Whispering Poems Chapter 103


Chapter 103 Afternoon
Just like what Captain Radees said, the gunshot just went off , the noisy sound also quickly disappeared downstairs. Shade relaxed, was about to continue the topic just now, didn't expect a gunshot sounded downstairs again.

I thought Captain Radees would remain calm, didn't expect middle age person to stare wide-eyed, looked towards the position of the window with a terrified face.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem this time?"

Shade asked immediately.

".34 black jack! Glass pocket single-shot pistol! It's MI6!"

The middle age person, who was originally calm, trembled like a disease When he got up, the horror on his face was probably more exaggerated than when Shade saw Evil God again.

Shade also shrank back nervously, but quickly regained his composure. Detective Sparrow had an impossible incident, and even if it happened, he wouldn't be implicated, so he didn't need to be nervous.

"What's wrong with MI6?"

This organization may have something to do with Shade, but the captain's tension is odd.

"They're a bunch of devils, they don't trust anyone! They'll lock you up, keep shining a gas light on you, and make you tell the truth! They'll lock you up in a dark cabin for Don't let you rest with noise! They will."

The terrified middle age person said while shivering, and Shade probably understood. Captain Radees was rescued from Carson Rick as a prisoner, and because of his reputation as the "Captain of Eight Guns" on the front line, he would of course be under suspicion when he returned home.

He was probably interrogated by MI6 people, and he left some psychological shadows as a result. Even though the other party was obviously not looking for the captain, the middle-aged officer still seemed to have turned on some kind of switch and fell into great fear.

This emotion was almost uncomfortable, the captain huddled against the wall and didn't dare to move, as if the people downstairs could see him through the wall. There was no movement downstairs for a long time, and he gradually returned to normal, but Shade saw that his neckline was completely wet.

"Captain, are you all right?"

Shade said worriedly, the middle-aged officer shook his head, staggered to the table, picked up a wine bottle, and drank it violently. He took a sip, and then coughed a few times before he recovered.

"I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

He put down the bottle of wine panting, and then sat down on the chair in front of the desk with a bit of dejection.

"MI6. Terrifying?"

Shade asked tentatively, but was a little worried that his problem would make the captain uncomfortable. But the middle age person is still strong, of course, it may also be the sip of wine that gave him courage:

"MI6 people are all lunatics who will not stop until they reach their goals, probably more than the rumored transcender. And terrifying."

The captain, who seemed to have some knowledge, shook his head and said:
"There have been rumors in recent years that Kasenrick's Grey Gloves sent a group of quite extraordinary spies, Lurking in Tobesque, that's why MI6 has been acting so high-profile in recent years, but what's the use? There are even rumors recently that the Grey Gloves are planning an action against the royal family. Oh, detective, you are the best Don't deal with them for a lifetime, the people there are professionally trained, and I even suspect that they have no empathy and compassion at all."

Wait until the captain has completely recovered from the shock just now and confirmed that The gunshots downstairs would not sound again, so the two went out to eat. Of course, both men were clamoring for the bill, and in the end, the young and strong Shade got the chance.

The captain looked sorry and promised to keep looking for the trinket. And, if there is an opportunity, he will help Shade introduce business, he also knows a lot of people in this city.

After dinner, the two separated, and Captain Radees went to meet a few acquaintances at the veterans club to see if he could find a new job. Shade set off and returned to Saint Derain Square, played with Mia for a while at home, and translated more than a dozen pages of "The Four Elements of Chasing: Wind and Fire".

At around 2:30 in the afternoon, when I was resting in front of my desk, seeing that the weather was good today, I decided to go for a walk outside. Of course, this time Shade brought the orange cat Mia. Since he came to St. Teresa Square, apart from going out to eat, this cat rarely had the opportunity to go out because of his cowardice.

This is also a cat walk, but because there is no suitable rope on hand, I am worried that Mia will get lost, so in fact, Shade has been holding the cat all the time, and of course Mia is happy not to walk by herself.

Place de la Sainte-de-Land and the flock of pigeons on the square, enough to see from the window every day. Since it was rare good weather today, and even the mist that lingered around the city had dissipated a little, he hiked to the university district of Tobesque, which was more suitable for an afternoon walk.

The university area is mostly a place for students and teachers of nearby institutions of higher learning. Although it looks the same as other places in Tobesque, it is more comfortable to walk on the boulevard.

[That's your illusion, I didn't feel anything. ]

The detective holding the cat, together with the cat, glanced around to observe people on the boulevard, and stopped at the Delarion Wangli Mechanical Specialist Academy to check the exterior wall of the Academy. Even rising, they will sit for a while on the lawn that can bask in the sun and enjoy the rare sunshine in summer.

There happened to be a group of youngsters playing Rhodes on the lawn. Judging from the costumes and the books beside them, they were probably students of the Tobesque god Academy. Shade also joined in the fun and walked over to watch their hands. Listening to them talking, a group of people are members of the "Lord's Association" of the Tobesque God Academy.

“Why does the God Academy have a Rhodes Card Research Society?”

Shade is amused by this, but not involved in the game of cards. After standing for a while, I thought that the map marked the Terraria River crossing the university area, so I wanted to go for a walk along the river bank. In a place where no one is, maybe Mia can also have a chance to run.

But as soon as I left the lawn and strolled along the tree-dappled boulevard, I noticed the carriage approaching behind me.

She ducked to one side, but the carriage slowly stopped beside Shade. The window was pushed open, and the blond writer's face appeared in the car:

"Good afternoon, detective. Oh?"

She looked at the cat in Shade's arms, revealing With a smile:
"Walking? Or do you have a commission?"

"Good afternoon, Miss Luisa, I'm taking a walk and walking the cat."

Shade thought I asked Mia to greet Miss Luysha, but the small orange cat was afraid of "roaring" at Miss Writer, so she shrank in Shade's arms and refused to move.

"Since it's all right, do you want to help me?"

Miss Luyissa tugged the drooping hair beside her ears.

“What are you doing?”

Shade accepted the invitation, and Miss Luisa also got off the four-wheel taxi carriage, rummaging through the change for the driver, explaining :

"I heard a strange rumor and wanted to buy a very special thing."

Shade suddenly realized that it was to contain the [relic].

PS: I made a cover myself, which is very my personal aesthetic style. The picture is a banner illustration drawn by the author in the book, so there is no infringement problem. The old cover was the smart cover for the starting point, and many other books had the same cover as that one, so it was replaced.

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