Whispering Poems Chapter 125


Chapter 125 Special Skills

Sure enough, even the club's first floor stairs, the third room on the left It's being used now, but when Shade asked to change that room, the club didn't even hesitate before agreeing.

The out-of-town wine merchant who used that room to talk business was politely invited to the room on the second floor. Shade and Miss Bayas entered the room to be alone again. The detective watched Miss Bayas walk into the room with some excitement, so he blinked, and the life wheel in his soul was spinning at an extremely weak speed.

The blood in his right eye is hard to detect. An unusually obvious halo of blood appeared in the normal field of vision, forming the trajectory of the victim's movement in the air, and this trace could be easily observed without even being captured.

In the state of "Divine Afterglow", this spell is even more handy.

While Shade uses her spell to observe clues, Miss Beas is also working on it. Although Shade didn't know what ability she used, it was obvious that the other party also found some important clues from the room where the Orthodox Church's investigation square did not find any clues.

In the sight of the blood in Shade's right eye, the largest pool of blood was on the side of the sofa, in front of the cabinet with vases. The entire cabinet had been splattered with blood, and there were even traces on the floor.

Miss Beas also found this place, standing in front of the brown solid wood three-tier chest of drawers, and said almost Whisper:

"Remaining traces of spirit"



Shade asked this deliberately, for fear that the other party would say something inappropriate.

Sure enough, the long brown-haired girl also realized what she had said, and immediately turned her head to observe the detective's expression. Seeing the latter's puzzled expression, she relaxed a little:

"I When I was trained at Blackstone Security Company, I received special training in addition to women's martial arts. I think, something happened around here."

"Is the security company's training so good?"


Shade sighed and walked to the cabinet.

Although I don't know why the Orthodox Church didn't find out about this, Shade, in line with the principle of doing things with other people's gold pounds, kindly pulled out the drawer and moved the flowerpot to another place. Put the cabinet down and examine it carefully.

The cabinet has indeed been scrubbed clean, but at the bottom of the cabinet, where the wooden floor joins the wall, there are bloodstains barely noticeable to naked eye.

If Shade hadn't observed it with Mystic Art, he might not have been able to find it even if he searched for it:
"Miss Bayas, look here."

Shade got up Turn up the gas light overhead, then crouch down and point at the bloodstain. The long brown-haired lady also folded her skirt and squatted down, following his fingers, she saw the blood in the crack of the wall:

"It looks like it's here!"

She did not doubt Shade's "sharpness" and stood up happily:

"Detective, please go out for a while, I will use a special method to identify these bloodstains. Because it is a unique skill, it cannot be used by you. See."

Meaning that she will use Mystic Art which requires casting materials and incantations, and the detective of the ordinary person cannot stand by.

"Of course."

Shade stood up abruptly, turned around and left the room without asking anything. After waiting for a full ten minutes, Miss Bayas asked him to go back again. Even if Shade was not good at observing other people's expressions, he could find that the other party was excited as if his eyes were shining:

"Detective, I think this time is indeed a big discovery. I used special skills to confirm that this bloodstain appeared on the day Mr. Lawrence disappeared, and I also found a way to trace it, I"

"should Inform Ridwich Field about this, and let a reliable official police force track it down, after all, the cultists are very dangerous, and you can't catch up on your own."

Shade said, looking inquiringly. Miss Beas, the latter was reminded, and her excitement returned to normal:

"That's right, I'm just here to find clues, it's too stupid to chase it myself. Then I That's back to Ridwich Field."

She didn't misspell the church this time.

“Detective Hamilton, you played a very important role in this commission, I think if there is an opportunity, we can continue to work together.”

She extended the hand with Shade shook hands, of course Shade would not refuse, but his eyes paused on the golden ring of the other's finger:
"Then about the commission fee."

"Detective, it's up to you to bid."


Shade's nomination, Miss Beas, who disguised as a police officer and disguised as a wine merchant, may not understand the charges in the detective line, but Shade doesn't know either. He thought about it, Miss Bayas' income probably wouldn't be very high, and the investigation didn't cost much:
"How about 15 shillings? But you're responsible for sending me back to St. Teresa. The square."

Although there is money temporarily, Shade is not willing to spend it indiscriminately.

"No problem, Detective, the price is very good. I think we will have the opportunity to work together again in the future. It is a pleasure to work with you. I have been unlucky these days, but with you The operation didn't encounter any trouble."

Miss Beas said, she was about to go to the wallet to get the money, and Shade said:

"Also, ma'am, Can you weaken my role a little when you report this to the Ridwich Field. Today's meeting with Miss Galina revealed that, you know, the unmarried duchess meets strangers Man."

He didn't go on, but the other party definitely understood. And the reason why Galina Cavendish is known to be unmarried is because she still uses the Cavendish royal family name.

"Of course."

Miss Beas handed Shade some odds and ends, then took a small Silver Coin from her pocket and blew it in front of her mouth For a moment, then immediately put it in her ear:

"Here's a tip."

She handed Shade the small Silver Coin along with the 15 shillings note.

The Silver Coin with the image of the previous king is not legal tender, but it can still be circulated, and the face value fluctuates from 8 shillings to 10 shillings. Its nature is somewhere between a commemorative coin and a circulating currency, and it is especially favored by certain special trading occasions:

"Thank you, generous lady."

Shade waving He glanced at his hat and said in a very exaggerated tone, Miss Beas covered her mouth and chuckled, both of them were in a good mood.

Miss Bayas also returns to the city center from Tobesque East, where the Lucky Southern Cross Club is located.

The carriage was just free to stop at the entrance of the club, so the two took the carriage back together, and they were very satisfied with their gains.

PS: Added 11/15.

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