“I never thought I would experience this in my life… … .”

“There was also Area 51 in the south… Aren’t you a psychic who escaped from there?”

“Rather than escaping, they might be sending them out of Area 51 for a performance test. ah! Jake could be a monster from there too.”

After all the mock engagements were over, it was a conversation while preparing a barbecue on one side.

By the time Kang-tae heard that, he smiled bitterly.

“Hey, friend. Any martial arts? Is that similar to shooting skills?”

Someone asked with bright eyes.

It was because the last thing to do before drinking meat and beer was sparring with the standing strike rule.

Kang-tae, who was bringing something like a bowl, shook his head.

“No, martial arts are normal. I haven’t learned that in a while.”

“Ah, I don’t know whether to say it’s a relief or a pity. If he excelled in hand-to-hand combat with his shooting skills… … .”

While the man with the blurred tail shrugged his shoulders and smirked.

He spoke as if stabbing him from the side.

“Then how about sparring? Would you like to try it?”

“You should try it.”

Kang Tae also replied as if it were natural.

I had been improving my skills by going to the MMA gym throughout the vacation, but it was because I was saddened because the opponent was the same every time.

Also, since I sparred mainly on what I learned, my practicality has dropped a bit.

‘It must be very different here, they’re probably members who don’t know MMA skills, but would have even assassinated a factor… … .’

While Kang-tae nodded happily.

A few men around me rose from their seats with their eyes shining.

It wasn’t vengeance, but the desire to see Kang-tae once aroused them.

In the first place, the desire to win and the desire to win were also great.

A man jumped out of the gap.

“Hey, do it with me.”

It was Terrence.

He took a few steps closer and spoke.

“They all look different in weight class… Aren’t you like me?”

Waiting for an answer, the whites of his eyes glowed like they were glowing compared to his black skin.

By the time the dark brown iris was widening.

“Ah, it’s me.”

Kang Tae also readily accepted.

I don’t know what his score was, but I didn’t think he would lose in sparring.

It was because I went to the MMA gym almost every day of my vacation and did strength training when I got home.

And it’s good to have a crush, but it’s also good to have uncomfortable feelings.

That way, regardless of whether you use foul play or what you do, it will be a more realistic fight that you would see on the battlefield.

Of course, Terrance’s feelings were still not good.

Prejudice against Asian races and unknown special forces still remained.

Kangtae just looks like a mutant.

‘If that word wasn’t something like humility, I’d win enough in a fight.’

Terrence looked back on the years he had sparred and fought in real combat.

Kang-tae, who was not yet thirty, was not going to come close.

Of course, the difference in strength won’t be huge, but Terrence has been learning boxing for a long time, so his skills and stamina are good.

Now that I have more time than when I was in active duty, it is actually better.

While I was wrapping up my hand wrap and accepting the thick 16-ounce glove, Jake stood between the two of them like a referee and said,

“Be careful with each other, there’s nothing good about hurting each other.”

“Are you worried about your subordinates?”

“The same goes for you, Terrence.”

“That’s a beginner’s word, Jake. I’m a sparring opponent.”

Answering Terrence looked over at Kang-tae and even planned what to do.

‘2 rounds of 3 minutes… I’ll make you sit down before the bell rings.’

The down was good, and giving up due to physical strain was not bad.

Of course, it’s best to knock it down, but Jake will reprimand you if you turn the jaw carelessly.

‘Put a shot in the liver… It would be best to make him fall by depleting his stamina.’

Terrence finished his calculations like that.

It wasn’t too difficult to induce him to fall out of the pool.

If you showed me a gap in moderation, I would have learned a little and rushed at you, and after that, I would throw away my stamina on my own.

Then it was okay to put a so-called river shot in that gap.

Before long, Terrence even spoke softly.

“Lee, you can go a little harder if you want. I will accept everything.”

“That’s nice, can I use everything I’ve learned?”

“If you can.”

By the time Terrance answered, he was laughing.

Two people stood on the lawn made with white lines.

One of the more adventurous operators volunteered to be the referee, and someone from the seated crowd grabbed a baseball cap and began placing bets.

“No butting, the price of the back of the head, be careful… Everyone to their seats.”


The match started with the sound of a prepared whistle.

Tap, swish!

A small smile appeared on Terrence’s lips as he threw a jab briefly and looked at the staff.

It was as he predicted.

‘I’ve learned a lot… I’m not good at it yet.’

Compared to Terrence himself, who had been boxing for nearly 20 years, Kang-tae was at the level of a newbie.

The moment Terrence, who finished his grasp in 30 seconds, looked over at Kang-tae, who had put up a guard, and lowered his guard.

fists flew

Poof- Poo! puck!

There were fists on the left and right sides of Terrence’s face.

However, Terrence’s eyes, hidden by the guard, who slipped away, were smiling.

Because it was done on purpose.

‘I asked for a bait.’

At the moment he was hit, he turned his head slightly and pulled his body out, so there was not much shock.

On the other hand, Kangtae was running as if he was doing well.

As I just said, with shining eyes and a burning will, as if to use up everything I had learned.

“come in!”

Terrence also provoked again.

The combination was poured into the face and abdomen that Kang-tae gave out like a trap.

In the middle, low kicks and middle kicks were mixed.

Terrence’s eyes twinkled as he busily removed his fists, backed away, and came back from time to time.

