Whispering Poems Chapter 226


Chapter 226 Lengshuigang City
Even if you haven't tried snorkeling, your swimming level is not very good Good, but because of the protection of [Water Breathing], Shade feels quite good to swim.

The passage continued forward without widening or branching, giving Shade no chance to swim around underwater. The light of the silver moon became dim in the water, and the turbid vision under the water made him barely discern what was in front of him.

The passage gets narrower and narrower, eventually turning into an underwater fissure in front of which only one person can barely pass.

Just when Shade was a little worried that the cracks would get narrower and he had to carry out the demolition work, a light appeared not far away.

He swam forward with some excitement, and the light was the exit of the crack. And after swimming out of the crack, weak sunlight poured down from above through the water.

I tried my best to go upstream, and it took less than ten seconds for my head to stick out from under the water.

Canceling the spell, while breathing heavily, I felt raindrops hit my face. The rumble of the crashing waves shook the eardrums, and the rain and the wind brushed on the face.

He gasped for breath as he looked towards the left and right. Behind him was the towering cliff, and the dank passage was clearly under the water at the bottom of the cliff.

And not far in front of you, there is a black reef outcropping the sea.

"I don't know how to climb."

So I didn't choose to climb the mountain nearby, but untied the rope around my waist and swam towards the black rock in the rain. He got out of the sea and stood in the rain.

Because of the Mystic Art [Time Awareness], Shade knew that it took about 15 minutes since he left the hidden wall.

This is also because this is the first time to walk this "road", not only unfamiliar but also pay attention to observe the surroundings. If you become proficient in the future, it is no problem to compress the time to less than 10 minutes.

"But where exactly is this place? It's not an island in the ocean, is it?"

Overcast clouds, raindrops hitting his cheeks, and the wind blowing in his hair . Behind the cliff, the steep rock wall fell straight down, and it was almost impossible to see the complete appearance in the rain.

The smell of dandruff hit his nostrils, squinting to the sky, lonely seagulls circled around his head in the rain, and soon left to fly further away.

Farther away is a deep, terrifying ocean, and the rough sea level in the distance engulfs everything except a few nearby reefs. At the end of the field of vision, the dark clouds connect with the ocean, and the distorted and strange shape of the dark clouds on the ocean makes Shade instinctively feel terrifying.

"Why is it raining in Tobesque, and it's still raining here?"

Shade, who was soaking wet, continued to look all around despite the sticky feeling, except under his feet. The black huge reef, a series of outcropping rocks under the cliff, seems to have peeled off the cliff side at some point in the past.

The waves rolled under his feet, forming a series of disgusting white foam, as if hitting the stones under his feet unchanged for thousands of years.

The sound of the water is deafening, and the surroundings are desolate. Except for the vast sea and rocks, there are no trees, and no sandy beaches or islands.

But just by moving a bit, the line of sight can pass through the side of the towering cliff, and see the scenery covered by the cliff.

Shade stared wide-eyed, holding his breath—

He saw the harbour in the rain, the city standing by the sea, and beyond Huge factory chimneys loomed large. The fires of civilization illuminated the coast, and the smell of steam was carried with the wind to the sea.

"This is a certain port city on the west coast of the continent."

It was only then that the silver rays of light on my fingertips were extinguished, looking towards a distant port docked in the harbor. Huge steam cargo ships, looking towards warships flying the flag of the navy of the Kingdom of Delarion, looking towards the sprawling urban complexes that stretch out on the coastal plains.

"I'm still in Delarion, there shouldn't be such a big city in the new continent, so this is a port city on the west coast of the old continent."

I feel fortunate in my luck, Braving the rain, he opened the canvas-wrapped suitcase and took out the bag of frog legs.

After chanting a mouthful mantra, throw the crushed frog legs into the sea. Then jumped in the rain, from the slippery black reef, to another nearby rock.

The view here is wider, Shade fully confirms at this moment that the cliff standing beside him is on the side of the harbor city. From the current position, if you want to enter the seaport city not far away, you no longer need to enter the water.

As long as you keep moving on the rocks below these cliffs, you can land on the shallows of the sea after turning over the side of the cliffs. Walk forward along the shoal, and you can reach the pier where the large warship is docked after a visual inspection of the distance for 20 minutes.

In other words, the location where Shade emerges from the water is on the edge of the city. Once this road is proficient, it will take less than half an hour from leaving the hidden wall to entering the city.

Compared to the hidden walls of the house, this place here is obviously safer, and it is too safe:

"Why can't the exit be in a basement in the city, Or in the sewers?"

This is Shade's complaint as he hops up and down the rocks in the rain.

