruins?"

"Detective , continue to translate."

Miss Annat frowned as well.

All three of them were sweating on their foreheads. Although the oxygen in the ground was still sufficient, it was too stuffy here:

[Later cannot be Blasphemy My Lord Divine Item, you need to follow the Order liturgy took it away. ]

"What is etiquette?"

Miss Bayas asked again.

Shade glanced at the following paragraphs:
"No, it seems that they acquiesce that latecomers know the etiquette."

"Detective, continue to translate, except for the so-called Created by the old gods, what else is there in the ruins?"

[The cult has accumulated thousands of years, and before the ruins were sealed, they were all donated through the Orthodox Church]


The young girl was subconsciously surprised, then she covered her mouth sadly and motioned for Shade to continue.

[In addition to the creation of my lord, build a defense system with several relics to warn thieves. There is another.]

The traces are a little blurred, but it can barely be seen:
[There is also the teaching of the sect of the savage, which is preserved in eighteen pure gold engraving plates;]

[There is another Divine Idol, the holy emblem of my lord, who sleeps with the three of us;]

[There are other filthy relics sealed by the sect, which will be suppressed;]

Shade coughed suddenly, covered his mouth subconsciously, looked down and saw blood in his palm.

Nearby Miss Bayas and Miss Anate both saw the blood on the corner of his mouth and immediately stopped:
"Don't look, detective, stop."

Saying that, Miss Beas is about to pull Shade.

"It's okay, there's one last sentence left."

Shade shook his head and moved his eyes slightly away from the stone wall before finally feeling dizzy. This ancient writing itself is power, and he didn't even realize it just now. If this were a longer article, he would most likely die silently.

[Have you forgotten that there is still me? It's dangerous, I'll warn you. ]

"I didn't forget."

He replied in the heart and continued to look up, but Miss Anat took his hand and purple eyes looked at him:
" Be careful."

The female fortune-teller reminded softly.

[The church has been brilliant for thousands of years, and it finally ended in the hands of the three of us. Shenmian and this, spirit.]

The life ring in the soul vibrated violently, and the spirit in the body was actually affected by the words, which made the [Box of Darkness] out of control incident to emerge.

Shade, who had learned a lesson, immediately closed his eyes and forced himself to forget the shape of the dozens of nicks in the back. It took a long time before he said:

"No, the last sentence It's like a spell. There's a defense here."

Fortunately, he only read the beginning, so he didn't get into trouble. And through the nicks on the three walls, they also knew that in addition to the [God's Gift Box], there were actually other valuable things in the ruins.

However, even if [Blood of Mercury] couldn't translate these words and occupied this place for so long, they would most likely have already searched the ruins. Therefore, apart from the immovable sage-level relic [God's Gift Box], there is probably nothing worth taking away from the ruins.

The next step is to officially enter the door. Although Miss Anat has only fortuned out the three dangerous relics on the way, it is obvious that only these three relics are impossible to block the way.

Even, the door may be the silver-eyed person, just wait for the three to open the door and end them with one move.

We've already come here, and there's no need to talk about backing down.

Shade puts on the gold necklace and lights a candle to make himself and Miss Beas disappear. Miss Anat was holding two jars with magic eyes in her left hand and rammed the stone gate with her right arm.

The stone gate was opened, as if endless darkness wafted from behind the gate. The only thing that could be seen behind the door were two huge red light sources, which made Shade think of Mia cat peeking through the crack of the door in the dark.

But what was behind the door was obviously not a creature that was harmless to humans and animals like Mia. Even though Shade stood behind Miss Anat, she still felt the horror and distortion from behind the stone gate.

The creature's instinct is to fear the unknown behind the door, and the two red light sources seem to warn of danger.

The ice layer spread out from the crack of the door, and the cold wind was mixed with the stench, like the airflow coming out of the lonely grave in the mountains. An inexplicable feeling warned Shade not to move forward.

After this moment, he suddenly understood that the two huge red balls should be eyes, and the size of the owner of the eyes is calculated accordingly, Shade has never had any fear of giants, but thinking of this , there is still a kind of scalp tingling feeling.

The wind was blowing violently, and in the darkness behind the door, something was rushing here. Miss Anat was as stunned as Shade, but at this moment, she realized that without thinking, she threw the two jars she was holding to the front.

The candle in their hand can only illuminate a very close space in the stone gate. The three of them saw together, two glass jars with magic eyes that were thrown into the door, and were protruded from the darkness. The giant hand held it. Then the giant hand retracted into the darkness where the rays of light of the candle had not yet shone, the ice layer spreading from the door stopped, and the stench-smelling wind stopped.

The three of them were breathing violently, and at that moment, they really felt like a catastrophe was imminent. After the pair of giant stone hands retreated, they dared to fully enter the Sect. Shade raised his fingers high, and Miss Beas called out a few bright balls of light that flew into the sky.

The space outside the door is obviously not as narrow as a normal bedroom, but the space behind the first door is really a bit like the underground ancient ruins in the story.

The space behind the door is still very empty, roughly the size of Sainte-de-Land Square, and more than four stories high. A giant stone statue stands in the center of this empty space, with its feet on the ground and its head above the sky, almost directly against the highest stone wall.

The stone statue has a total of two legs, four hands, and three heads. The semi-circular stone rings connect the shoulders on both sides and draw an arc-shaped trajectory on the top of the head.

The huge red eye I saw just now is located on the central skull, and apart from this, the entire stone statue is densely covered with other eyes from top to bottom. The stone statue is motionless like a dead thing, and the thousands of eyes are constantly opening and closing under the rays of light of silver and yellow. Shows the color of wisdom.

"Is this Ghost Statue?"

Even if this thing is motionless, its own oppression is enough to drive a fragile person crazy. At the same time, this can be regarded as the largest [relic] that Shade has ever seen.

(end of this chapter)

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