"If the souls who have fallen to hell can bathe in the noble blood given by God, they can go from hell to heaven."

Chu Zihang thought about the meaning of this sentence.

"That's the main thing to express. The rest are insignificant things. It seems to be to cover up this sentence, just like a mystery novelist mixed many irrelevant phonemes with real clues." Lu Mingfei put his hands on the coffee table in front of the sofa and clasped his hands in front of his chin, doing Commander Ikari's classic gesture.

Maybe it’s time to prepare a pair of glasses, otherwise there will be no way to reflect the light.

Lu Mingfei thought to himself.

"I understand, thank you."

Chu Zihang nodded.

"Hey, senior brother, why are you being polite to me?" Lu Mingfei took out the beef burger from the bag and opened the wrapping paper, "But speaking of which, you have some information to ask me, and I happen to be a little curious about something that I need to ask you. .”

"What's up?"

Chu Zihang asked.

"Senior brother, has your bloodline improved recently?"

Lu Mingfei stuffed a big mouthful of hamburger into his mouth, but his voice was extremely clear.

Chu Zihang fell silent, and the only sound in the living room was the sound of Lu Mingfei chewing.

After a long time, Lu Mingfei's beef burger was almost finished. Chu Zihang suddenly closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his golden eyes were dazzling: "How did you find out?"

"Sure enough," Lu Mingfei just swallowed the last bite of his burger and sighed out a breath that smelled like devil's pepper. "The golden eyes of mixed-race species are closely related to their bloodline. Senior brother, your current golden eyes are almost incompatible with Xiaoqiang and me. up and down."

Although my bloodline is actually very low.

"It's different," Chu Zihang shook his head, "I can't control it anymore. Now I want to turn it off and it will take about ten minutes of meditation."

"Because your bloodline is unstable, it's not that you can't control your golden eyes, but your bloodline," Lu Mingfei hit the nail on the head, "If your bloodline continues to rise, it won't take too long. If you exceed the critical blood limit, then you will be..."

Lu Mingfei did not continue, but Chu Zihang answered calmly: "Deadpool."

"While it's not out of control yet, I'm going to help you get a bloodline locking agent. In your current state, senior brother, the locking agent should be able to cure the root cause. If it continues to develop in the future, I'm afraid it will only treat the symptoms..."

"No," Chu Zihang shook his head, "I need the power of my bloodline."

"Even if the price is that your soul will fall to hell?"

Lu Mingfei quoted the content of the inscription.

“Power always comes at a cost.”

Chu Zihang's calmness was as decisive as a sword.

"Brother, why do you need strength so much?"

Lu Mingfei was puzzled.

"I...can tell you a story."

Rarely, Lu Mingfei saw hesitation and indelible hatred on Senior Brother Chu's face.

He had never seen Chu Zihang show such an expression. Chu Zihang usually looked like a neat samurai sword, white and shiny, with a smooth and rounded arc. It was both a weapon and a work of art.

Now he is more like a samurai sword stained with dark red blood, with an arc blade and a chipped edge. It is a simple weapon, but it is a hundred times more ferocious than usual, which is terrifying.

"If I had known earlier, I would have asked you, senior brother, to bring me some popcorn."

There were two cups of Coke in the bag, and Lu Mingfei handed one of them to Chu Zihang.

"Do you still remember when you were in junior high school? It was raining heavily in the summer. I saw you asking Liu Miaomiao to take you for a ride, but she refused, so you rushed into the rain with your coat on..."

Perhaps because he had a story to tell, Chu Zihang, who always spoke briefly, rarely talked more.

"Senior brother, you don't do this! Didn't I agree to tell your story? Why does this start to reveal my dark history?!" Lu Mingfei yelled dissatisfied, "I have reason to suspect that you are taking this opportunity to retaliate!"

Having long been familiar with Lu Mingfei's occasionally eccentric character, Chu Zihang ignored him and continued: "I wanted my dad to give you a ride, but you had already rushed into the rain."

"Can we not mention running into the rain?"

Lu Mingfei covered his face, but this also solved a doubt he had had for the past two years - why did Senior Brother Chu call him by name when he first saw him in the square? Was it the impression left at that time?

"I'm glad I didn't call you. When my father and I drove onto the highway..."

"Wait, wait, wait! Brother, let me figure it out," Lu Mingfei rubbed his eyebrows, "You mean, in our little corner city, there is a special space hidden in it that is different from the real world. In that space Here, you and your dad, who works as a driver for the big boss and uses the bus to pick you up from school, met a... Nordic god? "


Chu Zihang said the name in a very soft tone, but to Lu Mingfei's ears, it sounded ten times more hated than when he gritted his teeth.

"If this matter was not told to me personally by Senior Brother, but came from someone else's mouth, then I would definitely think that he was joking with me or making up stories to lie to me," Lu Mingfei sighed, "But now I You have to wonder if there is a Nibelung hidden in our city."


