Whispering Poems Chapter 214


Chapter 214 Demoness and Shade

During the conversation just now, Shade has been thinking about the demoness. matter. His final opinion is that he can't just pretend he doesn't know about it, at least he has to find out what the other party's attitude is.

He coughed and asked the maid who had already walked to the door to wait a moment, then looked towards the duchess behind the desk:
"Miss Galina, there is actually one more thing I want to say, I I recently learned some strange historical stories from the library of St. Byrons."

"About what?"

"About .Demoness."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the maid Tifa standing in front of the door, completely blocking the door. At this moment, Shade doubts whether he is right to talk about this matter now, but instead of cooperating with each other suspiciously until the conflict erupts one day, it is better to make it clear at first.

After all, now that God is close to him, if the other party really wants to attack, it is definitely not Shade who is unlucky.

"Demoness. Detective, what do you want to talk about?"

She looked towards Shade.

"I learned a common sense from the book, the demoness of the fifth era gained great power, but also was cursed."

The black hair maid frowned looking towards Shade, Then he looked at Miss Jialina with some helplessness.

The Duchess's expression was still very natural:
"Well, go on."

The voice was very soft.

Shade also looked towards the Great Demon girl of the Demoness Council, while speaking while guessing each other's expressions:

"Demonesses are barren and have an indescribable disgust for men. Direct contact can lead to a dramatic amplification of this disgust. This also explains why there is no record of the Demons emperors having children.”

After a slight pause, he made sure that the other party’s emotions were still normal, and then continued:

“I also learned a little trick, the demoness will use the way of holding men’s wrists to determine their true gender.”

The person on the sofa and the person behind the desk Looking at each other, it's hard to tell what the demoness's eyes mean:

"It's true, so some people think that the demoness of the council are all 'handkerchief hobbyers'. Actually, it's just no choice. So detective, what do you want to express?"

The conversation has reached a critical moment, and both parties are sensing the current atmosphere. Shade leaned forward slightly:
"I was wondering since you guys can judge gender and I obviously can't trigger that curse, so... Miss Galina, what do you want from me?"

He asked seriously, but didn't get an immediate answer after that.

The room was so quiet that it made Shade think that even if Mia suddenly appeared now, stepping on the soft carpet would make a loud noise.

Just as Shade was thinking about it, the red-haired duchess laughed:

"Looking at your expression just now, I thought you wanted to ask about something important like "The Whispering Poems". Thing. Oh, I said Whispering Poem? You don't think you heard it. But that's just the question? It's simple, of course it's simple."

From this answer, at least, the conversation was successful.

Demoness suddenly stood up from the chair, and Shade got up too. Seeing the Duchess walking quickly, he dodged immediately, and then was easily grabbed by the wrist.

At this moment, Shade maintains the highest alertness, ready to use the power in his soul and life ring.

"You're not a woman," said Miss Galina.

"Of course, hasn't the vanity case you asked me to get proven already? And my body's physical response and appearance are indeed not a woman."

Shade replied , trying to break free like last time, but couldn't break free at all. He looked at the red-haired woman in front of him inquiringly, and the latter looked at him without showing weakness.

The two were so close together that Shade could easily smell the powder on each other's body.

"You're not a woman, you're a man."

She said again.

"Of course, haven't you tried your potion?"

Shade said again, looking into each other's dark golden eyes:

"Or Say you want to verify in other ways?"

He deliberately said something suggestive, trying to get the other person to let go. But the Duchess didn't care at all, she looked at Shade's expression like this:
"Whether seeing you up close or touching you directly, will not make me have any uncomfortable reaction. I have investigated your past, You are indeed human, but it doesn't fit my common sense. You are a man, that should be fine."

She looked down, but only for a second at a subtle angle. Look away:

"If you don't mind using other methods to verify, I can help you find some high-level girls."

The maid watching this scene beside the two He coughed loudly, probably really choking.

Shade looked her in the eyes:

"Miss Galina, what are you trying to do?"

"Not doing anything, just wanting to You stay with me. I can only know this kind of secret."

I can see her smiling up close, and the short hairs on the fair skin around the corners of her lipstick-covered mouth can be seen clear.

"You want to study me?"

He frowned.

