My feet felt so swollen that I felt like I was being swelled with water.

It was raining at the level of a heavy rain warning, and it was because the sea water was stagnant on the ground we were walking on.

Even deep into the island.

I wanted to see how the trees growing here would grow even if they ate salt, but looking back, I hadn’t thought about it while playing Rareple.

I just thought that would be the case and I was engrossed in playing.

Even if the water was splashing or it was raining, if you press the shift and movement keys, the character immediately runs at full speed.

Of course, that didn’t mean he couldn’t work because of the weather.

I was fine.

Thanks to the Marksman trait, it was possible to shoot immediately even if the shape was visible, the body was fine even in bad weather thanks to the effect of the super stamina, and the steel mentality prevented the mental crisis.

‘… I don’t know if it’s an individual match, but it’s a team match.’

My eyes were looking at our team and Devgrew, who were in front and behind.

They were people without character.

It could not be unaffected by bad weather.

The wind and rain would drain his stamina, the muzzle would shake, and eventually his strong mental strength would be burdened.

If the enemy launched a surprise attack, it would not be easy to withstand.

With the US military, the worst could have been avoided, but it was unknown who would be killed or injured in the meantime.

Maybe a dobitan will be stuck in my body.

There was also the possibility of piercing the head.

If you dug a trap, it would mean that you deceived the US Army all over the world.

While walking while listening to the sound of rain, I finally stopped walking from the lead, and a new order was issued.

– This is a killer whale. power outage. Go to each team’s location.

At those words, dozens of Devgrew members scattered.

It spread like a fan from the command center, which was designated as a killer whale in the telecommunications obscene language.

Of course, I couldn’t see it, but I became older after hearing the explanation.

I was used to the terrain.

I expected how it would go from here, but it was completely different from the scenario I knew.

that’s pretty amazing

‘… This is how it is used.’

It was because the anchorage of the local small fishing boat, which was just like the background in the game, became the operational area for the boat transfer.

It was a kind of stopover.

The target, disembarking from the freighter, was scheduled to stay at the berth and re-board the promised vessel.

The sound of laundering the starting point of North Korea.

We were going to target the Taril Islands, which would be the midway point and stopover.

Capture alive if possible, kill if impossible.

It was a perfectly flawless operation for now, with a high probability of capture.

It was because the weather was just right, and the angles fit perfectly from before the operation until now.

The problem was that this was an imaginary area created for combat.

So I paid attention in many ways, but fortunately or unfortunately, the time was getting longer without any problems.

Thirty minutes, an hour, two hours, midnight passed, and the darkness began to lift before I knew it.

The sun was rising.

‘It’s better than the night, but… … .’

He muttered and frowned.

It didn’t stop raining and it continued to pour.

I took off my night vision goggles, but my watch was still cloudy because of the dark clouds.

When it comes to enduring the mild cold.

I heard the bad news I was expecting.

– Confirmation of unidentified thermal response at 5 o’clock, 1 mile away, repeated… … .

It moved before the radio was even finished.

To be precise, with the trap in mind, the motion he had simulated several times in his head came out.

It was an instant.

Reflected light was also visible through the scope I looked through, and my head reflexively took the fall into account and misaimed.

It seems that the sniper training on board continued intact.

I pulled the trigger right away.

* * *

One of the black market snipers Giandro hired, a Hispanic man in his mid-40s, looked through a thermal imaging scope and frowned.

It was because it was difficult to distinguish Kangtae, who was delivered as a target.

It was nighttime, so I had my night vision goggles down, and even in the midst of a heavy downpour, it was next to impossible to make out.

After thinking about this, he finally made a choice.

“under… … .”

sigh and wait.

I had no choice but to wait.

I do have a satellite phone that I can call my employers on, but it’s not something I use all the time like a street phone.

I had to write it only once, when the mission was over.

if successful or unsuccessful.

And now it’s neither, it’s a situation where you haven’t even pulled the trigger yet.

I had to find out the target first.

That way, even if the sniping fails, the waiting mortars will devastate the point.

“It’s a pity. The target is somewhere right in front of you, but you can’t kill it because you don’t know who it is.”

I just wanted to shoot them all, but I couldn’t because I couldn’t kill them all.

Moreover, the situation was divided into several teams.

I shouldn’t have rushed it. I had to keep the line.

If you’re not careful, you could end up eating it all.

To put it simply, it is said that you will be killed here, and you will not be able to spend the money you have saved.

Fortunately, the man was a real man, on a different level from the clumsy former special forces who deviated from the norm and made mistakes.

He is a mercenary who has survived decades in the black market where death threatens him, and at the same time he is a former sniper of the Brazilian BOPE (Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais: Police Special Forces), the best special forces unit in South America.

In 2004, bribery and embezzlement were discovered during a large-scale audit and took off his clothes, but his origin remained as if it were engraved in his bones.

“then… … .”

Deciding to wait, he looked left and right.

