Basement conference room in the West Wing of the White House, Washington, DC, USA.

Dozens of major operation sites were floating on the large screen installed on the front.

Body cams with infrared sensor cameras were filming footage, one of which was showing German External Cooperation Agency operations.

By the time the Minister of Defense’s eyes were looking for the video number and glaring at it.

“… … !”

I was startled and paused.

I couldn’t see everything from an angle, but it was because I was suddenly attacked by several people.

Fortunately, one of the dogs died from a broken neck, but the problem was next. Still, a few people clung to one person, and even a trigger was made in the process.

And the moment when the sound of a struggle mixed with the moan coming out of the tight bite.

As someone entered the room, a handgun was fired.

It was a blink of an eye.


Gunshots rang out without the slightest gap, almost like a barrage.

And the Minister of Defense flinched.

It was because the completely unexpected sight was transmitted through the light green infrared image.

Flutter, iron flutter! thump, thump-

The four people who attacked were knocked down.

Of course, since the gun was fired, it was not unusual for the person hit to fall.

However, this was far from the absolute truth that could be achieved unconditionally.

It can change depending on the situation, and even the situation in the video belongs to a very difficult and difficult axis.

In the first place, it was not easy to knock down one person with one shot. In particular, the 9mm bullet contained in the pistol was a firearm with low power enough to be said to be painful if hit incorrectly.

It was for the same reason that US police made a beehive of suspects.

You have to shoot as many times as possible to neutralize it.

In that respect, it was truly exquisite to drop a person with only four bullets, but more importantly, the shooting was carried out at an unbelievable speed.

‘Even if you aim quickly and aim at the enemy with a laser target designator… The speakers are ridiculous.’

It took time to recognize the laser with the eyes and pull the trigger.

Of course, it would be a fractional second, which is not long, but if you repeat it 4 times, 1 second is natural, and it will take more than 2 to 3 seconds.

Of course, it was close enough that the distance was only up to 5 meters, but there were many other obstacles.

The fact that it is nighttime, the fact that friendly and enemy forces are mixed, and the psychological pressure of having to shoot them, etc.

Of course, a tolerable special forces member could overcome all of this, come running, shoot, and hit them all.

However, the biggest hurdle remained.

To knock down all four people with four accurate shots within one second.

As the Minister of Defense, he assures us, there was no one in the crew who could pull it off.

‘It’s obviously impossible… How is this possible… … .’

As the Minister of Defense, he had seen the shooting of numerous tier 1 special forces members, and as a person who also enjoys shooting pistols, the Minister of Defense could not get out of the video.

If it were a movie, you would snort while watching it, but it was different now.

Because it was real.

Subsequently, in the video, four additional shots were fired to confirm the kill, and the sound of a knife being stabbed in the muscle came out, and the situation at the other operation site was about to end.

A sentence that had been skipped over in the head of the defense minister came to mind.

Those were the words he had just heard.

‘Our team has never failed in a single operation.’

Robert’s voice seemed to be heard again.

I thought it was mixed with pride because it was confident, but now that I see it, it wasn’t.

It was the truth and it was proud.

It was said that he had never failed even once, and he deserved it.

At the same time, questions arose.

Who he is, how such shooting is possible, what operations he has been doing so far, etc.

While all these thoughts came to mind, and at the same time most of the dozens of videos from the transmission team were being finalized and processed, the Minister of Defense opened his mouth.

“… Director Anderson,”

Robert, who had been looking at the videos of Kangtae and Jake, as well as other teams, responded late to the refutation.

“Ah yes. Minister.”

“As for your team in Germany, where are you from? No, who killed the enemy earlier?”

“That’s a matter that requires the President’s approval.”

Robert answered calmly, and at the same time the Secretary of Defense’s eyes turned to the President.

Of course, I couldn’t ask for a down payment.

The duty of the Minister of National Defense was to protect the country, not to find out information about intelligence agencies such as the Foreign Cooperation Agency.

And the president didn’t say anything.

just watch the video.

“… … .”

In the end, the Minister of Defense closed his mouth as if he couldn’t help it, but he didn’t stop until he thought about it.

And very seriously, I came up with a word like a confidential project.

‘Are you a secret super soldier? Or was the psychic experiment conducted by the CIA a success… … ? If not… … .’

Several times he came up with words that could be described as somewhat fanciful.

Of course, I didn’t know or see it.

And, of course, it was nonsense, but these were all projects that the United States has done in the past and is likely to continue.

In particular, as the United States has military power to overwhelm the world, research in other directions was also underway.

The laser that often appears in science fiction movies was one of them.

Humans were also studied.

With this in mind, I thought of several ways to secure or at least contact Lee.

It was natural.

In the end, it will be meaningful only when the Ministry of National Defense can use it.

While he was struggling, the video ended.


After a short mechanical sound, the lighting in the darkened conference room went up, and soon the final report came up.

The success of the operation, the number of casualties or people captured, and a few incidents and rectifications, and so on.

Soon after, the president opened his mouth.

“Thank you all for your hard work, fortunately neither the ministers nor I have anything to do.”

It was as it was said.

The reason why the president or minister is sitting here is not to watch, but to resolve any accident or dispute without delay.

But the president didn’t talk about getting up.