"Research? No, the powerful Demons Emperors of the Fifth Era have studied the curse of the epoch for an entire era, to no avail. I'm much weaker than them, and I'm not that kind of genius researcher, Why waste time doing this kind of thing. So, it's enough to keep you by my side and let me enjoy this secret exclusively. You can understand that. I'm collecting you."

This kind of The statement made Shade uncomfortable.

"Favorite me?"

"This is probably inappropriate, you can understand that I want to watch the only man the Demoness can touch grow and become stronger, It's like watching an ordinary dirty antique turn into a powerful relic step by step. This kind of process is a rare pleasure in life. It is not difficult for me to help you. And I really want to Knowing that when you grow up, whether you can find out the reason for your abnormality, this may be able to help us."

Shade's silhouette is reflected in the golden eyes, and Shade believes that it must also be reflected in his own eyes. woman close at hand. He thought that this conversation would definitely lead to some contradiction, didn't expect to get such a result. But this kind of result is not bad, the other party is not scheming, of course he is very happy:
"If it is just like this, Miss Galina, I am very happy to be able to arouse your interest, and I am also happy to maintain our relationship. Partnership."

"I'd love to help you all the time, too, not only because you're the only man I can touch, but because, I really appreciate you. Shade Suellen Hamilton, I It's been a long time since I've met someone as interesting as you, you're different from everyone else. Of course."

Her smile once again showed a fascination that was clearly beyond human, which wasn't normal:

"If you can make me happy, I don't mind with you"

The maid at the door coughed again, but this time it was probably intentional, reminding the duchess she was serving to Be dignified.

"I'm still a little concerned."

He stabilized his mind from the charm of being close at hand, which mainly depended on the woman's light laughing voice in his ear:
"Then our relationship is business as usual, except what does this have to do with you grabbing my wrist?"

She smiled before letting go of Shade's hand, but didn't continue. The topic that will cause the maid to keep coughing:
"I can't guarantee what the other demoness of the council will do to you, after all, there are quite a few lunatics in the council. If any other demoness comes to the local area, I will inform you in advance. , you don't take the initiative to provoke them."

Turned around and looked towards his maid:
"Tifa, take this curious gentleman to learn etiquette, time is running out. Come back. Remember to get yourself some water to drink when you are, I noticed that you have been coughing and it seems that your throat is sore."

"Please wait, Miss Galina, I have a lot of things to ask. "

Before the maid could speak, Shade spoke first, but the duchess, who was "enthusiastic" towards Shade just now, did not intend to continue the conversation. She shook her head regretfully at Shade:
"Next time, Mr. Knight, but I'll allow you to ask one more question."

"Is she a Demoness?"

Shade pointed to Miss Tifa Serveit, who actually had a lot of problems, and the key to this problem was not the identity of the lady maid, but how many demoness there really is in the demoness council today in the sixth era.

The answer to this question can tell Shade a lot of things.

It was the black-haired maid who answered him:
"Only the most powerful thirteen Great Demon women in the council are the real Demones. Although the others also have part of the power of the Demones, but Basically only equivalent to borrowing the power of the relic, can only be regarded as a candidate for Demoness. After the death of one of the thirteen Great Demon girls, the candidate is eligible to compete for the vacant parliamentary seat. So, Hamilton Sir, I'm not a Demoness."

"So what the hell is going on with me? Why doesn't it work on your Demonness curse, and."

Shade still wants to ask , For example, whether the Great Demon woman inherited the power of Demoness, or really has two super mortal body systems of "Demoness" of the Fifth Age and "Ring Warlock" of the Sixth Age.

"One question is over, detective, see you later. If you still suspect that you are not a man, go to the girl in the alley yourself, and let me know if you have an answer. If you want to know more secrets , Metamorphosis Ring, or you have reached the High Ring."

Miss Galina said with a smile, and then to the maid nodded, Miss Serveit calmly opened the door of the study. Therefore, although it was confirmed that the Great Demon female Miss Galina had no malice towards herself, this conversation, which Shade regarded as a "showdown", ended so easily.

There are no expected conflicts and no deliberate denials. Galina Cavendish directly acknowledged what Shade got, and left him with more questions.

But this at least made Shade confirm one thing, the Demoness Council is very likely to know the truth about the epoch change between the Fifth and Sixth Era, and to know the many secrets of the thirteen Emperors of Demoness. Even, they may directly know the true meaning of "The Whispering Poems".

