Whispering Poems Chapter 249


Chapter 249 The Ring of Greed

"I have seen too many paintings with deep emotions , this one is definitely in the top three among the famous paintings I have ever seen."

Yvante continued to sigh.

"So are you going to buy this painting?"

Shade asked.

"Man" shook his head:

"I don't have that much money."

"So which lot are you going for this time? I'm for A noble lady who is inconvenient to reveal her identity, came to buy a size 5 pen. I hope our goals will not conflict, but she has given me a very high price ceiling."

Shade continued to close.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'm here to buy a size 10."

Steve Everett said, but Shade knows what he won't buy, and auction will take a while In the beginning, it was just a pretense to raise a card. Standing here is just here to be on guard, judging if there is any guy in the crowd who might spoil things tonight.

This group of cultists probably didn't realize that there were almost more people in the Orthodox Church in this house than they were.

"No. 10?"

Shade nods, naturally looking towards the direction of auction No. 10, that is a gold ring. There is no historical value or story, just pure gold rings, appearing here as jewelry.

Of course, Shade is not looking at the ring, but looking towards the person standing on his right. One of the men took off the deerstalker hat from the top of his head and shook it twice. Shade immediately understood that the personnel were in place:

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, Rejed's Hamilton, you probably heard Told me."

He extended the hand to Mr. Steve Everest, who hesitated and extended the hand and shook him. He had the [Metamorphosis Ring] on his finger, and at close range, Shade confirmed that this one was genuine.

"Good afternoon, Your Excellency Hamilton, I'm Steve Everett."

The middle age person who was working undercover introduced himself:
"Probably a Brokers and collectors, help some nobles and merchants, introduce antique business."

The tone is normal and the expression is natural. "He" is good at playing man, just as Mrs. Lasoa is good at playing woman. Perhaps this is also one of the characteristics of the [Metamorphosis Ring].

"This is a very profitable business."

Shade said enthusiastically, counting the time, and chatting with Mr. Yvont about other lots mentioned in the invitation letter. When there were less than 3 minutes before the next auction, he looked all around, carefully took out an item from his pocket, and lowered his voice:
"Mr. Evante, since today I happened to come across it, why don't you help me take a look, how is this thing? How much is it worth?"

Shade took the small jewelry box out of his pocket and opened it. He squinted his eyes, but when he saw what was in the box, he was immediately stared wide-eyed:
"This is."

Inside the jewelry box was a huge ruby ring with a face The gems are big and scary. And even if you don't look at the gem, just look at the ring itself, you can know that this is not an ordinary object.

"Be quiet, I saved the queen. This is her personal reward. I've actually been looking for someone to help me find out how much gold it's worth."

Shade Sorry for a smile;
"But you know, once I get to the local jewelry store or antique store, the second day tabloid will publish the news, saying that Rejed's Hamilton wants to sell the treasure given by the queen. But you are different, you are not native at all, so I want you to take a look at it for me."

The cultists are on a mission now, and it stands to reason that there should be no extravagance. But when Shade enthusiastically handed over the box containing the ring, "he" just hesitated and took it.

At this time, it would seem a little strange to refuse directly, so the middle age person used his body to block the sight of others behind him, took the ring box, and said:
"I In fact, I am not good at antique appraisal of jewelry, I mainly do the collection and trade of calligraphy and painting, this ring is really good."

This ring is of course very good, Queen Diana does not know even if Shade wasn't there, and Miss Galina, who was sitting beside her at the time, wouldn't let her have an accident, so I really thought Shade saved her life. According to Miss Galina, the ring has a long history and has been passed down from generation to generation in Queen Diana's matrilineal family for at least 300 years.

If it wasn't for Shade, the ring would have been passed down as dowry jewelry when a certain Princess got married.

"That's really good."

Mr. Steve Evante couldn't help but sigh again, Shade smiled in cooperation:

" Can you give me an estimate?"

"It's hard to make a specific estimate, after all, I have very little contact with antiques in this area. But if you want, I can introduce a few friends to help you take a look."


He looked at the ring in the ring box in his hand with reluctance, but still handed it back to Shade. Willing to pay the price of changing himself from a woman to a man, "he" will not have extracurricular branches on such an important occasion today.

