At first, I remembered a story José had told me on the way from India to Italy.

It’s just that it’s hard to recognize a pirate ship.

It wasn’t because it was a pirate ship and it didn’t carry a flag, and the design of the ship wasn’t different from that of a fishing boat.

It couldn’t have been different in the first place.

Piracy started when fishermen who drove fishing boats started plundering.

So it was impossible to tell the difference between a fisherman and a pirate, whether on a ship or on board.

It was said that the pirates were aiming for the same thing.

Covering the weapon with various vinyls or nets to make it invisible, induces the opponent’s vigilance, avoids the navy’s vigilance and surveillance, and throws the weapon into the sea as it is when being checked.

It was the same with the sight I saw while passing the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden at first.

It was because the motor boats, which were hard to tell whether they were pirate ships or fishing boats, were roaming around as if watching livers from a distance.

Every time he said Jose was likely a pirate, I immediately agreed.

It was because he was busy with fishing nets, watching ordinary cargo ships passing by every day, and one of the fishermen even had a telescope hanging around his neck.

So at the end of the day, to determine if you were a pirate or a fisherman, you had to check if you were approaching the ship aggressively or if you were carrying a weapon.

It was because they shouldn’t attack fishermen who were just passing by.

I had no intention of killing anyone just because I might be a threat. I just want to kill enemies.

It’s because there’s no battle stress, it’s not like there’s no feelings for humans.

Even so, this time he was certain that it was a pirate attack.

It wasn’t just that Jake had warned that an attack was expected, that there was a ship presumed to be the mothership, and that an unidentified ship was approaching from another direction.

It was because of the motor boat that I started to see in my eyes.

At first glance, it didn’t look like a fishing boat at all.

A group of black men with what looked like automatic rifles were heading straight for the freighter.

My mouth opened reflexively.

“Armed boat approaching at 2 o’clock, distance approximately 3 km.”

While reporting, he immediately moved to the side.

It was because from the moment I said that an enemy raid was expected, I had set up the MK.20, a semi-automatic sniper rifle that I practiced shooting tens of thousands of rounds throughout the last vacation.

The bipod was spread out, 7.62×51mm ammunition boxes were stacked next to it, and even a rug was spread on the seat to lie down.

Just like they practiced on a 4km shooting range owned by Harry’s uncle.

I remembered the time when I repeated it.

The only difference is that it was shooting from a boat rather than a field, and that it was a real battle, not training, but what I felt was almost the same.

As a result, the radio was transmitted while taking a posture.

– Take it down immediately.

It was a quick permission, and after that, various instructions were added.

The contents of taking the opposite side of me to Jose and sniping, and assigning each post to Rachel, Marcus, and Harry.

While listening to that sound, I brought the scope alongside and checked the distance that was gradually getting closer.

Around the time when I felt the stickiness caused by salt and humidity on my index finger habitually placed on the trigger wall.

I took a deep breath and slowly inserted my index finger into the trigger guard.

Of course it wasn’t that close.

It is still far away.

The range far exceeded the MK.20’s range of 1 km by more than twice.

It was 2.25 km to be exact.

With her left eye still unclosed, she checked the ballistic calculator screen on her gun and watched the boat move.

A situation where the waves go up and down even though they are approaching.

The cargo ship I was lying on was the same.

The difference is that you are not running towards the boat.

I caught my breath while watching the LCD screen displaying the distance.

“after… … .”

The distance to the enemy is 2km before you know it.

As I stared at it, I saw another motorboat running nearby with a gun from the start as well.

So 2 in total.

“Team Leader! Just added one more armed boat at 2 o’clock. Two boats are approaching!”

– OK, subdue both.

As expected, I heard a quick answer, but I laughed out loud.

After preparing like training, it was because the real battle was more intense than I had imagined.

Of course, I wasn’t nervous or worried.

It wasn’t because of my steel mentality, it was because I had a lot of bullets fired throughout the last vacation.

tens of thousands of feet.

The cost of the ammunition consumed was approximately tens of millions of won.

It went in more than a custom firearm, and that was calming my mind now.

The sight of the blue field resembling the sea also came to mind for a while.


