What To Do If The Heroine Ran Out Of The Book? Chapter 322


Chu Ge can't get to the point no matter what he thinks. In the end, it can only be attributed to the fact that the content of this comic is not enough, so what can I watch with such a little content.

The number of physical books is not enough, and the sample books sent are only two... I don't know if new books will be released in the next two days. When the time comes, I will read a few more books.

To be honest, Chu Ge doesn't think bibliophile can make any waves.

Now my strength control is getting stronger and stronger, and everything I think about in the book is already like it. There is also a very typical example, now appearing beside Qiu Wuji, Qiu Wuji can't even notice it...

On the surface, it seems like a trivial matter, but what is actually refracted is very important.

Qiu Wuji is a person, there is absolutely no doubt about Number One Person in the human world. She was caught by her several times before, but this time everyone appeared behind her, and she was actually unaware. This proves that he has surpassed the cognitive scope of the most powerhouse in the world, and is almost ubiquitous. What is the concept?

In addition, all the important figures of Zhengmo have been "attached". Before, I was only worried about the protagonist, but now even the protagonist has said it, saying that this Human World is completely my own back garden is no problem, Chu Ge I really don't think Heavenly Emperor can make any waves.

Still paying so much attention to changes is nothing more than inertia, and it is useless to force it... Anyway, no matter which adaptation, you have to wait for time, and you can't eat hot tofu if you are in a hurry.

Looking at these previous articles, the biggest gain now is the perception of time. .

That feeling is really mysterious and wonderful, but it's too esoteric to turn it into a controllable method, trying to go back to before the beginning of the novel's plot, and only that one succeeds, most of which are The cassette won't go back.

You can only watch the "movie" over and over again, approaching that feeling over and over again, hoping to improve someday.

Zhu Moe Moe stuck his head out at the door, and was quickly pulled back by Qiu Wuji.

"What are you doing..." Zhu Moe Moe lowered his voice: "He stared at the screen with slack eyes, feeling like a mental patient, are you sure you're all right?"

" It's alright, it's alright." Qiu Wuji smiled, "That's how he works. When you see his slack eyes, he is actually focused."

"However you look at it, he is in a daze, or in fact he is in a daze. Are you fishing?"

"No, no..."

"Even if he's concentrating on his work, it's not like he can't ask, okay, what are you nervous about? "

"Don't disturb the people who work..." Qiu Wuji coughed dryly, so she wouldn't tell her that she was expecting Chu Ge to travel forever, and to find the former little Qiuqiu, how could it be destroyed...

"I don't know how important the creation is, isn't it just a reviewer?"

Qiu Wuji was too lazy to say more, grabbed Zhu Moe Moe's face and dragged it back to the next door : "What's wrong with the review, do you despise the review editor? believing or not you go to the mother to send an article, and the storage will be called back. At that time, you will know what life and death are!"

Zhu Moe Moe: "Aiya, don't grab my face, I'm fat..."

She felt that Qiu Wuji was stealing the concept... Forget it.

"You also know that you are gaining weight." Qiu Wuji said, "I have something to ask you in private."

"en? What?"

"Is there any progress with your abilities?"

Zhu Moe Moe looked around like a thief, and lowered his voice: "I can now distinguish what many lines represent, not only It's a love line."

Qiu Wuji stared wide-eyed: "It's really okay."

Zhu Moe Moe nods.

Qiu Wuji was very surprised. Could it be that this fool is really Heaven's Chosen Daughter of 1 in 1 million? Pan Da's second-hand trainees have been training to the death, and they even went to Beijing for special training. They don't know how much they can grow. This fool, who works here every day drinking tea and ying ying ying, has made such great progress.

Yes, this progress is terrifying. According to the previous judgment, as long as Zhu Moe Moe can distinguish what relationship line, he can cut off any line, and when everything can be distinguished, it is the real causality breaking, the ability of Immortal God.

She tried to ask: "Then you used to say that the disorderly lines between me and Chu Ge were messed up, how many lines can you distinguish now?"

Zhu Moe Moe was confident just now The full expression became hesitant: "Forget it, maybe my ability is still not perfect, and there is a misjudgment."

Qiu Wuji: "?"

