Early July, Office of the Director of External Relations, Harry S. Truman Building, Washington, DC.

The operation, which began in Trieste, Italy, was completed as various business cooperation reports from the CIA, the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau under the State Department, and the National Security Agency under the Ministry of Defense were delivered.

But it wasn’t over.

It was a start.

Based on the data that came into hand, new plans had to be formulated and instructions had to be issued.

What followed was even more important and difficult.

It was because it was a step closer to Giandro and Pikal, who was behind him.

So it was time for Robert to figure out the contents of the related report.

“hmm… … .”

Before he could read it to the end, wrinkles formed between his brows.

It wasn’t because the report was poor or bad.

The information contained was sufficient.

Rather, there were many.

In particular, the results of repeated interrogation, psychological torture and drug administration of the two abducted in Italy and the arrest and investigation of pirates who raided in the Gulf of Aden were very good.

Because it contained a lot of meaningful information.

To be precise, the fact that Giandro is interested in nuclear missiles and intends to actually purchase or develop them, the approximate personal details of several mercenaries related to him, and considerable information such as terrorism related to the main activity area.

Accordingly, agents were already deployed throughout Europe to track and monitor them from a distance.

The problem was then.

‘… This time, even executing the operation is daunting.’

Robert’s impression was wrinkled and did not straighten.

I could see a rough sketch, but it was because the more I filled in the necessary colors on it, the more disturbing it was.

There was a lot to do, but it wasn’t easy.

This was because the bases of the mercenaries in Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Serbia, Kosovo, Belarus, and Georgia described in the report had to be raided as quickly and simultaneously as possible to kill or capture those involved.

In simple terms, it means high-risk missions such as killings, captures, and kidnappings all over Europe at once.

It was not something to be done in parts or sequentially.

It was because if you made a difference, not only would you get contact and run away, but there was also a risk of being caught in a trap and getting reversed.

I had to hit the sum and hit it at once.

Unfortunately, however, there were not many undercover agents of the Foreign Cooperation Agency enough to raid all of those countries.

Not only the G&G Corp TF, which performed the mission this time, but also the undercover agents who were on a fixed mission in the field were not enough.

It would be possible to form a team by dividing one or two people, but it was impossible in reality.

If the opponents were not one or two, but several or dozens, they would rather be caught and shot, and disappear without even knowing mice or birds.

The conclusion was one.

“… We’ll have to share the strategy.”

It required a joint operation with related organizations, not an independent foreign cooperation country.

I’ve done similar things so far, but it’s rare to hand over the operation as if outsourcing it.

It was because of pride and security.

Of course, if the work is thoroughly divided and subdivided, the security will not be robbed defenselessly, but I couldn’t help but regret it.

No matter what it is, informatization, high-tech, what is needed in the end is people, and it was because the foreign cooperation bureau lacked people.

Conversely, the largest number of people were large organizations such as the CIA.

Eventually, after making some judgments, Robert read the last page of the report and pressed the intercom button.

“Call the team leader level.”

There was a lot to do.

From the allocation of manpower according to the main target and operational difficulty classification, the details of cooperation with related organizations, and finally the selection of the area where Kangtae will be deployed.

Among them, the most important was definitely Kang-tae’s work.

As a human resource that surpasses dozens of special forces members, a person who makes the impossible possible.

It was a phrase that matched the slogan of the Republic of Korea Special Forces, the unit he was born in.

“If it doesn’t work, let it happen,” Robert said quietly and smiled as he remembered Kang-tae.

If he was, there was nothing to worry about.

Although there are always variables on the battlefield, it was because Kang Tae overpowered even those variables.

‘If Lee only takes care of the essential parts… There won’t be much damage even if the strategy is fragmented.’

* * *

Nothing much happened after the pirates’ attack.

There couldn’t be.

It was thanks to the fact that the US Navy moved with them as if escorting them from a short distance.

It was not only the main section, the northeast coast of Somalia, but also all the way from the Gulf of Aden to the Arabian Sea.

Thanks to that, even the boats that were roaming around like they noticed before disappeared.

It was because the size, color, and appearance of a warship were so obvious that even crazy pirates wouldn’t attack them.

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Long gun barrels, built helicopters, even sailors.

Watching that scene, José made a fuss over and over again, but that ended in less than a week.

It was because it was close to the territorial waters of India.

There was also an Indian Navy nearby.

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Looking at this, words of regret came out of Jose’s mouth.

“I was wondering why it is getting hotter, but it seems that we have already arrived in India… … .”

After talking about everything from the Gulf of Aden to the operation in the Arabian Sea, he even let out a sigh.

Soon after, he turned to the side where he could see the warship and stood upright.

And he even saluted politely.


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Laughing bitterly at that appearance, José slowly lowered his hand and continued speaking while looking out to the sea.

“Well, now that it’s like this, I need to meet up with my colleagues. I just want to see you… … .”

Then he turned his gaze towards me.

“Lee, then… … . How about you go with me too? I don’t do shooting or martial arts with my teammates like the team leader, but if you want, I’ll give it a try. There are probably no motives for refusal. Everyone likes to drink and eat more, but since my name is Seal, I also like to kill and fight.”

He immediately nodded his head at those words.

There was no reason to refuse.

Although it is a tier 2, it was one of the world-famous and quite popular special forces, and it was because of its excellent skills.

As much as I learned a lot when I met Delta Force, I’m sure being a Navy SEAL would be helpful.

It wasn’t just the water, it was also nice to be able to compete against former Navy SEALs.