The moment the ballistic calculator shows the distance to the enemy.

I closed my left eye, looked at the speed and distance I had traveled so far, and pulled the trigger.


It was worth shooting in succession, but I waited because it was the first shot.

The moment I decided to shoot the next bullet while estimating this as a standard.

Beyond the scope, the enemy’s left shoulder burst open.

“… … .”

But that wasn’t what I intended.

The first thing I aimed at was the middle of my chest where my heart would be.

I didn’t want to see him stumble and fall and suffer like that.

That is, it is slightly off.

‘Approximately 20 cm cow bullet… … .’

After the calculation, I was about to pull the trigger, but hesitated.

“… uh?”

The pirate who had just been hit was moving again.

He picked up the gun he had missed, and his mouth was wide open as if he were shouting.

That too, with his left shoulder shattered as if it had been blown off.

It looked like a lunatic or a zombie.

“Nimi… … .”

Cursing came out of nowhere.

It seemed that he was coming at him chewing on the Khat (a narcotic plant) José had mentioned, or worse, taking a narcotic.

Otherwise, I couldn’t be bothered like that.

Even if Jake had been hit, he would break out in a cold sweat and try to rectify it, and he couldn’t rush back with a casual look like that.

Of course, it would be difficult to be fine with a broken shoulder.

In the end, it was clear that he would die from excessive blood loss.

The problem was that if he rushed like that, the work would become more cumbersome than he had imagined.

If he saw one or two people he killed as an example, he might run away, but if it was like this, he might have to kill all the living people.

Although he brought a lot of ammunition, he didn’t know how much to use.

Because the mothership is not far away.

Suddenly, a sigh came out.

“under… … .”

There was no other way.

I had to kill them all so they wouldn’t come, whether it was just to keep them from approaching, to turn the bow, or to make them uncoordinated.

Of course, I had the confidence to block even if I got on the boat, but that was only me.

Our team, or the crew of the freighter, was different.

Someone could have been injured.

For that reason, I had to kill every pirate that approached.

until it doesn’t come close.

Taang- Bang! Taang—Taaang—! bang! bang! Ta-ang- ta-ang!

It couldn’t shoot like a rapid fire at close range, but it still fired without interruption.

And all bullets were fired.

It was rewarding to train while shooting tens of thousands of shots. The recoil, as well as the sensations at the fingertips, were because he remembered that time.

Of course, as it was a real game, the results were not perfect.

Most of the bullets went right through the middle of the chest, but one was lodged in the arm of one of the pirates.

‘I wish I could just go…’ Tsk, it’s not like that.’

Suddenly, my impression was frowned upon.

A pirate who had lost an arm had been directing the motorboat with a gun strap around his neck while bleeding profusely.

It was a bizarre scene.

It wasn’t that his arm had been pierced, but that he was running towards this ship even though he had been ripped off and disappeared.

‘Are you really a zombie, a f*cking thing… … .’

It was a terrible sight, but I couldn’t watch it any longer.

It was because the distance, which was about 1.9 km, was drastically reduced to 1.5 km.

This is a distance that can be seen as quite far in a land battle, but it doesn’t seem that far away at sea.

Rather, I felt that I was close.

It was because the horizon was immeasurably far away, and the vast expanse of the sea had no obstacles and only one color.

And the streets anyway, I didn’t want to bring those madmen any closer.

Even if there was only one person left, he had to be killed.

It was because the oncoming boat might have been loaded with explosives, and one more boat was coming as well.


Another shot was fired, and the pirate who held the helm collapsed.

At the same time the boat turned sideways.

It seemed that he held the key until he collapsed, but now he had to pay attention there.

There was one more boat.

‘There are 7 people here.’

There were 8 of us earlier, so things got a little better this time.

The streets were also a bit narrower.


I pulled the trigger while checking the numbers, wind direction, and wind speed on the ballistic calculator attached to the side of the gun.

Since the actual battle had already begun, there was no need to fire a single shot.

It kicked off six feet.

bang! bang! Taang! Taang-! Ta-ang!

I didn’t give a period in the middle, and I shot right away as soon as the sharpshooter characteristic catches the recoil.

It was because the wind direction and speed changed and the possibility of a miss increased.