Zhu Moe Moe said: "In addition to the love line that is thicker than lotus root, you and him also have a career relationship, and it's the kind of helping each other. You can help him achieve his career, and he can help you achieve his career. "

Qiu Wuji was very happy: "That's right, what's wrong?"

"I didn't finish." Zhu Moe Moe hesitated: "You guys Why is it still listed as siblings?"

Qiu Wuji laughed hehe: "Yeah, our account is listed as siblings, Moe Moe, you are really amazing."

"That's it... Then he is your teacher?"

"Yes, yes."

"...You are also his teacher? And it also means Principal."

Qiu Wuji is more and more surprised: "Moe Moe, you are so accurate!"

"How is this possible?"

"What makes a fuss about nothing by learning from each other..."

"It's not quite right. Ordinary mutual learning will not constitute such a clear master and disciple line. Just like I learned health and diet therapy from you, you and I did not have a master and disciple line. . This should be considered a more formal apprenticeship..."

Qiu Wuji smiled hehe: "What does it have to do with us doing a little ceremony in private?"

"This also counts. ?"

"Hmmmm." Qiu Wuji nodded.

"So..." Zhu Moe Moe hesitated more and more: "Even such an incredibly complex relationship is true, so are the other projects I've seen also true?"

" en?” Qiu Wuji secretly said that if it is a father and daughter, then she is wrong, because of her age, how can it be possible, presumably Moe Moe himself will feel that he must be wrong and there is nothing to say...

But Seeing Zhu Moe Moe stepping back cautiously: "You are his marionette, it's like there is a rope tied to you, you can do whatever you want. It turns out that you are playing so much in private, when will you show me? Where did you buy the collar?"

Qiu Wuji's smile froze on his face.

The air was silent.

Zhu Moe Moe could almost see the animation special effects of Qiu Wuji's whole body slowly petrifying and cracking, and his head was almost smoking.

In fact, Zhu Moe Moe thinks this is nothing, modern men and women, how to play as they like, not to mention if Qiuqiu is thin-skinned and doesn't want to admit it, then just say that he is wrong, there is nothing to petrify Well...

But Qiu Wuji Petrochemical's expression turned red, he opened his mouth and seemed to want to deny it, but finally with a burning face, he asked in a low voice: "Moe Moe...you...can you... Can't cut this line?"

Zhu Moe Moe: "?"

The tricks you play will end if you don't play them, and you need someone to cut them?

"Could it be that you are addicted yourself and need me to help you get rid of it?" Zhu Moe Moe strangely said: "I can't see it Qiuqiu..."

Qiu Wuji was ashamed and angry Add: "Where are there so many words, let's just say it's okay!"

Zhu Moe Moe gestured hesitantly.

Qiu Wuji suddenly stepped back again: "I still don't need it..."

Zhu Moe Moe looked at her angrily.

Qiu Wuji pursed his lips tightly and said in a low voice: "No... I, we will solve it by ourselves. I'm afraid that something will happen..."

Zhu Moe Moe really does not care. Knowing what she was thinking, said ill-humoredly: "It's like I can really handle it... I don't know why, I see other people's lines and feel like they are cut well, but your lines give me a kind of danger I don't dare to touch it."

Qiu Wuji was silent for a while, then heaved a sigh of relief, as if the strings that had just been stretched were loosened, he said weakly. : "Moe Moe, if you practice more, maybe you will need your help in the future."

Zhu Moe Moe, an ordinary person, wants to cut off the Heavenly Dao connection between him and her, which is indeed almost impossible .

But...why are you backing away, and when the end comes, you don't want her to cut it?

Isn't this what I look forward to the most...why do I listen to Moe Moe that I don't dare to cut it, but it's relaxed...

Isn't it cheap, do you really want to be beaten by him? Manipulate for a lifetime.

But I heard Zhu Moe Moe weakly say: "Actually, modern people, it's normal to have a little fetish, I won't laugh at you..."

Qiu Wuji went crazy: "It's not what you think... Ahhh, what the hell am I talking to you!"

Chu Ge's voice came from next door: "Qiuqiu, after reading the drawing, I think you need a little bit of thread on your side. Pull it..."

Qiu Wuji was furious: "Line, what line, you and Chu Tiange Yan Qianlie can play on the rope!"

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