Whispering Poems Chapter 192


Chapter 192 Potions and Potions

"Then, you drink one and it will cause blindness in your left eye The potion of , because it has been diluted hundreds of times, the effect is not obvious. Some mint is added to the potion to cover up the unique smell of this potion, which is a very good idea."

Saint said with a smile.

The second potion does sound like a potion being practiced. But the potion was diluted a hundred times and the mint was deliberately added, which seemed to be a problem. Combined with the first potion, the first two potions seem to be used to cover up what she really wants Shade to drink
"Oh, Third Type is really an ancient potion. When I was very young In the 1990s, this kind of medicine has already appeared, and didn't expect it will still be circulated in the next era."

The saint smiled again:
"It has many names, but its main function is only one. Species, sex identification."

"Sex identification?"

Shade asked hesitantly, and then thought of more things.

"Yes, the males will shiver when they drink it, but the females won't have any effect. In very old times, well, the Tertiary, something terrifying and spooky took over world. To distinguish them from humanoids, people at that time invented a series of potions, this is just one of the very unremarkable ones. From the look of you, you seem to understand something."

"Yes. The conspicuous target masks the real target so that's how it is, so speaking of which, that task of picking up the goods"

Shade narrowed his eyes.

Miss Galina's pick-up task, although reasonable now, always feels odd. This strange feeling finally understood at this moment. Perhaps, the mission that time was similar to this time. The point is probably not to bring the vanity case back, the point of the task is to let Shade try to open the vanity case.

He remembers handing over the vanity case to the maid at the carriage, who made him try to open it once.

"Use a vanity box to make sure I'm not a woman, and use a potion to make sure I'm a man. What are you going to do?"

He thought for a while, then raised his head and asked again:
" Sorry, I may be greedy, but I want to know if I'm male."

It's much easier to get the answer directly than to guess. He believes that his soul and body are the same, but when he encounters the current situation, he must confirm it before he can feel at ease.

The sage happily said:
"This is another interesting question, but I can answer it. Your body, your soul, are purely male, I assure you. ”

Now Shade is more at ease.

Shade still had no idea what the Great Demon girl with red hair wanted to do. And for the clues at hand, now is not a good opportunity to analyze.

Time is running out.

"God, I'm here to witness my last wish."

He stabilized his mind, raised his head and said. With the hands of the youngster patted in the funny clown hat, the three children finally got out of the aisle of the toy shelf again.

They recognized Shade and understood that he was here to make a wish, so they smiled sincerely.

Shade hoped that smile would continue, especially after the boy who wanted to grow up had tasted the potion.

The potion was not taken to the past, as Shade had anticipated. Although the situation was a little worse, at least he was not unprepared. Shade intends to prepare the potion himself, even though he has not learned it, he has already asked the Augustus priest for the tricks. This is not a complicated potion formula.

"Do you have the ingredients for the potion here? I learned the formula for a potion that can make children grow up."

He asked the Holy One, who gently nods :
"What do you need?"

"The stamens of the nine Ye Xingchen flowers."

"There is."

The sage from the drawer of the counter He took out a whole flower and put it on the table. The boy who was eager to grow took the toy wooden knife and looked at them expectantly. It appears that the Holy Ones have blessed them again, allowing them to understand Shade's language.

"There are two live insects."


Two live insects were taken out of the drawer.

"Squeeze the juice."


Squeeze it casually, and the disgusting green juice seeps from the fingers and falls on the table for some reason. in the small bottle that appeared.

The boy's face paled.

"Nine drops of the genetic material of the barefoot fire ape."

"It's really terrifying."

But I still took out the small bottle from the drawer, transparent There is something white in the solution.

The boy turned completely pale:

"Wait sir, is the potion taken orally?"

"Of course. feces and saliva.”

“Interesting material.”

The bottles are laid out on the counter, and just looking at them makes one want to dry vomit. The youngest boy and the oldest girl have left the counter far away, and the boy holding the wooden knife seems to want to say something with his lips squirming.

“Earwax, eye wax, hair and blood of ordinary person of three genders and ages.”

“I’m already looking forward to the finished product.”

More and more small bottles are showing up there.


The boy whispered, Shade remembered the recipe seriously so he didn't hear it, and the saint was cooperating with him.

"Finally, the green sticky phlegm of the horse-donkey hybrid."


The girl made an exaggerated retching sound , and hid in the center of the shelf with the youngest boy. The latter is really scared, the former is a look of fun.

As for the boy with the toy wooden knife, he already showed an expression that was about to collapse.

God took out the materials, and Shade looked at them with a solemn expression, knowing that he had to face a huge amount of work. With seven minutes left, he intends to try twice. If he fails, he will change his strategy and use words to meet the boy's growing needs.

"Gentlemen, I"

Although the boy with the toy knife is young, but at this age, he already understands the "killing" of these things on the counter.

"Oh, and sour milk! I forgot about this!"

Shade patted his head, and the saint also smiled and took out the milk bottle from under the counter. It wasn't just sour, Shade saw a brown and green terrifying thing floating on the top of the milk.

"Gentlemen, I don't want to"

"Is this the only material?"

God confirmed to the detective from the future, Shade thought for a moment:
"You can leave out honey, it's not a necessary ingredient, it's just to adjust the taste."

"Okay, I'll make it for you."

God smiled happily , The god who claims to have no power stretched out his hand and pointed to something on the table. They merged together in the light and turned into a terrifying potion in a teacup.

Not only is the taste terrifying, the color is also quite terrifying. This color is the same as the August priest configuration, God can't go wrong.

It was this step that Shade was sighed in relief. Although God asked him to fulfill his wish, it didn't seem like he was unwilling to help. All he needed was for Shade to find a way.

"That's right, that's it, the potion - the price of growing up." Showing a self-kind expression:
"Come and experience the growth you want, it's definitely unforgettable."

Because the smell was so bad, Shade had to speak in a muffled voice. The boy saw Shade looked towards him, stared wide-eyed back, subconsciously raised the toy wooden knife in front of him:
"No, I don't want to drink, you are a liar, this is not what I want to grow up!"

(end of this chapter)

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