It was impossible to confirm with the naked eye or a scope, but it was because colleagues working as a team were waiting about 1-2 km away.

Both were from South American special forces, and they were veterans with about 10 years of experience in the industry.

And they both would have made the same judgment.

If I had found it, I would have radioed it right away.

Tick, the man who pressed the button lowered his voice in the pouring rain.

“Wait until the sunrise gives you good visibility. Let me know when you find something out of the ordinary.”

I had to wait for another 8 hours, but I couldn’t help it.

It had to be.

As the sun rises, the features of the face become more visible, and the night vision goggles are raised to make it easier to see.

I’ve been hiding here for the past week or so.

I solved all the menstrual symptoms inside, and I endured with the minimum meal replacement calorie bar and drinking water I brought.

Waiting until dawn was no work.

I slept until I arrived, so I stayed up without sleeping with my eyes open.

and around dawn.

As the outline of the object was revealed, the corner of the man’s mouth slowly began to rise.

It was thanks to the removal of the night vision goggles that covered his face.

“I feel better now.”

Visibility was still obscured by dark clouds and rainstorms, but I began to see at least a white or black face.

It wasn’t hard to tell them all apart, as some were hidden behind or ambushed, but it wasn’t difficult to tell the race apart by their faces without night vision goggles.

Above all, it was all the more worthwhile because the target he had to kill was not a common white face, but a prominent Asian.

Around the time I narrowed my eyes.

Finally, what seemed to be the target was revealed.

I couldn’t see it properly because of the tree that seemed to be used as cover, but I could guess it because I saw a white man like a Viking nearby.

It was information I had heard beforehand.

My co-workers who go with Asians, who are the target, also looked rough.

‘As long as there’s a woman, that’s for sure… Unfortunately you don’t see it at all. That big white, black guy looks just like the other guy… … .’

Even though I thought so, the moment I focused a little more to be sure.


Along with the static on the radio, the long-awaited news came from a colleague on standby.

Find the target right away.

The man who heard the specific location and appearance hesitated.

“It’s the same as what I see, but the angle doesn’t come out well. Is the angle secured there?”

– Not bad, but not sure.

“How is it?”

– One shoulder, half of the upper body is visible. I don’t know if that’s because of the rain.

“… Not bad, but not sure.”

The man began repeating his colleague’s words.

As the saying goes, if the upper body is intact, there is a high chance of getting hit, but if it is half covered, there is a high chance of being hit wrong.

Words quickly passed over the radio.

– How much will it be on your side? If I miss the first shot, can I hit it?

“We have to look at the situation, but it is not easy. If the target goes into hiding, we have to go straight to Plan B.”

plan B.

If direct sniping was impossible, it was an operation to crush them with mortar fire.

Of course, in order for the mortars to shoot well, the sniper team had to drive the enemies inside so they couldn’t escape like shepherd dogs.

It wasn’t that difficult.

It was because he killed only the ones he could see, and the rest hid himself.

In particular, the more trained soldiers, the better they hid.

Because in front of the sniper, concealment and cover were the basics.

Of course, there was a strong possibility that there would be a designated marksman or sniper among the infantry, and if there was, there would be a counterattack.

But you shouldn’t be worried or afraid.

I had to risk my life when necessary. He wasn’t famous on the black market for nothing.

It was only possible because of his skill and courage.

The moment you look into the scope.

“… … ?!”

A slight wrinkle formed between the man’s brows.

Because change has happened.

It was because the sniper targets in the scope moved.

It looks like a response.

However, the first shot had not yet been fired.

The moment you open your eyes wide.

“crazy… … !”

His mouth opened involuntarily.

This is because several people in the scope, among them Asians, who are suspected of being targets, aimed their guns in the direction of their colleagues.

The moment he was startled and was about to press the button on the walkie-talkie.


Heavy gunfire followed through the sound of rain.

While he hesitated in bewilderment.


Along with the sound of the walkie-talkie, the voice of a colleague was heard.

It’s like mumbling.

“What, what? Hey, what are you talking about?”

He hurriedly questioned and realized it belatedly.

that was not a word

– Oops… … .

It was a moan.

It was also the sound of death, the suffocation of breath.

“… … !”

The man’s pupils shook greatly.

Because the unbelievable happened.

‘Could it be that I was hit by a shot earlier?’

The distance from the enemy was at least 1.5 km, he was in hiding for 2 weeks, and it was his colleague who watched through the scope.

I was not going to get hit by quickly turning the muzzle and shooting.

It wasn’t 1-200 meters, it was 1-2 km.

But you can’t even shoot and get hit?

Nonsense thoughts began to fill his mind.

Things like being bitten by an enemy who crawled quietly, or being bitten by a poisonous snake, or having a brain hemorrhage.

However, the idea did not materialize.

It was because he knew it through his many battlefield experiences and through his instincts.

that three gunshots were the cause of death.

“What the f*ck… … .”

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