And as expected, all six shots hit.

“It’s okay.”

There was a guy who wriggled and settled down even after being hit in the chest, but fell down on his own while aiming.

The moment when all 15 pirates were killed like that.

– Lee, when you finish sniping from the side, come to the Delta post at the stern.


Because the stern, the back of a ship, is usually safe.

Of course, the pirates had room to follow, but I had heard that the spray from the turbines would usually stick to them from the side.

However, I was taken aback by the words that followed.

– They’re holding an RPG.

“crazy… … !”

I hurriedly got up on the deck, grabbed my MK.20, and ran.

“How far is it?!”

– Now about 1 mile (1.6 km).

“Is the team leader looking at the back? Who is it?”

– Rachel.

“Rachel? Are you motion sick?”

– It’s still okay. However, as with firearms, it’s not at the level of sniping. A normal engagement would be possible, but by then I’d be close enough to fire an RPG as well.

Still, this wasn’t a bad situation.

Rachel wasn’t okay, because the distance was also quite far.

Of course, it feels close to me, but it was because the normal effective range of the RPG-7 is about 500M.

Of course, it was effective enough at a range longer than that, but it was not easy to hit.

It was not easy to aim, and it was greatly affected by the wind speed and direction. Maybe I could learn that feeling by shooting like I practiced, but the pirates couldn’t do that.

If you get close enough, you’ll be beaten.

In other words, if you run and block it now, you will have plenty of time to stop it.

-I’s side, and the f*cking cubs come again.

“On the side… Oh, chew.”

Cursing came out of nowhere.

It was because when I was running and looked at the sea, I saw something like a dot at the end of the horizon.

You can tell by looking through the telescope, but since Jake said he was coming, it must be a pirate.

‘Damn it, it was very determined.’

Just as I began to regret the fact that my body was one, Jake’s voice reached me.

– I requested rescue right before, and reinforcements will arrive between 30 minutes and 1 hour at least.

Jose reacted first.

– 30 minutes?! It looks like it was very close, thank goodness. US Navy? Or is it from a nearby navy?

– All will come.

– It would be nice if everyone came, this way… It’s an extra from the 9 o’clock position. This seems very determined.

While I think so too.

At the end of a hasty run, I managed to reach a post named Delta, made of sand bags.

“Lee, are you here?”

Rachel, who was triggering a single shot while measuring the distance, looked at me.

“It’s too far away, so it just doesn’t fit.

As she held up the HK416 with her horse, I answered by reloading and setting up the MK.20.

“I’ll do it, what’s special about it?”

“3 pirate ships, 2 or more RPGs, at least 20 people. Personally, I guess it’s probably a group of different people.”

“Something like an alliance or an alliance?”

“It seems that the target of the attack and the date and time of the operation were also shared, so it is probably similar. And it is very likely that it originated from the operation in Trieste.”

It sounded like my roughly guessed, divided thoughts had been sorted out.

Then, looking through the scope, he said.

“under… I’ve already loaded the RPG bullets. Are you really trying to sink it, anyway, I will trigger it.”

Speaking briefly, he slowly moved his index finger on the trigger guard.

Now, the distance to the enemy is about 1.2km.

Compared to sniping from the side, it was a close range without a hitch, but shooting seemed several times easier.

Unlike before, it was because the enemy approached straight ahead.

like a target.

It reminded me of the shooting I had done throughout the vacation, at Harry’s uncle’s shooting range.

Around the time when the whole body is filled with shooting sensation.

I pulled the trigger.

However, this target was different from before.

It wasn’t a person, it was an RPG-7 loaded with bullets.

It also pulled the trigger while aiming the warhead where the impact fuze would be.

bang! bang! bang! bang! Ta-ang!

If it missed, it was triggered with rapid fire with the intention of completely destroying the RPG-7.

But, there was no need for that.

The RPG-7 burst through the scope and exploded.

Vivid flames were visible, and at the same time, a faint explosion was heard.


Two ships left.

It wasn’t too difficult either.

The problem was more than that, the only problem was that pirate ships were approaching from all directions.

Ugh, I slightly turned the muzzle and fired again.

This time it was a ship motor.

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