Whispering Poems Chapter 195


Chapter 195 Those Secrets
"You're leaving?"

The store is crumbling, the store Everything inside is turning into nothingness. Even though he had long known that the god was about to fall asleep, leaving so quickly caught Shade off guard.

"Where are you going?"

He asked standing where he was, only the floor under his feet remained the same. The demise of everything is not accompanied by any natural phenomenon, it's just that everything is leaving, which is simply demise.

"The place where nothingness sleeps."

The god said.

This is a metaphorical expression, and Shade didn't explore it too much:

"Your final work, how should I find it? Any clues? ?"

Everything around her is like a faded color photo, gradually returning to black and gray. Only Shade is not affected by these influences, and the outsiders who do not belong to this time point are sheltered by the power of time.

"You don't need to look for it, you will definitely come across the gift box I left behind."

God said.


"Because that's what I said."

He smiled at Shade, his color matching the shop's color Fades quickly. The silhouette gradually becomes transparent, heading towards the finish line with this toy store.

He looked towards his hand, and looked at the head helplessly:
"All things must die, this is the reality, and you don't have to be sad."

"We Will there be a time for goodbye?"

Shade asked, [Innocent Creator] has helped him a lot, and if possible, he hopes to be able to meet the god in front of him again at the time of his existence. meeting.

"Of course, the child from the future, when a major event in the future occurs, all the dormant old gods will wake up. Don't ask me what it is, it can't be said."


God said, but the voice seemed to come from far away, He really was going.

This information is in line with Miss Annat's understanding of "The Whispering Poems", and at the current point in time, "The Whispering Poems" should not have appeared.

"So, will we meet again in the Sixth Era or even further away?"

"Not farther, we must meet in the Sixth Era."


That silhouette is getting lighter.

Shade blinked his eyes:
"Why? The sixth era must have the major event you mentioned?"

God also winked at him, showing a smile At the same time, he gave an answer that surprised him:
"Because there will be no seventh era or even more distant era."

The color of the transparent silhouette turns into black and gray light The dots are scattered around, the inside of the toy store is collapsing, and everything is coming to an end. After the scene of the toy store dissipated, behind it was revealed the boundless Star Sea.

"Children of the future, this world is more complicated than you think, and the truth will make you sad. If you don't want to live this life as a mortal ignorant, then I can give you a piece of advice , as my last gift to you."

"Please say."

The transparent body snapped its fingers, the blurred store only had the basic frame, Shade and God stands above that void like the Star Sea.

The illusory shadow of a total of thirteen cards appeared in front of the two of them, rotating around their respective central axes, allowing Shade to see their positive and negative appearances clearly.

This is the thirteen founding series of Rhodes cards, or rather, the myriad forms of impermanence.

"Myriad forms are impermanent, the treasures left by the Ancient God before he fell. They can bring you luck, and at the same time" Go, only Shade can witness this scene.

"These cards have a deeper meaning. Collect them, child, must. Collect them. When the final moment comes, even if you face the worst, these cards will serve you well. You guide the last redemption. They are the last resort."

The walls and ceiling of the toy store disappear, leaving only the area under Shade's feet and the area under the saint's feet, surrounded by darkness and stars of light. Shade looked into the dark depths, and in that moment of dizziness, he seemed to see something terrifying, but he didn't seem to see anything.

"Thank you."

He bowed slightly to express his most sincere gratitude to the departing god, who shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

His silhouette fades, waving, and he leaves.

Meanwhile, the bell rang. The bell echoed in my ears, and it seemed to break through the boundaries of Time and Space, announcing to all continuous time and space that another old god had left.

He really is gone.

The bell rang, and Shade's eyes seemed to see the ripples spreading toward the void, and a series of small sounds appeared in his ears. Shade felt his head almost burst as he tried to understand the voices. It was a series of overlapping sentences, and he barely heard and remembered one of them:

[Toy makers always dream of being able to create innocence. ]

The power of this sentence almost made Shade faint. But at the same time, he actually found an inexplicable sense of familiarity in this sentence:
"This is. What is this feeling?"

Although it was barely a memory, the voice kept coming It kept ringing in my ears. Over and over again, Shade shared the answer with her:

"Words of Ascension!"

[Words of Ascension. ]

The sentences that appear with the fall of the old gods have a very similar feel to the power that Dr. Schneider once used. Although Shade only captured one of the sentences, it was obvious that the ones he didn't memorize were all similar sentences.

Thinking of this, the deeper thinking about the ring warlock system and even the space-time of the sixth era made him tremble:

"The special item used by the ring warlock is a relic, The sublimation method used is the last word of God, this world, what the hell is going on?"

The bell was still ringing, and every strong vibration made Shade's scalp tingle. He suddenly looked up and looked towards the dark front, where a transparent giant tree appeared there at some point.

The tree seems to connect Heaven and Earth, and it seems to support Heaven and Earth. The root system is developed, the canopy is lush, and the tree lines on the transparent trunk seem to record the story of the entire civilization.

From the same transparent canopy, two green leaves swirled to the Shade below.