He called the secretary, gave some brief instructions, and then looked at the faces of those who sat.

When the Minister of Defense also looks at what else is there.

After receiving the whispered report from his secretary, the president finally opened his mouth.

“Now tell everyone to come in.”

“… … ?”

The moment Robert looked up, not knowing what the situation was.

As if waiting, the door to the conference room opened, and several people entered.

Robert, who was watching them face to face, hesitated.

It was because the people who entered were quite high-ranking people.

Secretary of Homeland Security, Director of National Intelligence, National Security Advisor, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Special Assistant to the President, etc.

As they entered, they greeted each other quietly with light glances and nods, and while they sat down, the President spoke calmly.

“I will postpone introductions and greetings until later, and I will tell you why I summoned you.”

Everyone’s eyes gathered immediately, and the words continued quickly.

“As a result of reviewing recent reports from various angles… We have confirmed that individuals or groups attempting to develop or import nuclear weapons have appeared.”

“… … ?!”

A few people’s eyes widened.

The word nuclear weapons is also a word, but it was because I was greatly surprised that there were authors who tried to develop and import it.

Of course, that wasn’t the case.

Rather, quite a lot.

Nuclear weapons are powerful enough to change the game of war, and the elements of conflict are so numerous.

There were many countries that talked about making or giving up.

The problem was that the president had summoned the people involved.

That much information would be credible, and it would also be dangerous enough to be considered serious.

The president immediately instructed one of his secretaries.

“Please share related materials.”

By the time data starts to pile up quickly on the table.

The president’s eyes turned to Robert.

“Chief Anderson.”

“Yes, Mr. President.”

Robert answered without embarrassment.

It was because he was one of the few people in this group who knew about the issues related to nuclear weapons, and at the same time, he was the one who approved and posted the related report.

So I immediately realized the reason for the convening.

Then the voice of the president added.

“Since the director was the first person to report the case, would this briefing be possible? Most of the content was taken by the director.”

“of course.”

“Then, after a brief briefing, please add any personal comments.”

“As for opinions… … .”

When I tried to ask specifically what he wanted, the words that exceeded expectations came back.

“As the commander of an organization that has also worked in the field in the past, I can say anything without adding or subtracting. Whatever you have to do, need or want.”

“… … !”

Robert’s eyes lit up at those words.

There was something to be said about the things to be done, things to be needed, and things to be desired, which the President had given as examples, because there was something more to be said in particular.

What you have to do, what you need, and what you want at the same time.

For example, teams, people, money, weapons.

To be precise, it was to prepare something that would be of help to Kang-tae.

As it is a strategic resource that is no different from an asymmetric force that cannot be fostered or replaced, it was to push him as much as possible when he could be active.

And now, that opportunity has come.

Of course, I couldn’t say Kang Tae as much as there were others, but I just had to say it around so that the president would guess.

It must have been reported to him to some extent.

The important thing was to choose what to say because I hadn’t been able to say it for a while.

No matter how much Robert is said to be a high-ranking official in command of a secret agency, the opportunity to meet the president of the United States is rare in his life.

Before long, his mouth opened before it was too late.

“Then let’s start with the briefing.”

* * *

A luxury hotel suite near Tunis, the capital of Tunisia.

Giandro sighed as he looked at the two laptops spread out on the table and several mobile phones.

It was because the operation I was preparing for went wrong.

To be precise, he was gathering people to catch and kill the mercenaries who had gone to India, but that was a failure.

Of course, it wasn’t something I hadn’t guessed at all.

The number of mercenaries was too high, and there were a lot of leaked words, so it was quite predictable.

The problem is that the worst case that Giandro had imagined happened.


“under… … .”

he sighed.

From nob le mt l dot com

Literally every single team was killed or captured.

This was even the case not only in conflict areas like Kosovo or relatively unstable Eastern Europe, but also in developed Europe.

But it was very quiet as if nothing had happened.

The reason was clear.

‘It’s not an American institution, but it means that the United States intervened. That even requires the permission of the president… … .’

I was able to assure you by identifying a few videos that had already been transmitted.

I didn’t secure the identity by meticulously analyzing the enemy’s face, but I got a good enough estimate just by looking at the appearance and equipment.

Even if it wasn’t that, the US was strong enough to handle something like this.

I also knew why he was doing this.

“Damn Chink (a derogatory expression for the Chinese) has been blown, and it seems that the United States believes it all.”

And it all happened because of a few mercenaries.

Among the dogs, one in particular was caught.

“I said Lee. who killed Sergei… … .”

His lips twitched and he uttered it aloud.

From nob le mt l dot com

Looking back, it was a problem from the day Sergei died. At the time, I thought that Sergei, who showed up and took the lead, was lacking, but looking at it now, that wasn’t the case.

It was worth it.

Of course, showing up is still nothing to do, but trying to deal with it yourself was a good thing.

Rather, it was just a problem.

In any case, he had to kill him who had the ability to be human.

I soon made up my mind.

Not a person to deal with someday, but to kill with all my heart.

From nob le mt l dot com

Like a former Italian special forces officer and a broker who had hired and dealt with mercenaries from the shadows, a good plan was coming to Giandrro’s head.

A plan to drive them to one place and kill them, like hunting rabbits.

Before long, a smile formed on Giandro’s lips.

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