What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 22 Psychic Power Grading (Please collect and read)

Bartmos was born in the upper-class New York neighborhood.

His parents are both high-level skilled workers in New York City.

His parents' daily job is to maintain the super computing matrix left over from the glorious era of mankind.

Family reasons made him exposed to this knowledge early and showed his amazing talent.

The super computing power matrix is ​​a legacy left over from the glorious era of mankind.

After the advent of the Eternal Night Era due to unknown reasons, humans will be unable to sail at faster than light speeds in the dangerous void.

Unspeakable horrors will devour every human ship that enters the starry sky.

Those who dare to take risks never come back.

Eternal night falls, and the glorious era of mankind is quickly brought to an end.

People are trapped on this planet and have lost contact with other colonies.

Without the resources and technical support of other colonies.

Liberty City, and even all the forces on this planet, do not have enough resources and technology to build a new computing matrix.

Maintaining the computing power matrix is ​​a very important thing.

People with their professional knowledge are also regarded as treasures by major companies and are given high salaries and various benefits.

If he hadn't been rebellious back then, Bartmos, who had a high IQ and liked computers, would be living in the core area of ​​the upper class area now, and would be a superior person in the eyes of ordinary people.

Instead of hanging out in a middle-class area full of gang members and drunkards, hackers who make a living by decoding and cracking mechanical prosthetics.

When he was young, Bartmos was still an ambitious, idealistic and passionate young man.

Eager to achieve success in learning, eager to restore the past honor of mankind.

Working hard for mankind to shine among the stars again is his motto.

Before completing his studies, he had already received solicitation letters from major companies as he became famous.

The terms they proposed were more attractive than the last.

He had the status and wealth that others could not get into after a lifetime of hard work, but he could get it at his fingertips.

Bartmos, who had such a promising future, accidentally entered the database of a giant chaebol and a public institution in Liberty City.

There are a large number of confidential documents stored in the database, and the contents of them shocked the passionate Bartmos.

Those powerful people who keep talking about rebuilding the glory of mankind and saving their compatriots from this era of suffering have long become a malignant tumor poisoning human civilization.

In order to consolidate their rule, they did not hesitate to cooperate with those cults.

Uncontrolled psykers were once the most troublesome existence for all major forces.

Their innate power is enough to overturn the old order.

In order to deal with this situation, chaebols often secretly establish ties with cult organizations and seek shelter from those terrifying things.

Become the other person’s spokesperson in this world.

Various sacrifices were offered, and various cruel blood sacrifices were even held.

The other party provides them with strength to suppress those rebels who dare to challenge the order.

The two formed a solid symbiotic relationship.

The Ross family and the Holy Eyes who believe in the Magic Eye are not alone in colluding together.

It is the norm for all the top families.

Behind them, there is something of faith.

They are the living agents of those horrors, carving up the human pie.

Collusion with cults is just part of their dirty deeds.

Many powerful people even believe that the demise of mankind is certain.

One by one, they are secretly planning to ascend or become the dependents of those existences.

Treating one's own compatriots as nutrients and fertilizers is a bargaining chip.

Those high-ranking big shots, the so-called families, and the so-called chaebols are just a group of wastes lying on the inheritance of mankind and waiting to die.

It is a parasitic cancer in human society.

They absorb the nutrients of human society, but fail to fulfill any of the responsibilities they should bear. They also plan to abandon those compatriots after eating them dry.

The more he learned, the more desperate and angry he became.

In the end, he planned a famous Internet incident-Black July, and exposed most of the documents.

Then he gave up the stable life in the upper-class area and escaped from the seemingly prosperous but actually cannibalistic New York City area.

He hid in the St. Ann District and became a hacker.

The fact that Qin Zheng and the Ross family had become enemies and planned to take revenge on each other made Butmos feel a little excited.

Faced with the invitation issued by Qin Zheng.

Bartmos thought for a moment and showed a slightly scary smile.

"You are crazy, Qin Zheng. I accept the invitation."

Bartmos doesn't value money.

As a top hacker, there are many ways to make money.

There is no need to do tasks that put your life on the line.

The reason why he was willing to be recruited by Qin Zheng.

I just want to use my actions to say something to those damn families and this damn world.

"Fuck you, you are very powerful, but I just don't accept it."

Crisis resolved.

The mechanical bug and the drone circled around before flying back to the room.

"How do you control these drones and mechanical bugs?"

David looked at how intelligent the drone was, with wonder in his tone.

Buttermoss knocked himself on the head.