I don’t know if this is similar to breaking a dojo, but there was a feeling like that.

“I’m good.”

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Let’s answer quickly, Jose added his words cautiously.

“I heard that there were people who discriminated against people in Delta, but none of my friends do that, so you don’t have to worry.”

“Ah, if it doesn’t work out, I’ll stick to it once, well.”

It can be solved with the so-called confrontation.

Even if I didn’t have the strength or speed like Jake, I didn’t lack so much when it came to punching with steady training.

This is what I felt while sparring.

However, the answer that came back was unexpected.

“What do you look at me for and say that?”


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Looking at what he was talking about, Jose replied with a slightly serious face.

“A colleague who saved my life so many times and invited by me is being insulted. Do you think I’m an idiot to stand by? It’s not going to happen, but even if there is, I won’t let you step in. I’ll fix it before that.”

“ah… … .”

It was only then that he remembered the moment when Jake stunned a man with one hand.

I, the party to the insult, hadn’t heard what was being said, but Jake had gone out of his way to break his jaw.

Then I remembered what I had been missing.

‘yes. I’m not doing this.’

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Looking back, I thought I was going to handle all of this on my own.

It was like a habit.

Even if I get help from my colleagues at the site of the operation, in the end it was because I had solved the problem on my own.

Of course, I had the confidence to solve it.

However, he had no idea what Jake or Jose would be like.

I laughed at why there was no reaction to my experience of 10 years of military service, but when I look at the 10 years I have lived after being discharged, I understand it to some extent.

‘I’ve been through life once, won… … .’

Even if training or strategy could be perfect, the rest of life couldn’t be smooth.

It was because his mind was broken more than his pelvis and knee were smashed.

It wasn’t a matter of being a veteran, compensation, or insurance, it was because of the fact that I had to take off my military uniform, which was my everything.

It was even more unfair because it was not an injury during operation or training, but a car accident while on vacation.

For the next 10 years, I lived without really dying.

Naturally, life as a whole deteriorated, and the few remaining human relationships disappeared, leaving only a few people left.

A classmate of the Special Forces and a few seniors and juniors.

At the end, I saw Jose’s face with a serious expression.

“Jose, I was short on my thoughts. You’re right.”

“Then let’s meet next time, and I was secretly jealous when I heard that you met and played with the team leader. It was good to hear that you defeated all the Deltas.”

I laughed lightly at those words.

“Seal would be like that too… Are you okay?”

“hehehehe, actually, I wanted to see that too. how awesome you are… Haven’t you ever dealt with Seal?”

“No one but you.”

“I mean, I was wondering what you did at the Delta meetup.”

Around the time of such useless chatter, the nearby Indian Navy began to escort them as if they were taking over from the US Navy.

From the port of departure, to the city of Kandla, Gujarat, India.

It was late in the evening, and it was time to arrive at the port.

– power set.

Jake’s order went over the radio.

At the same time, José, who had been chattering nonstop the whole time next to me, made an incomprehensible gesture with his hand.

“Ah, my… Did you get a new assignment at dinner time? Damn it… It’s hot too, so why not do it in India? I wish I could go somewhere cooler… … .”

When he went to Jake while murmuring his grievances, he was given a new assignment as expected.

Fortunately, the operation area was not India.

Europe, especially Germany.

* * *

“Like these fools! Can’t these bastard pirates handle a cargo ship like that?!”

Giandro spat out the words and clenched his fists.

It was because they failed to properly leave a single bullet mark on the cargo ship they had targeted.

This was nonsense.

It was different from the raid on a mansion in Trieste, Italy.

At that time, powerful agencies such as the CIA, the Intelligence and Investigation Agency, and the National Security Agency intervened and provided all kinds of support, and this time, on the contrary, Giandro operated the pirates with funds from Pikal.

It also mobilized a large amount of money to move all the hundreds of pirates attached to one mother ship.

They gave us quite a bit of ammunition and firearms.

Also, for accurate communication, I sent limbs to communicate without distortion, but the most important thing was separate.

It was information.

The method and scale of the raid, satellite images, ship design drawings, and so on.

‘I poured the soup up to the mouth, but I couldn’t eat it and spilled it all… … ?’

His teeth were grinding.

I didn’t even entrust everything to the pirates.

A few boats had only mercenaries on board.

They are mainly composed of South American or Eastern European special forces.

But even they lost contact.

At the end of the day, all I heard from a man on standby in Somalia was that he had been shot.

Of course, that didn’t even work for Giandr.

It was because he was also an officer, and he knew how difficult and difficult it was to snip.

‘Even the idiots from Commando make such stupid excuses… … .’

Even if everyone on the cargo ship had sniper rifles, dealing with more than 100 pirates was unreasonable.

If the strategy was followed, more than half of the boats could attach hooks to the railings, and it was easy to get on board and hijack ships after the engagement.

If that doesn’t work, you can shoot an RPG-7.

Of course, there were navies too close by, but there were enough pirates to ignore it.

Not just one or two boats, but dozens.

Still, the operation failed.

Tens of thousands of dollars were spent on the advance payment only, and the navy landed in northern Somalia and robbed the pirate base.

Suha hurriedly threw herself away.

However, it was likely that relevant information would leak out to some extent.

Of course, that wasn’t too much of a concern.

Pical’s line is deeply involved in the United States, so the information will come to his ears.

However, it took a failure.

He wasn’t dead like Sergei, but he wasn’t proud either.

I failed anyway.

“On land and at sea, if this is the case… … .”

Giandro muttered and made up his mind.

‘I have to push harder… … .’

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