"Very good."

Shade tucked the ring box into his jacket pocket, counted down in his heart, stretched out his hand to shake hands, and said politely:

" I'll trouble you then."

The woman with the wine glass looked towards Shade behind Shade, and then looked towards the man in the deerstalker hat standing to the right of Shade. The latter blinked, raised his legs and wanted to walk aside, but suddenly fell to the woman as if he had tripped over.

The woman couldn't dodge and collided with the man in the deerstalker hat. Although the hand held the wine glass firmly, the wine inside was still spilled on Shade's back.

"Oh, for Mr. Liming's sake, what's the matter?"

Shade, who was about to shake hands, first "shouted", and then turned around in dissatisfaction. The people around him also looked towards this side curiously.

"Oh, sir, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

The man first apologized to the noble lady, and then hurriedly apologized to Shade. At the same time, he also greeted the servant and wanted to take Shade to another room to scrub, but Shade waved his hand and said dissatisfiedly:
"The auction is about to start, I don't want to miss it."

He He took off his jacket and held it in his hand, and asked the person on the side to help confirm that the white shirt inside was not wet.

Steve Evante silently looked towards Shade's jacket in his hand, then looked at Shade's young face again.

Like Shade said, he didn't have time to change a dress because the auction was about to start.

The long tables in the restaurant have long been removed and replaced with neatly arranged single seats. The people attending the auction took their seats, while Steve Everett sat down with Shade, who he had just met, listening to the elderly Auctioneer presiding over the auction.

The progress of the auction is very fast. There is not too much competition in this fundraising auction, so each lot can be sold after only raising the placard three or four times.

Shade's bid took Lot 2 and Lot 5, "Delarion Ancient Fairy Tales" and the golden pen. The additional purchase of the story book is not because he likes the book very much, but after the successful auction, he proudly shows off to his new friends:

"The lady asked for the pen, this book I don’t have so much money myself, I recently met a wealthy aristocrat, she is really very”

Shade raised his eyebrows and showed an ambiguous smile:
"Very rich."

Evante nodded, expressionless, but looked at Shade's wet jacket again.

Shade held the coat in his hands, looking very casual. After the auction ended, Shade invited Mr. Yvont to see the lot he bought, but the other party refused.

Steve Ivant's job is to stay here and watch the crowd, make sure there are no suspicious people, make sure the ceremony doesn't setback, so it can't go too far.

"That's a shame, I'll show you something later, the joy is to be shared. I can't wait to see that book, I love old books like this. "

Shade said so, getting up excitedly to leave. But at this time, the man in the deerstalker hat who bumped into the middle-aged woman just now led a maid over. He waved hello to Shade in a local accent, brown hair sticking out from the brim of the hat:

"Sir, I'm so sorry about what happened just now. I heard that there is a laundry room in the courtyard of the mansion. There is no one there now, but this maid can help with the laundry. I'm really sorry, this kind of Once the wine stains are completely dry, it will be difficult to wash.”

Of course, whether it’s the woman holding the wine glass, the man in the deerstalker hat standing in front of you, or the maid going to the laundry , all arranged by Miss Galina.

"Do the laundry?"

Shade looked towards the maid suspiciously, thought about it, handed over the coat, and said to the maid:

"I I don't have time to follow you, you wash it first, I'll take something in a while and wait for you on the first floor. Dry it as soon as possible, this suit is not cheap."

Speaking, sorry to Mr. Yvante nodded , and then excitedly walked to the place to pick up the lot inside the restaurant.

Steve Evante stood there expressionlessly, first looking at the back of Shade who was leaving, and then seeing the man in the deers hunting hat continuing here with his friends Looking at the next round of auctions, I finally saw that the maid who left the restaurant with Shade's coat in her arms had disappeared outside the door.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, glanced around, and then quickly followed the maid.

Shade didn't turn to see where Yvont was going, but someone beside him gave him a gesture, and he knew the plan was working.

Perhaps one can refrain from greed because of conscientiousness, but that is only because the temptation is not at the right time. In the script arranged by Miss Galina tonight, Shade of the stupid philistine, the departure of the coincidental coat, and the slightly stable auction At this time, this temptation is just right.

(end of this chapter)

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