Shade stretched out his hand to take it, and then the thick fog of white suddenly emerged in this void, and a huge force pulled him back, returning to the time point of the sixth era.

He stepped backwards through the door leading to the basement, nearly falling to the ground.

Looking at the two leaves in his hand, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked towards the position under his feet. Mia cat was sneakily picking up the paper bag with his claws. It's a pity that Shade only left for three seconds, which is not enough time for the cat to get the disgusting things out of it.


Seeing Shade appearing, it immediately ran to the stairs as if running for its life, apparently worried about being blamed by Shade.

The murmur sounded in my ears:

[Outlander, you have returned to the present time. ]

[Message from Ancient God "Father of the Infinite Tree":]

[Infinite time blesses you. ]

"Oh, what happened tonight is actually more exciting than this morning~"

Staring at the gas light outside the window on the first floor in a daze, thinking this time in my head. The huge information obtained by "journey" is recalled in turn. The shocked emotion has not yet receded, and the fact that the good god is gone makes him a little sad.

"What about spirit rune and Mystic Art?"

It took me a long time to think of this, and then looked towards the two leaves in my hand:
"That's not it, right? ? The way the Father of the Infinite Tree pays is that the leaves seem reasonable."


Mia was lying on the stairs, sticking out her little head and looking down. , I don't know why Shade doesn't come after it.

The secret of Demoness, the exhortation to collect cards, the last words of God and the words of sublimation, his gift to Shade.

In just ten minutes, the complex and diverse information obtained is comparable to the sum of Shade's two weeks in this world.

Returning from the first floor to the second floor, after taking a shower, I walked into the study on the second floor with two green leaves, stood at the window and looked at the moonlight. Out of ideas.

The secrets of Demoness and the secrets of Ascension Words are not accessible to him as a warlock. The Demoness of the fifth era was cursed to gain power, and the ring warlock of the sixth era sublimated itself with the last words of the gods after sleep, which are almost directly related to the secrets of the world itself.

All he can do for now is jot down these things and wait for more clues next time. After all, he's just a ring warlock.

The secret of the sublimated language is now completely revealed. When the doctor uses the words of sublimation, the sense of decay of power is similar to the sense of decay of the saint who is about to fall, and therefore has an explanation. This incident must point to the truth of this world, to the root cause of the emergence of the ring warlock mysticism system. Combined with God's statement that "there will be no seventh era", this makes Shade a very bad guess.

Traveling through the time corridor to the past is the best way for Shade to explore secrets at present. Outsiders believe that they will be able to piece together the truth step by step.

As for the search for all thirteen Founding Series Rhodes cards, in fact, Shade has had this idea since Miss Anat said "myriad forms are impermanent". Since God said that it is necessary for him to collect, it will be the final redemption, so Shade is of course willing to turn his thoughts into actions.

But getting all thirteen founding set cards is not just a matter of money, it's a matter of luck. It will be a difficult task, very difficult.

"As for the gift He left me, God left me a gift box, which is too simple."

Shade gently patted the soft little cat. Head, Mia stood on the windowsill, raised her hair and let out a pleasant cry.

sighed, like spitting out all the troubles:

"Although some clues that only appeared once are hard to find, at least I have an impression. The Demoness Council really grasped It's a great secret, do you still remember, when I first met Miss Galina, she mentioned the age of the [God's Gift Box] (Note)."

[Fall 5E 1068. ]

She whispered in his ear, the timing was perfect.

The interior of the study is bright, and the night outside the window makes the window almost like a reflection of glass. If it weren't for the fact that the window didn't reflect someone behind him, Shade really thought the woman was leaning over and whispering in his ear.

Touching the pocket, the time key representing the fall of 1068 has turned into dust.

The last work created by the old god [Pure Creator] is the sage-level relic [God's Gift Box]. He was right, Shade was destined to meet this item.

And what's even more amazing is that he already knows the exact location of the sage-level relic.

"The silver-eyed person that Miss Beas was looking for was hidden in the underground ruins with that relic"

A little melancholy looking at the moonlight outside the window:
" I originally wanted to avoid acting with Miss Beas, after all, it's only one part, and I shouldn't be involved in those dangerous things. But now it seems that at least this time has to be together."

[No, you have the right to give up that gift. ]

She whispered in his ear, the soft voice giving Shade the illusion of being caressed by the warm air.

"Impossible, there is a very high possibility that there is divinity in the box. Compared to confronting Evil God to snatch power, facing the silver-eyed person is as simple as facing the ants. They all flinched, and what are the twelve paths to the sublimation of the divinity? Besides."

The expression on Shade's face was reflected on the glass of the window. On the first night after the assassination of Queen Diana, the city of Tobesque under the moon was quiet and peaceful, and Shade's mood gradually calmed down. He said to himself in the glass reflection:

“ This is a gift that belongs to me, it belongs to me, and I must get it."

PS1: It was mentioned in Chapter 35, but many people have already discovered it.

PS2: It's also chapter 35. It was mentioned that the [God's Gift Box] could not be moved due to various reasons, so Shade had to go deep into the ruins instead of waiting for Miss Beas to take it out for him. .

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