"Yes, you said that after your father stayed and fought to the death with Odin, the Maybach's automatic driving took you out of that stretch of highway. After that, when you went back, it was already an ordinary stretch of highway," Lu Mingfei Explained, "This is a characteristic of the Nibelungen. It is based on the real world, but it overlaps with reality in space. It is almost impossible to enter without the permission of the medium and the owner. You said it was raining heavily at the time, and the rain can be used as a medium."

"If Odin is the master of the Nibelungs, why would he let us in?"

Chu Zihang couldn't figure it out.

"Your father is a hybrid. Maybe there is something about him that Odin takes a fancy to... Speaking of which, what is Odin? Is it a second-generation species or a first-generation species? Or is it not actually a dragon?"

Lu Mingfei remembered what Lu Mingze said in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. He and the dragon are incompatible? Speaking of which, the ancestor of dragons is the Black King Nidhogg. In Nordic mythology, he bit off the World Tree and was one of the culprits that caused the Twilight of the Gods. He can be regarded as the mortal enemy of the Asa Protoss - and Odin is He is the main god of the Aesir clan.

Could it be that a long, long time ago, there was an Asir clan in this world that was hostile to the dragon clan created by Nidhogg, and Lu Mingze was a member of the Asir clan, so he hated the dragon clan?

Couldn't this novel-like unfolding be reality?

Lu Mingfei complained in his heart.

Because the history of the Dragon Clan is a lost history for hybrids, and records are extremely sparse, Lu Mingfei doesn't know much information and can only make some limited and bold guesses.

"I don't know what Odin is," Chu Zihang shook his head, "I don't even know if it is a dragon, but I have a hunch that sooner or later... I will see it again."

"No wonder you need power," Lu Mingfei rubbed his brows, "But this kind of power is too dangerous. Obtaining power from the blood of a dragon is almost equivalent to exchanging one's human soul for the dragon's part. It's almost like..."

He suddenly thought of the little devil in the sea of ​​​​consciousness who worked tirelessly to make him hand over his soul and life, and subconsciously shuddered: "We are making a deal with the devil!"

"If the devil could give me power, I would sell my soul to him."

Chuzi Channel.

"Come on, I don't want you to," Lu Mingfei curled his lips, "I don't have many friends. If you are taken away by the devil, then I will have to go to hell to strangle his neck and put a knife against his little brother. Let him return your soul."

"Maybe the devil is actually a girl."

A faint smile appeared on Chu Zihang's face.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for five seconds before he realized that Chu Zihang was joking. A strange feeling similar to the Chinese New Year emerged from the bottom of his heart-should this be a celebration that prevented firecrackers?

The equipment department lacks everything except things that can explode.

"By the way, senior brother, you haven't told me yet, how did you improve your bloodline?"

Lu Mingfei was very interested in Brother Chu's method of improving bloodline. If he could obtain this method, perhaps he could improve it and reduce or even eliminate the side effects.

"You said that this is a deal with the devil. It's too dangerous." Chu Zihang shook his head. It seemed that he was not ready to give it to Lu Mingfei. "You are an alchemist and researcher. There is no need to extract power from your blood. And your bloodline is already very high.”

To be honest, I have a little devil in my head right now. If I lose in a game one day, I will give him a hard slap on the butt to relieve my anger.

Lu Mingfei’s heart is not clear.

"Don't worry, senior brother, I'm measured."

Lu Mingfei assured.

"I've used it before, and you don't understand that once you use it, the consequences are unstoppable."

Chu Zihang persuaded him earnestly.

Lu Mingfei said heartily that I have long seen that senior brother, you actually have the potential of an eighth mother-in-law. Fortunately, I have a trump card.

"Brother, I have something to show you."

Lu Mingfei smiled.

Chu Zihang was confused.

Lu Mingfei took out his mobile phone, opened the photo taken outside the library during the day, and showed it to Chu Zihang. In it, he and Su Qian were bathing in the afternoon sunshine of the library. Su Qian's hair was caressing the back of his hand, her eyelashes Slender, dark and bright eyes stared lovingly at his side face.

Chu Zihang's expression changed slightly.

"Susie and I have nothing to do."

Chu Zihang explained.

"Well, senior brother, I believe you," Lu Mingfei patted Chu Zihang on the shoulder and said with a smirk, "but it's hard to say whether junior sister Xia Mi believes you or not."

Chu Zihang's expression changed significantly.

Lu Mingfei said heartily that I guessed it right, you old slut actually has thoughts about Xia Mi! Before, you were still refusing to accept me in school, but in private you must be secretly enjoying it!

However, after listening to Senior Brother Chu tell about his experience of meeting Odin, he finally understood why Senior Brother Chu was unwilling to accept Xia Mi - in his opinion, sooner or later he would seek revenge from Odin and he was already half-stepped. After entering the coffin, even if he and Xia Mi are together, he will not be able to give Xia Mi a future, and may even implicate Xia Mi.