And all of this, Shade needs to slowly learn from Miss Galina in the future.

"But at least I've found my way, instead of letting the secrets bump themselves."

That's what Shade thinks as he follows the black-haired maid.

The Duchess foresaw that she would teach Shade etiquette in advance, so she also found the etiquette teacher in advance, the one before the last card game.

Probably because Shade is about to get the title of "Knight", this middle age person with a white wig and old court dress has a slightly feminine attitude towards Shade this time.

After the boring study, Shade originally wanted to chat with Miss Galina again, but the maid Tifa told him to go back to the first floor to wait. The Duchess has other guests to meet.

Shade doesn't know true or false, but since the other party doesn't want to see him, he doesn't force it. As I walked down the stairs, I was still thinking about my attitude towards getting along with Miss Galina in the future. His gaze turned aimlessly from the steps under his feet to the downstairs, and then his footsteps stopped abruptly. From a height, he actually saw a silhouette of Miss Beas wearing a long dress, flashing through the crowd in the banquet hall on the first floor.


The first reaction is not to think about what the other party is going to do, but to reach for the relic in his pocket.

Because today is "Sunday night", a time when Shade is extra vigilant, so he hides almost all his belongings under his seemingly neat formal dress.

I hurried down the stairs, wanting to see what Miss Bayas was going to do. But I still see her silhouette upstairs, and when I go back to the first floor, I can only see gentlemen chatting with each other about politics, and ladies greeting each other getting together to talk about their respective outfits.

"Am I wrong?"

He stood in the crowd thinking, and then asked in the heart:
"You just felt the element of Miss Beas. Is it?"

[The distance is too far. ]

"Well, if you find her later, remember to remind me."

For the next twenty minutes, Shade walked around the banquet hall, wondering if he could find other Acquaintances, but on this occasion, the other four members of the group have no reason to come.

On the other hand, he ran into Captain Laddes again, who grabbed Shade with a red light on his face and introduced Shade to his friends in the army.

The gentlemen who attended the banquet in Army uniforms were active duty officers still in service. Captain Rades was a lieutenant himself, and naturally his friends also had ranks. Among them, the eldest middle age person with a brown beard was actually a lieutenant colonel of the Imperial Family Army on active duty at Delarion, which was a very remarkable identity.

Shade didn't leave the captain's place until the king appeared, but listened to a group of officers share about the Southern Front. Captain Ladds has been criticized some time ago because of "Captain Eight Guns". Now that he has the opportunity to return to the front line, his friends who used to make fun of him will no longer mention it.

Knowing from Captain Radees that today's banquet, the young detective is also one of the protagonists, Shade is naturally welcomed by them. After everyone accepted Shade's business card, Shade also curiously asked these soldiers who knew the most about the front line. Recently, several decades Delarion and Carson Rick broke out the probability of a total war again.

This is related to his life. Once a full-scale war begins, a peaceful departure war begins, and no one can be unaffected.

Under the crystal chandelier above, the officers with wine glasses looked at each other. Captain Radees looked towards the lieutenant colonel, who was cautiously nodded, and answered the question, probably having been on the southern front for too long, and his accent was a bit strange:
"Mr Hamilton, you have this question. Shouldn't ask us."

Pointing to himself with his left hand without a glass of wine:
"It's not us who decides this."

Pointing not far away to talk about recent tax policy The group of middle-aged gentlemen:

“It’s not you.”

Finally pointing to a higher floor:

“It’s them.”

Shade understands quite well what he means and can't help but shock the head. Most of the others had similar expressions, so Captain Radeth took the initiative to raise his glass:

Although the others did not speak, they all raised their glasses to meet him.

The banquet hall is very lively. No one likes war except those with vested interests. But the start of war, most of the time, will not be decided by people who hate war.

Shade sincerely hopes that the peace between Delarion and Kasenrick will continue forever. After all, the epic of the sixth era has begun, and this world is already chaotic enough.

PS: Thanks to @七宝 Spicy Sauce for being the fifth Alliance Leader in this book. It is customary to add 2*2K chapters. In order to keep the average subscription data of just breaking through 3,000 from falling, it will become a chapter of 4K. Thanks again for your support, and by the way, ask for votes.

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