The one-handed shooting I tried at the shooting range also worked in real combat.

Even though the firearm was not the same pair of pistols, but a completely different Glock 19 and submachine gun MP7 combination, there was nothing wrong.

Rather, it was successful, but there was no time to look back and admire the results.

It was because Marcus and Jose, who entered the second floor, were still fighting.

Gunshots rang out in succession.


Tadadadang! Tadadadang!

Noise was constantly transmitted along the ceiling and walls of the building, including the stairs to the second floor.

Fortunately, there was no radio message saying that he had been shot or injured, but he couldn’t just leave it to the two of them with peace of mind.

It wasn’t that the two were unreliable.

Whether it was Marcus or Jose, our team was capable enough to do more than do their part.

In particular, Marcus and Jose were from the 1st and 2nd tier American special forces, so they had a good relationship.

The problem was that even the mercenaries were not weaklings that could easily fall off.

He was a regular soldier who had undergone rigorous training, or a proper special forces unit, so he had quite a bit of skill.

Of course, it wasn’t that strong.

Not a single person wore a helmet, and most of them did not have night vision goggles or thermal imaging sights, and they were one step below us because they did not breathe properly.

It was the same reason that dozens of people died at my hands.

It wasn’t just because of sharpshooter characteristics.

If the opponent was from Delta Force, who would gather from time to time to train and enjoy recreation, it would be difficult for me to go this far quickly and boldly, trusting only in my traits.

Even if everyone had won, there would have been bullets stuck somewhere in their bodies.

“after… … .”

After letting out a short sigh and letting go of my thoughts.

Suddenly, following Jake’s gesture, they stood on the left and right sides of the last remaining door on the first floor.

Jake opened the door, I entered first after throwing a flash grenade, followed by Harry, who had been on guard for four weeks, moved a second time, and Jake, who had finished collecting equipment, entered last.

Without saying a word, the plan discussion was finished with the movement of the muzzle and the nod of the head.

And that was done in just 2-3 seconds.

It was because if you pretended, you pretended, so there was nothing to hesitate or question.

That’s how the small paru for opening the door came out again in Jake’s hand, and around the time the MP7 was finished reloading.

There was a sound from the floor strewn with corpses.

A kind of radio noise.

Chi-support –

Harry’s muzzle turns toward it, and Jake’s night vision lens shakes briefly.

signal to enter.

Jake’s paroo moved before the crackling noise was over.


The door was smashed with a loud sound.

The hinge wasn’t bent, but the screw and the wood of the door came off as if ripping it off.

The effect of flipping the paru just once, in an instant.

There was no time to be surprised or admired, and I threw in the flashbang I had prepared in advance.

Tang! Degururu—Puruuong—!

After falling and rolling, it exploded coolly, and immediately kicked in the door.

bang! Then, he quickly pushed in from the MP7.

direction is frontal.

After that, one of the ways to search the compartment was to go around and check every corner with the naked eye.

Sometimes, he would look from the corner first and turn the muzzle all the way, but that would depend on the room structure or entry method.

And now, the internal structure is also unknown.

I had no choice but to guess the inside of the room based on the location of the door seen from the outside, the direction the door opened, the living room and hallway, and the location and size of the other rooms, and according to the results, my gun was also pointed from the front.

Of course, to be safer, I didn’t ask or ask, I put the flashbang in first and saw it.

However, there was something different from what was expected.

‘… shield?’

There was a large bulletproof shield in front of the police commandos.

It was an enormously large size that covered everyone, but the eye sockets were so narrow that they were only the thickness of two pencils, so it was a shield that looked like a wall.

There was no time to swear.

Before I knew it, an enemy with a pistol attached to the side of the shield and an AK series above was coming up from the water.

So the two of them hid behind a shield.

By the time the green image in the night vision mirror was visible more clearly than ever, I could feel the presence of people entering from behind.

it will be harry As he promised, as soon as he came in, he would quickly aim from the side.

Finally, Jake would join in and support what was lacking.

But with a shield, the words were different.

If you do wrong, you will be killed, and even if you don’t, someone will die.

I was determined not to hit even a single bullet on the first floor, so this was something I could never tolerate.

It was fortunate in that way.

Even if the shield looked like a wall, there were eye sockets in the shield, and some had their heads exposed over them.

If it was an invisible target, he wouldn’t be able to display his sharpshooter characteristics, but if he could see it, there was no disadvantage.

If so, the difference in head count, firepower, and time.

But it was tolerable.

Because the distance was so close, there was no chance that the bullet would miss.

Even if it was farther away, it would be affected by the wind or gravity, but now, just a few meters away, it was different.

At this distance, there was nothing I couldn’t hit.

The same goes for wearing night vision goggles.


The MP7 fired a bullet through the silencer.

like a whisper.

But not all were fired at one point.

The first two feet are eye sockets.

The next two shots hit the head coming up from the back of the shield.

It was a really fleeting moment.

Thump, thump-

Amidst the crackling sound, Harry’s voice echoed almost simultaneously.

“Drop the gun!”

Harry realized what the situation was as he turned to the side where he was supposed to be aiming.

It was a hostage play.

It also looks like the target was aiming a gun at an outsider.

It reminded me of the time when I was looking for an American journalist in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with the 24th Special Tactics Squadron (24STS) and the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA).

Of course, if it was a very careful and standard hostage operation back then, it was very different now.

The target we were catching was acting as a hostage taker.

The hostage was an outsider who was supposed to be in contact.

