Chicago Civic Opera House, conference room.

"Cooperation with me? It seems like you want to renew a covenant that was interrupted half a century ago. It's a bit interesting." Angers glanced at Henkel and the young people on both sides of him, showing an interested expression. "Tell me, how do you want to cooperate?"

Ange looked at Henkel, but Henkel didn't look at Ange, but focused his gaze on Lu Mingfei beside him.

Obviously, what follows is not suitable for outsiders to hear.

"Mingfei is a child who can be trusted." Ange said.

Henkel nodded, but still did not speak, but gestured to a young man beside him.

"Since both of us have the integrity to cooperate, can we start renewing the covenant?" A young man stood up. He had an artist's moustache and a friendly smile.

"The door to negotiation is always open. As long as the conditions are good enough, you can get through even if there is no door." Ange said with a smile.

"I appreciate your understanding so much, Mr. Angers. If it were not you but Frost Gattuso who came here today, we might not be able to sit down, have a glass of wine, and talk like friends." Young The person stared into Ange's eyes, "I think you understand the reason."

"The Gattuso family is the strongest family among us, and Frost is its agent. He has always been very tough. If it were him, he would not give you a chance to ask questions." Angers spread his hands, "I am Moderates, everyone loves moderates.”

"I like pineapple pie." Lu Mingfei raised his hand.

The young people looked at him sideways, wondering what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"Yes," the young man agreed, or nodded appreciatively, "so we can communicate with each other. Among our compatriots, the Secret Party is the most radical group, like a group of fighting sheep, and Frost is the most radical among them. We don’t want to talk to the one who likes to jump around, it’s not wise.”

He has a very high attitude and is very persuasive. He graduated from Harvard Business School, majoring in negotiation during school, and believed that no one in this room could match him in negotiation skills.

He spoke in a gentle tone and circled around Ange, hoping to make him appreciate his goodwill. When he stood up, Ange had to look up to him - negotiation psychology told him that once you look up to your opponent, you will naturally be at a psychological disadvantage.

Moreover, he deliberately turned his back to Lu Mingfei and blocked Lu Mingfei's view of Ange. This was also a psychological suggestion that could reduce Lu Mingfei's desire to speak and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Although it seems to be of no use.

"If the secret party that spares no effort to kill all dragons is Dou Yang, then what are the other families? Meat sheep?" Lu Mingfei asked curiously.

The young man's face suddenly turned green.

He could tell that Lu Mingfei was beating around the bush and scolding them for being worse than a group of fighting sheep, but logically speaking, Lu Mingfei was indeed right. If the secret party faced the dragons and refused to die, it was a fierce fighting sheep. , then other families that are not so bloody in fighting against the Dragon Clan are indeed just a group of sheep and mutton sheep grazing with their heads down.

But that’s just a fucking metaphor!

The young man took a breath, ignored Lu Mingfei's words, and continued: "We are both mixed races and should be good friends. We just have some differences in our attitudes towards dragons..."

The young man stopped talking. It wasn't that he didn't want to speak, but a hand pressed on his shoulder.

The hand closed slightly on his shoulder. The force was so strong that he suspected that he was being clamped by an oversized hydraulic clamp. Even the bones seemed to be creaking. The pain made his face visibly distorted.

"Hey, buddy, let me ask you a question," Lu Mingfei stood behind the young man and turned to look at Henkel, "I say, old man, your grandson is a bit rude."

The corners of Henkel's eyes twitched. Angers' performance just now made him think that maybe this old gangster still had the intention to cooperate, but now he began to wonder whether Angers had brought such a young man to disrupt the situation just to disrupt the negotiations. rupture.

"About Leonardo's rudeness, I apologize on his behalf." Henkel fully demonstrated the magnanimity and magnanimity of a centenarian, with a calm expression on his face. "In addition, he is not my grandson, ours." The family formed an alliance similar to the Camarilla, and his relationship with me is more similar to that of you and Angers."

But his heart was far from as calm as his face.

His eyes swept over Lu Mingfei, who was standing behind Leonardo, and the empty seat where Lu Mingfei was originally sitting.

Leonardo had always turned his back to Lu Mingfei, so in his perception, Lu Mingfei just quietly put his hand on his shoulder behind his back.

But others saw clearly, or they didn't see clearly at all, how Lu Mingfei appeared from the chair behind Leonardo.

Henkel only saw Lu Mingfei's figure on the seat suddenly shook and blurred. The movie was stuck halfway, and then the blurred image created an afterimage between the seat and Leonardo. Lu Mingfei had already Standing behind Leonardo and placing a palm on his shoulder.

Could this be...time zero?

Henkel himself was shocked by his own guess - this kind of God-given word spirit that may not appear in several generations has actually appeared in the secret party again?

Even when Angers was at its peak!

Two Time Zeros appeared in the same organization at the same time. This was something that Henkel had never seen in the history of mixed races. He had some doubts about whether Lu Mingfei's voice spirit was actually Time Zero, but other than Time Zero, he couldn't think of anything else. Such a speech spirit can reach such rapid speed and at the same time be able to move freely. If Lu Mingfei's speech spirit was a moment, it would never be able to make only such a small amount of movement.

He looked at Lu Mingfei silently. Even he couldn't react to the phantom-like speed that this young man showed at that moment. If there was a fight, I'm afraid only by activating the word spirit would it be possible to hit him - said Maybe he is one of Angers' future heirs?

Lu Mingfei let go of the young man's shoulders and sat back on the chair. The young man shook his shoulders slightly to relieve the pain, feeling that the strong aura he had finally created was suddenly reversed.

Damn barbarians!

Although he speculated that Lu Mingfei's sudden attack might be due to "negotiation skills", he still couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart.

The momentum has been destroyed, and there is no point in creating the so-called aura again. The young man decided to use his trump card.

"About your heroic achievements, no one is familiar with the hybrids in Europe or North America. No one will doubt that you are the greatest dragon slayer of this century." The young man looked down at Angers and said to He was persuasive, "But dragon slaying is not everything about hybrids. Even if you are the greatest dragon slayer, you still have to compromise on certain restrictions without the support of your family, right?"

"For example, we know that although you are the principal of Cassel College, you are by no means the most powerful director on the school board. Some people are dissatisfied with you. In fact, these short-term people are just jealous of your excellence and afraid of your Strength. If you can push some of our collaborative proposals through the school board and pass it, we will also send people to join the school board with huge donations to fully support you."

The young man made a very tempting blow.

"You are the greatest dragon slayer of this century and the founder of Cassel College. There is no doubt that you should be the person with the highest power in this college."

After saying this, he stared at Ange's expression, but Ange had no expression at all.

The young man was a little anxious, but he would not show it in his expression or tone. He just said seductively again: "I heard that you once hated dragons because they killed your comrades? So with our support, Won't you get a greater success rate in revenge against the dragon? Our strength is not inferior to that of the secret party. As long as we cooperate, the possibility of eradicating dragons in the future will be greatly increased. We can end it together Dragons, let the Dragon King turn into the dragon bones like those at today's auction - the power of the dragon is in the bones, and with the dragon bones, we will replace them."

"Replace?" Ange's expression finally changed, and his beard curled up, "Replace what?"

"Of course, to replace the Dragon Clan!" The young man's tone suddenly became high-pitched and exciting, as if Wall Street was leading clients to envision a better life after a non-existent stock surge.

However, he didn't notice that after he said the words "replace the dragon clan", Lu Mingfei, who was watching the show with his chin propped up on his side, looked at him as if he were looking at a corpse.

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