"How could you not tell her?"

Chu Zihang asked dryly.

"Senior brother, you understand."

Lu Mingfei showed a meaningful smile.

"Secret photography is not good."

Chu Zihang tried to make a final struggle.

"Actually, I haven't been a good boy since I was a child."

Lu Mingfei looked sincere.

"The technique I used is called violent blood. It was called the 'Road to the Gods' a long time ago. After it was lost, the first generation of Lionheart Society restored it, and then it was lost again. I restored it in the current files of Lionheart Society, so that you can The stone tablet that helped translate was a record of violent bloodshed a long time ago, and it was said to curb its side effects, but no one has been able to translate it."

Chu Zihang compromised: "The information is at the Lion Heart Club headquarters. If you want it now, I can dictate it."

"This is not as good as this. Senior brother, if you have time, please make a copy of all the information you can give me. I will keep it confidential."

Lu Ming is not the way.


Chu Zihang nodded.

"But when it comes to curbing side effects, according to the translated content, it should be bathed in the blood of 'god'. If you want to talk about god, we seem to know one..."

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang looked at each other and said in unison: "Odin!"

"If that's the case, maybe by bathing in Odin's blood, senior brother, you will be able to gain the same power as him, which is far superior to that of a hybrid." Lu Mingfei rubbed his chin, "Now we are even more likely to cause trouble for Odin. Reason."


"Of course, senior brother, you don't think that I will let you face an opponent alone who can build a space suspected of being a Nibelung, right? The dragon that can build a Nibelung must be at least the next generation!" Lu Ming Fei patted Chu Zihang on the shoulder and said, "As the saying goes, to fight a tiger, a brother is a father-son soldier! Although Odin is far more ferocious than a tiger, we are not brothers, so we still have to fight Odin. Side by side!"

Chu Zihang was silent for a long time, closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his golden eyes had turned back into black eyes, and he said softly to Lu Mingfei: "Thank you."

Many, many years later, Lu Mingfei recalled this day and cursed remorsefully: "Odin is so fierce! The tiger is really fierce!"

After sending Brother Chu away, Lu Mingfei had to face another headache - he needed to exchange the sun stone for the slate that the girl had temporarily kept.

He had the contact information and name of the girl who kept the slate, but how should he contact her?

Continue to use Swordsman projection?

His magic power, if he projected a swordsman with a similar level of cultivation to him, would not be able to last for more than a few minutes. It would be barely enough time to kill the auction house as he did before with a quick sword and a few ruthless words. Complex things are not enough.

Even if he condenses a projection with low cultivation level, his cultivation level cannot last more than ten minutes. It is impossible to place such a large stone slab, let alone send it back to the country.

As for showing up...

Lu Mingfei should never do such a dangerous thing personally.

Fortunately, he still has a tool man, a tool man who happens to be in the United States.

I expertly dialed a number and was connected after a simple busy tone. The background sound on the other side of the phone was Monster Hunter.

"Hey, Old Tang, are you free recently?"

Lu Mingfei asked.

"Brother Fei? I'm free. What's the matter? Brother Fei? Do you want to see me if you have something to do?"

Old Tang said on the other end of the phone.

"I have a private job here, do you want to take it? The pay is generous!"

"Take on, take on! What kind of job do you want from me, brother Fei? I'll give you a discount! The price is off the floor!"

Old Tang said enthusiastically.

"It's not a big job. How about you help me hand over something, then send it back to China and find a museum to donate it to?"

"It's easy to talk about. It just so happens that I want to take Xiaoyin to travel to China again."

Old Tang's tone was cheerful.

So the focus is on small silver or travel?

With this question in mind, Lu Mingfei hung up the phone.

At the same time, Chu Zihang, who was walking outside the Equipment Department's base, happened to pass by the Equipment Department's canteen. The huge screen hanging from the ceiling attracted his attention.

A group of researchers in white coats surrounded the screen. One researcher was holding a controller that Chu Zihang had never seen before, controlling the bloody battle between Ukyo Tachibana on the screen and Chun Li on the other side.

Chu Zihang subconsciously stopped and watched for a while, until a passing researcher patted him on the shoulder and asked excitedly: "Brother, are you also playing the King of Fighters?"

"Isn't this a street fighter?"

Chu Zihang was a little confused.

"Ahem! A slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue, it was just a slip of the tongue. I definitely didn't admit my mistake!" The researcher couldn't help but pull Chu Zihang into the cafeteria, "Brother, you look like you are fighting... Street Fighter seems to be very researched. Get up and play!”

Ten minutes later, Chu Zihang held the handle made by the Equipment Department with an expressionless face. The researchers around him surrounded him and cheered and exclaimed from time to time.

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