The boots stepped into the water of the shallows, leaving footprints on the beach while stepping the small shells between the gravel into the sand. But as the boots were lifted, the rushing sea water made the sand surface flat again, and there were no traces of human walking.

Shade landed quietly in the shallows, then stooped furtively toward the shore. Fortunately, in this rainy weather, no one will come to the beach, so no one can see this kind of caution.

This is a sandy beach near the pier, the wind and tides have left some litter on the soft sand. As Shade walked in the rain, he noticed a wet newspaper lying not far away.

I picked up the newspaper and checked it out, most of the paper was smeared. The only things that can be seen are the name of the newspaper, the date, and parts of the left page.

The time was yesterday, and the content was "Lecia Princess returns home from Carson Rick's visit, and spends a week in Lengshuigang" (note), and the headline of the newspaper is "Lenghuigang Evening News" .

“The most important seaport city on the west coast of the Kingdom of Delarion, the main trading hub with the new continent, Coldwater Harbor City?”

He looked up towards the city complex under the cloudy sky not far away , but still can't understand why he came here.

"Lecia Princess?"

He turned his head and looked towards the large, abnormal warship at sea. It was a steam-powered ship. In addition to extraordinary strength, this size Battleships are almost the most powerful weapons mortals can possess in this era.

Lengshuigang is indeed stationed by the Royal Navy and the Imperial Family Army, but the warship should not be at the civilian dock, so this ship should be used to transport important figures.

"Is the Princess on the ship, or is she in the accommodation arranged by Cold Harbor City? Also, what's the use of me going to Laccia Princess? She doesn't know me, and I don't want to take her Involved in the Whispering Poetry thing."

Shade hesitated in the rain before deciding to take a tour of the seaport city. Since they have finally come to such a far place, foreigners naturally want to see the customs of different cities.

Because of the heavy rain outside, when Shade, who was soaked all over, broke into the Golden Rose Hotel on "Hogrenz Avenue" in the quayside of Coldwater Harbor City, no one suspected that the youngster was from the sea. came out.

The hotels in the quay area receive guests from all over the world who come to the city by boat all the year round, relatively speaking, Shade is not a strange guy.

The check-in was under the false name of "John Watson" and paid 3 shillings (including lunch and dinner) to rent the cheapest room in a hotel. After taking a shower and changing into clean and dry clothes, I didn't rush to leave the hotel, but went back to the counter and borrowed some newspapers from the past few days from the fat woman with woolen yarn before returning to the house. .

In the damp and musty little room, after lighting the gas lamp that seemed to have not been scrubbed for several decades, the first thing to do was to check where Lacia Princess was staying.

The good news is that Miss Luisa's Princess friend does not live on the inaccessible warship, and the bad news is that Sophia's mansion where she temporarily lives is not something that the ordinary person can approach at will.

It is a big mansion in the most prosperous southern district of Lengshuigang City. It is part of the royal family's huge property. When members of the royal family visit Lengshuigang, most of them choose to live there.

The Coldwater Harbor Evening News has a large-scale account of the remarkable efforts of the local police and city hall to keep Princess safe.

In other words, Shade never got a chance to meet Laccia Cavendish Princess.

Then flip through the rest of the newspaper to see if anything suspicious is happening locally. But just like the newspapers in Tobesque City, large and small false and true information are displayed in different categories of newspapers. The fishermen brought back strangely shaped stone statues when they were fishing, and they met privately on the beach at night. The men and women of the past saw ghost ships appearing on the sea, golden islands with treasures appearing in the open sea, and so on.

Each city has different urban rumors. In Tobesque, it is mostly related to the nightlife of the big city, while the cold port city is mostly related to the sea. Wanting to find valuable clues from this information, Shade might as well expect the silver-eyed person to fall to his death when he goes out to buy food.

"However, a person with the identity of a silver-eyed person should not go out to buy food by himself."

He thought to himself, spending the rest of the morning for an hour. Used to read newspapers. I ate lunch at the hotel at noon, and took out the [Pirate's Blood Money], but nothing happened.

So he borrowed an umbrella from the hotel in the afternoon to travel. Since he has nothing to do for the time being, he intends to deal with the affairs of the client, Mrs. Le Maire. The friend who helped Mr. Le Maire keep his will here.

PS1: Lecia Princess will appear in Lengshuigang City, which has been mentioned at least twice in the previous article, and you can search for the previous episodes by yourself.

PS2: Yesterday, a reader commented that Lengshuigang City is [Northern City·Lengshuigang City], but Shade chose the west and north to refer to the city in the north of the old continent, not the northernmost of the old continent. City. Just as Peiping is a northern city, it doesn't mean it is north of Harbin and Shenyang. As mentioned in the article before, Lengshuigang is a seaport city on the west coast, and this is the point.

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