"Using here, I have signal transmitters built into my spine that can connect to these drones and mechanical bugs. They are like my limbs. They will do whatever I want them to do."

Hearing this, David looked surprised.

"You control these things and chat with us at the same time. Doing two things will not cause schizophrenia."

Buttermoss smiled.

"I implanted an auxiliary brain core, reprogrammed the brain, and divided it into different areas. In other words, I changed from the original single thread to multi-thread parallelism, and naturally there will be no schizophrenia. It's like you are breathing while breathing. , while talking, will you have a schizophrenia??”

"I don't understand!!" David gave up and continued to delve into the matter.

This is not his area of ​​expertise.

Bai Qi listened even more confused.

He didn't understand at all.

Qin Zheng understood.

The development of science and technology to a certain extent can be called immortal cultivation in novels! !

Butmoss's mastery of objects must be a strong man who can build the foundation of half-step to the Great Perfection.

Agree to become a member of Qin Zheng’s team.

Bartmos was ready to pack his things and head to Mingo neighborhood.

Qin Zheng and others were also able to enter the place where Bartmos lived.

As a top hacker and technician.

The house where Bartmos lives may look unremarkable from the outside, but there is something special inside.

It can be said to be a small fortress.

There is an independent energy center in the basement, which can provide long-lasting energy.

An independent, fully enclosed air purification device with internal circulation.

Several rooms are stocked with large quantities of purified water and compressed food, enough to provide for several years.

Even if you don't go out for a few years, it's enough to survive.

On the cabinets on the wall, there are data crystals and various mechanical prostheses.

There are also two intelligent robots programmed by the other party as servants.

There is also a mechanical dog named Dasha as a pet.

The mechanical dog looks similar to a Siberian sled dog, also known as Erha.

When he saw Qin Zheng and others coming in, Dasha very obediently stuck out his mechanical tongue to show his goodwill.

The movements of jumping around in excitement are no different from normal Erha.

I just don’t know if the combat effectiveness of dismantling things is as strong as Erha.

"What is the fifth level of psychic power you just mentioned?"

Qin Zheng watched Bartmos packing his things and asked about another thing.

"As a psyker, have you really never come into contact with those giant corporations? They haven't approached you either?"

There was a hint of surprise in Butmos's tone.

Qin Zheng shook his head.

He has learned some mysterious knowledge about this aspect.

Know the real name and know some special rituals.

But I have never heard of psychic powers being graded.

Misty has never said anything about this, so she probably doesn't know either.

"If you haven't had any contact with officials or companies, it's normal for you not to know the psychic classification, because this is just their internal division and is not made public."

"Major corporations have always been looking for and controlling powerful psychics, and trying to tame them into thugs or as materials for experiments."

"In order to facilitate classification, they divided psychic powers into levels, and used this level system to classify different psychics and extraordinary events. The lowest level in the psychic level system is level one, and I don't know the highest level. But I have seen a A confidential file, which contains the data of a thirteenth-level psyker."

"The file says that the thirteenth-level psyker single-handedly wiped out a fully armed squadron of more than a hundred people with their exoskeleton armor, as well as supporting gunboats and suspended heavy armored vehicles. He was twisted into a twist, and his death was very miserable."

The picture described by Bartmos appeared in Qin Zheng's mind.

A psyker waved his hand, and more than a hundred people were all twisted into twists.

Flesh and broken armor were crushed into a ball.

Just thinking about that scene is breathtaking.

The psychic strength of this thirteenth-level psyker is much more exaggerated than his.

If he met, he might be crushed into pieces by the other party.

This era is full of dangers! !

If he is not careful, he will probably be thrown into the ditch.

"Your car!! It's a miracle that it can still fly."

After packing his things and setting up the protection program, Bartmos came out and was a little dumbfounded when he saw Qin Zheng's hover car parked on the roadside.

The body is covered in rust and the traces of door welding are clearly visible.

The first impression it gives is that it is a pile of rags spliced ​​together.

Qin Zheng smiled when he heard Butmos's words.

“It’s hard to make a living in Liberty City!!”

"I hope my choice this time won't be a trap."

Buttermoss shook his head.

He didn't understand how Qin Zheng had the courage to take revenge on the Ross family! !

In front of the Ross family, which has a terrifying background, there is no difference between a small mercenary who can only drive an old hover car and an ant.

The only difference between the two may be that Qin Zheng is much larger than the ant.

"Qin Zheng, you are really the most classy man I have ever seen."

Buttermoss searched his brain before saying this.

This is not a mockery.

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