‘Strength isn’t bad, but… Only then will I be able to vomit and sit down within the first round, fool.’

Terrence also aimed for the abdomen where the liver was located, but Kangtae didn’t give it a chance, as if he wasn’t vigilant.

Rather, he was tenaciously clinging to the opportunity Terrence deliberately revealed.

throughout the first round.

The whistle sounded at the end of a feast of punches and kicks that literally continued non-stop.


At the same time, Terrence lowered his guard and looked at Kang-tae with heavy breathing.

“Hoo-wook… Whoa… this crazy… … .”

A swear word came out of Terrance’s mouth as he exhaled.

It was because Kang-tae, who was rolling his shoulders around, looked as normal as the first time.

The mouth is closed, and the chest does not rise or fall very much.

‘Eh, how did this happen?’

It was unbelievable.

It was because it was clear that he put a lot of effort into sparring to the extent that he paid attention to defense while attacking throughout the three minutes.

Even if it wasn’t exhausting, it was normal when the stamina was cut.

However, Kang-tae could not stand still with a meaningless expression on his rest, rather he was stretching jabs and straights.

It was as if he was trying to continue the sense of the first round.

Terrence’s head shook slightly as he watched the scene.

‘How to do this for the second round… … .’

Putting aside the incomprehensible thing, his stamina was the problem.

Fortunately, it wasn’t to the point of vomiting or collapsing, but it was never okay or tolerable.

It was because I was busy avoiding and welcoming him as if he said he would accept everything.

His breath was full to the tip of his chin, and he was rushing out.

In this state, it was clear that he would collapse before Kang-tae. Even if it wasn’t, it seemed difficult to make a hole and hit it.

Although Kang-tae had just learned, it was because the foundation was quite solid.

“Okay, get ready for the second round. come out.”

Terrence, who was forced to catch his breath, walked out and bit his teeth as he looked at Kang-tae.

From nob le mt l dot com

Like prejudice and stubbornness, there were quite a few venoms.

‘f*ck, hold on for now… I’ll take a chance and do some dirty boxing.’

I was determined to do so, but the plan went awry.

It was because of Kangtae moving his fists and feet in quick succession against Terrance, who was slow to move.

puck! f*ck! Furbuck!

Terrence, who had been defending steadfastly, realized anew.

The fact that just defending yourself is exhausting.

If Kang-tae lacked strength or lacked the basics, he would have fought back, but he couldn’t do that easily.

There was a high possibility of hitting a counter if he swung his fist here.

It was because of the physical difference.

I don’t know if both are tired, but only one side is getting tired unilaterally.

Even the missing feet in boxing were a problem.

I thought it would be an attack that I could withstand because it didn’t look strong, but it was because I stumbled every time I moved after several units were accumulated.

Nevertheless, like Delta Force, Terrance, who had filled the three minutes, sat down.

It was not voluntary.

His body fell to the floor due to gradually accumulating leg pain and decreased stamina.

“Huh… heh… … .”

While exhaling that he couldn’t hide, Kangtae looked around with a satisfied face.

“Is there anyone else you want to spar with?”

A smile curled at the corner of Kangtae’s lips when he asked.

I don’t know if it’s because standing sparring outside the gym is different, or if it’s simply because I beat my opponent, but it’s because it’s quite fun.

A smile appeared on Jake’s face as he watched this.

‘also… You always exceed expectations. It’s worth insisting that Harry take a vacation with you. I want to do that too… … .’

Kang-tae’s first vacation came to mind.

It was a time when he showed his ridiculous sniper skills.

This time, he showed a ridiculous appearance in sniper and practical shooting, as well as FOF (Force On Force: person to person).

His fighting skills, which came from his tireless stamina, were also compliant.

‘I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve had an interesting vacation like today.’

I was happy to see Kang Tae’s performance, but I also felt sad inside.

It was because the vacation was over before I knew it.

Even though it was getting low.

* * *

A few days later, at the headquarters of G&G Corp, Virginia, USA.

After vacation, I was called to headquarters for the first time in a while, and upon arrival, I received documents related to my new mission.

The final destination listed is Italy.

“Oh, Europe… … .”

I haven’t heard a specific explanation from the foreign cooperation department yet, but I seemed to know the intention as soon as I saw it.

It was because Giandro, who succeeded Sergei, was born in Italy.

It must have something to do with him.

It would probably be difficult to secure his identity, so there seemed to be a high probability of capturing related evidence or people.

So it was time to check the external, formal mission papers from G&G Corp.

“Wow, what is this? Ship?!”

I blinked my eyes at Jose’s sudden words.

I didn’t know what to say because the airline ticket was attached, but I quickly turned it over and realized it.

This flight was a ticket to the departure point.

[After boarding the escort ship in Kandla, Gujarat, India (attached to the table below)… … .]

Simply put, it was a ship security mission from India to Italy.

This, too, was something I had never done before in Lareple.

There was a little bit of combat on board the ship, but nothing that started from India.

It must be a new mission because of Giandr.

“I’m happy that it’s finally my domain, but… It’s sudden and I’m nervous, chief. Did you hear anything?”

Jose muttered, then looked at Jake.

Not only that, so am I.

Jake looked around us for a moment and then shook his head.

“I have to go to India first. They said they would spread it there.”

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