Of the two, the target was wearing monocular night vision goggles, but I could see it at a glance, perhaps because I looked at the picture too much.

However, no matter how you look at it, the current hostage situation was not prepared.

There were so many places for me to shoot.

It wasn’t just his eyes poking out between the hostage’s shoulder and neck like the last time, it was because he was aiming at it roughly while holding onto it.

Behaving like someone from a special forces unit or a subordinate under Pikal or Giandro.

But at the same time, it wasn’t that I didn’t understand.

It must have been because the pair of giant shields waiting in front of the door collapsed without firing a single shot.

You’ll be surprised if you’re like me.

Of course, I didn’t even stop.

I was so busy that I couldn’t afford it, and the work to do was so clear.

Capture alive if possible, kill if impossible.

‘It’s f*cking possible.’

The moment I was aiming for the timing to shoot, the target’s mouth opened just in time, and English mixed with an Italian accent came out.

“You, who the hell are you… … .”

before further words.

As if waiting, I pulled the trigger.


The target was clear.

The right wrist holding the gun and the other forearm holding the hostage.

I deliberately added a few shots and fired it.

It wasn’t a part like the head or heart that could inflict a fatal wound, so I shot it to make sure it stopped.

And fortunately, it worked.


The target screamed and fell over, trying to get something out of its bosom, but stumbled and fell.

No, Jake hit me like he was playing football and couldn’t get up.

Then, naturally, Harry went to the hostage the target was trying to contact and kill, and then hesitated.

“Sir, I am Asian.”


I couldn’t see him because he had his head down, but Harry held his chin, and anyone could see that he had an Asian appearance.

A man in his 40s or 50s.

It was a strange look.

I could have seen him somewhere, but that didn’t mean he was someone I’d seen in LaReple.

It’s just an image of a common neighborhood uncle.

Moreover, it did not seem to match this floor at all, so it was time to ask about his identity.

Trembling, he opened his mouth.

“Sah, save me. please save me I am not a soldier. I’m a scientist, a scientist… … .”

I tried to ask more because there was a hint of Chinese in his words, but unfortunately I didn’t have time to talk to him.


It was because the gunfire on the second floor was still there.

No call for support came, but it was likely that Marcus and Jose were struggling.

“Chief, I’m going up to the second floor.”

Talking to Jake, he too was getting up in plastic handcuffs before he knew it.

“I’m going with you, Foxtrot 5. Find out what’s going on outside and relay it to Foxtrot 6.”

– Foxtrot 5 good reception. No external anomalies.

Jake, who had finished organizing the situation and giving instructions in an instant, winked at me.

“Lead the front, I cover the back.”


* * *

“How did you do that… No, what the hell are they doing… … ?”

Giandro blinked as he peered at the laptop screen in his briefcase, repeating what he said to himself.

It was because of the video in the wireless camera installed in the Trieste villa.

Since it was transmitted in real time, the video had already passed, but it remained so intensely in Giandro’s mind that it was playing over and over again.

A situation in which two mercenaries holding shields died without being able to shoot a single shot.

Even those two weren’t just some of the mercenaries.

Among them, they were mercenaries from Alpha, Russia who were famous for their skills.

That shield was also theirs.

However, Kang Tae, who was at the forefront in jeans and a shirt, brought them down in an instant.

The same was true of the subordinates who were flustered and hesitant.

Even as soon as he came in, he cleaned everything up within seconds and left the room with the team leader, Jake.

There is only one Harry left.

It was the time when Giandro was trying to control his surprise as he stared at the slightly blank screen.

– Oh, the camera? Gee, did anything still work? Damn, I must have watched it all.

Voices ricocheted through the laptop speakers as if amplified, and the screen also captured Harry wearing four-eye night vision goggles approaching.

– Hey, coward hiding behind the camera. do you still watch Before I smash the camera, let me say… sleep as soon as possible Or you will be like that too.

With that, Harry nodded at the fallen mercenaries with shields behind them.

– Enough then.

The screen went off with short words.

By the time the meaningless mechanical beep sounded.

Giandro’s teeth were grinding.


And after a light sigh, curse words came out.

“f*ck… I misjudged greatly… … .”

Sergei died because he went to the front regardless of the situation, he thought it would be okay because he didn’t.

I was able to give immediate instructions by phone, e-mail, or remotely via camera as needed.

In addition, the plate was set up so that anyone could handle it.

A villa in Trieste and a total of 40 mercenaries.

To deal with this, more than one anti-terrorist company had to be put in.

Of course, if there was such a movement, he was confident that he would find out not only the troops but also the background.

That was what induced it.

Or even kill the opponent.

Giandro was also an officer, so he knew it well, and it was also a fact that could be easily expected.

However, things took a strange turn.

The mercenaries who had entered Italy were destroying the villa prepared for the principal.

Even the factor he was trying to recruit was taken away.

At that thought, Giandr frowned again.

‘In the end, I should have killed the Chinese and killed myself, not the hostage… sh*t… … .’

Things were getting worse.

If it had been following them before, it was because they were caught up before they knew it.

They weren’t normal guys either.

Giandro, who was suffering with a distorted face, slowly opened his mouth as if he had made up his mind.

“I have to kill them all on the way back… … .”

Even if it meant being discovered, he had to overdo it, but Giandro didn’t say it out loud.

Because we still have a long way to go before we can accomplish the great feat of boss Pikal.

He shouldn’t have been discovered, and he had to survive and do his part by Pikal’s side.

Soon, Giandr’s determination began to materialize.

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